From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 130

Chapter 130 The way out for the Semu people

From then on, the gentry class of the Han people can openly transform the **** tenants on their own land into more thoroughly exploited serfs!

Those **** serfs would also become the property of the gentry class of the Han people!

However, Richard did not want his Han gentry class to become a feudal lord. When he promulgated the serf policy, he stipulated that all Semu serfs had personal ownership by the government, and each landlord had only the right to use, but no ownership. .

If a serf died for no reason, you need to report the cause to the government. If it is an accident, you only need to bear the loss of the lack of serf and purchase another serf from the government. If it is not an accident, you need to pay a fine to the government…

Of course, although the Semu people were turned into serfs, the management methods were still the responsibility of the Han gentry. In fact, in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the Semu serfs to cultivate the land, most Han landlords still used the rent-amount situation, but it was more excessive than before. That’s it.

It used to be 70% to 80%, but now it is basically no less than 90%…

The biggest harm of the Semu serf policy to the Semu civilians is that they were originally free tenants, but now they have become land-bound serfs!

However, because they became the property shared by the government and the landlord, their personal lives were guaranteed to a certain degree. If the serf died, the landlord would have to work hard to provide evidence to get rid of the relationship, otherwise he would have to pay a fine…

Moreover, if a serf dies, there will be a shortage of labor in the field. After all, it must be supplemented by outsourcing…

As for the ways for Semu people to get rid of serfdom, there are two ways. Men get rid of their serf status and join the army to serve for King Daming, and women who want to get rid of their serf status will find a Han to marry…

Of course, there will be no beauties!

Obviously, this kind of policy has greatly harmed the interests of the Semu people, but it is a pity that no one speaks for the Semu people in Anguo and Shi Guofu!

Richard has won the support of all the Han gentry and Han officers and soldiers!

With the spread of this secular serf policy, those short-sighted Han Chinese gentry in the Western Regions will certainly look forward to the arrival of Richard, at least, they will not become his enemy.

Who doesn’t want the mud legs of the cultivated land to be bound to the land forever, and the whole family cultivates to death for themselves?

Moreover, oppressing other races like Semu people, even the intelligent and kind-hearted intellectuals among the Han people, would not oppose it.

To oppose this policy is to oppose one’s own race class!

A fool would object to his skin color level!

This is fundamentally different from delegating Han compatriots to serfs.

The non-my ethnic group’s thinking that their hearts must be different is deeply ingrained in the Han group. It oppresses and exploits the Semu people in the Western Regions. The Han class has no moral pressure no matter whether it is poor, low or rich.

Because of this serf policy, the Han Chinese gentry class’s scruples about granting military merits were completely forgotten. Together with what Richard said in public, the military merits granted for future army expansion will be carried out on the newly conquered land, so that the Anguo government and The gentry class of Han Chinese in Shiguofu and Shiguofu are more at ease!

As for the execution of the serf policy, Richard is not at all worried. The Han gentry in the Western Regions are not landlords and old wealth without armed forces. Their family guards are not inferior to the regular army of the Tang Dynasty. Those serfs dare to rebel and don’t need Richard to take action. , The gentry class of the Han people whose interests are touched will be settled by themselves!

It was the support of the gentry class of the Han Chinese that enabled the smooth implementation of the serf policy that aroused the general disgust of the Semu people.

Under the serf policy, the officers and soldiers of the First Corps had too large acres of military exploits, and the worries that no one would cultivate them disappeared. There are **** serfs assigned by the government, so there is no need to worry about acres of land.

It is enough for the families of officers and soldiers to rest assured that the landlord’s old wealth is urged at home.

If the serfs dared to riot, just find a place to patrol the room.

Under Richard’s order, the local patrol houses made Jun Gongtian the first target of care, and because the soldiers of Jun Gongtian were selected first, the higher the official position, the later the election. The soldiers’ military fields were often close to towns, and the security was very safe. high.

As for the fields of high-ranking officials in the field troops, those high-ranking officials themselves have a large family, and many of them are originally surrendered officers who have switched camps. Although they are not as wealthy as the Han gentry, it is not a problem to hire a few families to take care of the military fields.

Therefore, even if the high-ranking officials in the field troops are allocated farther away, there is no need to worry about serf riots.

In fact, those high-ranking officials had already bought a group of domestic slaves before accepting military service, and they also raised a group of Semu serf thugs. They wisely established two ranks among Semu people, ordinary serfs and responsible servants. Domestic slaves in management and violent custody.

The slaves of Semu are cheap and don’t need them to go to the battlefield to fight, and it doesn’t cost much to hire a group.

Soon, this method attracted the attention of the Han gentry They found that they didn’t seem to need to spend a lot of money to hire a Han family. If they were only responsible for the management of the Semu serfs, they could hire a group at a low price. Semu people thugs management.

The wealthy Han gentry family can even hire Semu domestic slaves who are no less than the Semu serfs, and they can help when they are busy farming!

Because of the reason that Richard organized the field troops to establish the patrol room, most of the young Han people who remained in the two provinces after the war were rushed into the government as errands. They either entered the field troops or became patrols. As a result, the recruitment price of the Han family was suddenly straight. Rise……

Therefore, cheap sex-mu family slaves gradually entered the eyes of the Han gentry class.

Because of the slave status of the Semu people, the lives and deaths of these Semu slaves are completely controlled by the Han Chinese gentry and paternal masters. Killing the Semu slaves will pay at most a sum of money, and find reasonable excuses and even only need to report it.

Although Richard ordered the ownership of the slave Semu to the government, the right to use it was in the hands of the local Han gentry. They had many ways to avoid the fines after the death of the Semu slave.

Of course, it’s okay to die one or two, if a large area of ​​death, the government will send someone to investigate thoroughly!

After all, population is also a resource in Richard’s eyes!

Military merit grants land to gather the military’s mind, solve the problem of military expenditures, the serf system appeases the Han gentry class, and solves the problem of the lack of arable land for military officers. Richard also promulgated the unequal marriage system for the Semu that has been implemented in Gaoxiang County.

That is to say, a set of national policies that encourage Han men to marry a number of women of the right age with three wives and four concubines, and gradually change the ethnicity of the Western Regions in the next few decades!

Nowadays, Semu women can only get rid of slavery by marrying into a Han family, so the negative social impact of Semu people caused by this marriage policy is far from the bad ones expected.

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