Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 11 : A Legacy’s Banter: Family Bonds Amidst Uncertainty

Clarice's entrance was as vibrant as her distinctive red hair, a striking feature inherited from her father and a characteristic trait shared by the Whitewood family. Her topaz eyes, a bright hue reminiscent of royalty in the Aurelian Empire, inherited from her mother Elanor Octavia Whitewood, reflected a lineage deeply intertwined with the imperial bloodline. As she approached the table, her aura radiated a potent combination of strength and confidence, mirroring the assertive demeanor of a young Shogun in the empire of Nihon.

The resemblance to her Aunt, Valeria, was also undeniable. The former empress's distinctive features seemed to have found a mirror in Clarice, not just in physical attributes but also in the air of regality that surrounded her. Clarice's physique, adorned with curves that defied the ordinary, spoke of a commanding presence, while her broad shoulders added an element of dominance.

"Hey there, Aunt Helena!" Clarice informally greeted, her voice carrying a lively energy that echoed through the surroundings. However, Edmund's response, "Every time you walk in like that you remind me of Valeria" held a tinge of melancholy, a silent acknowledgment of the striking resemblance Clarice bore to her late aunt, Valeria, the former empress and the youngest sister of Edmund and Helena. To which Helena replied, " She does doesn't she? Makes me want to lure her into the duchy, and never let go".

Clarice's entrance indeed invoked a striking resemblance to her late aunt Valeria, a presence that stirred both nostalgia and a profound sense of loss within the hearts of Helena and Edmund. Helena's words, laced with a bittersweet undertone, revealed a complex blend of emotions—sadness, possessiveness, and an unspoken desire to shield Clarice from the perils that had befallen Valeria.

The mention of luring Clarice into the duchy, and never letting go conveyed not only a familial protectiveness but also an earnest attempt to rewrite history, to rectify the perceived failure in safeguarding Valeria. Helena's poignant expression hinted at the weight of responsibility she felt towards Clarice, a responsibility that stemmed from a shared history and an unwavering commitment to ensure a different fate for her niece.

As Helena acknowledged the parallels between Clarice and Valeria, the longing to preserve and shield became palpable. The words carried an unspoken promise to guard Clarice against the adversities that once befell her aunt. Yet, intertwined with the desire to make up for past shortcomings was a newfound urgency—the realization that, Clarice now held a pivotal role in safeguarding Luke from potential assassins.

"I wish I could have met her. I heard she was very beautiful. Anyways, moving on, I heard that Luke had fought and lost a duel. There was no way Luke could have lost, given how much I trained him as my sparring partner and given how his armor and blade contained one of the best threading and Core available in the country. I came back as soon as I heard and was planning on coming to the DeMontfort Manor right after changing," Clarice shared.

Edmund nodded, acknowledging her concerns, "Yes. But there is a twist. The sword and armor were switched by Cedric through the Lux Hesperus Consortium because his original sword and armor were tampered with. To top it all off, it was Vivienne who asked Luke to participate in the duel instead of approaching in the form of a closed-room trial. Yet, it was the same Vivienne who shocked the academy by pronouncing her support for the opponent when the duel was headed towards a battle of attrition that Luke was winning, breaking his heart and shattering his concentration."

"She asked him to participate in the duel and yet she cheered against him. Wait, don't tell me the Sterlings are betraying us now," Clarice exclaimed, her eyes widening with concern.

Helena reassured her, "We did some investigation, and that doesn't seem to be the case. The Sterlings are not even in the capital at the moment, and whatever Vivienne said is just being cunning, as she always had been. But still, it is a mystery as to who tampered with the sword and armor. There is a good chance that the nobility faction might have tried something, but we have no evidence. Which brings us to why I'm here. I would like it if you could accompany Luke to the Abyssal Borderlands under the disguise of a personal knight to protect him from assassins as you did with Aurelia Vespera in the past."

"So, that's what happened, huh? Sure, I will accompany Luke there and while we are at it, drill into his head how not to let his emotions get the better of him in battle," Clarice agreed.

Edmund, with a mischievous glint in his eye, added, "More than that, I would prefer if you were to drag him into your room instead of your training grounds and give me a grandchild soon."

Clarice blushed profusely, "But Dad, he is six years younger than me."

Edmund, undeterred, declared, "I will give you two years. If I don't see a grandchild by then, I will tie you and Luke up while you're sleeping and lock both of you in a room with no food and water until you agree to make me a grandfather." Helena chimed in, "No qualms with me on that idea. I think I'll even help you with the ropes." The familial banter echoed the Whitewood legacy, a blend of affection, teasing, and shared understanding in the face of uncertain times.

And so it was decided. Clarice Whitewood would accompany Luke to the Abyssal Borderlands. A step that would cause a domino effect down the line that even the mastermind failed to predict.


The late Empress, Valeria.

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