From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 298

Chapter 298 Attack on Liangzhou City

There is a huge gap between the military strength of the two sides, and there is not much difference in weaponry. Whether it is Richard’s Undead Legion and the Western Region Legion, or the regular army and landlord armed door forces in Liangzhou City, the weapons used are all subverted products of the cold weapon era.

Don’t mention Tang’s regular army. As Tang’s one of the few regular field troops that can become elite today, if the weapons and equipment are not complete, Tang will not be far from destroying the country…

And those landlord armed forces and proletarian armed forces look like a mob, but they can’t hold people rich!

In Datang, the richest person is not the government, but these local snakes!

During the Tang Dynasty, the local cliques were still very powerful, and they themselves provided a lot of private guards. In addition to the wealth accumulated by the local clansmen in the past dynasties, they could be formed by expanding them with private guards as the backbone!

The landlord’s squire might be able to come close, but they are rich!

The influx of a large number of warriors from the rivers and lakes has also made the money of these rich landlords useful. They themselves do not have much military talents, and they do not know how to fight. For their own interests, the children of the squires have entered the landlord’s armed forces with enthusiasm. , But the organizational ability is not strong, on the contrary, it will form a mountain-top doctrine.

Of course, in the landlord’s armed forces, the absence of hilltopism is a strange thing…

However, a large number of martial arts people from the landlords and squires who actively seek war have doubled the combat effectiveness of the landlord-armed teams. Faced with the enemy of the Ming army, the martial arts people are willing to serve without paying much military pay.

A martial arts person may not be a good general, but he can definitely be regarded as a good team leader!

In addition to fighting alone between the arena, the most often small groups collide with each other. Naturally, they understand how to integrate the small groups under their hands.

These arena warriors are natural grassroots officers.

Because of the presence of the enemy of the Ming army, the warriors of the rivers and lakes will also constrain their unrestrained aura and be controlled by the landlord’s squire’s children, so that the entire landlord’s armed forces can be used in one place!

Even if the overall combat quality of the soldiers at the bottom is not as good as the regular army, but with such a large number of warriors leading the team, as long as they dare to fight and fight, it is enough for the enemy to drink a pot!

In this way, the warriors of the rivers and lakes are responsible for leading the team to charge into the battle, and the landlord country squires put their efforts to arm them, and the two sides cooperated perfectly.

What Richard did in the northwest brought a stable environment to Richard, and at the same time it completely offended the richest and most combative classes in East Asia. In the Central Plains, the powers of the family, the landlord and the country gentry, and the martial arts powers of the rivers and lakes were completely offended. In a powerful area, the main enemy of the expansion of the Ming army is not only Tang, which is a mere 100,000 elite…

Of course, Liangzhou’s cliques and landlord squires can grow rapidly, and they are inseparable from Tang’s official cooperation. Tang’s senior officials were beaten up by Anlu Mountain. After the entire Datang was beaten for a half-bodied, it was considered repentance. Knowing to start drawing all the forces that can be drawn to fight against foreign enemies!

Even the self-reliant ambassadors of the South, many of them have close ties with Tang in private, and have not even turned out of Tang in public!

As a matter of fact, when many Jade Envoys in the South expanded, they held the banner of Tang Guo’s rebellion…

The chaos of the southern Jiedun envoys just look at the surface, they are the Jiedun envoys loyal to the Tang state and the open and independent Jedun envoys conquered each other.

No matter how weak Tang is, people are still orthodox after all, this banner is quite useful.

For example, the armed forces from all sides in Liangzhou City are now mixed together under the banner of Datang to fight against foreign enemies, claiming to be the righteous party.

However, from a moral point of view, this time it was indeed a failure of Mingguo. Originally, the two countries were in peace, but Richard suddenly brought the army to kill him, and he obviously belonged to the aggressor!

As the anti-aggression party, Tang Guo is naturally standing on the moral high ground!

Coupled with the interest connection, except for the farmers at the bottom, basically all classes of society have stood on the side of Tang and supported it!

If it weren’t for Richard’s debt equalization and land exemption, which was supported by the majority of civilians and farmers in Tang, Tang, which had received support from all classes, could even initiate a ‘national war’.

It’s a pity that no matter how foolish the various classes in the Tang state are, they can’t really divide their fields. Although the people of this era are ignorant, they are not stupid!

On the one hand, it is the promise of various beautiful pictures, and on the other hand, it is the real estate and debt relief. How would the people choose?

Facing the powerful Liangzhou city, Richard, who was determined to win, did not dare. After a simple day of rest, he blew the whole bugle at dawn the next day. The disciplined Western Region Legion had no concept of discipline at all. , I only knew that the undead army that obeyed the order completed the pre-war formation at the speed of the high-ranking officials in Liangzhou city stunned The guards of Liangzhou city looked with big eyes, and the Ming army was not prepared to sling stone to rush the city. Waiting for any siege weapon, it was like a field battle, but the giant with two heads standing in the front was very eye-catching.

However, Liangzhou City is an important fortified city in the Tang Dynasty. The height of the city is more than 6 meters, and the defense system such as the fulcrum of the outer city of Wengcheng is also set up. The giant is only 4 meters high, and it is impossible to cross the city wall.

Therefore, the high-ranking officials and guards in Liangzhou City are full of confidence in the victory of the city!

Although the invincible and cruel Richard on the opposite side brought them a lot of pressure, the absolute strength lies here. No matter how strong an army of more than 20,000 people is, it is impossible to break through the garrison of more than 100,000 people. city?

The low offensive horn sounded, and when Richard shot, he was the most powerful undead legion and the two-headed giant Jack.

Li Cha knew very well that he had a small number of people and couldn’t afford to consume them. He had to break Liangzhou City in the shortest time!

As long as Liangzhou City is taken, the main force of Tang’s army in Liangzhou will be defeated. The morale of defenders in other cities in Liangzhou will inevitably suffer a fatal blow. At that time, Ming will be holding the banner of Juntian Debt Relief. The army will be the cub that everyone expects to return in Liangzhou…

This is the reason why the Tang army concentrated most of Liangzhou’s landlord armed clan armed forces and Jianghu warriors, and all the more than 30,000 Tang troops stationed in Liangzhou City.

No matter which class you are fighting in this era, what you value is the gains and losses of the big cities, and the ordinary villages will not be mentioned. Once the army arrives, there will be no resistance.

Even in counties, towns and cities, resistance in front of the army is almost the same as death. In the case of certain defeat, how many people will insist on defending the city?

Therefore, the capital city of a region is the determination of the region to resist, and the capital of a country is the representative of the country’s orthodoxy!

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