From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 Civil war broke out

Although Richard is very powerful, and the authority of the Ming Dynasty is like a haze over the warlords of the Fanzhen who rose on the land of the Southern Song Dynasty, the most lacking of the warlords of Fanzhen is the careerist.

Especially those who have annexed a large amount of Southern Song heritage in more than half a year, and even privately attacked the alliance and expanded a lot of power, and they did not want to hand over their rights.

The weaker the feudal town, the lower the price of Richard’s recovery. The more powerful the feudal town, the more difficult it will be for Richard to recover. The conditions set by the town were so big that Richard couldn’t accept it at all.

The titles that cannot be hereditary can only receive salaries and can be given by the unhereditary king Richard, who has a certain property, but requires certain fiefdom and military and political rights to be retained, and even requires the central court to allocate funds annually. Richard is not happy.

Richard took the army to take back the power of the vassal in order for the centralized system to take root in the eastern continent, not to cultivate a country within a country.

The most important thing is that if all rights cannot be recovered, the total war system will not recognize it. Even if the rights of a county in one of the large districts are not recovered, it will not be possible to build an administrative center and collect air transport currency taxes.

Therefore, whether it is for the all-out war system or the centralization system of Mingguo, Richard must completely flatten all the vassals.

Richard’s determination The feudal towns saw it after the negotiation failed. So those powerful feudal towns that refused to give up their rights began to unite and join forces. Under the common enemy, the two feudal towns alliance formed.

One is the alliance of vassal towns in the Huguang area, and the other is the alliance of vassal towns in the Shandong area.

The territories of these two vassal alliances are not limited to Huguang and Shandong, but the leading vassal alliances come from these two regions.

Because Huguang and Shandong were less affected by wars, had a large population, rich resources, and concentrated a large number of landlord and gentry classes, the rising vassal forces in these two regions were the strongest, and they were far ahead in the subsequent expansion.

As for the feudal towns in other regions, they all surrendered under the coercion and lure of Richard, and handed over military and political power to the official team sent by Ming Guo.

On the other hand, Richard used the troops handed over by these vassal towns to wipe out the chieftains who were behind closed doors and live on their own, and enforced the policy of repatriation.

To bring the Tusi population in Dashan under the rule of Ming State

Therefore, the southern region, which was nominally owned by the Ming State, was once again caught in the flames of war. The vassal towns of Shun Shun were busy suppressing the chieftains and reverting to their ranks. The two major vassal groups, Huguang and Shandong, united to form a coalition force against Richard Ming.

Although the armed forces of the feudal towns in Shandong, Huguang and Shandong are not very good, they are just a copy of the local garrison troops, but there are a large number of them. There are hundreds of thousands of troops registered in the two places, and almost all the landlords and gentry have joined the army.

Everyone knows that once Richard punishes them, they will be liquidated regardless of whether they have joined the army of the vassal.

Furthermore, the foundation of the feudal town is the rich and the gentry class. After all, the main body of the feudal town’s army is the landlord’s armed group training. If they can really go out independently, they will gain great political benefits.

This is also the place where the Fanzhen left over from the Southern Song Dynasty is different from the Jiedu warlord at the end of the Tang Dynasty.

The Jiedushi warlord is at best a military group led by a family, but the Southern Song vassal town does not have a dominant leader, but a collection of squire and landlord armed groups.

The nominal leader of the vassal town is only the most powerful of them. If you want to keep your position and get the support of other squire armed groups, you need to lean towards them in terms of policies to ensure the privileges of the landlord squire class.

If this kind of vassal is allowed to develop, it may develop into the European medieval aristocratic system of enfeoffment in the history of the earth.

Each squire armed group training is a large and small noble, and the leader of the feudal town is the most powerful king.

The king can manage those nobles, but he does not dare to offend the noble group, otherwise he will be pushed out by the nobles.

Of course, the current Southern Song vassal town is far from developing to that point. Instead, it was forcibly kneaded under the threat of Richard. Everyone knows the truth about the death of the lips and the teeth, so the allied forces of the vassal are organized with the highest efficiency.

They also did not take the initiative to attack the Ming army territory, but stationed on the spot, began to build a large number of villages, trying to resist the invasion of the Ming army.

These allied forces have the courage to confront Richard, on the one hand because of their blind confidence in the number of their hundreds of thousands of troops.

On the other hand, because these areas have not suffered from wars, they have naturally never fought against the Ming army. The strength of the Ming army comes from hearsay, and I have not personally experienced that kind of despair. I think I can break with Richard. Wrist off

They don’t ask for much, as long as they can remain independent, even if they continue to hold Richard as their co-master.

In fact, this civil war was initiated by Richard. Everyone was satisfied with the original order of the vassal. It was Richard who wanted to forcibly take back all the military and political power in the place and forced the vassals to surrender all their rights, so they had to protect themselves.

As a result, each of these rebellious vassals molded themselves into the suffering party in order to win political sympathy.

It is also commonly known as disguising yourself as the invaded party and portraying Richard’s Ming army as an aggressor who unreasonably provoked and launched a war.

However, Richard’s name as a war-monger has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The poor and military Ming country even knows the people at the bottom, so this kind of political show has no effect on Ming country.

To put it bluntly, the people of the Ming country were beaten up by Richard’s army, even if it was said that Richard was from the underworld, the people of the Ming country would not dare to let out half a fart.

At most, chatting in private and complaining about a few words of Ming Dynasty’s tyrant Richard Richard is murderous and warlike, etc.

At that time, the tax that should be paid cannot be less than a penny, and the corvee that should be served is not discounted.

Otherwise Mingguo’s law will tell the people in minutes that there is a price to pay for breaking the law.

The law is used to control the common people. The sentence that the emperor breaks the law and commits the same crime is also shouting slogans. Whoever takes it seriously is really stupid. If you want to be true to the national government, it will definitely be the end of the world

People are life-saving, and of course they know how to be a obedience in the face of the power of the country

The demands of the people in this era are really low, as long as they can eat and wear warmth, no matter how hard they are, they will not rebel.

Those who are truly ambitious are the superiors. The greater the power they hold, the more they are reluctant to give up.

As a result, the war broke out between the Ming Kingdom and the separatist alliance.

At the beginning of the outbreak, Richard showed aggressiveness and led the system army to the Huguang area.

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