Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 13 : Regal Machinations: The Empress’s counter Gambit

March 21st, year 853, the royal palace of the Aurelian Empire.

In the opulent chambers of the royal palace, which had withstood the passage of time for more than 500 years, the air was laden with an aura of regality. The exquisite furniture, meticulously crafted over centuries, adorned the chamber, each telling a story of the empire's grandeur. A grand chandelier, suspended from the ceiling, cast a soft, golden glow that danced upon the gilded edges of the furniture.

Along the walls, tapestries woven with the finest threads depicted the empire's storied history. One tapestry, in particular, stood out—a vivid portrayal of the founding of the Aurelian Empire, where the first emperor Aurelian I ascended to the throne, uniting the fragmented regions under a single banner.

Amidst the grandeur, a particular piece that can catch the eye is an intricately carved ebony chair, its velvet upholstery embroidered with threads of silver and gold. This chair, a relic from generations past, and the intricate carvings depicted scenes of historic victories and alliances, encapsulating the empire's legacy in every detail.

Empress Lysandra, seated on her ebony chair, listened intently as the messenger delivered the news of Luke DeMontfort's defeat. Her teal eyes, strikingly contrasting to her pink hair, sparkled with intrigue behind an unfolded fan. Unlike the previous empress, Lysandra was not renowned for her combat skills. Instead, her strength lay in diplomacy and cunning maneuvers within the aristocratic web.

In this empire, there existed two distinct types of noble families, each with its own focus and traditions. The first kind, exemplified by families like Astraloria and Sterlings, possessed abundant core mines in their territories, emphasizing tight control and blood purity. The second kind, represented by Whitewoods and DeMontforts, had fewer core mines but compensated with martial skills, resulting in a more open approach to marriage and alliances.

Contemplating the unfolding events, Lysandra saw an opportunity to exploit the situation for political gain. A subtle grin played on her lips as she envisioned the intricate dance of power that awaited. With the messenger at her disposal, she sought to gather every detail of the duel, ensuring that her moves on the political chessboard would be well-calculated. With a specific aim in mind, she planned to weaken the DeMontforts and draw the Sterlings onto her side, further solidifying her influence in the complex hierarchy of the empire.

Intent on manipulating the currents of power, Lysandra dispatched an attendant to summon her daughter, Seraphina Nocturna and requested the presence of Vivienne Sterling for a discreet meeting. The royal palace, a silent witness to centuries of intrigue, prepared to host yet another chapter in the empire's unfolding drama.

As she listened to the incident from her messenger, Empress Lysandra's mind worked with calculated precision. The revelation of Vivienne's pivotal role in the duel had opened a strategic opportunity for the empress. With a subtle grin, she welcomed the prospect of exploiting the Sterling family's weakness, a weakness now personified in the form of Vivienne herself.

As plans formed in the empress's mind, she contemplated the delicate balance of manipulating Vivienne without triggering a harsh reaction from the Sterlings. The key, she realized, lay in understanding the Sterling family dynamics and Vivienne's position within it. If the Sterlings were to punish Vivienne severely, it could facilitate bringing Vivienne onto her side, but installing her as a puppet might prove challenging amid heightened family distrust.

Conversely, if the punishment were lenient or nonexistent, it would suggest a familial soft spot for Vivienne. In such a scenario, Lysandra envisioned using Vivienne's desires as a strategic leash, guiding her actions to dismantle the Sterling family's influence. The empress saw the potential to weaken the Sterlings and manipulate events in a way that could tarnish the DeMontforts, repeatedly dragging Luke's name through the mud.

For the moment, Lysandra focused on sizing up Vivienne, seeking the best approach to exploit her ambitions and vulnerabilities. 

Around the same time, with the conclusion of the duel, a mixture of relief and concern enveloped Vivienne. Her open support for Serge Von Flakenberg, despite the approval she had always received from her parents regarding her growing closeness to Luke, now weighed on her mind. Although Serge's victory over Luke should make convincing her father to accept their union a simple task, the lingering worry persisted. What if her father refused to acknowledge Serge? This concern, however, would soon be dispelled by an unexpected meeting with the Empress herself.

Descending from the arena, Vivienne found herself accompanied by Princess Seraphina Nocturna, seemingly a pillar of support. Unbeknownst to Vivienne, Seraphina's support was not driven by kindness but by a motive to use her as an example in a moral crusade against societal norms. Seraphina, having witnessed her grandmother's constant abuse by her grandfather, the Marquis of Astraloria, harbored a fierce determination. Unlike her powerless grandmother, Seraphina possessed bright yellow eyes symbolizing royalty, and she was engaged to the prince of the Elysian Principality. She vowed to resist manipulation and shape her destiny at any cost.

Engaged in seemingly casual banter on their way back to the dorm, the two were interrupted by a familiar maid, one of Vivienne's mother's attendants. Vivienne, intrigued by her mother's interest, agreed to accompany the maid at her mother's request, unknowingly stepping into the intricate web of political intrigue. Her limited exposure to the political landscape, thanks to her mother and grandparents, now had the potential to be expanded. For Seraphina, this unexpected journey could offer a chance to glean valuable information that might reshape her fate, beyond the confines of an arranged marriage to the Elysian Principality.


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