From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 297

Chapter 297 The power of Liangzhou City

On Liangzhou City, the flags and flags were fluttering, and the iron armor was like a forest. Although the Tang state was in decline, the foundation was still a little bit. At least the 30,000-odd Tang army’s weapon armor was still the original match!

The 30,000-strong Tang army is also one-third of Tang’s strength, and the remaining two-thirds are used to guard Anlu Mountain, and the other half are used to guard the Southern Jiedu Envoy and the capital of Chang’an.

Of course, Liangzhou has not only 30,000 Tang troops, but also more than 100,000 landlord armed regiments and sectarians.

It’s just that these more than 100,000 people are not all concentrated in Liangzhou City, but scattered in the cities of various prefectures and counties.

However, Richard’s goal is very clear. It is to directly take the city of Liangzhou, capture the last piece of the city in the northwestern region in the Empire Age system, and open up the Empire Age troops in the northwest region.

This is the second reason why Richard attacked Tang.

Also the most important one!

This time, Richard’s army was very shabby, because the regular field army and the temporary new army composed of humans in this world have filled the hole in the northern defense line. The local area still needs a certain guard force. Richard can mobilize only half of the Western Region Army and Legion of Undead…

The total number of real soldiers is more than 20,000!

The 2000 Western light cavalry have all come, but they can only play a role in covering the battlefield and covering logistics in the siege…

However, when entering the Liangzhou area, the Western Region light cavalry played a very important role. The scattered Western Region light cavalry forced those rabble landlord armed groups into the city and the home fort and did not dare to sacrifice, otherwise they would be found marching. Position, you will immediately be attacked by the undead army that marches super fast and does not need to rest!

Although there were only more than 10,000 people in the undead army at this time, all of them were skeleton warriors, and there were hundreds of grave guards. Attacking the landlord’s armed forces could completely suppress them all the way.

The benefits of Richard’s emphasis on quality in building the Legion of the Dead have emerged, and the losses of the Legion of the Dead after each battle are minimal!

After suffering two losses, the landlord armed forces in Liangzhou no longer dared to walk out casually, and the logistics route of the Ming army naturally became unimpeded. Most of the credit for this was attributed to the light cavalry of the Western Regions!

Of course, the smooth progress of the Ming army has a lot to do with the fact that Tang’s elite cavalry troops were swept away by Anlu Mountain. After losing the northwestern region and the northern territory, Tang also lost 80% of the horse breeding grounds. The horse farm simply cannot supply a large-scale cavalry corps…

This is mainly due to the fact that in the past, the Tang State had come to the horse-producing areas in the Northwest and Beizhili regions, not to mention the vast northern prairie which was a natural source of military horses, and the cost was very low.

Naturally, it was impossible for Tang to spend more money on cultivating horse farms in places such as Central Plains that were not suitable for raising horses.

As a result, after Anlu Mountain snatched all the pastoral land of Tang State, Tang State immediately transformed from a cavalry power into an infantry country…

And because of the destruction of a large number of elite legions, the country’s finances are on the verge of collapse, the total loss of southern territories, and a series of factors, it is impossible for Tang to rebuild the horse farm!

As a result, Tang Guo couldn’t even take out a decent light cavalry at this time. Each legion only had a small number of scout scouts, and even the 2,000-horse Western light cavalry could not beat…

It can be said that Richard’s attack on Tang is regarded as picking up Anlushan’s peaches. If Anlushan hadn’t crippled Datang, Richard would never have entered the territory of Tang so easily!

Li Cha’s direct attack on Liangzhou City was naturally noticed by the Tang Jun. When Li Chabing approached the city, Liangzhou City had temporarily formed tens of thousands of armed young guards, and also accommodated more than 50,000 landlords, country gentry and local lords. Of the armed forces.

Among them can see a large number of martial arts people accepting employment!

Li Cha’s behavior in the northwest region completely angered the Central Plains Wulin. The Central Plains Wulin faction, who had not had much contact with the government, has successively sent a large number of disciples to join the Ming army’s combat sequence with employment.

As an important border town, Liangzhou City has naturally gathered a large number of martial arts masters!

At this time, the streets in Liangzhou City were full of strong men with swords, spears, and halberds, and martial arts figures with their backs hanging swords.

After seeing that more than 100,000 ‘armed men’ have been gathered in Liangzhou City and a large number of martial arts masters have been hired, the guards of Liangzhou City are full of confidence in defeating the Ming Army!

If it weren’t for Richard’s invincible history, the Tang army in Liangzhou City would even choose to take the initiative!

After all, the strength of the two sides is completely unmatched on the bright side. The Tang army’s messy armed forces add up to hundreds of thousands, which is several times that of the Ming army of more than 20,000. Even if the Ming army is not afraid of death, it is very capable of fighting. It’s hard to have a miracle in the old days at such a big size…

These hundreds of thousands are not an exaggerated imaginary number in the historical records, but the actual hundreds of thousands of armed young men among them there are 30,000 regular troops and 50,000 trained landlords and clan armed forces!

Many of these teams are led by warriors as little bosses!

Under the banner of Juntian debt relief and Richard’s reputation for offending people, in Liangzhou City, except for the tens of thousands of armed young men who were temporarily armed, the morale of the rest of the army was high!

Even the ranks of landlords, squires and local celebrities, because there are a large number of children and martial artists in the grassroots management, fighting morale is very high.

The landlord’s armed forces are similar in nature to the clan’s armed forces. They are armed with various connections. The army is full of fellow villagers and relatives and friends. The cohesion is very strong. In Datang, the clan’s clan is Xiwu family, and the clan’s children are all personally. Be the commander in the team!

The martial arts people who have the same hatred and hatred are a good supplement. Those poor soldiers who have joined the lowest ranks dare not pretend, and can only fight with the current.

The only thing with little combat effectiveness is the temporary formation of the Shoucheng Qingzhuang in Liangzhou City. The vast majority of these people are ordinary people and poor families. They have been looking forward to Juntian Debt Relief to turn over, and how determined they can be to fight against Ming. military?

Of course, these young defenders were mainly doing coolies and the number of people who acted as cannon fodder at the head of the city. The Liangzhou city defenders never expected them to play a role.

Li Cha didn’t know how many enemy troops he faced in Liangzhou City. The Ming Ting’s Jinyi Guards had a relatively short establishment time. They suffered a lot during the encirclement and suppression of the martial arts sect. They still stayed at the top of internal rectification and supervision of hundreds of officials, and external intelligence agencies. Having just started, it is naturally impossible to know the deployment in Liangzhou City.

Li Cha only knew that the food, grass, materials and troops in Liangzhou City were very abundant, and he would definitely not be able to get it by besieged and hungry…

Moreover, Richard, who was lonely in depth, needed a quick fight and took advantage of the fact that the new reinforcements from Datang did not arrive to take down Liangzhou City!

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