From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 402

Chapter 402 Horseback and blade duel

In addition to the miners and other workers, there are hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the front line to produce nothing, and the daily consumption is an astronomical figure. Without the support of the state, it would have been impossible to fight for a long time!

It’s just that the Southern Song Dynasty has more people and consumes more people, and the Beiming side has fewer people, and the consumption is relatively low.

This is actually a very rare phenomenon.

Generally speaking, the offensive team has many people and many soldiers, but now it is the other way round. There is no shortage of people in the Southern Song Dynasty who slander Yue Fei and say that he is afraid of the enemy…

After all, according to common sense, the Yue family army has more than 100,000 elites, and there are a large number of young men who can be used as cannon fodder to defend the city. They can take the initiative to attack, but they were beaten by less than 100,000 people in the Ming army!

The Yue Family Army was the most capable unit in the Southern Song Dynasty. This elite was still crushed and beaten when the number of troops was in absolute superiority. How else would the other Song Army units fight?

The Southern Song Dynasty court, including Song Taizu, naturally did not want to believe that the gap between the Song Army and the Ming Army was so big, did they admit that it meant that the Song Kingdom was full of straw-made rice buckets?

Therefore, the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court will push the responsibility for failure to the front-line generals who are afraid of life and fear of death, and the soldiers have insufficient weapons…

In short, it must not be admitted that the Song Army lags behind the Ming Army by an entire era in military equipment!

Of course, this is also a political need. If the disadvantage of being too far from the enemy’s equipment to be defeated is passed on, it will cause a fatal blow to the anti-Ming morale of the entire Southern Song Dynasty!

In terms of politics, Yue Fei doesn’t care, he only knows that now he must avoid Richard’s main force, otherwise, even if everyone takes the lead, it will only be himself who will lose!

The war with Richard has made Yue Fei deeply understand a truth-flesh and blood can never compare with the power of artillery!

Since it was not possible to face the Ming army, which had the advantage of artillery, the only way to start was to cut off the enemy’s logistics.

As long as the enemy’s logistics are cut off, the Ming army, which has no ammunition supplies, will soon be transformed into a cold weapon unit, and no matter how bad it is, the artillery will be misfired. After all, the transportation of artillery shells is much more difficult than bullets.

At that time, whether it was to defend against counterattacks or force the Ming army to retreat, Yue Fei would be invincible!

Therefore, whether this backwei army fine cavalry can break through the Ming army cavalry blockade becomes the key to the victory of this battle!

This is a high-speed and mobile game of cavalry. Richard did not send out a single infantry company. Even if he happened to collide with the cavalry in Beiwei, the opponent would walk around and couldn’t fight…

As long as the cavalry wants to flee, the infantry can never be far behind…

This kind of maneuver warfare is boring and long. The cavalry of the two sides keep moving, a few scouts often collide and fight together, and the blockade is constantly moving in the maneuvering of both sides.

This time Richard sent all the cavalry units. Cuirassiers, Lancers, Dragoons, and even the light cavalry among the main infantry forces were also gathered to patrol the perimeter of the blockade!

Of course, Richard will not let so many cavalry and the elite cavalry of the Beiwei army spend time with each other. If the elite cavalry of the Beiwei army finds that they cannot break through the blockade and retract, then Richard’s arrangement will be ruined!

Therefore, Richard’s cavalry unit began to expose minor tactical errors in maneuvers. For example, the solitary cuirassier’s “unexplainable” army plunged into the area of ​​the fine cavalry of the Beiwei army, and continued to penetrate without knowing it. …

The battlefield is so hot, and occasionally there are cavalry who go to the wrong place. In the eyes of Fu Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Weijun Jingqi, this is the fat to be delivered to the door!

It is difficult to break through the blockade line composed of the three battalions of Ming cavalry. If one group of cavalry is destroyed, the probability of breaking through the blockade line by the elite cavalry of Wei Wei is not just as simple as doubling!

It is no exaggeration to say that to annihilate or severely inflict the Ming cavalry on the wrong set in front of him, Fu Xuan is more than 90% sure to break through the Ming army blockade, thus completely destroying the Ming army’s logistics line and winning this decision. A battle for the future destiny of the country!

And this Ming army cavalry only has less than 5,000 men, and it is not equipped with bows (bows are obvious, scouts can be seen from a distance) and lances. How can they be an almost omnipotent opponent of elite cavalry?

Whether it is a charge with a spear or a saber, the fine cavalry of the Beiwei army is a housekeeping skill. At the same time, it is also a part-time cavalry and shooting unit, and the horse kung fu is definitely one of the best.

The elite cavalry of the Beiwei Army is also the norm for the elite troops in the Cold Weapon era. Even the Eight Banners before the Manchu Qing entered the Pass, where Richard’s previous life was belittled by later generations, all of them were able to mount a horse and shoot and charge, and dismount a horse to shoot melee. warrior!

Otherwise, no matter how corrupt the Ming army is, it will not always be defeated when it has absolute superiority…

Even if it is pulled out by a single single, the Eight Banners at that time can also sling the most elite Ming army of the same period…

However, in the history of the earth, a country as big as the last years of the Ming Dynasty could not even train an all-powerful soldier. It is indeed rotten…

Almighty arms are the standard equipment of a military power in the cold weapon era, just like the current back-wei army elite cavalry is this kind of arms!

As an all-powerful soldier, he naturally has a sense of arrogance, and there is no artillery on the opposite side. It is a pure melee cavalry There are many pairs less than 5000, Fu Xuan is called a confident…

At the same time, this elite cavalry is also full of confidence in victory, and never thought that he would be defeated by less than 5000 pure melee cavalry!

As a result, Fu Xuan led the Beiwei army with more than 8,000 fine horses to intercept the cuirassiers!

As soon as the two sides met, they divided into waves without saying a word, and started the main force of the cavalry confrontation!

There are many people in Fu Xuan’s side, so naturally there will be a part of the reserve team. Those in front are also a kind of temptation for him. If he can destroy the opponent with riding and shooting, naturally there is no need to hedge against melee.

The Cuirassier was very simple on this side, and a whole army assault came directly!

The opposing cavalry group narrowed the distance very fast, so fast that the two sides couldn’t even shoot an arrow before they got closer!

In the film and television series, the cavalry shoots an arrow first and then draws a knife to hack a person when they are in a hedge. The shooting range is only a few meters.

It is estimated that the opposing cavalry will not even need a second to cross this distance. How can there be time to draw swords and hack people?

However, the 3000-back Wei Jun Jingqi dispatched by Fu Xuan were all in the posture of bending the bow and arching the arrow, and did not hold the spear in the slightest.

After seeing this scene, the cuirassiers on the opposite side did not pull out their scimitars, but instead took out two flintlock guns that Richard had prepared for them in advance!

This thing was built by Richard’s military factory and was specially equipped for melee cavalry.

The musket is good for this, even if the melee cavalry who knows nothing about cavalry and shooting is equipped with flintlock, they can immediately become a pseudo cavalry class!

In this way, two cavalry groups that had no intention of riding and slashing at all approached!

Nearly before the moment, the back-wei army Jingqi forward suddenly split into two torrents, bypassing the front and thrusting into both sides of the cuirassiers!


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