From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Cabinet (one/four)

Use military merits to win over the morale of the soldiers at the bottom, inspire the warrior spirit of the entire army, and win over the local Han gentry with the interests of the Semu serfs, gain the support of the richest class in the Western Regions, and rely on the strength of the local Han gentry to suppress the bottom. The majority of the Semu civilians use this to implement a marriage system that changes the ethnic composition of the Semu.

This is Richard’s series of ruling combination punches, which firmly control all the Han classes in the two provinces, and also covertly change the proportion of Han people and Semu people in the future control area.

I have to say that Richard’s marriage policy is really vicious to the Semu people, but because of this, the effect is surprisingly good, not only making the Semu people unable to resist, but also allowing the majority of Han male compatriots to get huge benefits.

The marriage age of people in this era is very low. The 16-year-old man and the 14-year-old woman are the legal marriage age. No matter how young they get married, no one will say anything about marriage. Even the 12-year-old woman can marry a child in the eyes of the low-level civilians!

Coupled with the ubiquitous Han thought of having many children and happiness, and the lack of entertainment at night, what else can a man with a wife do besides drinking and making people?

Of course, it is impossible to have any birth control measures. Even if both parties do not want children, they cannot be prevented by the medical conditions of this era…

Ordinary families can’t even afford abortion drugs!

The reason is simple. The official imperial court does not support the popularization of abortion drugs and has always encouraged the population to give birth. Therefore, it strictly supervises abortion drugs and collects special taxes from the raw materials. Over time, few doctors are willing to get abortion drugs. Naturally, The price is going up!

In fact, the audience of abortion drugs is not wide. Ordinary families have no awareness of abortion and think that it is an unlucky sign. Only wealthy families have accidents because of their children and occasionally buy abortion drugs to cover up scandals.

However, the tutoring of wealthy families is generally strict, there are not many scandals, and the demand for abortion drugs is naturally not high.

In this environment, as long as a man can afford to marry a wife, there is nothing wrong with his health, and it is not a dream to have a baby a year!

Had it not been for the high rate of infant and child mortality in ancient times, and the population growth that was too high for food restrictions, mankind would have filled the earth long ago!

However, Richard does not need to worry about not being able to feed too many people. The continuous wars have lost a lot of young people in the two provinces. Richard is anxious that the civilians below will have more children!

Under the new marriage and marriage system, the proportion of newborns with Han descent will increase significantly. Even if they are mixed-race children, Richard will also give Han nationality. After all, this is also a population with Han descent. Such a tolerant population policy will follow Over time, the Han population in the Western Regions will continue to expand.

Compared with the original policy of ethnic segregation implemented by the Tang Dynasty, it obviously has more advantages.

In addition to reforming the army and the bottom, Richard also reorganized his core staff, which is now the cabinet.

Richard himself established himself as King of Ming Dynasty, and his core organization was naturally renamed the Cabinet. Richard was not limited to just changing his name. In the cabinet, Richard followed the Ming Dynasty’s six-part system.

It’s just that Richard, as a historical illiterate, can’t remember the names of the six Ming dynasties…

Fortunately, Richard P Club played a lot of games, so the cabinet was simply set up as the Minister of Finance, and Song Zhicheng, who was the most honest and reliable, followed him first.

Song Zhicheng’s presidency was just a transitional position. Because there are too few available civil servants under Richard’s hand, Song Zhicheng is allowed to serve concurrently. His main position is the Minister of Finance, responsible for the taxation of the two governments and the deployment of logistics materials. He is the most important civilian under Richard’s staff, not one of them!

The other cabinet chief is Yin Liren. This family has no influence, but his talents are very high, and his years of ruling in Gaoxiang County have accumulated a lot of administrative experience for him, and his surrender to Richard His performance was also very positive, so Richard, who had no civilian talents in his pocket, was promoted to the administration minister in the cabinet.

Yin Liren was promoted quickly after he turned to Richard, not only because of Yin Liren’s abilities, but also because of Yin Liren’s weak family foundation. Yin Liren, who was born in poverty, was easily controlled by Richard.

Tao Anbang was appointed Minister of Industry by Richard. As a reward for his surrender, Richard deprived Tao Anbang of his military power, but Tao Anbang, as an ambassador of the Anguo government, surrendered on the premise that his strength is not compromised, which is definitely a very good one. As the first surrender of the Jidu Envoy level, Richard Feng rewarded him with a cabinet minister position to set an example for other Jidu Envoys in the Western Regions.

The Minister of Industry is actually in charge of water conservancy, civil engineering, engineering, transportation, government-run industry and other affairs in the two prefectures. However, there is no water conservancy to repair in the two prefectures, and civil engineering remains on the surface. No need for transportation, Richard doesn’t have that much money to build roads, and the official roads left by the Tang Dynasty are very easy to use, so he can’t focus on repairs…

As for the government-run industry, not to mention the An Guo Mansion and Shi Guo Mansion, even the entire Anxi Duhu Mansion does not exist!

Tao Anbang, the Minister of Industry, seems to have entered the cabinet and entered the core of power under King Daming. In fact, he really manages a group of craftsmen, who are regarded as the chief ‘foremen’ of Richard’s craftsmen…

Richard has a strict review system for the weapons and equipment made by craftsmen, and there is a special person to supervise the cost of crafting. The craftsmen have no profit at all, so Tao Anbang, the Minister of Industry, actually has nothing to fish…

Tao Anbang became the minister of the Ministry of Industry, apart from his prominent position, he did not have much real power.

However, this is something that only the insiders of Richard’s bureaucracy know. For the civilians at the bottom and outside forces, being able to enter Richard’s newly established highest authority, the minister who holds the top position in the cabinet, is itself a kind treatment.

Xia Hou Yucheng was appointed Minister of the Criminal Ministry by Richard, but the functions of the Criminal Ministry under Richard Richards are different from those in ancient times. In fact, Richard, who is a scumbag in history, doesn’t know what the Criminal Ministry is used for. He has heard a little about the criminal law in his previous life. two…

Xia Hou Yucheng’s minister of the Ministry of Justice is nominally in charge of judicial execution, but in fact his main responsibility is to manage and supervise the serf policy in the two provinces!

Responsible for the distribution of serfs between officers and soldiers, the family management of the Semu people who were relegated to official serfs in the two prefectures, and the life and death distribution and purchase of various serfs of the local Han gentry class.

This is the main task of Xia Hou Yucheng. For real civil disputes, Xia Hou Yucheng doesn’t need to intervene. Those are the affairs of the Minister of Administration Yin Liren.

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