From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 395

Chapter 395 Blocking reserve

“The Ming army has gods to help, and this battle can’t be fought…”

“Who will save me, my leg is broken, I don’t want to die, mother…”

“I’m not a soldier anymore, I won’t be a soldier anymore, I’m going home to farm…”

There was chaos in the Song Junyingzhai defense line, and the soldiers screamed incoherently like mental patients, spreading the panic further to the entire back of the defense line.

As for resistance… whoever loves to go, who goes!

Didn’t you see that even the officials took the lead to escape? !

I have never seen such a combination of shelling + rockets and the Song Army’s defense line collapsed in just an hour. This is still the case of a supervising team!

After all, this miscellaneous army is a mixed team of fish and dragons. Although the soldiers have seen blood, the determination to fight is far less than the core main force of the Song Dynasty, so the battlefield needs to supervise the team.

However, when the entire front collapsed, even the supervising team was powerless, and even part of the supervising team that was hit by the rockets collapsed!

When the Ming Army discovered that the Song Army’s defense line had collapsed, it immediately stopped its artillery. A large number of guards formed a thin line and hulled up. In front of them were scattered hunters, sniping and killing soldiers who did not escape on the defense line.

The guards approaching the camp did not encounter any resistance and easily took over the entire defense line of the camp. The trenches in front of the line of defense did not play any role…

No matter how good a fortification is, someone needs to be stationed!

However, after all, the Song Army had an absolute advantage in strength, and the troops that collapsed on the defense line were not all of the 100,000 troops. After learning of the collapse of the front line, the general Song Army in the rear immediately mobilized reserve teams to form an offensive formation to top it up.

At this time, the Song Army’s field offensive formation tended to develop towards the Spanish phalanx. The center was a phalanx dominated by pikemen, the first row was shield soldiers, and the left and right wings were a large number of soldiers equipped with arquebuses, behind the musketeers It is a leaping soldier equipped with swords, shields, swords and shields and other weapons in charge of melee combat.

This is the improved tactical formation of the Song Army after a series of battles and the installation of firearms.

After all, the Southern Song Dynasty is a new country, and there are many famous soldiers in the army. Naturally, they will not be constrained by traditional ideas. They are all based on actual combat results.

If there are more battles, it is natural to find out effective tactics for fighting with muskets.

Whether it was the Spanish phalanx in the history of the earth, the Morris phalanx or even the Gustav line tactics, it was not decided by the commanders, but by studying various battle cases and actual combat!

Absorbing the experience of the victors and improving the lessons of the defeated are the qualities necessary for a military power.

Naturally, the emerging first-generation veterans of the Southern Song Dynasty and capable officers and soldiers have not yet grown old, and because of the military pressure of Beiming, they have always maintained a large standing army, which is enough to be called an emerging military power.

The Southern Song Dynasty also always had a sense of crisis of extinction.

Li Cha’s record is so abnormal and brilliant. Even if the Southern Song Dynasty has an economic and political advantage over Beiming, he is still not sure that he can win!

The law that national strength determines the outcome of war is not easy for Richard, who can always fight unscientific battles with fewer wins and more!

It was this pressure that allowed Song State to maintain a positive and upward military attitude.

After the offensive guards and hunters took the camp defense line, before they continued to advance forward, they saw a large number of Song army attacking phalanx that could not be seen at a glance, and the morale was not affected by the previous defeat. , The military formation is complete and tight!

After all, it was a reserve team. The previous defeated soldiers had been isolated long ago. Without contact with reserve soldiers, the atmosphere of panic would naturally not be spread.

This is a very common practice in wars, and it is also one of the advantages of strong troops.

Since there are enough troops, it is natural to separate several combat sequences, all of which are separated by gaps. The defeat of the front will not affect the reserve team behind, and because the distance is too far, the reserve soldiers in the rear will also I couldn’t see the previous tyrannical shelling by the Ming army, at most I could hear a series of roars.

For Song Jun, who had already installed firearms, the sound alone could not scare them.

When the guards saw the Song Army rushing up, they couldn’t see the end at a glance. Knowing that this was the main force of the Song Army’s offensive reserve force, they immediately stopped advancing.

It was not that the Guards were afraid of queuing up with the Song Army to shoot them, but that they needed to stop and reorganize to play their firepower advantage!

The first is that the portable 10 Parker cannons were lifted up and placed on the high **** on the spot, evenly distributed at the connection points between the various units.

Then the Congreve rockets also began to move forward, and the other artillery also moved forward.

The fastest is naturally the 6-pounder cavalry artillery. The 30 6-pounder cavalry artillery rushed into the occupied camp defense line before the Song Army reserve came up, and effectively launched the attacking phalanx of the Song Army.

Soon, the roar sounded again!

The guards stood upright in a platoon of guns. The gaps in each phalanx were 6-pounder cavalry cannons and Parker cannons. In front of the phalanx, there were some hunters who slowly fired their original front-loaded rifled guns. The commander-in-chief of the Song Army obviously did not expect the artillery on the opposite side to move so fast!

The offensive Song Army reserve team was hit by the first round of 6-pounder cavalry artillery before it was within 200 meters of the guards’ line, and then the Parker cannon began to make rhythmic ‘dada da’ shooting!

After a round of nine rounds of ammunition was fired, the skilled Parker gunner quickly unloaded the empty disc, loaded the full disc, and soon there was a shooting sound again!

At the forefront of the Song Army’s offensive formation was a thin line of muskets. Under the blows of solid bullets and Parker cannons, they were suddenly knocked down in large numbers, and the entire phalanx would be penetrated by a solid bullet!

The originally tight formation of the Song Army’s phalanx began to become chaotic after only the first round of shelling. The Song Army’s front-row officers, who were constantly being shot down by the hunters, aggravated the continuation of this chaos!

However, under the pressure of the supervising team, the Song army was still advancing with difficulty. The pikemen and jumpers in the back noticed that the front row musketeers were slowing down, and under the order of the officer, they used their weapons to advance against them!

One level is next to one level. This is the mode of the Song Army Supervisor on the battlefield.

Behind the combat phalanx there was a group of personal soldiers of Song Army generals who rode their horses and watched.

In this case, the musketeers in the front row can only bite the bullet and continue forward, but when the distance is narrowed to within 100 meters, the real disaster has come!

Ten Parker guns seem to be a lot, but they are not enough to be seen in front of the attacking phalanx of tens of thousands of people. The 6-pound cavalry guns are not fast, and it is difficult to cause a devastating blow to the morale of the Song army.

Not to mention the hunters, the pitting efficiency of the original rifled gun has to be hit with a small hammer!


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