From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Counterattack failed

Although the Southern Song Dynasty had not developed a mature artillery, the small artillery produced still remained in the sample template of the unstable chamber.

But this does not prevent Yue Fei from analyzing the core of Ming Army artillery tactics through a large number of battle cases.

Under the command of Yue Fei, thousands of infantrymen of the Beiwei Army lined up in a “strike line” far looser than the cold weapon phalanx, pulling the battlefield very wide and rushing towards the 30 cavalry artillery positions.

This loose formation is very fragile in front of the cavalry, so Yue Fei excluded the formation of dense arquebus and long spears similar to the Spanish phalanx from behind the loose formation.

Sure enough, the Lancers of the Ming Army launched a charge against the loose bait in front under Yue Fei’s estimation!

Even if there were no dense formations, the gritty Beiwei infantrymen still completed the task assigned to them by Yue Fei, slowing down the pace of the Ming army Lancers who rushed in!

After that, a large number of intensive Spanish-like phalanx joined the battle group, and a large number of platoon guns bombarded the Ming army lancers, causing a lot of casualties!

Of course, before that, the thousands of Beiwei army infantry lined up in the skirmish line had been completely reduced to the fat sheep slaughtered by the Lancers…

Yue Fei is annihilating the Ming cavalry in large numbers by changing wounds!

This is exactly one of the purposes of Yue Fei’s battle. He was fed up with the Ming army’s method of obscuring the field of vision and wanted to annihilate the main cavalry force of the Ming army at all costs!

Everything is in Yue Fei’s plan. Richard’s main Ming army has now collided with his Beiwei army elite, replacing cavalry with infantry. Even if this infantry is his pro-army elite, Yue Fei still feels that it is worth the money. .

If Yue Fei knew that these cavalry soldiers could recruit a large group every year, Richard would not know what he would think…

Why did Richard cooperate with Yue Fei’s tactics so much?

It was not because Richard knew that his own system soldiers could be recruited continuously, but the essence of the Yue family army was dead and one less!

Not to mention the elite soldiers of the Yue family’s army!

The Beiwei Army can hardly be supplemented in the Southern Song Dynasty at this time!

Those are the essence of Yue Fei’s experience in hundreds of battles since his rise in the Southern Song Dynasty!

They first fought against the former Tang’s southern Jiedu warlord, then against the Tang Jun, and finally against the green skin!

It wasn’t until the Ming army encountered the real setbacks.

From the beginning to the end, Li Cha never thought that the Yue Family Army could be eliminated at a lower price. If the Yue Family Army can be eliminated, Richard is willing to throw the entire main infantry regiment in!

There was only one Yue family army in the Southern Song Dynasty, but Richard could have countless main standard infantry regiments!

Therefore, at the beginning of the Song-Ming War, the Southern Song Dynasty was already defeated, and the two sides were not on the same level at all.

The disadvantage of the number of system soldiers can be made up with more superior weapons and firepower!

As artillery fired across the battlefield, one army after another was repelled, and another army joined the battlefield.

Over time, Yue Fei discovered that he had committed a fatal mistake-severely underestimating the fighting will of the main force of the Ming army!

Even though the Lancers are trapped in the cascading infantry array, they are still fighting for selflessness, rushing from left to right and constantly looking for opportunities to sprint!

There are even groups of Lancers deliberately lured to the places where the cavalry artillery fire is concentrated, and then use themselves as bait and a large number of back-wei army infantry in the close-range shotgun of the cavalry artillery to die together!

This style of play has reached the limit of human will in Yue Fei’s eyes!

How did Richard train such a tough army?

Is it possible to use Taoism?

Soon, Yue Fei firmed up this guess, so that all Lancers could become so intrepid and fearless of death, except for Dao Fa Yue Fei could not find any other answers!

Because even his Beiwei army, most of the soldiers were afraid of death, as can be seen from the troops on the battlefield that retreated due to excessive casualties.

When the Lancers fought with the Beiwei infantry, the Dragoons were not idle either. They continued to relied on their mobile advantages to wander off the battlefield and shoot black guns. Once a large group of backwei infantry rushed up, they would get on their horses and go. people!

Soon, the Beiwei Army infantry gave up the attack on the Dragoons and concentrated on destroying the besieged Lancers.

Because the Lancers were not eliminated, they would not be able to attack the cavalry artillery positions behind them.

When the last Lancer fell, the army had been fighting until the afternoon. Under the bombardment of artillery and the killing and wounding of the Lancers, the infantry of the Beiwei Army suffered heavy casualties.

At this time, the cavalry artillery shells, whether solid or shot, were exhausted, and they were beginning to retreat.

Naturally, Yue Fei paid such a high price to watch the Ming Army’s artillery withdraw. He also hoped that some of the prisoners would be sent back to the rear of the Southern Song Dynasty for imitation research and development!

However, when the Beiwei infantry was chasing by the exhausted body, the dragoons who used to shoot black guns like a loach suddenly became brave, covering the cavalry artillery to retreat!

Under Richard’s order, the cavalry can die, but all the artillery must be withdrawn, and even if it is not withdrawn, they must all be destroyed. Never leave a cannon for the enemy!

The execution power of the system soldier is beyond doubt!

The dragoons first used muskets to continuously shoot the stagnant and kill the Beiwei infantry When the Beiwei infantry approached the cavalry artillery team, the dragoons simply drew out their sabers and launched a charge!

This back Wei Jun can no longer pursue…

Another **** hand-to-hand battle started.

After the two sides fought until nightfall, Yue Fei could only watch the cavalry artillery disappear into the night unwillingly, and the remaining sporadic dragon cavalry became the target of venting.

After this battle, the pawns of the Beiwei army lost 15,000 men and completely lost their offensive ability!

The Beiwei Army is not a systematic soldier, and it is impossible to fight again without a period of rest under such huge casualties…

In the end, Yue Fei had no choice but to retreat to the Sichuan defense line with the 5000 remaining Wei army…

The deadly wounded and low morale of Beiwei Army can no longer withstand another battle…

While winning but actually losing on the Beiwei Army battlefield, the 20,000 Yuejia Army disguised by local garrisons collided with the 30,000 Shazhou Army.

This is a battle between rookies, because the sandbar army has more numbers and won with a weak advantage!

The most important thing is that many of the defeated fake Yue Family Army were rushed into the Shazhou Army, and the number of the Shazhou Army immediately rose to more than 40,000!

However, in the event that the Cannon Fodder Shazhou Army achieved a big victory, the Ming Army fought a tragic victory on the last road.

After the main force of the 30,000 Yue family army was overtaken by more than 1,000 grenadiers and more than 7,000 guards who had no artillery to follow up, a tragic battle broke out between the two sides, and they fought for three days and three nights!

In the end, although the 30,000 Yue family army was annihilated, the grenadiers were completely wiped out, leaving only more than 2,000 guards…

Richard used huge casualties to completely stifle the Yuejia army’s counterattack, and no formed enemy army broke into the rear of the Ming army!

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