From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Win Liangzhou City

It is precisely because of this that Richard did not mobilize the indigenous human army in the northern defense line at all. They were okay to fight the green-skinned orcs behind the city defense system, and it was not enough to pull out to fight against Tang Guo’s main force…

After night fell, the battlefield immediately became the home of the Undead Legion and the two-headed giant Jack. As a cursed two-headed giant, Jack naturally possesses the night vision capabilities necessary for undead creatures.

On the other hand, the chaos of the defenders in Liangzhou City on the opposite side, because of the malnutrition of this era, most of them suffer from night blindness of varying severity!

In order to be able to see the battlefield environment clearly, the Liangzhou city defenders who were preparing to fight street battles had to light a lot of torches.

The effect of this is very good, the film of torches makes the defenders feel a lot of peace, and it also puts an end to the idea of ​​many big soldiers who want to discredit the deserters…

It’s just that this large torch is equivalent to pointing the way forward to the two-headed giant Jack standing on the ‘high place’!

Destroying a series of city defense systems, after entering the city, the main job of the two-headed giant Jack is naturally no longer to be the demolition captain, but to eliminate the vital forces of the Liangzhou city defenders.

There is no way, there are too many defenders in Liangzhou City. If you really make up your mind to fight street fighting, how many deaths will the army of more than 10,000 undead be able to defeat them?

The lowest rank in the Legion of Undead is now skeleton warriors, noble and ruthless, and Richard doesn’t want to fight with a group of defeated Liangzhou city defenders!

In fact, after night fell, the total number of Liangzhou city’s defenders had fallen below the 100,000 mark. The reason was simple. Those tens of thousands of Liangzhou city’s local young militiamen took advantage of the darkness and chaos to hide in their homes. Shunmin…

Due to the lack of attention to the local young militiamen in Liangzhou City, more than 60% of the young and Zhuang militiamen in Liangzhou City “evaporate” on the spot after nightfall…

The remaining 40% are in the process of continuing to’vaporize’. Street fighting is impossible. They will never fight with terrible monsters in this life!

The large torch attracted the attention of the two-headed giant Jack. Under the guidance of Richard, Jack understood the truth of the shortest straight line between the two points. After seeing the pile of torches, the pile of people, he smashed and smashed an unknown number of buildings. Thing, Ping push to the defenders of Liangzhou City!

Under such prestige, the only response of the gathered Liangzhou city defenders was to hurriedly shoot a round of arrows, and then they scattered…

Those who ran slowly or did not react, were trampled into meatloaf by the two-headed giant…

This is not a war at all, it is a massacre!

In the dark and complicated urban area, trying to regroup the disintegrated garrison soldiers is really a test of the Liangzhou city garrison’s bureaucratic system.

If it is a revolutionary organization with extremely high ideological consciousness in later generations, there may still be a bit of disintegration and reorganization, but in this era…

Many running big-head soldiers and low-level military attaches discovered that the torch attracted the peep of the two-headed giant, and they were ‘smart’ to extinguish the torch.

Although the two-headed giant has night vision ability, in his eyes the torch group is obviously more attractive than the little people running around in the dark.

The defeated soldiers who extinguished the fire really escaped the strangulation of the two-headed giant!

So there was something to learn. The defeated soldiers, including the military officers, who were defeated and out of restraint, extinguished the torches. These people with no political consciousness at all just wanted to save their lives. As for the overall situation of the street fighting in Liangzhou city, it was the official lords above. And the question that Mr. General should consider!

As a result, the two-headed giant rushed past torch piles one by one, not many people were killed, but the Liangzhou city defenders collapsed again at an astonishing speed!

Because the torches were extinguished, it became very difficult for the mid-level and high-level generals to gather the troops. They did not have the night vision ability of undead creatures, and there were routs running around, all the sounds of mess, their shouts. Sound couldn’t get a response from a few people…

Of course, this is also related to the selfishness of serving as a soldier. How many people are willing to go back and take up arms to confront the two-headed giant after being dissipated by the two-headed giant?

However, it seems that the street battles in Liangzhou City were not bad enough. More than 10,000 undead legions have penetrated in the city where the double-headed giants have raged. This time, the defeated soldiers are really miserable!

This group of undead soldiers, the lowest being the skeleton warriors, would have to pay a tragic price even if they faced a confrontation, let alone a melee in the dark environment?

The Liangzhou city defending generals who were still working hard to gather the defeated troops were quickly defeated by the undead army that swarmed in for a second time. This time no one can save them again…

In this way, the avalanche-style disintegration spread rapidly under the dark night of Liangzhou City like a plague, and the large-scale organized Liangzhou City defenders fell apart in front of the two-headed giant, and the influx of the undead army made the disintegrated defenders unable to heal. The result is a vicious circle.

First of all, seeing the situation is not good, but the strongest warriors of the arena After seeing that the situation is gone, they have performed more trivial powers than ordinary people and fled outside the city.

The landlord squires and local cliques who had lost these warriors as basic-level military officers immediately lost the backbone of the bottom level, and even the final organizational strength was lost. Everyone fled outside the city, with no intention of fighting at all.

As for the Tang Jun, because of the strongest organization, he has become a key target of the Undead Army!

No way, the other teams have dispersed, and only Tang Jun is still working hard to gather the defeated soldiers. Who will not beat them?

As a result, the more than 30,000 Tang troops who were scattered throughout Liangzhou City and were defeated by a two-headed giant were completely swallowed up!

In the second half of the night, because the government office in the inner city of Liangzhou was trampled by the double-headed giant Jack, the officials and the wealthy fleeed with the wealth they had prepared, and the last bit of cohesion of the Liangzhou city defenders disappeared!

At dawn the next day, 30,000 Tang troops were completely buried in Liangzhou City, and more than 20,000 people became prisoners of war of the Ming Army. In addition, there were also a large number of scattered landlord and country gentry armed forces, local clique armed forces, and even a small army. Some desperate warriors were caught by the Ming army!

Of course, Zhanguo is so “small” mainly because many soldiers hid in the houses. After all, the city gate is so far away. It is impossible for hundreds of thousands of people to escape from the city. In fact, they actually escaped from Liangzhou City except for the high-level people who were prepared. Outside, none of the middle and lower tiers could get out.

After winning the street fighting, the Undead Army quickly sealed off all the external gates of Liangzhou City, blocking the fleeing soldiers, and most of the prisoners of war were captured at this time.

After winning Liangzhou City, Richard was rewarded with 10,000 Qi Luck Coins. One can imagine how strong the defenders are in Liangzhou City!

Li Cha also learned after interrogation and demotion that Liangzhou City had a team of more than 100,000 people before the war!

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