From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Unilateral shelling

Regardless of whether it is the Northern Ming Dynasty or the Southern Song Dynasty, there is a unified legal basis for the people of East Asia. Everyone is a Han government. It doesn’t matter who is the boss, and there is no knife on the people…

This has caused the civilians in the areas controlled by both sides to basically stand on a neutral plane, which indirectly leads to the large-headed soldiers of the public security nature in places with insufficient armaments being in a state of swinging from side to side!

Soldiers that could be fought under the Southern Song Dynasty were incorporated into the standing army, and those serving as local security forces were all eliminated’residues’. They would be very good if they were able to suppress bandits. I expected them to fight the fierce Ming army, even Song Taizu didn’t believe it!

Therefore, this battle between the Ming and Song Dynasties is mainly determined by the result of the battle between the two main forces.

Pioneer One Hundred Thousand Song Army even knows that the Ming Army roughly has more than 20,000 men, but thanks to the Ming Army’s repeated victories before, the Pioneer Song Army, who has lost the field of vision, still stands still, and begins to lay out the line of defense on the spot!

It is much simpler to detect the general number of enemy forces than to detect the direction and position of the enemy’s main force. For example, by carefully understanding the increased consumption of various materials in the city that the enemy’s main force passes by, and then use simple arithmetic to calculate the enemy’s approximate number. troops.

Soldiers are also humans, and they have to eat, drink, and consume all kinds of materials. These materials will not be changed out of thin air. No matter whether it is transported or collected on the spot, there will be traces left. As long as you spend some money and energy, you can always detect them.

This is also the reason why the pioneers of the Song Army obviously lost their vision on the battlefield, and it can also be known through the Song State’s detailed intelligence system that there are roughly 20,000 people in the main Ming army on the opposite side.

Originally, the 100,000 Song Army vanguard generals thought they had the advantage in numbers, and they retreated and chose an easy-to-defense terrain to establish a line of defense. The Ming army on the opposite side could remain invincible even if the battlefield vision was obscured.

Who would have thought that Richard who was on the opposite side unexpectedly spread a dignified battle with more than 20,000 troops, and took the initiative to attack the line of defense stationed by a hundred thousand troops!

We must know that the fortifications of the Song Army, such as the defensive line, the trench and the earth wall, are the most basic. The Ming Army’s cavalry advantage is difficult to use. Although everyone is in the field, it is fundamentally different from the encounter-style field battle.

It is not difficult for a hundred thousand Song army to launch a defensive offensive in the wild. There are ready-made woods around it. Don’t you just spend more effort on the walls and trenches?

But the Ming army had to attack the battalion defense line established by the 100,000 Song army!

After the commander of the Song Army of 100,000 Pioneers learned that the Ming Army was in his field, he was shocked and angered by the contempt brought about by the Ming Army’s active offensive.

With such a comparison of forces, he took the initiative to attack the hard village, didn’t he just miss the 100,000 Song army in his eyes?

In fact, Richard did not take them seriously…

The Southern Song Dynasty was able to figure out the falsity and reality of the Ming army, and Richard could naturally also figure out the fiction and reality of the opposing Song army pioneer.

Isn’t it just a miscellaneous army that is more ‘playable’?

And whether this ability is based on bullying Greenskins, or bullying Greenskins in a solid city!

In this world, anyone who does not know the green-skinned orcs knows that waaaagh rushes up with a swarm of swarms, and then is slaughtered by various arrows, guns, bullets, rolling wood, etc…

The green-skinned orcs who can really survive close combat are the lucky ones among the greenskins!

Therefore, a human army that can defend and defeat the green-skinned orcs can only be counted as qualified, far from being excellent.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, only the Yue Family Army can be kept in mind by Richard. Other Han Family Army and Yang Family Army can only be ranked behind, not to mention that there is no army in front of him. It is a miscellaneous army pieced together by various generals. .

Richard’s way of dealing with this kind of army is very simple.

First, 10 Congreve rockets bullied the Song army on the opposite side and did not have long-range weapons such as artillery. They were erected within 500 meters!

Within this distance, even a Congreve rocket with a poorly accurate head can be aimed!

What’s more, the camp on the opposite side was built in exactly the same way as the Cold Weapon Era. The soldiers of the Song Army stood densely behind the trenches of the earth wall. As long as you shoot in, you don’t have to worry about losing the battle…

Then there were 30 6-pounder cavalry guns lined up at a closer distance, aiming at the front of Song Junyingzhai.

Twenty 6-inch howitzers were placed on the flanks of the 6-pounder cavalry guns.

Richard’s artillery position is only more than 300 meters away from Song Junyingzhai. If there is a modern army on the opposite side, Licha’s artillery position can be destroyed with field artillery within this distance!

When the Song Army general on the opposite side looked curiously at the Ming Army’s artillery position with a monoscope imitated from the Ottoman Expeditionary Army, suddenly the world changed color!

Although the Song Army generals had been told that the Ming Army had artillery, they didn’t know what the artillery looked like, let alone the specific performance of the artillery. The information was all hearsay, and naturally there was no corresponding anti-gun concept.

After all, it is impossible for Song State military observers to appear on the battlefield between the Ming Army and the Ottoman Expeditionary Army…

It is difficult to understand the specific tactical role of this thing without seeing it with your own eyes.

These Song army generals still thought that the hard wall of the hard village could be anti-cannon in the traditional way of thinking The rocket with the tail flaming has fallen into the pile of Song soldiers!

Li Cha used high-quality blasting rockets. Some rockets exploded in the air above Song Jun’s head before landing, and the Song Jun below was frightened and collapsed immediately!

Those who fall on the ground will instantly take away the lives of several Song Army soldiers!

The killing effect of the rocket is very ordinary, but the morale blow to the Song army is fatal!

In the area hit by the rockets, the Song army threw down their weapons and ran around in droves, trampling each other and causing deaths and injuries several times more than the rockets!

Before the Song Army generals in the rear recovered from the deterrence of the Congreve rockets, a volley of grenade bombs fell on the heads of other areas of the Song Army!

Throw specifically towards crowded places!

Those dirt walls and trenches didn’t play any role at all…

There are more grenade shells than rocket shells, and each round of volley can cause hundreds of thousands of Song troops to collapse!

Song Jun’s formation is too dense…

Immediately afterwards, the solid projectiles of the 6-pound cavalry gun easily blasted pits on the dirt wall, and then smashed into the crowd with large holes under the horrified gaze of the Song Army soldiers.

The flying cannonball smashed all the human bodies blocking the path into a pool of rotten flesh, even if the kinetic energy was consumed too much and rolled to the ground, it could bring up a series of broken legs…

The crackling sound of fractures accompanied the miserable howls of Song Army soldiers breaking through the sky, further damaging Song Army’s low morale!

The most terrible thing is that the Song Army officers and soldiers were horrified to find that they could only be passively beaten, and there was no way to hurt the Ming Army artillery positions hundreds of meters away!

Every round of shelling strikes the hearts of Song Army soldiers like a death knell!


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