From the Abyss of Stars

021. Although You Socially Died, I Did It for the LOLs

  1. Although You Socially Died, I Did It for the LOLs


The Rose Army, an active external resistance force since the Frost Republic era. Largest in scale and most influential, even nearing success at times.


Historically, all who rebel against the Four Nations meet bad ends.


Either crushed by the state machinery or briefly succeeding only to quickly fall into the same bureaucratic decay they once fought against.


Li Aozi didn’t believe in the notion that dragon slayers inevitably become dragons. He firmly believed everything was preordained, that certain people were meant to do certain things, and their outcomes were predestined.


The Rose Army’s success was largely due to the unwavering efforts of its three generations of leaders.


Though the Rose Army warriors were brave and great, if their leadership forgot their original intentions, the fight against the enormous Four Nations couldn’t continue.


Despite changes in the later stages, the Rose Army proved one thing: using absolute violence to destroy the Four Nations and then blooming anew in their ruins—this path was unquestionably right.


Jian Nieriya, appearing to be a young Esha-infected girl, had a mouthful of elegant words, like a cultural ambassador.


In reality, she was a well-trained resistance fighter from the Rose Army’s base, with considerable combat abilities.


"Comrade? Really?"


The girl who called herself Nomi shrugged, her purple eye showing disdain:


"No contact for two years, now you come looking for me when the fighting starts? Seems like you’re using me as a pawn."


"I won’t deny that there is indeed such a need."


Li Aozi calmly stated:


"Finding a Rose Army comrade here was a pleasant surprise, but the priority now is to survive."


"You’re quite straightforward."


The girl lay on the ground, yawning, casually saying:


"Ha… A few words won’t convince me. Even if you’re from the Rose Army, you’ve been cooperating with the Medics of the Plague for days. Not a good thing. But you’re sensible. So, what do you want?"


"I want you, Nieriya."




Nieriya punched the bulletproof glass, flipping Li Aozi off and cursing:


"Stop the cringe! What do you think I am, a little girl? Disgusting!"


Li Aozi remained unfazed. It sounded boastful, but with his high Charm attribute, even his used lipstick would have men fighting over it.


Besides, finding reliable male teammates was tough due to the high female population in Frost.


It wasn't out of misogyny. Li Aozi's journey would be long, and male bodies were generally sturdier and better suited for physical tasks without complaints.


Moreover, the Starfall Master class was a solo profession, and managing a force was energy-consuming. Li Aozi planned to recruit a small elite team, making males more suitable.


Additionally, according to official data, due to cultural, economic, war, and political influences, the proportion of males among superhumans was overwhelmingly high, so recruiting more male superhumans wouldn’t be conspicuous.


Li Aozi waited quietly for her response.




The girl crossed her arms, grumbling:


"Just need a laborer, right? Making it sound like human trafficking—fine, you let me out, and I’ll be your muscle."


"Not muscle, security." Li Aozi corrected. "Consider it being my bodyguard."


"Dream on. Trying to make me work for free? No way! Just so you know, once we reach the Rose Army base, we part ways."




Li Aozi didn't waste words, placing his hand on the lock, reversing gravity, and opening the door.


In the next moment, the door burst open, and the petite figure darted out like a leopard, slipping past Li Aozi. As she escaped, she mocked him, pulling a face:


"Nyeh nyeh nyeh—did you really think I’d listen to a stranger? Bye, sucker!"


As she dashed away, she noticed something odd.


The further she ran, the farther her feet seemed from the ground, until she suddenly lost balance and fell onto the ceiling.






She rubbed her face, her mask flying off, grumbling as she stood:


"That hurt like hell—what’s going on? Why am I on the ceiling?"


Nieriya suddenly realized she was standing on a hot light bulb and quickly withdrew her bare foot. Looking up, she saw Li Aozi standing "upside down," looking at her.


"Am I that scary? So eager to leave my side?"


Li Aozi said calmly:


"Why don’t you run?"


"Uh… haha, you’re so funny. With your handsome looks, graceful demeanor, calm and composed, why would I be scared?"


Nieriya laughed awkwardly, slowly approaching Li Aozi, then suddenly threw a punch:


"I’ll beat you to death, you civilized bastard!"


Li Aozi remained unmoved, his eyes flashing golden as gravity reversed again. Before her punch landed, she was pulled towards the corridor’s end, crashing into the door.




The door dented from the impact. Nieriya coughed, rubbing her spine, struggling to stand.


Li Aozi walked calmly towards her again. As she prepared to punch him again, he kicked the door lock, stopping her:


"You were fifteen meters away from this door, equivalent to a five-story fall. Not breaking your bones is already lucky."


Despite losing his Security skill, his 20 Charm attribute made his words persuasive:


"And this door is 120 meters from the next corridor’s end. Want to experience a skyscraper fall? Reminder: even if it’s water below, it’s like hitting a steel plate."


"I’m not well-educated, but I remember, h=(1/2)gt², meaning height H equals half gravity acceleration G times time T squared."


"Initial speed is zero, g is 9.8 per square second. Ignoring air resistance, you’ll hit the ground in less than 5 seconds."


Li Aozi easily dodged her attacks, walking on walls and ceilings, then stretched his hand, raising five fingers:


"Five seconds, that’s all it takes."


"Such a cute girl like you would become a splattered mess."


"You terrorist! Hypocrite! Disguised beast! Damn you! I’ll (social harmony) you!"


Nieriya trembled, her small body shaking. The heavy door creaked as if calling from hell.


Unable to hit him, her fate entirely in his hands.


What kind of power was this?


Even the doctors said he was a Level Five infected—not this mysterious.




Her purple eye began to show red-black signs:


"I’ll kill you eventually!"




Li Aozi acted as if to kick the door lock:


"Then I’ll open the door."




Nieriya closed her eyes, screaming:


"Mom! Murder! Someone’s killing a beautiful girl! Is there justice? Is there law? Waaah, I haven’t tried so many foods, chocolate pudding, red bean buns, mango juice, apple pie, crispy fried chicken, cupcakes, beef pie, cheese pizza, supreme steak, sugar milkshake—nooo, I don’t want to die!"


She cried out for a while, but the expected splatter and blood didn’t come.




Realizing something, she peeked through her eyes, jumping in surprise:


"I’m alive? Yay!"


"Yes, congratulations." Li Aozi’s voice came: "That was loud, very loud. You didn’t die biologically, but look around."




Nieriya turned stiffly.


She saw several medics and infected people drawn by her commotion, all staring at her in confusion.


Nieriya’s exposed skin reddened. She quickly covered her bandaged face.


She used to find the bandages too tight, now she wished for hundreds of layers, or better, jump off a building!


"Don’t worry, you socially died, but it was worth it."


Li Aozi patted her shoulder, whispering in her ear:


"Come with me, I won’t harm you. This might be a chance with many Medics of the Plague dead."


"Stop talking, just take me away!"


Nieriya covered her head, urgently pleading:


"Say you hit me with an iron rod!"


"So, you’ll join me? Comrade."


"Yes! Take me away, you—what’s your name?"


"Li Aozi." He grabbed her by the neck like a kitten, saying casually: "And what should I call you?"


"Nomi! If you call me Nieriya again, I’ll bite your head off!"

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