From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 279 The Big Bet with Madame Du Barry

The person who spoke out was the Countess Du Barry beside His Majesty the King.

She leaned on Louis XV's shoulder delicately and artificially, and her tone was full of yin and yang:

"Mr. Bonaparte's story is very nice, but unfortunately, if it were true, I think it would be even more exciting."

Before Lawrence could respond, Miss Alvey took the lead and pointed at Madame Du Barry and said coquettishly:

"Jeanne Bequ! What nonsense are you talking about! You are maliciously slandering Monsignor Bonaparte's reputation!"

As the legitimate daughter of the Duke of Choiseul, Miss Hervey is also one of the few women who dares to call Madame Du Barry by her first name.

As the person in charge, Louis XV frowned slightly and looked at Laurence and Madame Du Barry. Both sides were ministers who had been favored by him. Before the situation was clear, the king did not want to stop one party rashly.

Lawrence looked at Madame Du Barry with an unchanging expression. Of course, he knew that the story he told contained many fictitious and omitted elements, but Madame Du Barry, who was far away in Versailles, should not be able to know what happened on the island of Malta. detail.

Especially at that time, Lawrence secretly traveled to the island of Malta on a merchant ship, and was surrounded by his cronies and subordinates. The news that Madame Du Barry got was just a rumor that spread to France after the battle.

"In other words, is this woman just attacking me?"

After coming to a conclusion, Lawrence lowered his eyes and said seriously:

"Ma'am, are you trying to say that my personal experience is fiction?"

"I didn't say that." Madame Du Barry laughed contemptuously, her voice was very sharp:

"It's just because you have done some deceitful things that makes me doubt your character, hypocritical Monsignor Bonaparte."

Lawrence said in a deep voice: "Madam, please tell me clearly, have I, Lawrence Bonaparte, ever done anything fraudulent?"

Although Lawrence did do a lot of such things. Whether it was deliberately creating a crisis during hunting to get closer to the crown prince, or the false statements of the National Silver Company of Corsica, he believed that those things were handled perfectly, at least they would not be known and mastered by Madame Du Barry. of evidence.

"Hahaha, do I need to explain this clearly? Let me just say one thing." Madame Du Barry smiled proudly:

"I heard that you were recently elected as an academician of the French Academy of Sciences? I didn't expect that Your Excellency Bonaparte was also a natural philosopher, and I also heard that two of the three academicians who recommended you are very close to you. One is Lavoisier and the other is Getta. Even the academic work you submitted to the committee seems to have many similarities with Academician Lavoisier’s previous works.”

The surrounding nobles and ladies couldn't help but frown slightly after hearing this. Although they all supported Monsieur Bonaparte, they couldn't help but admit in their hearts that what Madame Du Barry said was indeed good.

It doesn’t matter that a twenty-year-old young man can both govern the country and march and fight, but he also has considerable attainments in natural philosophy? I am afraid that even a Renaissance-style all-rounder cannot do this.

Coupled with the issue of favoritism mentioned by Madame Du Barry, although people admire Laurence Bonaparte very much, they also feel that Lawrence may have indeed used some dishonorable means on the issue of his status as an academician of the Academy of Sciences.

Even Louis XV couldn't help but nodded slightly, somewhat leaning towards Madame Du Barry's side.

Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe's face was even more ugly. Lawrence was able to pass the review of the Academy of Sciences Committee because Duke Choiseul exerted a little influence on the Louvre. Naturally, Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe also knew about Lawrence. It is not an academician who becomes an academician based on his true talents and practical knowledge.

Lawrence, who was the focus of the scene, listened silently to Madame Du Barry's series of accusations, secretly lamenting that this woman was probably well prepared, and was probably ordered by the Duke of Richelieu or the Duke of Aiguillon to specifically attack her. Attack your own character.

After all, Lawrence at this moment is still very similar to Madame Du Barry. They both relied on the king's favor to reach high positions. Once he lost the king's trust, Lawrence's status, which had no other political foundation, would plummet.


Louis XV deliberately coughed twice, walked between Laurence and Madame Du Barry, and tried to persuade him as a peacemaker:

"Okay, my dear Jeanne, don't be so aggressive; Laurence too, regarding the French Academy of Sciences, I will grant you the title of honorary academician."

On the surface, Louis XV was mediating the conflict between the two, but he was actually more on the side of his mistress. After all, his act of awarding Lawrence an honorary academician was equivalent to affirming Madame Du Barry's love for Lawrence. This series of character accusations.

Hearing the king's words, Madame Du Barry's face became even more proud. Her purpose was not to remove Lawrence from his academician status, but to use this occasion to expose the hypocrisy of this damn Corsican. face.

And this is not even slander, because everyone knows deep down that it is almost impossible for a twenty-year-old young man to become an academician of the French Academy of Sciences, and it is completely impossible for a twenty-year-old politician to rely on his Caixue entered the French Academy of Sciences.

Everyone looked at Lawrence with a hint of worry and sadness. They did not expect that His Excellency Bonaparte would also be frustrated in front of the king.

However, just when everyone thought that this confrontation was going to end with Madame Du Barry's complete victory, Lawrence suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Wait, Your Majesty, please forgive me for rejecting your kindness."

"Oh? Dear Lawrence, what do you mean?" Louis XV asked somewhat unexpectedly.

I saw Lawrence slowly walking up to Madame Du Barry, and said with a serious expression:

"Madam, if you doubt that my status as an academician comes from some disgraceful behavior, you can directly impeach me to the Academy of Sciences Committee, and I will use a public defense to prove my innocence."


Madame Du Barry could not help but express her surprise. She never expected that this Corsican would take the initiative to escalate the situation:

"You, you mean, you are willing to accept a public defense?"

After a brief moment of surprise, Madame Du Barry immediately became ecstatic. She had long concluded that Lawrence did not enter the French Academy of Sciences based on his talent at all, regardless of the recommendation of Lavoisier and Getard, but the one that clearly came from Lavoisier and Getard. The scholarly works of Warthy's hand illustrate this point beyond any doubt.

In other words, a public academic defense will only make more people aware of the hypocrisy of this Corsican.

The reason why Madame Du Barry did not directly initiate impeachment at the beginning was because she was afraid that the matter would be magnified and cause King Louis' dissatisfaction. However, she never expected that Lawrence would take the initiative to demand such a defense.

"Humph, it's just a bluff."

Seeing Laurence's firm expression, Madame Du Barry became even more contemptuous and excited, saying repeatedly:

"Monsieur Bonaparte, are you sure?"

Even the guests around him, including Louis XV, couldn't help but frown slightly and looked at Lawrence, wondering how this lord Bonaparte, who was known for his rationality, could suddenly make such a dazed move and make a public defense. It would only make him more embarrassed and embarrassed.

Moreover, Lawrence took the initiative to request an academic defense in front of His Majesty the King, which meant that he had no chance to bribe the members of the control committee. Louis XV would definitely ensure that the defense was fair and true.

Whether he can pass the committee's evaluation will all depend on Lawrence's true talent and knowledge; and few of the guests present thought that the twenty-year-old Prime Minister Bonaparte had the knowledge of natural philosophy to join the French Academy of Sciences.

Even Miss Elvy, who wholeheartedly supported Lawrence, couldn't help but clutch her handkerchief tightly, her delicate brows filled with worry.

"I'm quite sure, ma'am, this is to defend my honor."

Lawrence nodded firmly in confirmation, and then changed the topic:

“But if I successfully pass the committee, how are you going to compensate me for the loss of my reputation?”

Madame Du Barry was stunned for a moment. She had long concluded in her heart that Lawrence was bluffing and could not pass impeachment, so she said directly:

"Set whatever terms you like, M. Bonaparte, for I cannot be malicious in defaming your reputation."

"In this case, you might as well regard this as a bet, madam." Lawrence pointed to the necklace on Madame Du Barry's chest and said:

"If I pass the assessment, please use your diamond necklace as compensation for the loss of my reputation. I see that you like this necklace very much."

"Necklace? Oh, of course, no problem." Madame Du Barry only showed a moment of reluctance. Although this was indeed a precious necklace that she loved very much, she still said eagerly:

"And what will you bet? This necklace is worth two million livres."

"If I don't pass"

Lawrence turned to look at Louis XV and said in a deep voice:

"That shows me that there is a problem with Lawrence Bonaparte's character and morality, and such a person is naturally not qualified to continue to accompany His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Therefore, if such a terrible thing really happens, I will resign from my position as first chamberlain to the Crown Prince.”

As soon as he said this, everyone present, including Louis XV, couldn't help but look at Lawrence in shock.

You know, the position of the Crown Prince's First Attendant was highly sought after. It was the position closest to the future king. No one thought that Lawrence would bet it on a losing bet.

"Are you serious? Okay, I agree, it's totally fine."

Madame Du Barry felt a burst of ecstasy in her heart, and she agreed repeatedly as if she was afraid that Lawrence would regret it.

Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe's face turned completely dark. He could never accept Lawrence throwing away his position as First Attendant.

"Your Majesty.!" Jacques Philippe quickly stepped forward and whispered anxiously in Louis XV's ear:

"Please also stop this ridiculous gambling game. Your chief mistress and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Corsica are betting against each other in the Palace of Versailles. If this kind of thing spreads, it will not be a shame for other countries."

Louis XV glanced at Madame Du Barry, then rested his gaze on the confident and determined Lawrence, then slowly shook his head, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"The two of them are in love with each other. Why not? And I also want to see how sure my dear Lawrence is."

Looking at Louis XV's interested smile, everyone knew that His Majesty the King must have become interested in their gambling, because such fun was rare even in the Palace of Versailles.

"This" Jacques Philippe still wanted to persuade, but was interrupted directly by Louis XV:

"Lawrence, Jeanne, since you want to resolve this dispute on your own, I will not intervene. However, let me be your witness in this bet."

Madame Du Barry and Laurence both agreed with one voice that with His Majesty the King as a witness, there must be no doubt about the fairness of the bet.

"Then, please excuse me for a moment, Your Majesty."

After formally establishing the bet, Lawrence politely resigned to Louis XV and left the aristocratic circle around the king.

As soon as Lawrence left, the Marquis de Maupe and Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe rushed after him.

Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe was so anxious that a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He grabbed Lawrence by the shoulders and yelled in a low voice:

"Your Excellency Bonaparte, I thought you were a calm and rational person, but I didn't expect you to be so impulsive."

Justice Maupp on the side also rarely agreed with Lieutenant General Philip and said worriedly:

"That's right, Your Excellency Bonaparte, although our time to deal with Madame Du Barry is very tight, we don't need to be as aggressive as you. There is no need for you to risk your life for a necklace of two million livres."

Looking at the distressed two people, Lawrence just smiled easily, slowly put Lieutenant General Phillip's hand down from his shoulder, and said comfortingly:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, this is just a sure bet."

Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe looked at Lawrence suspiciously, thinking that he wanted to bribe the members of the Academy of Sciences in advance like last time, and said anxiously with his heart burning:

"A sure shot? Your Excellency Bonaparte, it is impossible for my people to help you deal with the French Academy of Sciences Committee. Since His Majesty the King boasted that he would act as a witness, he will definitely supervise the defense personally. Of course, although this This means that Madame Du Barry has no chance to hinder you, but it also means that you must rely on your knowledge to conquer the best natural philosophy scholars in France. I don’t think this is a sure thing at all!”

"Relax, General, I graduated from a college after all." Lawrence shrugged.

"Grand College? Every academician of the French Academy of Sciences can be a senior professor! Let alone those on the committee." Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe rubbed his head with hatred and sighed worriedly:

"My brother will definitely be furious if he knows about this. If he also knows that you have lost your position as First Attendant. I can't even imagine his furious expression."

One of the reasons why Duke Choiseul valued Lawrence was because he valued the relationship between Lawrence and the crown prince. If Lawrence really lost the bet and was forced to leave the crown prince, Jacques Philippe, as the second-largest figure in the faction, felt that he had no Go face to face with your brother.

"As I said, I haven't lost the bet yet, General." Lawrence patted Lieutenant General Philip twice on the back thoughtfully:

"And if the Duke of Choiseul knew that I got rid of Madame Du Barry for him, he might drink three glasses of brandy with pleasure."

Lieutenant General Philip couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"Get rid of Madame Du Barry? Even if you really win the bet, you can only get rid of the necklace on Madame Du Barry's chest. Alas, I really don't know why you took that thing as a bet. Don't you still have science on your hands? The Signia National Silver Company is not interested in this mere two million livres, right?"

"No, General, of course not."

Lawrence stood between the two of them and lowered his voice:

"In my eyes, it is not a diamond necklace with tassels at all, but a heavy noose. If everything goes well, I will make it fit around the woman's neck."

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