From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Assessment and elimination

The newly reformed land tax system did not directly grab money from the landlord and gentry class in the Western Regions, but gave them a way to diversify their property.

This undoubtedly made the younger sons and relatives of the gentry family overjoyed, waiting eagerly for the owner to divide the land!

This is a law promulgated by the Central Court of the Ming Dynasty. If you want to oppose it, there is only one way to rebel. If you want to rebel, you must first weigh whether you can beat Richard’s Field Corps plus the auxiliary legions, and finally The fierce Richard Dao soldiers and the Undead Skeleton Soldiers face off!

Considering such a terrifying military force, those unwilling landlord and gentry class can only swallow this breath. The property is still in the hands of the family, although the distribution of the property to other children and relatives will inevitably cause the dispersion of family property. A generation of Patriarchs may be able to maintain the cohesion of the entire family by their personal prestige when they are alive, but what about when the Patriarch of this generation is old?

The landlord and gentry class are all people who have read books. It is impossible to fail to see this. Is it possible that a family rule alone can restrain the bunch of rascals below?

Don’t forget, after the fields were dispersed, the legal benefits of the fields were endorsed by the Ming Dynasty!

Moreover, once the land is divided, the children of the family are even less likely to think about rebellion. Without the Ming Dynasty, the sons who are not the eldest sons of the direct line will never get the big head, and the relatives outside will never want to eat the benefits of the master’s family!

The reason why the gentry and landlord class has a huge local energy influence is not solely dependent on the number of people in the main family. The collateral tribes are all help, and this law of Richard has pushed these families to the edge of division. !

People are greedy. Originally, the collateral tribes were willing to listen to the main family’s interests. It was because they needed to rely on the main family for food, but now…

As for the rebellion against the Ming Dynasty, this kind of head-off thing is not something scholars like to do. What’s more, the landlord and gentry class in the Western Regions is no longer as good as before. The guards of the Jiading have been reorganized into the local garrison, not to mention the most powerful ones. The landlord class has been bloodbathed again!

To put it bluntly, even if you want to rebel, it is difficult to find a powerful landlord armed with sufficient strength to lead many gentry.

The power of the central court appeared in the garrison that the local gentry relied on the most. The gentry could no longer fully control the garrison. In addition, there was a long-standing central army in the local area. In the end, except for a few landlords who didn’t open their eyes and were confused, they encouraged sex. After the serfs rebelled and was quickly suppressed, the landlord and gentry class of the entire Western Regions again had to compromise with Richard…

This compromise can be regarded as a complete disintegration of the cohesion of the local gentry class. In order to avoid the incrementally high land tax, the gentry family began to share a large number of land tax avoidance. This name has changed, and the main family’s right to speak has become weaker invisibly. , Coupled with the strength of the Central Army of the Ming Dynasty, the municipal committee’s momentum is far worse than before!

After the rebellious landlord armed forces that dared to rise up were suppressed, Richard used the landlord armed forces to rebel. When many gentry sons and officers in the garrison rebelled, together with his subordinates, Richard began to deepen the tentacles of reform to the original. In the local garrison regiment controlled by the local gentry class!

This is not to say that Richard has banned the gentry class’s free access to the privilege of the local garrison **** caravan. This privilege can effectively promote internal commerce in the Western Regions and increase the commercial tax revenue of the Ming Dynasty. Naturally, Richard will not take it back.

After all, there are too many green skins in the wilderness area in this world. Without armed personnel to escort, the caravan wouldn’t dare to go to the wilderness alone to fight for their lives.

The way that Richard reached out to the local garrison was very simple. In the name of training the local garrison, he began to conduct strict training and assessment of the local garrison.

The small soldiers of the local garrison are all guards from the gentry class. Naturally, the combat quality of the soldiers is not to be said. Almost all of them are heroes who have fought with the green-skinned orcs, and they have also received basic military training.

However, the quality of the middle and low-level officers of the local garrison is very worrying. The children of the gentry class come in to enjoy the blessings and power, but not to endure hardship.

There is a very common phenomenon among the middle and low-level officers in the local garrison. Almost every junior officer has one or two deputies. These deputies are responsible for the training and management of the daily army. As for the serious gentry children Military officers seldom accompany the big soldiers in the barracks to endure hardships. It is normal not to see a figure in the barracks for a few days…

If it were not for the fact that the Jiading soldiers of the local garrison were really capable, the army led by such officers would not have any combat effectiveness at all.

Therefore, when an assessment team from the central court came down, it killed this group of gentry officers who occupied the pit and did not shit.

Everyone knows what level they are. From their personal combat effectiveness to the ability to manage the army, there is no one that meets military standards and even the minimum standards are far below!

The municipal council originally controlled the local garrison, and naturally no one would raise objections, but now the gentry class in the municipal council has been weakened again and again, and has long been suppressed by the central court, and the local government has full local power. Catch up with the municipal council.

Coupled with Richard’s special targeting, the good days of the gentry’s son officers in the local garrison that lost their umbrellas are over.

After a few months of training, the middle and low-level officers of the local garrison corps served by the gentry’s children were eliminated by a full 80%!

The majority of the remaining 20% ​​is also Richard’s welfare to those gentry families who took the initiative to sell to the central court and contributed a lot to suppressing the landlord’s armed rebellion.

If it were not for the release of water in this respect, 90% of the gentry’s children and officers would be eliminated!

And Richard’s release was to deeply and completely split the local gentry and landlord class, and the ratio of gentry children to a mere 20% could not shake the central government’s control of this local garrison army transformed from the gentry landlord family.

Interestingly, a large number of gentry officers of the local garrison were eliminated, and many officers from poor backgrounds were added. Finally, after the basic-level officers of the central court, Richard immediately cut the knife on the municipal committee!

The municipal council’s share of the local tax revenue is too high, and the local garrison must not continue to be supported by a local snake organization like the municipal council!

Otherwise, it will deteriorate again sooner or later after a long time!

In order to slash the mess, Richard directly banned all the local tax appropriations of the municipal committee, turning the municipal committee into a department that purely participates in politics and makes suggestions for self-exchange among the local gentry…


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