From the Abyss of Stars

022. Watch Closely, This Man Is Ruthless

  1. Watch Closely, This Man Is Ruthless


【Notification: ‘Nomi’ has joined your team】


【Team module unlocked. You can now view team members’ information】


【Current team limit is 6 members. To expand, join a guild】


Here it is—Li Aozi sighed internally—Classic Star Abyss system limiting team size.


To prevent players from forming illegal large groups, disrupting public order, or spreading illegal information, cyber cults, or spam groups, the Star Abyss team decided to cut it off at the root.


Want to expand your team? Register a guild then. The central server won't have trouble tracking you.


This blunt method effectively stopped spam and illegal groups, but for players who just wanted to play peacefully, the 6-member limit was too small, not even enough for a class outing.


"Nieriya joined as ‘Nomi,’ her affinity isn’t high enough..."


Li Aozi thought, casually checking Nomi’s attribute panel:




【Name】: ‘Nomi Anderson Guesette’


【Race】: Carbon-based lifeform - Homo sapiens - Frost


【Gender】: Female


【Age】: 16


【Template】: Elite Combat NPC (10% bonus to all damage types)


【Faction】: Rose Army


【Total Level】: lv.17


——【Main Profession】: Marauder Line——lv10 [Marauder]


——【Sub Profession】: lv.7 [Guerrilla]


【Health】: 16/55 (Danger)


【Energy】: 176/190
















Racial Talent•Teamwork——New Age humans have strong team collaboration skills. Experience gain increases by 50% when in a team, ineffective when solo. (Active: Current bonus: 2.25)


Professional Talent•Survivor——Marauders are like sewer rats with low attributes and weak combat power, but if they survive harsh battles, they often gain some of the enemy's ‘skills.’ Sometimes it’s equipment, sometimes attributes, even appearance… (Cooldown: 10 natural days)




【Violent Neighborhood】——Damage increases by 10% when using crude weapons.


【Happy Wildcat】——When in a ‘happy’ mood, melee dodge rate increases, reducing the probability of being hit by random projectiles (shrapnel, stray bullets, curses, etc.).


【Well-Trained】——You have good knowledge of military weapons and are proficient at operating vehicles. You can quickly learn and master unfamiliar vehicles.




[Proliferation Mutation•Perception]——Your cells have undergone strange changes, proliferating at tens of times the speed of normal cells.


The good news is, theoretically, this proliferation allows you to recover from any injury.


The bad news is, the more they proliferate, the shorter your remaining lifespan.


Even if you return to health, proliferation continues, leading to the growth of teeth, bone spurs, tumors, and calcified crystals.


However, whether this ability is good or bad makes no difference to you. After all, your life is already pretty miserable, isn’t it?


Try to control the cell proliferation. Maybe you can at least leave an intact body.


Rating: Epsilon


Range: Self


Current Development Level: Perception, with energy consumption at 110%;




【Professional Combat】, 【Expert Wilderness Survival】, 【Path Clearing】, 【Bullying the Weak】, 【Extreme Dodge】


【Tier】: Almost qualified




"Marauder line? That’s acceptable."


Seeing Nomi’s 19 Constitution, Li Aozi was surprised, but understanding her Marauder status, he realized why.


If 【Mutants】 felt like being imprisoned, then 【Marauders】 were at least detained in a holding cell.


The former’s theme color was red, the latter yellow. When warriors and mages were dominant, people joked that only the red and yellow ones were in jail.


With this thought, Li Aozi looked at Nomi with more empathy.


The two left through the back door, Li Aozi quickly finding his hidden stash. He wasn't planning to escape now but retrieved a bulletproof vest from the stash and put it on.


"Wow, who knew someone as powerful as you would be afraid of death?" Nomi seized the chance to mock.


"So you’re not afraid of death?" Li Aozi raised his hand, preparing to use his ability.


"No! Pretend I didn’t say anything! I’m terrified of heights! Please!" Nomi immediately relented, checking out Li Aozi’s collection, not liking anything.


She eventually found a wrench, swung it a few times, satisfied as she slung it over her shoulder:


"This is more like it! Look at your collection of weapons, all knives and blades, so girly! Watch Nomi, the badass, fight! Woohoo~~~"


Having a lively chatterbox around didn’t bother Li Aozi.


He planned to fly solo eventually. 【Starfall Master】’s development route was hindered by too many teammates.


But humanity's initial racial talent directly tied to experience gain shouldn’t be wasted.


"I’ll manage for a while. Maybe I’ll try my luck at Zhengxu."


He remembered there was a chance to recruit a strong teammate there, a "big brother" figure among players.


As for now...


"Hey! It’s been a while since I breathed outside air, stretching, exercising, feels great."


After leading Nomi out of the internal corridor, she stretched and twisted, not like going to a fight but an autumn outing.


Noticing Li Aozi's gaze, Nomi’s purple eye gleamed mischievously, tugging at her hospital gown’s collar to expose pale skin:


"What? What are you looking at? Hey, Mr. Li Aozi, are you interested in my steel-plated body?"


"The title ‘sir’ doesn’t suit me. Call me ‘Your Grace’ instead." Li Aozi casually replied.


"Ew—Don’t think I’m complimenting you, narcissist. Your Grace, do you think you’re a pope?"




Li Aozi rubbed his chin.


【Mutants】 were a mystical class with branches like 【Missionary】 and 【Echoer】, and advanced classes like 【Interpreter】 and 【Pope】.


These were just titles.


Since Star Abyss had no true clergy.


"Bleh!" Nomi rolled her eye, shouldering her wrench: "So, who are we fighting?"


"What do you think?"


Li Aozi patted his arms, packing his things.


Before sneaking out, he had packed a utility knife, stapler, and camping knife, originally for traps, now useful with his gravity ability.


"I just want to hit you—kidding! Don’t take it seriously!"


Seeing Li Aozi's eyes flash gold, Nomi quickly straightened up:


"I was forcibly taken here by Medics of the Plague. The damn doctors kept injecting me and drawing my blood and marrow."


As she spoke, she started cursing:


"(Civilized Frost) Why did they mess with me? I was fine, then suddenly hooded, and woke up surrounded by white coats. They called me infected? Screw that!"


"Can you understand? It’s like waking up to find your kidney gone! And they call you disabled? Damn it, who does that?!"


Li Aozi, despite his experiences, almost laughed at Nomi's rant.


He chuckled and shook his head: "Alright, I get it."


"Get what?" Nomi was confused: "Wait, where are you going? This way leads back!"


"Didn’t you say you hated the Medics and wanted to fight?"


Li Aozi’s words excited Nomi. She rubbed her hands, following him with her wrench, her eye showing satisfaction:


"You get it, buddy. Let’s team up and wipe out the Medics!"


"You said it."


"Of course!" Nomi patted her flat chest: "Don’t be fooled by my size. I’m a guerrilla leader from the Rose Army—"


Li Aozi reached a large door, releasing his gravity, pulling it open.


Clang, clang, clang——!


In Nomi’s stunned gaze, a row of Medics of the Plague security members appeared, all equipped with heavy exoskeletons, arms adorned with red skull emblems.


"Leader." Li Aozi smiled, gesturing her forward: "After you."




The hydraulic exoskeletons whirred, night vision goggles rotated, and Nomi realized fourteen R-103 rifles aimed at her.




Nomi coughed lightly, raising her hands pitifully:


"I surrender!"

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