From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 Ming Army’s integration policy

In the lobby of Guazhou City Official Office.

The main road of the city that had just been captured by the Ming army was full of patrolling soldiers. Dao soldiers in elite armor and Western infantry in ordinary leather armor were layered on top of each other, creating a highly guarded appearance.

As if Guazhou City is facing a huge threat.

However, even the plain-headed people know that no one in this area of ​​the Great Northwest can fight the Ming army, and what is left is the landlord squires who are not reconciled to the decree on the equalization of land and debt issued by the Ming king, and the landlord armed forces formed temporarily.

Juntian Debt Relief solves the two issues that ordinary people are most concerned about in this era-land and usury.

In addition to exploiting tenant tenants, the landlord gentry of this era had the biggest source of income not from commerce, but from lending.

Because Xiaomin Shengdou had no savings, he needed cash to survive every time he couldn’t open the pot, so he gave those big landlords with spare money the opportunity to survive, no matter how high the interest rate is, the common people have to grit their teeth…

Gradually, under the profit, many tenants have basically become slaves to the big landlords from the economic level, and they don’t even want to pay off their debts for the rest of their lives…

This is the fundamental reason why it is generally difficult for tenants to escape the shackles of large landlords.

If you don’t pay rent to the large landlords, the debt collectors alone can force ordinary tenants to jump into the river!

Land rent and debt interest are also the main sources of income for large landlords in this era.

Of course, there are also large conscientious accounts that have lower interest rates, and they have exerted some of the powers similar to those of later banks. This is how the ancient banks evolved.

However, as soon as Richard arrived with the Ming army, the land was divided and the usury was exempted, which is equivalent to breaking the foundation for the survival of the big landlords and gentry!

Without the large tracts of land and the debts released, the landlord and country gentry will soon become an ordinary middle-class peasant, and it will still be on the basis of gnawing the old ground…

If the family is not rich, or the debts released are too much, I am afraid that it will go bankrupt and become a poor peasant in a short time!

The land equalization order issued by Richard is to dictate the land, and the land is granted according to the number of people in each household, so that everyone has the land to cultivate. This is the correct way to start a typical feudal kingdom.

In this way, not only can we get the support of the majority of civilians, but it can also allow everyone to eat. In this era, the biggest reason why ordinary people can’t eat is because of the exploitation, not the insufficient food produced!

The 80% of the grain produced in the fields was taken by the landlord, the country gentry and even the government. After the layers of exploitation, it is up to the sky whether the plowing farmers will starve to death…

It is for this reason that Richard’s Ming army will gain widespread support in the unfounded Northwest region!

Even the regiments organized by landlords and squires had very low morale in combat. After all, most of the soldiers in regiments were poor children. Except for the guards and guards of households who had been raised by large landlords for generations, ordinary regiments were in Junjun. Under the temptation of Tian He to forgive his debts, his subjective initiative to fight with the Ming army was very low.

This is also the fundamental reason why the landlord regiment has a large number of armed forces, but it collapsed in front of the Ming army, and even the auxiliary army could not beat it!

However, today Han Li brought bad news to Richard.

“You mean dozens of disciples who claim to be Tianshan faction defeated hundreds of field soldiers who went to check the fields?”

“Your Majesty, those who claim to be Tianshan faction say that the acreage is the property of their martial art, and we have no right to take it away…”

Han Li said helplessly.

Richard swept Han Li coldly: “The First Field Corps under your command has more than 10,000 people at any rate. Isn’t this kind of trivial matter unsolvable?”

The Ming army’s strategy for the Great Northwest was that Richard led the auxiliary army cannon fodder, the Western Regions Legion and the Guardians to open the way in front, destroy the stubborn landlords and squires, practice armed forces, accept the site, and then equalize the land and establish the Ming Dynasty official government. The duties of the three Han soldiers were assigned to the field army.

The main reason for this is that the main ethnic group in the Great Northwest is the Han. The ethnic integration policy after the founding of the Great Tang is still very successful. The originally messy ethnic groups in the Great Northwest have disappeared, and almost everyone can speak Chinese fluently.

Before the Anlu Mountain rebellion, most of the nomads in the Beiting Duhu Mansion could speak Chinese, and the integration of ethnic groups in the Great Northwest was naturally more successful.

In fact, nomads are the easiest to integrate, because they are born to worship the strong, as long as the Central Plains regime is strong enough, they are very willing to become a member of the Central Plains dynasty, and enjoy the popular welfare and national pride brought by the powerful Central Plains dynasty. sense.

This is the reason why Mongolians started from only a few hundred thousand in the history of the earth, and in the end, almost all the nomads in the north became Mongolians…

Compared with farming civilization, nomadic civilization has a more indifferent concept of human race, and it also advocates the cruel law of the jungle.

Of course, if the Central Plains Dynasty did not accept the fusion, that would be another matter…

At the beginning the Ming Army had a limited range of debt exemption. The three field regiments had sufficient forces. The work of checking the fields under the knife was very smooth. Xizhou also took the lead in completing the debt exemption policy. .

The landlord and gentry class in Xizhou was naturally wiped out. They were either killed or reduced to ordinary middle-class farmers under the decree of equalization of land and debt relief.

Richard did not have to kill the landlord gentry class. After all, the landlord gentry is also an important population resource. As long as they are appointed obediently, they can also enjoy the same land-sharing policy as other ordinary people.

All Han people can enjoy the policy of equalizing the land and exempting the people from debts.

As for the method of distinguishing Han people, it is very simple. First of all, look at the appearance. The difference between the appearance of Semu people and Han people can be seen as long as they are not blind.

Secondly, identify whether you can speak Chinese. It doesn’t matter if the dialect is heavy, you can also be regarded as Han people if you can understand Chinese!

This simple method of identification can be done by the low-level soldiers who do not know the big characters, and the identification work is naturally very smooth and efficient.

If you don’t speak or understand Chinese, but you have black hair and dark eyes, you won’t be immediately labeled as a foreign race. The Han nationality is a very tolerant ethnic group. As long as you are willing to join and study Chinese hard, you will Can become a real Han citizen!

In the general environment where Semu people are demoted to official slaves, basically the Huren with black hair and black eyes but who can’t speak Chinese chooses to integrate into the Han nationality…

Of course, there is a prescribed time limit for learning Chinese. As long as normal people are willing to learn Chinese, they can do daily Chinese communication within the prescribed time limit. If the time limit is exceeded, I am sorry, because the Chinese people do not accept lazy people and fools!

Richard believes that everyone will make the right choice between becoming an official slave of the Semu people and trying hard to learn Chinese to mold themselves into a Han.


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