From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 280 Public Opinion Offensive

News of the bet between Laurence Bonaparte of Corsica and the Countess du Barry, His Majesty's chief mistress, soon spread throughout Versailles.

During the second half of the banquet, the topics discussed by the guests were almost inseparable from the bet between these two people.

Even in the palace, these nobles and ministers rarely see such a huge bet - one party bets on a diamond necklace worth two million livres, and the other party puts a much-anticipated and bright future on it. The position of First Attendant was gambled into this gamble.

Some guests even had fun setting up their own gambling games during the discussion, using their bets to express their support for a certain party.

Although many guests expressed their hope to see His Excellency Bonaparte give that arrogant prostitute a small punishment through that public defense, in many such private gambling games, the odds of Laurence Bonaparte have exceeded One to ten.

In the face of vital interests, these gamblers still chose rational minds. After all, no one would think that a twenty-year-old young man really has the ability to pass the assessment of the best scholars in France.

At this moment, the Countess Du Barry could hardly suppress her proud expression, and she excitedly found the Duke of Richelieu's nephew, the Duke of Aiguillon, who was also the leader of the entire faction since the Duke of Richelieu was placed under house arrest.

"I can't believe that the Corsican would pull off such a stupid move."

Madame Du Barry clinked glasses with the Duke of Aiguillon vigorously and laughed sharply:

"I originally just wanted to undermine his prestige and let people see his true face of hypocrisy and abomination, but I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to show up."

"To be honest, I didn't expect it." Duke Aiguillon's face was also extremely rosy. Like Madame Du Barry, he already regarded himself as the winner of this bet.

"I think he just wanted to bluff at the beginning and force me to apologize to him." Madame Du Barry proudly recounted her victory history:

"As a result, I don't agree with him at all. Since he asked for a public defense, let's do it. Hahaha, that Corsican must have been panicking when he couldn't get off the stage."

Duke Aiguillon laughed happily, took a sip of champagne and said:

"It's also possible that he is used to relying on the strength of others. He thinks that relying on Duke Choiseul will have nothing to worry about. He thinks that Choiseul's people can help him pass the evaluation easily. Hehehehe, what a fool, if anyone else can do it now If you dare to help him bribe members of the Academy of Sciences Committee, you are blatantly slapping His Majesty the King in the face.”

"Hahaha such stupidity is very possible, for a Corsican."

Madame Du Barry laughed up and down, and after a while she stopped smiling. She seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and asked seriously:

"What happens when Bonaparte loses this bet? Does he just lose his official position as first chamberlain?"

The arrogant and extravagant Madame Du Barry focused almost all her energy on jewelry and garden villas. She knew almost nothing about politics. She had to ask an old fox like the Duke of Aiguillon for such questions.

"No, madam, it's far more than that." Duke Aiguillon couldn't help laughing, as if he was talking about a bright future:

"Once Laurence Bonaparte loses his official position as first chamberlain, he will have no suitable reason to stay in Paris for a long time. The Duke of Choiseul will certainly not value him as much as before. Even His Majesty the King is very Might think otherwise of this savage."

"But don't the Crown Prince have a very close personal relationship with him?" Madame Du Barry asked with some concern.

"Oh, my lady, although they have a good personal relationship, they have known each other for less than a year after all." Duke Aiguillon smiled nonchalantly:

"As long as Laurence Bonaparte cannot stay in Paris for a long time, this friendship will fade away, and the Prime Minister of this small country will be isolated and helpless, and we will have no more trouble with him than shooting a dying stag. How many."

After hearing the words of the Duke of Aiguillon, Madame Du Barry felt relieved, and a touch of ferocity and malice appeared on her fair and tender cheeks:

"That's great. Then I will hire someone to peel off his skin, then put him on the fire to roast, and finally throw him into a pool of poison and drown him. I will let that kid suffer the same pain as Jean Du Barry." Give it back twice as much.”

Jean Du Barry was Madame Du Barry's biggest benefactor who enabled her to enter the upper class and even become the king's mistress. At the same time, he also held many of Madame Du Barry's secrets.

Although there is no substantial evidence, she knows that Jean Du Barry is still kidnapped and controlled by Lawrence and Choiseul's people. Just for this personal hatred, Madame Du Barry will never let him go. Laurence Bonaparte, putting this Corsican to death was her biggest goal.

The Duke of Aiguillon grinned:

"Although it is a bit difficult to execute according to your execution method, madam, it is not impossible."

"Hmph. Oh, by the way, I have to go find that damn financial director again and ask him to allocate money to buy this necklace as soon as possible."

Madame Du Barry was stroking the pure gold necklace set with twenty-two crystal diamonds on her chest, and she was in a good mood:

"Although Laurence Bonaparte is destined to not get this treasure, since it is a bet, he cannot not even pay the balance."

Duke Aiguillon nodded:

"I'll go with you, madam. The supervisor should be able to sell me some face. Moreover, even His Majesty the King has acted as a witness to this bet. He should not dare to delay the allocation for this necklace anymore."

Three days later, on the afternoon of December 21, Lawrence left Versailles and returned to No. 10 Champs Elysées.

Lawrence did not return to Paris immediately after the banquet to prepare for his academic defense. Instead, he stayed at the Palace of Versailles for two days to accompany Prince Louis to study the mechanical design of a new spring lock.

The two have not seen each other for several months, and they need time to renew their close friendship. After all, the investment in the future king must be a sure profit.

Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe was extremely anxious, especially when he saw that Lawrence could discuss the mechanical design drawings with Prince Louis easily and freely, he felt that he was about to faint from the anger of this boy:

"Your Excellency Bonaparte, are you going to show the members of the Academy of Sciences how to make a new lock?"

Lawrence still looked calm and relaxed, not at all anxious about the upcoming public evaluation. Just a piece of the future scientific knowledge in his mind was enough to be regarded as an insight that transcended the times.

The only problem before us now is how to convince the academicians at the defense meeting. After all, if I tell the scholars of the 18th century about quantum mechanics and relativity that are too advanced, I am afraid that I will only be regarded as a sensationalist. Just a clown.

Regarding this issue, after two days of careful consideration, Lawrence gradually came up with a perfect plan.

Before leaving, Lawrence specially handed a set of detailed design drawings to Prince Louis and asked him to build some basic parts for himself.

Crown Prince Louis is an excellent craftsman, and is even the best locksmith in France in history. In addition, his workshop is equipped with almost any material that can be produced in this era. It is for him to create those small parts. It couldn't be more appropriate.

If anyone outside the palace knew that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was being treated as a craftsman, they would definitely be surprised and unable to close their jaws.

However, Crown Prince Louis himself didn't mind at all. In his opinion, this was just a small favor for his close friend, not to mention that Lawrence had even put his life in danger several times for himself.

"Then, Monsignor Bonaparte, we bid farewell for the moment."

In front of the entrance hall of No. 10 Champs Elysées, Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe in the carriage looked at Lawrence seriously and said in a deep voice:

"I will pay attention to the developments at the Louvre for you, but I cannot exert any influence on the defense. I hope you are really sure."

Lawrence jumped out of the carriage, smiled and waved: "Please believe me, General, I won't do anything stupid like digging my own grave."

Lieutenant General Philippe said nothing more, just nodded twice, then closed the compartment door and left the Champs Elysées amidst the crisp sound of horse hooves.

The old housekeeper of Mansion No. 10 soon noticed Lawrence's return, and immediately went out to greet him respectfully and anxiously:

"Your Excellency, is it true that you came back and told me about your time at Versailles with Madame Du Barry?"

"Ah, I made a bet with that woman." Lawrence walked slowly towards the mansion and asked as he walked:

"Why, has this been spread all over Paris?"

The old housekeeper's brows frowned unconsciously, and he nodded in response:

"Yes, Your Excellency, almost everyone who pays attention to Versailles knows that you and Madame Du Barry are betting against each other. Such a large bet is rare, especially a bet with the king as a witness."

"That's really good." Lawrence smiled slightly:

“The spotlight is the place to perform.”

"This" the old butler's brows were full of worry. Even as a close confidant like him who stayed with Lawrence, he believed that Madame Du Barry could easily win the bet. After all, this Monsignor Bonaparte was never in the mansion on weekdays. No scientific research has been conducted in it.

However, since the gambling game has been set up under the king's supervision, the old housekeeper can no longer dictate the master's decision-making. He can only sigh slightly and ask dutifully:

"You've had a hard journey, do you want to prepare afternoon tea for you?"

"No, no need." Lawrence walked straight into the living room and sat down. After thinking for a moment, he ordered:

"I need to meet two people now. One is President Hailsen of the Daily Observer, and the other is Academician Lavoisier of the French Academy of Sciences. Please send someone to fetch them."

"Yes, I'll go right away."

More than an hour later, President Hailsen arrived at the Champs Elysées first and hurried into the living room under the guidance of his servants.

The once down-and-out middle-aged editor-in-chief now seems to be in a much better situation. He is wearing a well-tailored dress and a custom-made bowler hat on his head. Even his complexion is much fuller than before, and the corners of his eyes are no longer bright. Seeing the haggardness and worry, I can only feel the satisfaction from fulfilling my work.

Such a change is normal for President Hailsen. Previously, he was a down-and-out journalist who ran a small newspaper on the verge of bankruptcy and was heavily in debt. But now, his newspapers have appeared in the mailboxes of thousands of households. Here, the profits and dividends from the newspaper itself were enough to make him a prosperous middle class person.

Of course, President Hailsen will never forget who made him achieve this dream-like rise to fame.

This is why when he received the summons from Lawrence, he immediately put down all his work and embarked on the carriage to the Champs Elysées.

"Ah, good afternoon, Your Excellency, I am Hailsham Depp, you may not even remember me, haha."

Entering the golden living room, President Hailsen nervously said hello to Lawrence, who was concentrating with his eyes closed:

"I am."

"The editor-in-chief and president of the Daily Observer, my sponsor." Lawrence smiled and asked President Hailsen to sit down, and added:

"Of course I remember it. You did a great job in the newspaper office. I can see the Daily Observer in many places. Please take a seat."

President Hailsen quickly said flattered:

“None of this is possible without your credit. Without your financial support and those big news, the Observer Daily would still only appear in the toilet together with those rubbish tabloids, and it would not be used to read. That kind of thing.”

"Your work is also excellent, Hailsham, but I'm not calling you here today about the newspaper office."

Lawrence sat upright and became a little more serious:

"Regarding the Countess du Barry, how do you, or the press, and the general public view this woman?"

Hearing this question, President Hailsen couldn't help showing a troubled expression and said hesitantly:

"Madame Du Barry? Your Excellency, you should know her much better than I do, but I have never even seen this lady in person."

"Even if we haven't met, you still know this name, don't you?" Lawrence smiled slightly and motioned to President Hailsham to continue answering his question.

The reason why Lawrence asked this question specifically was not because he lacked understanding of Madame Du Barry. With the historical memory in his mind and the Duke of Choiseul's intelligence network, Lawrence was almost better than Madame Dubary's personal maid. Also get to know this woman.

But what Lawrence wants to know at this moment is what the public opinion image of this woman is in the hearts of the Paris people. This is why Lawrence asked President Hailsham, a middle- and lower-level person, this question.

"Uh, well, Madame Du Barry. She."

When President Hailsen saw this, he could only recall and said:

"I know very little about her. I only know that she is the king's official mistress and lives a very luxurious life. She has several garden villas in Paris. By the way, she often spends a lot of money to order jewelry. It can be said that she One person supports half of the jewelers in Paris. That’s pretty much all I know, she’s just a very luxurious and beautiful woman, and that’s basically what the people think.”

In the eyes of ordinary people in Paris, Madame Du Barry was just a mistress of the king with a luxurious style. There was nothing particularly noteworthy about her. Few people would mention this woman in pub chats. After all, luxury was not Madame Du Barry's personal style is like that of the entire royal family.

Only some citizens with a strong sense of justice will specifically use Madame Du Barry as a typical example to criticize when they criticize the royal family's extravagance. Other than that, there is nothing special about it, and ordinary citizens will not notice this. Women's powerful influence in politics.

"Of course, Madame Du Barry's name has become quite familiar in Paris these days."

President Hailsson observed Lawrence's expression and said carefully:

"Because of her bet with you, many political newspapers reported this news as headlines, even those gossip tabloids basically published this news."

Lawrence smiled and asked casually: "Isn't anyone curious about Madame Du Barry's bet?"

"You mean, her diamond necklace worth two million livres?" President Hailsen asked in confusion:

"That is indeed a rare treasure. I heard that the craftsmen spent five years just collecting those gems. Ordinary people will never have a chance to take a look. But since it is Madame Du Barry's collection, no one will I find it strange that this woman’s wealth can be said to be endless. I don’t know how much she can accumulate into a mountain of gold.”

Listening to the speech of President Hailsen, a typical citizen, Lawrence couldn't help laughing, waved his hand and said:

"No, Mr. President, no one's wealth is endless, not even the king; and as far as I know, Madame Du Barry's source of funds in order to obtain this necklace is somewhat shady."

"Not too glorious? What do you mean?" President Hailsen asked subconsciously, and his tone couldn't help but become excited. The reporter's intuition told him that the Observer Daily would have new exclusive news soon.

"It seems that I can bring you another piece of breaking news, Mr. President."

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