From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 241

Chapter 241 Martial arts

Although the Ming army’s policy of ethnic integration has become more radical, it is now a time of war where human lives are raging, and people can survive and be allocated land. Where can I find such a good treatment?

Under this premise, it’s really nothing to learn one more language…

What’s more, there are not many people who can’t speak Chinese. After all, the Northwestern region has experienced the national integration of the Tang Dynasty for decades, and the Ming Army just ‘standardized’ it.

However, with the expansion of Richard’s territory, the problem came. The Ming army Han soldiers who checked the land were actually attacked!

The people who attacked were all warriors, but they were all good players with one enemy and ten. The average soldier did not have an absolute advantage in numbers and couldn’t beat them at all!

Originally, this problem could not be difficult for the leaders of the three field legions, and they did not want to affect Richard’s evaluation of them because of this small problem.

However, after the entire regiment of more than 2,000 troops was wiped out by the Tianshan faction, Han Li finally couldn’t sit still!

Most importantly, Han Li and others discovered that Tantric Buddhism with far-reaching private influence in the northwest region began to intervene in the affairs of Juntian forgiveness!

Tantra Buddhism not only has many powerful Buddhism disciples, there are also many Han people in the Northwest region who believe in Tantra, and even led some devout believers to refuse to accept the debt relief order that benefits them greatly!

This is brainwashed too thoroughly…

After feeling Richard’s dissatisfaction, Han Li immediately reported his findings and concerns about Tantric Buddhism.

Although the Tianshan faction is strong, there are few people in the end, and its influence among the people is minimal. At most, it has some reputation in the rivers and lakes of the Northwest. Its reputation mainly comes from the strength of Tianshan swordsmanship.

As the name suggests, the Tianshan School is a sect built on the top of the Tianshan Mountains. The top of the Tianshan Mountains is covered with snow and ice all year round. Ordinary people cannot survive there without a certain skill. Perhaps it is the difficult environment that created the powerful internal skills and swordsmanship of the Tianshan School disciples. .

However, the resources of the Tianshan Mountain obviously cannot support the Tianshan Sect. The Tianshan Sect is not the kind of poor ghost sect of the beggar gang. The living standard of every disciple of the inner sect of Tianshan is not weaker than that of the ordinary landlord squire.

Of course, the moisturizing of the Tianshan School is not made out of nothing, but because they have large tracts of land near Tianshan!

The Tianshan faction bought land in the vicinity of the Tianshan Mountains and provided personal protection for the tenants, which could avoid the exploitation of ordinary landlord gentry. Compared with the tenants who cultivated for the landlord gentry, the farmers under the Tianshan faction had significantly better living conditions.

Even so, it is far inferior to the Ming Dynasty’s waiver order!

After all, Tianshan faction also wants to collect rent!

Richard’s march into the northwestern region did not pay attention to the martial arts of the rivers and lakes. In his eyes, the martial artist was very powerful, but he was crushed into powder in minutes under the iron hooves of the army, and naturally it was not worthy of his attention.

Moreover, influenced by his previous life, Richard has never believed that the Juntian Debt Exemption Order will hit the fundamental interests of the martial arts sect…

The martial arts in the northwestern region are far less prosperous than the Central Plains. The small sects naturally dare not fight against the Ming army. After Juntian debt exemption order, the small sects disappeared. Anyway, those warriors established their sects just to hug together to keep warm and enjoy the landlord. Now there is no land property. With their martial arts, there are some ways to find a way to survive, and it is not guilty to smash with the Ming army.

Because of this, Richard sneered at the martial arts. The united warriors were terrible, but how could the warriors unite and fight against the imperial army?

However, the Tianshan Sect is one of the strongest sects in the northwestern region and naturally owns the most land. They are different from the Xiaomen Sect. The Tianshan Sect has already become the overlord of one party. How could it be disbanded because of the imperial decree?

In addition, there are many fields in the northwest region, and even the Buddhism tantra who has mastered the beliefs of some ordinary people is not willing to “all out” their fields. They can’t beat the Ming army directly, but they can’t deal with it. However, the small Ming army who checked the land was caught in hand.

“You mean, Tantric Buddhism not only sent its own Buddhism children to obstruct the Ming army from clearing the land, but also called Tantric Buddhism followers to form a Buddhist army?”

After listening to Han Li’s explanation, the dissatisfaction in Richard’s eyes has been completely replaced by shock. He never expected that the martial arts rivers and lakes that he had neglected before burst out with power that surpassed the landlord and gentry class!

In fact, because of its particularity, the martial arts sect is much stronger than the landlord squires. The Buddhist and Taoist families are comforted by the Tang royal family. The Taoist Taoist priests who seem to be indisputable in the world, are not under the title of the country. division?

It’s just that Datang has been suppressing the influence of Jianghu martial arts, so the reputation of Jianghu martial arts in the outside world and the people is not prominent.

The major martial arts schools also know the truth about being a low-key person. They dare not confront the imperial court. They only care about martial arts affairs and never interfere with folk customs.

In many cases, the martial arts sect will also assist the government in hunting down those martial arts scum who want to kill innocent people This gives Richard the impression that the martial arts sect is nothing more than this. As everyone knows, the reason why the martial arts sect is low-key is just because Their fundamental interests have not been invaded!

Otherwise, where did the assets and fields of the martial arts school come from?

The difference between the martial arts sect and the landlord squires is that the resources obtained by the martial arts sect are devoted to the study of martial arts and the training of disciples, and there is no idea of ​​expanding power and assets. For the government, this kind of organization with little ambition is assured. .

Compared with the aristocratic families who cultivated local people’s popularity and recruited soldiers privately, the martial arts school is simply a model of a good gentleman!

Without popular popularity, no one would respond to the rebellion, and without recruiting soldiers, the disciples of the warrior would not be able to fight against the large army at all.

If there are more than 100 people fighting between the martial arts sects, it would be considered a big battle. Compared with the war of tens of thousands of people, it is nothing at all.

“Since the Tianshan Sect and the Buddhism Esoteric Buddhism do not know good or bad, why don’t you send troops to wipe out their lair?

I remember that these martial arts schools paid special attention to the foundation of the martial arts, and once the nest of the martial arts was destroyed, the hearts of the people would be dispersed. ”

“Your Majesty, it’s not that the last general doesn’t want to, but the army can’t do it…

The lair of the Tianshan Sect is on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, let alone the army, even a few travelers can’t get on it…

For the Tianshan school disciples who are good at flying and walking on the wall, the top of the Tianshan Mountain is like walking on the ground, but for ordinary soldiers, the Tianshan Mountain is as dangerous as climbing to the sky…

The Lair of Buddhism Tantra is even more undetectable, but compared to Tianshan School, the main foundation of Buddhism Tantra is temples in major cities and towns. As long as we block them, we can break the foundation of Buddhism Tantra! ”


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