From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 206

Chapter 206 Incremental land tax reform

Within a few months of the first half of the 4th year of Ming Dynasty, there were large-scale ransacking and genocide cases in the Western Regions because of the share of the family, and most of them were at the level of treason!

Interestingly, no large-scale uprising has been set off in any place. The largest armed battle is the large family of wealthy landlords, who temporarily hired hundreds of desperadoes to try to resist, and were easily suppressed by the local garrison and the Central Army. …

As far as the auxiliary army is concerned, the daily salary is too meager, and only fighting can make a windfall.

In order to motivate the soldiers of the auxiliary army, Richard specially promulgated a new loot law, as long as they win the battle or complete the combat mission, the soldiers can get his private trophies in full!

In order to make a fortune, the auxiliary soldiers who have experienced **** battles with the Tubo people have good subjective initiative.

After all, what they are facing is not a powerful enemy, but a rich landlord!

Breaking through the big landlord’s fort, almost everyone can make a fortune when rushing into it.

Richard doesn’t like that little money. What he wants is to cleanse the stubborn local military forces of the local Han gentry class, and pave the way for the establishment of a true top-down absolute centralization system.

Even the current system where the central government can only obtain 10% of local tax revenue is nothing more than a smoke bomb used to paralyze and buy off the gentry class in the municipal committee.

Without sufficient benefits, the gentry class of the Han Chinese could not be split into two parts, and there were also internal strife and mutual infighting, and even the truth that the lips died and the teeth were cold were forgotten…

The vast majority of the gentry class destroyed in a few months are the gentry big landlords with the largest amount of land. To be precise, they can be regarded as small feudal lords!

According to the aristocratic scale of the European medieval history in Richard’s previous life, the land and population controlled by the eliminated big landlords and gentry classes would not be a problem to build small countries on their own.

From the perspective of the ruler, what Richard hates most is not the big businessmen, but the big landlords and gentry who control the land and population!

In this world, the possession of land basically binds a large number of people, and because these people have been obedient to the owner for a long time, they are armed farmers when they pull out a weapon during a war!

The wealth created by the output of a large amount of land can also allow the big landlord gentry to have extra money to arm the fighters. This is why the gentry class of the Western Regions under the previous Tang Dynasty had fully armed guards.

Nowadays, the strongest landlord and gentry class with the most land has been wiped out because of the policy of apportioning acreage. It has not caused a major disturbance. The accomplices in the municipal committee who killed their colleagues are excitedly dividing up and leaving behind. the property of.

At the same time, the local government loyal to Richard also began to arbitrarily insert innocent and poor children into the local garrison army to fill the military officer gap that was suddenly vacated.

Regarding this phenomenon, the gentry of the municipal committee saw in their eyes but did not dare to voice their opposition. When purging the landlord gentry class, the combat power of the Central Army loyal to Richard was witnessed by everyone, and even this one just won the world. How strong is the power of the overlord of the Western Regions!

In fact, the reason why the municipal committee is so divided is inseparable from Richard’s military deterrence. If there is a choice, no one wants to provoke the evil star of Richard…

The original Yuchi family and Long family were more than a hundred times stronger than their own. In the end, weren’t they annihilated and bowed down in Yanqijun Town, acting as the eastern barrier of the Ming Dynasty?

Not to mention that the former Tufan Expeditionary Army was a giant in the Western Regions, and the last essence of the Anxi Protectorate was wiped out!

As a result, Richard was expelled from the Western Regions like a dog!

Therefore, the local gentry class chose to treat the situation in which the middle and low-level officers of the local garrison were infiltrated by the local government.

As long as they don’t infringe on their own interests, not to mention that they have also obtained a lot of benefits this time.

However, Richard’s appetite is far more than this. The purge of the big landlord and gentry class virtually makes the power of the central government far outweigh the power of the local gentry class. After Richard completed the reform of the taxation system, Taking advantage of the remaining prestige, another tax reform decree was issued.

In August of Ming Dynasty, Li Cha promulgated an incremental taxation system on private land!

This time, the reform of Richard rationally avoided the military fields generated by the military merits. That is the foundation of the field army’s loyalty to Richard. He can’t move. What’s more, the field army is the capital of Richard’s fight for the world, so he can enjoy more. The land is what it should be.

However, the large amount of private land under the name of the gentry cannot allow them to continue to concentrate so much land!

In the Western Regions, not only the Semu people have no land, but even the ordinary Han people have no land to cultivate. This is the reason why the military service can attract a large number of Han people to join the army Richard has a lot of land in his own hands. There is always a high level of vigilance in the city. The concentration of wealth is always easy to breed a local military group. Although the big landlords have been defeated, the small and medium landlords still control a large number of concentrated fields. The most important thing is that they guard the locals. The influence of the legion is still greater than that of the local government!

Therefore, Richard promulgated an incremental land tax system for private land and also for all gentry landlords.

It is to collect taxes incrementally according to the number of land owned by each person, and set tax thresholds one by one. If a threshold is exceeded, the proportion of land tax will increase by one level, and it will increase exponentially.

The initial increase was not obvious, but the more the land yield, the higher the proportion of the land tax. In the past, the most acreage was to make the life of the big landlord a little bit poorer, but after the land tax system came out, let alone the big landlord, even if it is. Medium-sized landlords will also go bankrupt in minutes!

Of course, Richard did not have to push the local gentry into bankruptcy. He promulgated a new family property distribution law at the same time.

The head of the family can give or sell the land to his children or even relatives and friends. In this way, the land can be scattered under the names of other people without having to bear the high taxes of excessive land.

If it is a field controlled by a family, even if it is assigned to different names, the field is theoretically still owned by the same family, but the law does not recognize it…

At this time, it’s time to test the cohesion of the family. If the children of the family are united enough, of course it doesn’t matter to whom they are assigned. Taxes can also be effectively avoided. However, once the land has no status, once a property dispute arises, the head of the family But there is no way to take back the land sent out!


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