From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 401

Chapter 401 Total War

“Master, Yue Fei has sent out the cavalry to carry the Wei army, and he has a sleeve!”

Early in the morning, Genevieve ran into Richard’s handsome account with a look of excitement and reported.

This is the only good news that Richard has heard during this time.

In addition to the decline in the number of the Shazhou Army during the recent period, the biggest headache for Richard is the increasing consumption of ammunition.

Even if in order to save most of the cases, solid projectiles are used, and they are only responsible for breaking through the walls of the fortress, but after the simultaneous attack of multiple armies, the consumption of this ammunition has doubled.

One day or two is nothing, but the ammunition reserve will bottom out over time!

The artillery shells of the Ming army were all transported from the system arsenal in the northwestern capital. It was impossible to maintain this kind of high-intensity offensive and defensive warfare. The soldiers in Shazhou were dead and morale sluggish. They went to the battlefield, but the cannonballs were gone, but they couldn’t get down to the fortresses.

Without the help of artillery, the sandbar army could not push the Sichuan defense line fortress group even if the sandbar army was dead!

Although the power of artillery was not considered during the construction of the Sichuan defense line, the cold weapon era and even the power of the musket were taken into consideration. The attack by the musket team and cold weapons alone would cost a lot of casualties even with ten times the strength.

How could it be as it is now, even if the Shazhou Army’s cannon fodder troops attacked the city, the casualties under the cover of artillery would be a few percent more than the Yuejia army defending the city.

Is it a few times?

In other words, the defensive Yue Jiajun couldn’t even beat the loss ratio of 1 to 2!

This is all due to the artillery!

If Richard even used the howitzer and Congreve rockets regardless of the cost, the battle damage ratio would even be reversed, and the attacker would have lower casualties than the defending Yue Family Army!

You know, the Shazhou Army has killed more than 10,000 people in the battle, and its morale has long lived up to the original. It is completely supervised by the team and strict military laws, as well as constant victories. Even so, it can be against the defending Yue family. The army forms an advantage!

The most important thing is that the soldiers of the Yue Family Army are different from the ordinary Song Army soldiers. Even if they surrender, they are unwilling to face their fellow swordsmen in the past, so they can only be transported to the no-man’s land west of Congling in the Western Regions to reclaim wasteland in collective rural areas. , Unable to replenish into the Shazhou Army.

In other words, even if Richard continued to win battles, the Shazhou Army could not be effectively supplemented.

If the reserve of artillery shells runs out, relying only on the slow logistical replenishment of artillery shells, Richard will definitely change his current multi-strike style, and the time to penetrate the Sichuan defense line will be extended indefinitely…

Although the Yue family army suffered from this war of attrition, the glamorous Richard was actually uncomfortable. After all, he did not want the small number of system soldiers to be consumed on a large scale in the offensive and defensive battles.

Even if the Yue family army is consumed!

The Yue Family Army was very strong in the Cold Weapon era, but it was completely crushed in all aspects in front of the modern army, and even the proud morale was stepped underfoot by the intrepid system soldiers. How to fight this battle?

Being able to resist Richard’s attack, Yue Jiajun was proud enough.

Naturally, Yue Fei refused to watch the Yue Family Army go to extinction, so even if he knew that taking the initiative to attack would ruin his best cavalry, he still bit the bullet and sent all the elite cavalry to bypass the frontal attacking Ming army and Xiang Mingjun. The rear area was interspersed in an attempt to cut off the logistics lines of the Ming army.

Yue Fei’s plan was to destroy the grain depots established by the Ming army all the way and other logistical transit areas. As long as the Ming army’s cavalry blockade was broken, no army in the northwest region could pose a threat to the elite cavalry of the Wei army!

Just as Richard knew about the enemy that the Southern Song Dynasty would face, the Southern Song Dynasty has not stopped studying Beiming over the years. The military composition of Beiming has been memorized by Yue Fei. Except for the main force led by Richard himself to fight, other The local troops are second- and third-rate local guard militias and public security patrols.

Just insert a standing army of the Song State and it can be upset.

This is also the reason why the pioneers of the Song Army were ruined all the way after crossing the border.

However, the mountains bordering the Southern Song Dynasty and the North Ming Dynasty are either difficult to cross mountains or the thousand-mile no man’s land surrounded by green skins. It is difficult to mobilize the army to attack. The two sides can only confront each other here in Sichuan.

Although the Southern Song Dynasty was more prosperous and densely populated, years of wars also emptied the family, and naturally it could not support the army to continue fighting after crossing a thousand miles of no man’s land.

The originally rich Central Plains has become a chasm that the Southern Song and Northern Ming forces could not cross!

This is the destructive power of Green Leather!

The cavalry brigade of more than 8,000 people could not hide from the Ming army scouts, even if they were expelled.

Because it didn’t take long for the Cuirassier Corps and Lancer Corps to gather and sweep towards the area where the Beiwei cavalry appeared.

The cavalry on both sides chased me and fled, and launched a wonderful sports war…

In fact, as long as one cavalry unit does not want to fight, it is difficult for the other cavalry to catch the opponent’s main force in a decisive battle. It is far more difficult for a four-legged cavalry to catch up with four legs than two-legged chasing two-legged!

However, from the very beginning, Richard did not expect that the elite cavalrymen of Wei Wei would fight against the main cavalry of his own Yue Fei, a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty, even if he had not personally fought against him, he could analyze the system cavalry through previous cavalry battle Probably the combat ability, naturally will not rush into it with the essence of his own cavalry.

Even if the Ming cavalry can be wiped out to win the war, it won’t work!

Don’t look at the Ming army now on the offensive, but the gap between the two forces is still quite large. What Yue Fei is afraid of is the strong firepower output of the main force led by Richard Li in the frontal decisive battle. As long as the Ming army’s cavalry blockade is broken, Yue Fei can use movement warfare. The Ming army’s fragile logistics system won this war.

Since the main force can’t win the duel, it is not necessary to fight the main force at all. No one stipulates that the main force must be played in order to distinguish the victory or defeat of the war.

It is also a big victory for the Southern Song Dynasty to force the Ming army back to the northwest region!

The Southern Song Dynasty now needs time most. The battle of the 100,000 Song Army vanguards being raped by Richard has completely awakened the Southern Song Dynasty court. In fact, the Southern Song Dynasty court gave up the Northern Expedition strategy at the moment when the entire 100,000 Song Army vanguards were annihilated.

The arrogance of the main battle group in the court has also become weak.

However, because Richard was reluctant to kill the Chuanshu area, the Southern Song court had to rely on the main battle faction to resist the Northern Ming army, so Yue Fei still had the most capable Yue family army in the Southern Song Dynasty!

At the same time, the entire Southern Song Dynasty court was continuously transfusing blood for the Yue Family Army, supplementing soldiers, spare weapons and equipment, consumed ammunition, food, and so on.

The soldiers on the front lines of the Southern Song Dynasty were killed in blood on the battlefield facing enemy artillery bombardment, and the court at the rear also spared no effort to give all kinds of support!

This is the true Song-Ming total war!


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