Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 12 : Woven Destinies: Luke’s Awakening Amidst Chaos

March 21st, 853, about an hour after the duel, Luke finally gained consciousness in the academy's nursery. After the emotional intensity of the duel, he sought solace in his thoughts. Memories from his previous life, one where he was a skilled engineer and dedicated otaku, resurfaced. Fueled by his familiarity with light novels and manga, he pondered the possibility of living in a story akin to the popular otome isekai novels. He couldn't remember how he died and so didn't blame Truck Kun for his current situation.

In this life, he was Luke DeMontfort, the eldest son of Claude DeMontfort and Helena DeMontfort. His younger brother, Adrian DeMontfort, trailed him by two years. Vivienne Sterling, now his former fiancée due to the recent duel, was once part of his future. The DeMontfort family held sway as the rulers of the Duchy within the vast Aurelian Empire. At the imperial helm were Emperor Michael IV and Empress Lysandra, daughter of Marquis Astraloria.

The imperial family comprised three children. Princess Aurelia Vespera, born to the late Empress and Luke's aunt Valeria, was two years his senior. Currently, she is pursuing her education abroad. Princess Seraphina Nocturna, a fellow academy student the same age as him, shared his studies. Lastly, Prince Silvanus Nocturnus, two years his junior, held the position of crown prince. Both Seraphina Nocturna and Silvanus Nocturnus were born to Empress Lysandra.

Within the fractured empire, two factions vied for supremacy. The aristocratic faction, led by Marquis Astraloria and Duke Duskwood, enjoyed the backing of Empress Lysandra, who is supporting Silvanus Nocturnus as the next emperor. The rival royals faction, led by Marquis Whitewood and Duke DeMontfort, found favor with Emperor Michael IV, who championed Princess Aurelia Vespera's claim to the imperial throne.

Luke, lost in contemplation, sought connections between his present life and the otome isekai novels he cherished. He couldn't find a direct correlation, leaving him to ponder the possibility that if this world was intertwined with any otome game narrative, it would likely revolve around Crown Prince Silvanus Nocturnus and his fiancée, Princess Consort Lillian Duskwood.

With no luck in reading the current political circumstances to use to his advantage, Luke delved into an introspective exploration of his newfound life, he sought any hidden abilities or advantages that might set him apart. To his dismay, no such cheats or extraordinary skills presented themselves. His swordsmanship, at best, could be deemed mediocre, especially when compared to the formidable skills of his cousin Clarice Whitewood.

In this world, humans possess a network within their bodies designed to circulate energy and amplify their physical capabilities. However, they lacked the innate mana commonly found in other realms. Instead, individuals relied on items known as cores, akin to solar-powered batteries. These cores could absorb energy from the sun and release it at the user's discretion. A depleted core would turn black, absorbing all light that touched it, while an energized core could exhibit a spectrum of colors, from transparent to any hue, including white. The factors influencing core color remained enigmatic in this world, and maintaining a specific color proved challenging, and achievable only by the most skilled warriors.

The color of one's core was a measure of proficiency in utilizing these energy sources. The more control an individual had over absorbing and efficiently using energy, the better they could maintain the color of their cores. This was the reason why this world had a monarchy. The cores are concentrated in the hands of aristocrats and even if common folk could get their hands on them unless they were skilled enough they would never be able to utilize them properly. Only those who are capable of utilizing the cores efficiently have found their way out of common folk hood to the aristocracy. Unfortunately, Luke found himself to be mediocre in this aspect as well, falling short in comparison to his cousin Clarice. Despite his engineering skills, examining and manipulating cores for special uses appeared to be a time-consuming endeavor, lacking the immediate cheat or advantage he hoped to find. If a person has a core inbuilt in their body it should be possible for them to use it to store energy and use it at will. But as luck would have it no human or human-like being alive had an inbuilt core. At least that's what Luke would continue to think for several years until the day would meet a certain Saintess.

Left with no immediate solutions within his current knowledge and skill set, Luke began to contemplate how he could leverage the insights from his past life for practical benefits in his new reality. While he possessed a wealth of information from his previous existence, the challenge lay in identifying how this knowledge could directly contribute to his well-being in the Aurelian Empire.

His memories harbored a vast array of intriguing concepts, some of which held significant potential in this world. However, the realization struck him that the realization of these ideas might span decades, if not centuries, to come to fruition. On the other hand, there were more mundane aspects from his memories that, if implemented, could yield results within weeks to months.

Recognizing the need for strategic thinking, Luke understood that it would take time to sift through his memories and organize the thoughts that could significantly impact his immediate future. Despite the daunting task ahead, the prospect of tapping into his acquired knowledge provided a boost to his morale. With a renewed sense of purpose, Luke redirected his focus toward understanding the events that transpired that day and contemplating their implications on his path moving forward.

A tumultuous blend of emotions surged within Luke as he grappled with the aftermath of Vivienne's actions. The ache of heartbreak gnawed at him, fueled by the stark betrayal he felt. Simultaneously, an undercurrent of fear rippled through him, casting shadows on the prospect of a future without Vivienne, the person he once believed would be by his side. Anger, a searing flame stoked by her betrayal, burned within him, adding a layer of complexity to his emotional turmoil. Anxiety about the uncertain path that lay ahead further intensified the storm of feelings within him.

Recognizing the complexity and instability of his current emotional state, Luke concluded that making decisions in such a tumultuous state of mind would likely be neither stable nor correct. In this moment of vulnerability, he acknowledged the necessity of seeking guidance from his family. With a flicker of hope, he believed that, no matter how dire the situation, he could rely on his family to help him navigate the turbulent waters.

Little did he know that this hopeful sentiment would be shattered in the coming hours as he received the disheartening news of his exile to the Abyssal Borderlands—a development that would reshape his journey in ways he had not anticipated.

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