From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Annihilate the town

Compared to the war with the Yue Family Army, it was so easy for Richard to fight the allied forces of the towns relying on the Tubao Fortress.

The Allied Forces of the Fanzhen Township overestimated their own combat effectiveness, and also overestimated the fighting determination of those landlord armed groups when they practiced facing system soldiers.

In many cases, it only takes a few rounds of unicorn siege artillery bombardment, and the allied forces of the towns in the Tubao Fortress will take the initiative to surrender. When the battle progressed to March 16 of the Ming calendar, the alliance of the towns was horrified to find that they had high hopes. The Tubao fortress group did not consume much of Richard’s forces at all!

Most of the fortresses surrendered by heavy artillery bombardment without even encountering the enemy. Naturally, the Ming army would not lose much…

Even if he could resist the heavy artillery, Richard’s auxiliary army would collapse when he was blasted. Richard didn’t even need to send out the system army!

The auxiliary corps all came from the Song Army soldiers adapted from the previous captives.

Pros and cons!

If the captives were troops from the fields, Richard would be too lazy to adapt. After all, Mingguo’s finances were very bad and could not support too many soldiers. All the troops who were captured were sent to the Western Regions to open up wasteland and farm…

Therefore, although the name of the auxiliary corps is very ordinary, its combat effectiveness can reach the average level of the Song army. An army composed of a group of professional soldiers has a lower morale than a peasant soldier.

What’s more, there is also the superior artillery support provided by Richard. The battlefield has always been a tailwind, and the fighter spirit of the auxiliary legion is still good.

Although Richard could not afford to pay his military salary, he allowed the auxiliary corps to rob the city after breaking the city and use it as a ‘permit’ for victory in battle.

As a result, the Tubao fortress of the Clan Alliance was slammed by Ming Army artillery and auxiliary legions, and they were defeated repeatedly, but they could not consume even one of Richard’s core Ming Army soldiers!

This is very demoralizing!

No amount of armed group training can withstand this unilateral loss!

Even Richard can choose from the prisoners of war trained by the armed group to supplement the auxiliary corps, so that the corps has always maintained the strength of the peak period!

In this regard, the strategic plan of the Fanzhen Alliance to consume Richard’s strength was completely bankrupt…

Since the war of attrition can’t be won, it can only be a battle. The Fanzhen Alliance has worked hard to gather all the regiments to train their armed forces, and finally organized a 500,000 rabble crowd to crush Richard’s Ming army!

What’s ridiculous is that these 500,000 mobs were on their way to the front. Because of the poor quality of the soldiers, the lack of organization, and the existence of panic attacks, a large number of deserters appeared.

When they gathered on the front line of the confrontation between the Ming army, more than 500,000 mobs ran away and only more than 300,000 people were left…

Almost half!

Among the more than 300,000 soldiers, the soldiers at the bottom are generally pessimistic about the battle with Ming. Every night there will be deserters leaving privately. Even if the arrested are brutally punished, the desertion phenomenon cannot be completely eliminated!

Except for the fascinating and self-confident high-level officials of the Allied Forces, most people have no expectations for this battle…

Even if the data on paper is pretty good.

The allied forces of the Fanzhen Township are 300,000, and even if the Ming army is added with the auxiliary army, it is less than 80,000…

The actual main force of the system is no more than 20,000 people, and there are not many artillery pieces as before.

It is the huge digital gap on paper that makes the senior officials of the Fanzhen League believe that this battle must be won by their side.

Next, it was naturally that Richard ordered the initiative to attack.

It is impossible for 300,000 troops to gather in one place. Originally, the allied forces of the feudal towns planned to outflank the logistics routes of the Ming army with their superior strength. As a result, tens of thousands of people went to outflank Richard’s more than 20,000 guards plus Lancers and attacked the whole army. Annihilated.

The Guards only lost more than a thousand people in battle!

This is the result of the battle without the assistance of artillery!

Lancers’ casualties are in single digits…

At the same time, on the frontal battlefield, the coalition forces of more than one hundred thousand feudal towns were repeatedly defeated under the auxiliary army attack supported by artillery. They could not stop even a wave of attacks. They kept retreating and then retreating. Every retreat would lose tens of thousands of people and a large number of people. Grain and grass…

As a result, Richard’s men did not need to rely on their own logistics at all. They could feed the main offensive force simply by grabbing profits.

In this way, Richard easily defeated the hundreds of thousands of allied forces on the front battlefield and tore the entire front of the allied forces in half.

Due to the large number of soldiers surrendered and fled, the coalition forces of hundreds of thousands of domains and towns only left less than 10% to be admitted…

A series of failures completely awakened the high-level officials of the Allied Forces of the Fanzheng, and no longer dared to play any roundabout raid tactics, and began to retreat with the remnant defeated generals.

Richard’s troops were chasing all the way behind, it didn’t matter if the artillery couldn’t keep up, the infantry was lightly equipped and swiftly chasing!

The auxiliary corps is in front, and the guards are in the back.

After discovering that the auxiliary army was out of touch with the main force of the terrifying Ming army, the Allied Forces bit the bullet and fought an ambush in order to reduce their losses.

Unfortunately, because of the poor quality of the soldiers of the Allied Forces, they were discovered before the auxiliary corps entered the encirclement. As a result, the ambush became a head-on confrontation.

In this way, the coalition forces of more than one hundred thousand feudal towns fought against the auxiliary army which was less than half of them.

Because the auxiliary army is advancing lightly and has no artillery support, it is weak in firepower. Even if the morale of the allied forces in the feudal town is low, the two sides will still fight for a win-or-loss situation!

After the two sides fell into a tragic war of attrition, the high-level of the Fanzhen Coalition made a wrong judgment and the opportunity to counterattack came and smashed all the reserve teams in.

Not surprisingly, the auxiliary army was defeated, and then the guards from behind came up because of the two sides fighting for several days…

The ending is self-evident. The allied forces of the towns and cities, which are busy harvesting the fruits of the battle and hunting down the auxiliary army, slammed into the front of the guards, and were beaten to the blood, and the whole army was defeated!

Richard seized the opportunity to send all the cavalry to carry out a large-scale pursuit. The high-level leaders of the allied forces in the feudal and towns who were not able to escape in the future will be bloody, and the last formed unit of the allied forces in the feudal and towns will also be hunted down and lose their organization!

This battle lasted more than ten days , which marked the complete destruction of the allied forces of the vassal and town.

At the same time, the high-level careerists of the vassal coalition forces were also killed in large numbers in this battle, clearing the final obstacle for Richard to enter the two major vassal group bases in Huguang, Shandong!

After the battle, Richard gathered the auxiliary army and reorganized the auxiliary army. Although the number was small, it was enough to defend the place. The forward had the guards as the main force and began to attack.

Because of the collapse of the allied forces of the vassal and towns, the forces in the turf controlled by the vassal and towns were empty. This Ming civil war ended in June 16th of the Ming Dynasty!

All the rebellious areas of the feudal towns were compulsory by Richard to implement the waiver order of land equalization, which cut off the hope of resurgence of the squire class, and at the same time gained the hearts and minds of the war-torn areas that have been poisoned by the military.

After the Ming civil war ended, Richard immediately sent his army to the Central Plains region where there were no traces of humans and the green-skinned areas in the north to launch a’flag planting’ campaign.

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