From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 Strategy is blocked

“Block and check Buddhist temples?”

After hearing Han Li’s proposal, Richard frowned deeply. After being in this world for so many years, Richard is no longer the stunned kid who didn’t know anything.

The influence of the Confucianism of the Tang Dynasty in this world is not high. After all, the national style of the Tang Dynasty emphasizes military power over literature.

However, because the Buddhist and Taoist families in this world have mastered techniques beyond the understanding of ordinary people, and in order to expand their financial resources, the two disciples of the Buddhist and Taoist schools often acted as gods and fools and superstitious civilians. Hold high the legendary banner of Hongjun’s ancestor Pangu, and list Sanqing as the true **** of Taoism!

Therefore, the influence of Buddhism and Taoism in the people is very large, and it is no different from religion.

It’s just that in East Asia, the secular government is higher than the religious belief, so the influence of Buddhism and Taoism cannot be compared with that of the government.

Even so, there are countless Taoist temples and temples all over the country. These Taoist temples and temples often hold a large amount of land. After all, most of the people in Taoist temples and temples do not produce, and must rely on the exploitation of tenant farm rents to supplement their families.

The technical difficulty of the local host is much lower than that of running a business, and a normal-minded person can collect rent from the local host.

The two schools of Buddhism and Taoism are also different from ordinary landlords. They not only control the tenants physically, but also develop them into their own believers spiritually, bind them firmly under their feet, and contribute their labor to support their cultivation and living places. need.

Obviously, the two disciplines of Buddhism and Taoism have achieved great success. It is often more effective to control a person ideologically than physically, let alone double control!

After discovering this advantage, the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism were no longer satisfied to develop believers in their own tenants. Instead, they spread the beliefs of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism to the people, squeezing the living soil of those wild warlocks.

Not surprisingly, in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism not only became the guests of the Tang Dynasty imperial family, but the folk wild magicians were also divided into the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism…

If the signs of Taoism and Buddhism were not displayed, the wild sorcerers would have been wiped out by the disciples of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism.

In the confrontation, the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, which have the support of the government and the reliance of a large organization, should not be too simple to encircle and suppress wild warlocks. Moreover, the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism do not have to be killed. You can transform yourself into your own.

In this way, the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism quickly ruled the wild warlocks in the arena, but because the wild warlocks who joined the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism were too messy and messy, many small-category temples and Taoist temples were derived.

The two schools of Buddhism and Taoism are just two cultivation concepts. The density of organization is incomparable to that of the government. This is inseparable from the secret push of the Tang Dynasty. The two schools of Buddhism and Taoism seem to be brilliant, but they are actually divided into many schools according to different regions. Believe in Sanqing or Buddha, in fact, do not belong to each other. Because of this, the Datang government can tolerate the spread of their beliefs among the people.

Originally, the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism depended on the government to survive without interfering with each other. The masters of the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism often became imperial thugs, so naturally there would be no problems.

However, the decline of the Tang Dynasty orthodoxy, the invasion of the Ming army, and Richard’s order to equalize the debts completely broke this firm balance.

In the northwestern region, the Taoist power is very weak, and there are not many land assets. It is not a concern. After the Ming army arrived, the smoke disappeared naturally. The little Taoists who were not weathered went to the Central Plains one after another, and even took the initiative to surrender to the Ming army.

It’s just that after seeing a few magic sticks who claimed to be Taoist ‘juggling’, Richard completely lost his patience with these swindlers. The Ming Dynasty’s finances were not abundant, and Richard would not raise a group of Taoist priests who could only juggle…

However, the Taoist power in the Great Northwest region is weak, mainly because this is the basic Tantric disc of one of the major forces in Buddhism!

There are three major forces in Buddhism, Lama Tupan, Tantric Buddhism in the Northwest, and Shaolin Temple in Central Plains. In addition, Buddhism has also developed the belief in longevity among the northern nomads, but with millions of green skins going south, nomads Nine ethnic groups go to eight or nine, naturally this line is gone…

Lupi, whether you are a Buddhist disciple or not, as long as you are a human, it is their food!

The Taoist power in the Central Plains is the most prosperous. Even the martial arts of Jianghu have representatives of the Taoist Wudang school, but in other areas, the Taoist power is very weak. This is also when the Tufan learned that Richard was the “Tao Zun”. The cause of the chin…

Even in the Central Plains, there are no more than a handful of Taoist priests, and one coming out of the Western Regions is just like myths and legends…

However, the Taoist organization is even more disorganized than Buddhism. So far, apart from some quagmire sticks who have come to take refuge in Richard, there hasn’t been any serious and useful successor of Taoism who has come to surrender to Richard!

In Taoism, the schools are much stricter than Buddhism, and the Taoism of each family is the foundation of the world In order to avoid vicious competition and pillage among peers, Taoist factions rarely contact each other on weekdays.

It is this kind of practice that prevents Taoism from expanding its power as much as Buddhism did.

If it weren’t for the support of the Taoists, Taoism would have been compared to Buddhism.

In the same way, believers in Buddhism are far superior to the common people in Datang. Richard knows exactly how unscientific ideological weapon belief is. A devout cult believer simply has the morale of fighting and is truly no worse than a systematic soldier who is not afraid of death. How many……

Because fanatics believe that they will enter the so-called bliss after death…

Once a person believes in something, his mind is fixed, and if he wants to reverse it, he will have to pay a hundred times the price!

If Richard was given more than ten years, perhaps the law and the majesty of the imperial court could slowly let the common people get rid of their blind faith in Buddhism, but now…

Nowadays, Tantric Buddhism has not publicly launched its banner. Even if most of the attacks on the Ming army were carried out by the Tianshan faction and disguised as ordinary bandits, Han Li would never have known that Buddhism’s Tantric did it if it were not for the iconic big bald head… …

However, if Richard ordered the closure of the temple, Buddhism Tantra would have enough to use to provoke believers to form Buddhist soldiers to fight the Ming army!

Richard is not afraid of war, but now that Han Li finds himself here, he is obviously at a loss. Tantra has not yet exerted its strength and only relies on the Tianshan Sect and a few Buddhist disciples Mingjun. The main force is to suppress the Buddhist rebellion…

At this time, it was the period when the Ming army accepted the fruits of victory in the Northwest. It was the established strategy of the Ming Dynasty to occupy the Northwest in the shortest time, and then rush to the nest of Anlu Mountain. It was the established strategy of the Ming Dynasty to delay the nest for every additional month. Will be stronger!


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