F*tanari System

A Relaxing Day Fishing

I stared out into the sea. My legs dangled over the edge of the ship as I looked out. I know some of the bunny-kin guards were observing me as I gazed out into the ocean. My mind was spinning. I was thinking about everything that happened to me so far in this life. It was amazing how much I both changed, and I how didn't change when compared to my former life. I knew knowledge that this world with magic would not come to understand until they went down that path. It made me realize how important some things in life were.

I thought about the society the Bunny-kin made with the mash-up of tribes. I thought about it, and the more I did, the more I wanted to have a standing army for the bunny-kin. A professional volunteer army. Many mages warriors berzerkers scouts assassins. Building it into a professional army that could be guided by a sharp hand into our enemies. This was one of the greatest weaknesses of the land I inhabited. The country was no better than a batch of tribes. No better than a bunch of miniature city-states with different amounts of influence. The Dragonic stood as the top Tribe, but they were slowly losing power to us, the Bunny-kin, due to our powerful mages and growing population.

I didn't know all the details, but I knew I might have started something when all my kids came out talents. Most of them in wizardry. Was that it, though? None of them were at the age to try other professions like warriors, scouts, and other powerful professions. It was their natural talent in wizardry that brought many eyes. This didn't mean I wasn't worried, though. My kids were talents, but that made me love them no more or less. I just had the yawning pit in my heart thinking about them at home. Mina's sadly holding onto her doll of me haunted me. All their sad faces haunted me when I dreamed. I started to meditate more and more often. Dreams haunted me too much, disturbing my sleep. When it grew really bad, I would partake in my women in orgies. It was one of the few moments that they were not haunting me.

I watched out into the Sea, watching nothing, and I decided to do something while I was here. "Is there a fishing rod or something on the ship?" I asked the guards. They all looked at each other, and one went to a sailor and followed some pointing from the sailor. Soon I had a fishing rod in my hand that was meant for deep-sea fishing. I was amazed at how mixed the technology was in this world. I tossed out the hook with a sinker on it. I continued dangling on the rail. I was confident even if something pulled me into the water; I could make it back to the ship with my mana.

I stared out at sea, catching a fish from time to time. One of my women would come and engage in conversation while I sat there. I noticed they wanted me to come back to the bedroom. I needed time to think, though, and declined for now. I was going to make them all sopping messes later for now though I needed to think.

A bucket of fresh fish started to grow beside me as I looked out into the sea. I heard in these seas there were larger predators. I wanted to fight or see one if I wasn't lying to myself. Would it be able to fight my magic? How much punishment could it take? These questions fascinated me, and I was questioning it while I continued to fish. I wasn't tired at all while dusk started to set in and night fell. I felt a Fish on my line, and I reeled it in. It didn't take long, and I got it in my hands. I used a slight amount of mana to unhook it cleanly, and I dropped the fish into the bucket. I cast it out into the sea again for the last time today.

I relaxed with my mind empty, and Emily walked up to me and sat beside me. We both just stared out at the sea with nothing said. I don't know how long passed before Emily talked. "Chelsea?"

"Ya?" I responded.

"What do you think of me?"

"What do you mean, Em'?"

"I mean it exactly as I meant it. I grew up near you since I was young. I was older than you, but I worked hard around you. Even in that heavy research phase where you never left the room for months on end." I smiled at that memory. I was chasing the interaction of Thermite spell and how it interacted in the world. It was my first attempt to create an offensive spell. It is also what brought the spell that I used against the Dwarves. It showed I could change the basics of physics in this world only when it came to mana. It was an interesting path that I was still exploring today. "I have been by your side even as I watch you seduce other women. I watched you change a man into a sissy boy. I stay, and I watch doing whatever I can for you."

I turned to her, realizing this conversation was going somewhere.

"I don't know, but sometimes I feel like a tag along. I am beside you because I am your slave. Although you have never enforced that..." She looked into my eyes. "Am I a nuisance to you?"

I turned very serious. "Whatever gave you that thought?" I asked.

"The other day, you got Mally Tina and Kate pregnant. I know I told you no..." She looked down and about to cry. "I immediately regretted those words. I just really want to remain by your side! You are the only family in my life. If I lost you... I- I- I don't know what I would do with myself! I think I would demand to be placed in the ground with you!" I stifled a sigh looking at her serious demeanor.

I took a second and felt a tug on the fishing line. I let the fish do what it wanted, though, and let it stay on the line as I turned to Emily. "Okay, Em' It looks like I have never been forthright on how I feel..." I looked into her eyes, sparing a hand to force her to look into mine as the waves rolled lightly against the hull of the ship. "I love you; you are my first woman. You selflessly follow whatever I do without question. You trust me without question. The devotion you show on a single day shows how much you care. I know you would sacrifice yourself for me without thought. I do not even know why I deserve your devotion that you show daily. It is not like I do anything but be arrogant and do what I want. Although I do have a large dick and give you a good pounding almost every day..." I heard a light chuckle on that, "That never even comes close to it, though, in all seriousness. My mother literally gave you to me as a present. I have never looked at you like a slave. If I do orders, it is without thought, and I didn't mean it that way. You are amazing. You are you, and I would never chase you away, for I can only be less without you in my life." I then turned slightly angry. "Now, What gives you the right to feel like a nuisance to me? Huh? I never ever done anything to make you feel this way, Em' I have respected you, and I enjoy your company. If you have something to talk about, I am always here to talk to."

I felt the tugging get stronger on the line as it fought the line. It felt like the fish on end got bigger. I decided I would reel in the fish after the conversation was over and used my mana to enhance the line enchanting it enhancing the fishing line's durability. Emily looked in thought as I turned back after that brief moment.

"I- I don't know. To be honest, I just started to feel like this all of a sudden after the offer to become pregnant from you. As soon as I declined, I started to think like this."

"Then Em' do you want me to impregnate you? My offer is still on the table. I have absolutely no problem with you having my child Em'. Hell, If you want, I can make it, so you have twins or triplets to have them all simultaneously. I won't pressure you though, Em' This is your decision. This is your life, and even if you wanted to leave, I would let you no matter how sad I would be. Your choice is your choice, though, and I have never stopped you from making that decision."

Suddenly, the fishing line's strength turned harder, and I didn't want my fishing rod to go, so I started to enhance my muscles. I started to pull back, and my brows furrowed as the line continued to get harder and harder to pull up. "Shit, Em' I got something big help me out here!" A fight started, and whatever was on the other end, was giving a good fight. I was hoping for a shark or something big. It would be exciting. I used mana to enhance my body as well as to attach myself to the railing. Em' got off the ledge and was about to grab me when my instinct jumped. I was about to let go of my reel.

Then it happened. I was tugged off the boat into the sea in a split second. Tossed into the water by the fishing rod being pulled deeper. The sudden increase of strength took me by surprise, and I was fifty feet deep in seconds. I held on like an idiot, but I decided something even more stupid. Curiosity drove me forwards. I taught the guards and Mally how to create a beacon for me to get back. I was going to have some fun. I was itching for a fight after I became B-rank. I started to reel myself towards what was on the other end. I started to use mana to create fake oxygen, and I would have to be careful after I got out. I started to simultaneously cast a slight shield around me to protect from water pressure as we dove deeper into the sea. I was being dragged down faster.

Finally, I saw it. My smile widened. This was a big Fish I had never seen before. My fishing line went into its mouth without hooking onto the fish itself. This fish must have swallowed what I caught. Soon though, the fish noticed me as I neared. I wanted a souvenir of my fishing, so I wanted to take it back. It turned to me, looking to swallow me. It turned and opened its mouth. It was as if a massive hole of darkness loomed before me. I was startled, and my instinct told me I was dead if I entered that abyss. I fueled mana and sprayed out air into the water. It was attached to my hands, propelling me out of the way as I cast it on both hands to increase speed. Its mouth chomped down right beside me, and I kicked the fish as it barely missed. There wasn't much power in that kick, but I kicked it none the less.

Then I started a new game with this fish and me. I would dodge as it tried to eat me. I would continue to use mana to dodge, but I knew it could outlast me. I moved in the water faster than the fish but more apprehensive about my odds. I knew most of the attack spells were for above water, and what I now specialized in didn't have any attack spells yet. I had only started to touch upon the depths of what rifts and the void could do. Then I realized I was an idiot, and I had a solution. I started moving in one direction after dodging the fish. I took note of the fish's properties as we moved deep in the sea. It was roughly forty feet long and five feet thick everywhere but the head. It seemed to have a wider head with it flatting towards the sides. It resembled a hammerhead shark, but it was still not that. It was curious, but I had it chasing after me. It was picking up speed as was I when I felt up to the surface and felt the beacon where my ride was. I smiled as I opened up the void above the ship, and I widened the void till it could hold the fish that was nipping right on my heels. Soon we both jetted out into the air above the ship. The giant fish was right behind me, and I slowed my fall. We were now ahead in about a hundred feet in the air. The fish came out with a wave of water as my rift closed behind it. The fish was faster and I Propelled myself away. The Fish fell, hitting the water, and died as the water couldn't move away fast enough. It acted like it his the ground if you jumped off a building. I smiled as I slow my fall. I then used the void to land on the ship. I smiled as I looked out into the water. The guards were all stunned.

"Bring it in. I want to show it off!" I smiled, walking back over to Emily, who was shocked at everything that went down. When I got close, I pecked her on the lips. "Let me know when you decide. I am looking forward to your answer, either way, Em'. Because I care." I smiled while the galleon came to a stop to pick up my fishing trophey. I started to walk away but stopped before the cabin door. "Em,' the funs about to start don't wait too long," I said, and she was at my sides entering the captain's cabin in a second where a lot of horny women waited with smiles that I got back safely.

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