F*tanari System

To The Open Seas

Leaving the tower was... Hard. My kids were in tears as I left in the carriage, leaving to go back out to do my duty as a high ranking member. I had no idea when I would be back to wipe their tears from their faces. I missed them as soon as the carriage started rolling away from them. Little Susie's tears and Mina cutely clutching her doll of me when I told them I had to leave broke my heart. I had to harden myself, though. Their mothers would do the lion's share of raising them to be incredible people. No, I had to give them the foundation to spring from. Too many things were happening in the world.

I held onto myself even though I cried inside. It hurt so much as I left. Inside the carriage was my women. Emily was beside me with Mally on the other side. On the other side of Mally was Kate Across from me was Asahi and Trisha, Tina and Rose with the little bitch boy then last but not least was Betsy. I was surprised when Rose joined us, dragging her husband. However, it wasn't the fact that she brought her husband. No, I thought she needed to watch over the large company she made here.

She started to explain that while I was deep in meditation, she found a bunny-kin to take over and was a managerial talent. The backing of my family and my mother back in the silver moon tower was under complete lockdown. No one would dare fuck with her company in our territory. I shrugged and told her I was happy she was with us traveling. I felt melancholy as the carriages left the tower farther and farther as we went towards the coast. We would be going by boat the rest of the way as it would be the fastest way to the capital of the demon lands by over a week.

The carriage ride to the edge of the city was silent as sadness overtook me. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me. My eyes widened in surprise, and I saw Mally and Emily Embracing me. Soon everyone joined in, hugging me, and tears started to flow as I broke down crying about the kids I left behind, missing their cute faces. I continued to see their crying faces when I closed my eyes as I saw them when I left. My heart was heavy, and my shame real. I was a terrible father, and I was a terrible person. How many kids was I going to have soon? I don't even remember half of their names at this point. Hell, the more I think about it, the more a lament about it. I remember Susie and Mina as they have the deepest impression on me. I miss them all, but I felt like crap. I started to sob in their arms as the carriage took me farther away from them.

I was just held as I cried in the carriage. Soon we would reach the harbor, and we would set sail. Another journey was on its way, and I had to prepare, but I will let the tears flow for now.

I had no idea how long I cried as I was held in the arms of my women. Three of them were pregnant with my kids. I cried myself till the carriage stopped. I heard the sounds of the harbor around us. My women stopped hugging me, and I stood up. I used mana to make myself look immaculate and stepped outside as if nothing inside the carriage had happened.

I had cried. I shall now move forwards and fulfill my goal now of making a better world for my family. If I was to do that, I needed to move forward with a strong back to carry them forward. I will become the next ruler of the Silvermoon tower. I will go to war and kill those that will stop me. I will make each step reverberate throughout these lands and make others fear me. That was the minimum of what I had to do moving forward.

I straightened my spine, and my women followed behind me. The Galley laid in the bay stocked with everything needing to go towards the Capital of the Demon lands, Jambudvīpa. I watched as many Guards in robes from our military saluted with their right arm across their chest over their hearts where a fist lay with a small bow. I did the same pounding over my chest with my right fist, mimicking the soldiers' respectful salute. I walked up the gangplank onto the Galley. I was horrified by the backward galley, but I said nothing for now. All would be changed when I came into power. First, I must secure the homeland.

With that, I crossed formally onto the galley and met with the captain of the ship. I greeted politely and found that my chambers were once his. I smiled wryly, but a person of my status must have proper accommodations. With the number of women with me as well, the captain happily did so. I thanked him for his consideration. It was an awkward exchange but a good one. We both got along for now. We entered the cabin to find our things were put away for us. I smiled and turned to my women.

"Thank you," I told them, shocking all of them. "I never say it enough. But I thank you all for being with me. I can be self-centered and arrogant, to say the least. I love you all; thank you." I finished, and they were stunned at the raw emotion in my voice.

Soon another round of hugs was in order, but I stopped after a couple of minutes. "Now, ladies. I am sure you know what lies ahead of us, and I want our weapons to be ready at all times. Now let us set up for this place to feel like home. The Trip on the boat would take about a week and a half before we reached the shores. The room was finished quickly, and we left the room to grab food. That was when I saw her. It was Alexia. Her red-haired ears pointed her out from the crew.

She made her way over to where we were eating with a large smile on her face. She sat down in our resting spot where we were eating on the deck across from me. She sat down and looked between my legs. Then she looked at my face again.

"Hello, Alexia," I said slowly with a smile on my face.

"My boyfriend and I broke up, Miss Chelsea..." She trailed off, not looking sad at all.

"Oh, why is that Miss Alexia?"

"I broke up with him even though he wanted to help take care of your child. No, the reason was you boke me in those three days. He couldn't satisfy me anymore. He couldn't take me the way you could. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. The dissatisfaction made me more bitchy, and I started to go crazy with pregnancy hormones. I left the Dwarven kingdom to head back home, and the Ambassador told me he sent his daughter to you in the demon lands. But I digress. This all leads me to tell the Wolf-kin I was dating to fuck off. Now I have been single and missing you." She finished with a wry smile. I then remembered the Favor the ambassador asked.

"Oh, that's news. I forgot about the ambassador's daughter. Thank you for reminding me. Now I hear you're going to be my receptionist and assistant for this stay?"

"Yup, I have done a fantastic job for the diplomats in the Dwarven kingdom. They promoted me to work for an ambassador. Now you happen to be the newest ambassador, and I have had your child. They stuck me with you instantly, much to my pleasure."

"Although this will make me both sad and happy, how is my little girl?" I asked her with much hope in my expression.

This was the first time I saw such a motherly expression on Alexia. "Jewel is the highlight of my life!" She exclaimed, "She is such a talented little Futanari Girl. Takes after her father so much. I miss her already, but my mother is doing a great job with her. I couldn't bear to give up my career, so my mother came in and helped. Your father also came in and made sure Jewel was taken care of with proper education. She is only two right now, but she is a voracious reader. She cutely told me she wanted to finish the Library in the tower before I got back." I almost melted just thinking about it. I wanted to meet her so bad. That also reminded me that I needed to get back into that library.

The conversation conversed with everyone in the group getting along as we ate simple rations on deck—many of the bunny-kin sailors are doing work around us. Soon night fell upon us, and I told Alexia to join us in our captain's cabin. She smiled, following us in. After we entered the room, my loincloth slipped off. I turned around and sat at the edge of the bed, looking at Alexia. She stared at me, then doorknocker. It laid there flaccid like a limp third leg. Her stare was focused on it, not leaving for a second. I let my cock hang out, just letting her stare at it as I took off my top. I watched her as she slowly took a step forward.

Before she reached me, though, I asked, "Do you want to get pregnant again?"

She paused, "Not right now, Miss Chelsea." She told me honestly, "I want to focus on my career for now, and I have my jewel waiting for me." I nodded, and I reached out, putting a hand over her womb, and I enchanted her womb to stop fertilization. I looked in and realized she was in the middle of being able to be fertilized. I cleaned it up with mana stopping it from becoming a possibility. With that done and testing a new void trick, It was all cleaned up and disposed of in the ocean. I was made even happier since I had tested this also on prisoners. That was much more hit and miss, but I reached my current mastery over mini void rifts.

I finished the enchantment and pulled back that hand. She looked at me with a questioning face. "You used more mana that I thought there... Was something wrong?" Alexia asked, and I shook my head.

"No, nothing was wrong. But let us say that If I didn't do some things, we would have another little cutie running around in some months ahead." Realization dawned on her when I said that. I could tell she went into the thought and did some mental math. She paled temporarily, then nodded. She closed the last of the distance and sat beside me. I put an arm around her shoulder, and I put her hand on my dick. "Want another ride of your life?" I asked her the same question in the same way when I first met her. I saw happiness in her eyes at the recreation of the first time with her, and nothing was left anymore but lust as she started to get me hard, and we closed for a kiss.

As she was stroking Doorknocker to full length, my hand invaded her panties and found her wetness. I found her moist core dripping with fluids. I took off her professional skirt and pushed aside her panties quickly. She yelped in surprise with my speed. I smiled at her. "Ready for the ride?" I asked, and she nodded quickly; this time, I picked her up, and her arms wrapped around my next, and the deck swayed on the ocean. My balance wasn't impeded as I lined up Doorknocker and shoved myself into her wet pussy Hard. I didn't stop using mana to enhance my muscles and control to fuck her harder than I had the first time. She was crying out, moaning as she squirted all over my cock. I never paused for her orgasms raiding her pussy knocking on the door to her womb as she cried out my name with tears in her eyes.

Soon the Goddess was being called to for mercy as I laid her on the bed, starting to kiss her as I fucked her brains out. I felt her start to chain orgasms on Doorknocker before releasing my sperm into her filling her enchanted womb full of my spunk.

"Welcome to the Family, Alexia," I said as I pulled out with a smile.

Tears welled up in her eyes and streamed down her face, "Happy to be here!" She exclaimed as I pulled out with cum leaking out her pussy.

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