From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 302

Chapter 302 Invincible

As for those martial artists, although they can also use it, but because of the small number of people, they will fight against the Ming army in guerrilla warfare. First of all, they will play themselves to death…

In the Cold Weapon era, the power of the local celebrities and landlords and country gentry was great. Some were rich and equipped, but they were on the frontal battlefield, not guerrillas!

In addition, once Liangzhou City falls, the high level of Liangzhou City will inevitably be liquidated by Tang Guo. This is an important border town. More than 100,000 people have been attacked by more than 20,000 troops. Do you still have the face to come back if you don’t commit suicide and die?

Therefore, the high-level Liangzhou city guard quickly came to a conclusion that the Liangzhou city guard battle must be fought, and the city must be there anyway!

It’s never too late to wait until the city is gone…

If the city wall can’t be guarded, fight on the street. Anyway, the people below are dead. These high-ranking officials will definitely stay in the safe rear and remotely control them, and prepare horses and floating wealth, ready to run away.

Oh, by the way, family members and everything must be sent out of Liangzhou City in advance. After all, the high-level street fighting defenders in Liangzhou City are not very sure that they will win…

It was a street battle with the Undead Army and the intrepid Western Region Army. The morale of the Liangzhou City defenders was depressed to what extent only God knows…

In this way, the high-level Liangzhou city who gave up the city wall defense battle began to be busy rectifying the morale of the army, preparing to fight street fighting, and letting the two-headed giant Jack demolish the wall and fill the river…

No one is disturbed, the efficiency of the two-headed giant Jack is still quite high. In less than half a day, a wide avenue was filled out, the city wall was also torn out a big opening, and then the elite army of the undead hurried across. The moat rushed in through the big opening!

Of course, the leader is still the king of destruction, the two-headed giant Jack!

Although the outer wall was demolished, Liangzhou City is a military town after all, and the inner city and the inner city fortress fulcrums are also defended. This requires the work of the demolition team leader Jack, both heads.

For this reason, after Richard’s soldiers entered the outer city wall, they first transported a few carts of raw meat to the two-headed giant Jack to supplement his physical exhaustion!

Subsequently, the Undead Army did not rush forward, but cleaned up the remaining defenders on the outer wall, waiting for the two-headed giant to complete the demolition, and then step by step cicadas.

This can minimize the cost of the undead army siege.

This method of steady and steady combat minimized the casualties of the undead army, and at the same time gave the defenders in Liangzhou city sufficient time to withdraw from the outer city defense system and reorganize the chaotic defenders.

Although Liangzhou City has only lost its outer walls, the defenders are almost two armies compared to before the war. This is mainly reflected in the mentality.

Before the war began, because the landlords, squires, local celebrities, and even the government and the warriors of the rivers and lakes were all the same haters, some people had money to pay, and the big soldiers below were also fed by various wartime rewards, plus a large number of warriors went deep. Leading the team at the grassroots level, and comparing the strength of the enemy and ours, the morale is high!

However, after only half a day’s work, among the hundreds of thousands of defenders, tens of thousands of young and Zhuang militias temporarily recruited in Liangzhou City will not be mentioned. Their failure to completely disperse is the best result of the overloaded bureaucratic system of Liangzhou City. Up…

The majority of the landlord’s squires and the private army expanded by the local cliques are also fearful of enemies. This is not only reflected in the low-level big-head soldiers, even some warriors and the landlord’s children are unwilling to face the invulnerable two-headed giant!

The main reason why the senior leaders dare to fight is mainly because they don’t have to go to the battlefield themselves!

Even the 30,000 Tang troops were demoralized, and there were not many deaths, but they were all afraid of the enemy, losing all Tang Jun’s face…

Of course, since the Anlu Mountain soldiers approached Chang’an City, the backbone of the Tang army was interrupted. Those Tang dynasty elites who value honor more than life either rebelled with Anlu Mountain or were completely annihilated by Anlu Mountain. , Otherwise, the Tang Dynasty could let Anlu Mountain hit the capital city?

The regular regular army of the Tang Army at its peak had been exhausted in the civil war of the Anlu Mountain rebellion. Although the Tang Army’s weapons and equipment are similar today, the people in it have changed. It is understandable that they will not move forward when encountering a strong enemy. .

Therefore, the rectification of the defenders by the high-level Liangzhou city only maintained the original organization, and did not improve the morale of the battle, especially in the face of the combat mission of the two-headed giant, no team was willing to take it!

This is a terrible phenomenon, which means that where the two-headed giant appears, the defense line of the Liangzhou city defenders will collapse!

The outer wall of Liangzhou City covers an extremely large area, and the cleanup alone lasts until the night. Of course, this is also related to Richard’s not rushing to attack.

After night fell, the full-fed two-headed giant rushed forward again, like a road roller along the road, all threatening bunker and arrow towers were all demolished by him, and the undead army behind followed a certain distance, sweeping the double. The remnant enemy left by the giant head!

Liangzhou City’s high-level defenders are still capable of The landlord squires and local celebrities in Liangzhou City were not reconciled to let the Ming army occupy Liangzhou City and swallow the entire Liangzhou. Their ancestral business is gone!

Therefore, one by one is generous, and under the sway of a large amount of money, there must be a brave man under the reward!

Therefore, the street fighting in Liangzhou City was finally fought. Except for the tens of thousands of Liangzhou City’s Qingzhuang militiamen who collapsed when they were touched, other troops more or less began street fighting resistance. The city was divided into defensive fulcrums, and a battle plan was designed to retreat there and reorganize resistance once it was defeated.

In this regard, Tang Jun’s generals are professional counterparts. Although Datang has fallen, there are still generals who can fight. The generals who can command one-third of the Tang Army today are naturally the best generals in Tang Guozhong!

The so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

In contrast, the Ming army is embarrassed, and there are basically no famous generals. The reason is very simple. All the victory of the Ming army was defeated by Li Cha Yujia personally, brought down by the Undead Army and the System Army, composed of indigenous humans. The army has always served as the second-line force.

Without the accumulation of victories, how can a famous player be born?

Furthermore, the indigenous army in the Ming army is not equal to the strong army in East Asia. Even the 100,000 elite field troops rebuilt by the Tang army later surpassed the regular field army formed by the Ming court.

From equipment training to military morale, the native human army of Ming Ting could not be compared with the Tang army, which had dropped a grade.

The northern defense line bleeds the veterans of the Ming army’s indigenous army continuously, so that the Ming army’s combat effectiveness has not only not improved, but slowly declined…

Of course, Yan Jun on the Anlu Mountain side is also facing this embarrassing situation!

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