F*tanari System

Shopping Spree

Things changed. The women around me all started to get excited that I was back, and my days became a flurry of motion. I would wake up in a mass pile of bodies that I fornicated with the night before. I would dig myself out with moans surrounding me. I would then clean myself up and dress in my usual attire, except now I had them in various colors now. The black one cut a nice look, in my opinion.

Next, I would bring myself up to continue to get briefed on the dynamics and our attachment to the Demon lands. I looked at the maps we had and noticed the fastest travel times was by boat. There was a road connecting our countries, though. The Demon lands have many luxury goods with a vast territory. The largest on the continent. They spanned the southern area taking a large amount of the southern coast. The capital was in a unique area defending the center of their politics. This capital city was surrounded by mountains on every side except the coast. Only one land route out a large canyon went through the west side of the mountains. This made for a hideously strong defensive place. On the other side of that mountains came vast swaths of farmland and small towns to accommodate that. Over centuries the Demon Lands have taken land with the patience route. They wait for everyone else to be busy then take low hanging fruits. This has worked extremely well for them up to this point.

Being led by all races in their constitution, the government made it so that everyone was treated equally. This did not mean there were not factions as well inside. Like the Vampires, some were looking to expand more rapidly with a growing population in their lands. The people felt secure, and war did not look down upon it since they have had a long history of winning. Something told me, though, that the reason where their capital was spoke of losses as well.

There was then the conservatives that wanted only to pick low hanging fruit to expand. This policy has worked for centuries for them. This was lead by the Watchers. They prided in the long tradition of victory and think the past policies are perfect for today's policies. I had several problems with that thought pattern, but I couldn't argue with the past couple of centuries' effectiveness on their policy.

The third faction lead by the Devils surprisingly was the Neutral faction. They took it, though, since it gave them more power. Both sides would come to them to take their side. So, in the end, every time a new policy came out, they would always reap some type of benefit that they wanted. This spoke of intelligence that I wasn't expecting from people who loved to fight. This was one of the main sections I would have to convince to join our war effort. Without the Demons, we would be hard-pressed to bring an end to the Empire. It also wasn't like the Empire didn't have allies of their own either.

There was a good chance two of their almost subordinate nations would join them. These nations would definitely join in if the Demon lands did. The possibility of them joining in anyway, though, was eighty percent. This meant we were better off with the Demon lands joining us. The big kicker was how the Kingdom of Arlin came in. They were aggressively neutral, and the Northern beast mountains have been at war with them. If we attacked the Kingdom of Arlin, it would hurt. I also think the Dwarves have allied with them in some compacity. This meant all our borders except the coast would be under threat.

As I was instructed and briefed on the dynamics, I listened and read everything carefully. Many things were going on, and everything underscored how badly we needed the demon lands on our side. The Demons have a love-hate with humans too. Though, the thing is that slavers tend to stay away from their lands due to an increased security presence. Most of their races patrolled the borders more thoroughly and ran military patrols across major trade routes.

As soon as I saw this, I wanted it for my country. It wasn't apart of our countries internal dynamics, though. We were separated into tribes, and excepting national defense, we were quite separated. The power was distributed weirdly as well. No one reigned supreme but the Dragonic since technically we are squatters here for several centuries. This made the problem of consolidating power hard too. We were like separated states with no federal level. We had foreign policy dictated to us by various tribes as well. Bunny-kin being one of the main powers, but we were not the most powerful.

This was a fucking mess. At least the Bunny-kin had control of the Demon lands relationship. The more I looked at the political situation, the more I understood the problems that plagued my father. The problem is that the things I suggested would be easily within our control and our budget ability.

It was a frustrating situation that was growing more out of control. The three top tribes kept each other in check, with none able to completely rule over the others now. For now, the Dragonic are in control, but that is because they are the most powerful with their innate control of wild mana. I still wasn't sure what that completely meant since I hadn't seen it. The second reason is for respect to their ancestors that saved our people. The problem was that we needed some government system, and at this moment, there was none.

This was my morning lamenting over things I was not in a position to change. This made me frustrated, to say the least. The afternoons consisted of me practicing my control over my new ability to control the Void. It was interesting, to say the least, and challenging. The image's in my mind and understanding were rudimentary at best. I understood many things in it but understood even less. This made me even more frustrated about it. At this point, I learned all I could do was suppress other's mana and move through the Void. I was having troubles even with that, though, since locating the exit of the void in an area you want wasn't easy. I learned that most of what I was doing was based on instinct.

Understanding the void was even harder since it was against all that I knew in my previous life. The only thing that touched based upon it was quantum mechanics, and that was questionable at best. My understanding of other elements was much deeper. Something didn't push me into what was considered B rank adventuring now. My standing now had become that of a B-rank, and I was still considered at a very young age—this cemented status within the tower.

I was still a low leveled B-rank, but even that was better than C-rank, as I had come to understand. Any B ranker changed your status in this world. The fact was that with my mana and breakthrough in understanding, I could solidify atmospheric mana in such a way that weaker beings couldn't use it. I tried it with an A rank and a B rank Wizard. This gave me new respect. A rank couldn't stop a B rank from casting, but it severely increased casting cost. It is the same with a B rank person trying to suppress someone of the same rank. A rank just meant they could cast mana faster and with better understanding.

It was amazing, and I loved all the discoveries at this time. Next, I was setting up the lab for my next experiment. I talked with Rose, and I had started to get it ready. I was cutting my time short, but I was about to start today.

After a week of doing things, I was now about to do something that I wondered about—body modification. My theories were all in place, and with mana, I could do anything. Permanent change, though, took time. I had set aside a period of time every day for the next bit. The little bitch boy even gave consent. This was going to be an interesting experiment. I was going to put a womb in his body. I found where I thought I could add it as well. I don't know if Rose forced him to do this, but my interest was piqued, and I was already wondering if I could pull it off. But instead of doing in the little bitch boy, I decided to get captured bandits brought to me. This was fairly common for our tower.

My new lab was not as close to my old lab on the third floor for the apprentices. Nope, this one was in the basement on the thirty-fifth floor. It was near others of import. This was one of the privacy areas, and I had it set up with many live-saving alchemical ingredients. No matter how much or little I cared for this person, I did not want him to die. In fact, it was against my own interests. As I set up, Emily appeared by my side, getting things to the shape I wanted them in.

From my early years, she understood how I liked things and made it that way. Soon the operation would begin. I finally finished setting up, and the room was immaculate. I stepped outside, and a blue robbed woman was outside. I recognized her as the guard on our way back into the country that reported to my mother. Behind her was a man with several bruises and restrained with rope. I felt out with mana noticing that he was at least a D-rank level fighter.

"Bring him in," I told the guard, and she wordlessly brought him in. This became the next part of my day experimenting with the effects of creating a womb inside a man. What I learned over the next couple of weeks was that the room inside the body was one of the harder things. That guard became a very new person around me. She remained quiet at this point.

Then, at the end of my day, I would go back to my room, play with my kids for a couple of hours, play with them, be their dad, and eat a meal with my large family. This was my favorite part of the day and the most relaxing. All my kids were adorable, and their mothers were working their asses off heading so my kids. The general noise never bothered me, though, as I looked over the sea of silver-haired kids. I would then help their mothers put them to bed after a bit more playtime.

Then came the end of my day, where I would find further relaxation having sex with my women. It was fantastic, and I found myself feeling love towards them all. Every night for hours, my bedroom would erupt into an orgy of me with several women. Asahi and Triasha would join in fucking me sometimes other women in my area. It was amazing each time and allowed me to blow off my frustrations on my inability to change the direction of our tribe.

Days kept rolling on like this, and more pregnant women were in my orbit as their pregnancies were confirmed. I was delighted with the state of affairs as my mother talked sense into him. My mother worked hard on it, but all the kids who were given birth to while I was basically whored out were supposed to come to live here once they were born with their mothers. Many of them were happy to live in the Silvermoon tower and enjoy the benefits that came with it.

My closest women, Mally, Tina, and Kate, all found out that their pregnancies were confirmed. They all had joyous faces when they learned from the doctor. When I asked Rose if she wanted kids, she just said no and that she wasn't ready for that yet. I dropped the subject since it seemed to be a sore point for her. Emily refused at this point since she wanted to be in top shape when we went to the demon lands. I told her that she didn't need to be and that I could help take care of her. She got outraged at me. I dropped it there and then. Betsy just scoffed at this point and walked away.

Betsy was a unique woman in my close confidants. She joined the ride more or less since her intuition told her to. She liked getting fucked just like my other women but wasn't that close to me. I also knew a kink in that girl I hadn't found yet that would drive her crazy. My intuition told me she was a closet pervert.

The day was fast approaching as final preparations were being made, and I started to say goodbye to all my little kiddies. I took the time to say it to each little girl in a one on one setting. I tried to take as much time as they needed. Then I took some alone time after I did that. As this was all going on, my whole family, excluding my father, held a birthday party for me. I hit sixteen years old. That reminded me of something that I wasn't going to forget to do before leaving.

I found a spot finally where I was on my own and pulled up the System.



Name: Chelsea

Age: 23-years-old

Titles: Heir to the High Silver Tower, Magical Genius, Research Maniac, Survivalist

Race: Beastkin - High Magical Silver Bunny-kin

Level: 4

XP: 22535/1000000

System points: 278600

Mana: 30000/30000

Strength: 55

Agility: 67

Reflex: 70

Vitality: 100

Toughness: 92

Charisma: 70

Ingenuity: 54

Intelligence: 117

Wisdom: 167

Luck: 22

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items available;

Inventory - 0 slots Available;

Lottery - Available;


I noticed two things. I had boosted a lot on the Vitality. Then System points were pretty high. I was thrilled with this turn of events and started to look over things. I was going to opt-out of the Wisdom candy for now and looked towards other things. I looked at a couple of things and started to buy them.


Shamefully Brilliant - 1000 Points

Calligraphy Talent - 5000 Points

Drawing Talent - 15000 Points

The Bottom of the Barrel?!? - 7500 Points

Evasion for Amateurs - 10000 Points

Brewing is an Art - 15000 Points

The Flow is Optimal - 5000 Points

inflatable Buttplug - 200 points

Star Seeds - 20000 Points

Rifts and Their Uses Book - 100000 Points

Luck Candy - 10000 points

Regeneration Candy - 50000 Points


After that shopping spree, I came to thirty-nine thousand nine hundred system points left. I was happy with the fact my ranking up to B rank increased my vitality. I then started to read the descriptions.


Shamefully Brilliant:

You are brilliant even when it comes to things not supposed to see the light of day.



Calligraphy Talent:

Your penmanship will make others feel your emotions through your writing, leaving them in shock and awe at your amazing ability to write with the cleanest to messiest strokes.



Drawing Talent:

Drawing is not just an art. It's a talent that works its way into moving something from the imagination to reality.



The Bottom of the Barrel?!?:

Your tolerance for alcohol is amazing, and your liver eats fermented substances with ease.



Evasion for Amateurs:




Brewing is an Art:

Fermenting is an art form and a science. Brew with the best and drink with the worst.



Flow is Optimal:

Blood is integral to the body, and control of it impossible until you decided that it was. This skill allows the control of the blood in your body when trying to.



inflatable Buttplug:

A butt plug with a pump to increase its size to force it to stay in place. The pump is removable to tease that person in your life.



Star Seeds:

A rare seed that was thought to be extinct.



Rifts and Their Uses Book:

A book is written by a person forgotten in history. His deeds were lost with the flow of time in the Arcane era. His talent in the Void was legendary and was hunted down by many. His tales were lost through time.


Once I finished reading them, I was somewhat pissed and happy. The star seeds didn't outright tell me what they were, which was annoying, but I would plant them when I had the chance. I made sure to have them in a special inventory slot for those types of things. I thought about that butt plug. A smile appeared on my face as I thought about Kate.

I was most excited about the book, and I didn't wait any longer and opened it. I started to skim through the first page, and the theories and complexities started to give me a headache. He touched base on some of my theories but went much more in detail, and I had to close the book and start processing the information due to how abstract and complex they were.

I decided I would finish this session soon since I wanted to join back with my family. I took the Regeneration candy, and it tasted super sour.


Congratulations, You have partaken in the Regeneration Candy Unlocking Stat Regeneration



You have Received an Initial Regeneration Stat of 15


I then took the Luck candy. Receiving the same nostalgic taste, I got each time. The taste was followed by the familiar prompt.


You have Taken the Lucky Candy. Spin the wheel.


I spun it, watching it move faster and faster around the board. Then it slowed and landed on a two. I wanted to curse at the board as it did so. I took a final look at my status to confirm things before I was to leave.



Name: Chelsea

Age: 23-years-old

Titles: Heir to the High Silver Tower, Magical Genius, Research Maniac, Survivalist

Race: Beastkin - High Magical Silver Bunny-kin

Level: 4

XP: 22535/1000000

System points: 39900

Mana: 30000/30000

Strength: 55

Agility: 67

Reflex: 70

Vitality: 100

Toughness: 92

Regeneration: 15

Charisma: 70

Ingenuity: 54

Intelligence: 117

Wisdom: 167

Luck: 22

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items available;

Inventory - 0 slots Available;

Lottery - Available;


I finished swiftly, and I was happy with it. As I walked out of the room, though, I realized I had been missing something that always laid there that I have never tried—the Lottery. The things leftover in my shop at the moment were things I either didn't need or way too expensive. Some of the best things I had received didn't come from the shop but random chance. Was there a chance that I had been shooting myself in the foot, not trying it? I hated gambling in my previous life, and I still can't stand the thought of it. But this is a system of the gods. Maybe I should try it out?

With thoughts rolling through my head, I went back out to my family to enjoy my last days here before heading out to the Demon lands.

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