From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 411

Chapter 411 2nd counterattack

The counterattack launched by the Yuejia Army in February 14th ended in failure, but from the outside world, there was no winner in this counterattack, because the Ming army suffered a great loss!

No one can see the loss of the Shazhou Army, which is no different from cannon fodder. The Southern Song Dynasty always pays attention to the core main force of Richard, an army equipped with advanced weapons called flintlocks and a large number of advanced artillery!

After the Yuejia Army’s counterattack was over, only half of the Yuejia Army who had been dispatched returned to the line of defense.

The core main force of the Ming army is only more than 2,000 guards, and the system light cavalry, which has not been directly involved in the battle, has been acting as scouts and scouts without much loss.

In addition, all the artillery of the Ming army were retained, which is undoubtedly a huge victory for Richard!

Artillery is too expensive…

The loss was so great that the Shazhou Army, which was originally regarded as cannon fodder and the low morale, began to become ready to move, but the middle and high levels of the Shazhou Army were all graduates from the Western Regions Military Academy, so it was difficult to set off a real mutiny and deal with some typical thorns. Later, the commotion of the Shazhou Army was strongly suppressed.

But this commotion allowed Yue Fei to see a further decline in the combat capability of the Shazhou Army!

Although the Shazhou Army restored its number to more than 40,000 by absorbing prisoners of war, due to the sharp decline in the number of the Ming army’s core main force, they could no longer produce enough supervising teams to **** the Shazhou Army to the battlefield to die!

The cavalry troops of the Ming Army were almost completely swept away, and the effect of the war cover was greatly reduced. Now the Yue Family Army is no longer completely blind and deaf as before, but can barely fight against the Ming Army.

After all, there are only a few hundred light cavalry left in the Ming Army. Although the Yuejia Army does not have a formed cavalry unit, hundreds of scouts can still be taken out.

Naturally, Richard knew that his cavalry no longer had an absolute advantage, so he also reduced the range of scouts to explore, and the frontline reconnaissance capabilities of the two sides had been pulled to the same level.

This undoubtedly increased Yue Fei’s confidence!

Although this counterattack was not successful, it also played a huge role!

You know, there are still tens of thousands of Yue Family Army’s main forces in the defense line, and after some rest and replenishment of the Beiwei Army infantry, they can still continue to be sent on the battlefield to fight!

Due to the shrinking of the war supervising force, Richard was no longer able to drive the Shazhou army to death to attack the fortress of the Sichuan defense line.

This became another big proof that Yue Fei saw victory!

Therefore, in March 14 of the Ming calendar, the Yue family army, who had only been resting for more than a month, attacked again under Yue Fei’s order!

There is no doubt that this time Yue Fei’s fighter was very well grasped. Although the Shazhou Army that did not have enough supervising the team to watch has an advantage, it was defeated in the battle with the Yue Family Army!

Perhaps Richard knew that the Shazhou Army was unreliable, so he didn’t even send out artillery this time, which allowed the Yue Family Army to achieve a brilliant victory!

The weapons equipped by the Shazhou Army and the Yuejia Army are of the same standard-broadswords, spears and matchlocks…

Naturally, the person who was beaten by the Yue family army didn’t even recognize his mother…

After winning a victory, Yue Fei gave full play to his commanding talents, and continuously deployed troops to chase and intercept the defeated and fleeing Shazhou Army.

In just one week, the Shazhou Army of more than 40,000 people was wiped out by the Yue Family Army, completely wiped out from the establishment!

The Yue Family Army was able to encircle and annihilate the Shazhou Army so smoothly, and the main force of the Ming Army has been shrinking at the end, and there is an inseparable reason for its retreat.

After the elimination of the Shazhou Army, the Yuejia Army absorbed the prisoners of war, not only losing itself insufficiently, but also breaking the 60,000 mark!

Moreover, under Yue Fei’s various promises, the captured prisoners of war originally belonged to the Song Army system, and their desire for combat was very high, which was completely different from the concept of being under the rule of the Ming Army!

After all, the Yue Jiajun regarded them as his own (originally the Song army), and Richard regarded them as cannon fodder. This group of prisoners of war didn’t have to think about who they were willing to work for…

After losing the Shazhou Army as a barrier, the Ming Army’s blockade was in name only. In the end, as Richard took his system soldiers and the Undead Army to retreat in large steps, even the last “name” was gone…

Under the leadership of Yue Fei, the Yue Family Army officially opened the prelude to the Southern Song and Northern Expedition!

The Sichuan defense line in the rear naturally became useless. The Ming army retreated in large strides, and the Yuejia army had repeatedly won the battle. It seemed to outsiders that this was the rhythm of Beiming to finish the calf!

Because everyone knows that Beiming was a poor impoverished court under the rule of the tyrant Richard Richard. As long as Richard’s main force was defeated, Beiming would be a sand castle that fell in one blow!

The facts seem to be going as the outsiders have speculated. The regaining of lost ground has been sent to the Southern Song court one after another. The Southern Song Dynasty hall has continued to cheer, and Song Taizu started the uncovered conference again when he was happy, and followed hundreds of young girls at once. Unspeakable things are going on in the palace…

In the end, Song Taizu, who was already at a loss, was afraid of the sun But Song Taizu, who wanted to let his descendants spread across the eastern continent, still relied on the elixir’s magical medicine, and worked day and night. …

And the reason why these imperial doctors dared to continue to offer God’s miracle medicine is inseparable from the Prince Group behind…

In a very good situation in the Southern Song Dynasty, as Song Taizu’s body became worse and worse, the battle in the court became more and more fierce!

Under the optimistic attitude of the Southern Song Dynasty court, all the defenders in Sichuan gave up their defenses and were rushed into the Yuejia Army, which was greatly damaged by the first counterattack.

As a result, the number of troops of the Yue Family Army directly swelled to hundreds of thousands!

But the combat effectiveness did not increase but declined…

Because the soldiers from the Sichuan local garrison suddenly accounted for nearly half of the Yuejia Army, if you count the prisoners of war previously collected, the true veteran of the Yuejia Army is already less than half…

However, Yue Fei still tried his best to carry out such a swallowing army expansion. There was no other reason. Yue Fei needed a lot of troops to garrison the regained lost ground.

Those local garrison troops that came in were nominally owned by the Yue Family Army, but they were actually left on the regained lost ground by Yue Fei’s separate garrison troops to maintain law and order, and to prevent counterattacks and harassment by small units of the Ming Army.

At the same time, it can also maintain the logistical route of the Yuejia Army.

As the Ming army retreated in great strides, the front lines of the two sides soon came again to the plains of the northwestern region.

After reaching the vast plains, Yue Fei became vigilant instinctively. Even if the retreat of the Ming Army continued, the Yue Family Army’s pace of regaining lost ground slowed down.

The cautious Yue Fei began to build fortresses in various towns and towns all the time.

The original city wall was demolished by the retreating Ming army. This was a big project. Yue Fei was unwilling to advance lightly, so the pace of the offensive naturally slowed down…

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