F*tanari System

Ambassador Ralph

My feet quickly brought me to the room housing the previous Ambassador. I looked at Alexia, and she knew I was in a terrible mood. It would not be long before the entire Embassy knew that it might be better to be away from me at this moment. I didn't think I would lash out with no target in mind like some probably would think I would, but at this moment, I couldn't promise anything. I knew where the anger and pain came from; It was no one's fault but my own.

I couldn't blame the Succubus Queen Mira, and She was doing what she was doing for her people. With the little information I had on the Succubi, they constantly worried about where to get sexual energy. It was also the reason why so few Succubi women were with incubi men. They both needed an excessive amount of Sexual energy to conceive. That was one of the primary reasons for so many to travel beyond the Demon lands. They had a journey system like our own to weed out the weak from their numbers.

It also allowed them to store sexual energy at an enormous rate. It called into question many beliefs I had about child birthing here in this world. It was also a topic I didn't want to dwell on too much at this point. It was simply that I had too many things to be thinking about. Still, I had made a mental note to do some experimentation and exploration of the topic in the future. I am sure some records would sate my curiosity inside the Silvermoon Tower's vast library.

That brought me back to the present, where I was trying to distract myself from the subsequent inevitable collision. The piece of shit ex-Ambassador Ralph laid on the other side of this door. He was one of the three ambassadors that shrunk from his duty and landed me in this blind state that I am in. He also had many secrets that were of incredible worth to me at this moment.

I took a deep breath, and Alexia spoke up, "So this moment will be the last opportunity to talk to him," Alexia noted,

"Yes, it is," I said with another sigh, trying to release my anger, "He has much to answer for at home, Although I am not sure if sending him home by Sea is the best choice," I told Alexia.

"Why do you say that?" Alexia asked.

"He was probably funding Pirates, and some might come to save them. Also, I do not know who else is funding these Pirates. There are too many questions on that front that we are better off sending him by land back to the Tower. It would dramatically reduce the risk with the guards that we have available. Still, that would take more time, and the council has ordered he be brought by boat." I finished another sigh of pent-up anger left me.

My hand reached out, and I opened the door to the prisoner inside. Orange hair and fur were visible as he sat on a recliner reading a book. He looked up at my sudden intrusion with an angry look on his face. "Well, You finally decided to visit me," Ralph said, putting a bookmark into the book. "I take it you're finally letting me go home?" He asked in the end.

I couldn't help myself, and my smile grew, "Yes, The council has told me to release you back to the nation. They told me that they gave the Succubi enough time to come up with evidence. Since they haven't done so by now, we are sending you home. Today was supposed to be the day that you got sent back." I told him with a smile. I motioned to another chair in the room, and he nodded. I sat and turned to him. "Something happened down at the docks to delay that. I also found that I needed to come by and ask you some questions myself. That is what has brought me here." I finished.

Alexia watched me from the doorway and realized that I took the diplomatic route for things. She closed the door, silently enclosing us both in the guest room for Significant persons that had become a jail cell for Ralph.

"That is an interesting thing since you never seemed to want anything from me in the first place," Ralph commented, looking at me with a sneer. "You even treated my loyal secretary like a toy in front of the Succubi representatives. Fine, though, I will bite; what questions do you wish to ask?"

"Well, that was friendly," I said sarcastically. Our bad blood was already out in the open no need to hide it, "Well, Mr. Ralph, Tell me what you know about the previous spy ring. Why has it been gutted to nothing?" I asked him, leaning back.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, but it already was gutted when I got here. The funds were loose, and when I talked to the previous ambassador, he never gave me a reason. Indeed it took me a couple of months before I even notice the absence." Ralph replied.

I could actually believe that; This man's most significant problem was incompetence. I could see that actually happening with him since he seemed to gloss over small things like that. I could be wrong with that, though, but I kept my mouth shut. "Where did the gold for that go?" I asked.

His eyes narrowed only for a moment. He then sighed and leaned back, "This stays between us, but I funneled it into several businesses that I created here in the Demon Lands. Got a significant nest egg here for a time." He told me, but I looked into the succubi records of that. He had fifteen businesses all over, all in various states of profitability. They also were steaming gold back out to somewhere.

"Ralph, Let me be real with you. I think the Succubi were onto something with that investigation. I want to know where you were embezzling more funds too. And don't tell me to more businesses. I know you haven't lied to me yet, but you better not now. Otherwise, I will cancel your safe boat ride back to safety. At this point, the people back home don't know you have done anything wrong. I can keep it that way." I told him, flat out lying to the bastard.

On the other side, Ralph started laughing at my question, "Do you think I am that easy?" He asked me. "If you're talking to me, the succubi got nothing, and you wish to sell me to them. I have contacts back home that can help me escape punishment. Here I can't, so I would rather take my chances with you telling them." Ralph's said after a small break.

I sighed and knew it wouldn't be this easy. "So there is someone that you are funneling funds to. I can't quite find out why, though." I spoke out loud, and Ralph watched me. I took the information I knew about Ralph and started to flick through it in my mind.

"First, he was a Bunny-kin. Bunny-kin is not only raised to be sexually active and open but to further our studies. We worship the strong with a fanatical base that scares most. Ralph was a wizard but not a powerful one. That spoke of his contacts back home. He seemed to care for his people, though, when he talked about that secretary. Like it was a personal insult to him when I did that. It was her fetish, though, and she loved that fucking I gave her.

I then remembered that although she was Ralphs personal assistant and Secretary, she never had a child. She wanted one, and that was odd. I was a woman with many kids since I impregnated so many. But I think I have Bunny-kin genes now in my bones how much I spread my genetic material. It was a personal pain of mine how much I spread it. But I never heard of Ralph having any kids. It was unimportant, but I felt like it mattered.

To my knowledge, although I have the most kids of my siblings, I was also an Aunt to several nieces and nephews. I had never met them, and it wasn't something significant to me since I don't know my siblings very well. But the fact of the matter was that Bunny-kin breed fast and often. I was basically a representative of that.

So Ralph wasn't a typical Bunny-kin. He sent his funds somewhere, and he must have a sexual drive. That might not be absolutely true, but I had a feeling that I needed to learn more about Ralph. "Were you embezzling to spend on whores?" I asked him.

Ralph looked shocked at my sudden question and accusation. "Fuck you! Of course not!" He exclaimed quickly, "I resent the accusation, you perverted slut." He continued.

"I can't fault at the apt descriptions of me," I replied with a wry smile. "Still, I think you need to tell me where those funds went, Mr. Ralph; I think things will be easier that way for you," I told him seriously. "Otherwise, I will start to put my contact's against yours back in the homeland. It will be a political battle between us. I already replaced you here. Would you like to see who's contacts are better?" I asked him.

Although I had very little political contacts throughout our tribe, I knew people who did. The uncles who taught me magic at a young age still liked me. And although I may have learned from them, they learned from me too. They loved the glee I took to research, and no one in the positions they have reached wouldn't have contacts among the political area in our nation. Besides, the Silvermoon tower was the political area of the Bunny-kin tribe. I was the Heir, and I had my mother to back me up to top that off. All of this was well known among everyone in Silvermoon Tower, and I was now making use of this knowledge.

Ralph sitting across from me, frowned in thought as he realized the implications of the situation if that came to pass. What he didn't know was that a death sentence was already over his head if he ever arrived in the homeland. What he didn't know, though, was what I was capitalizing on. I needed him ignorant, and I was happy that he seemed not to know the Situation. Most of his people were replaced in the weeks as I traveled here as well. Florine and Yuri were new here too, shipped in from our country to be my new helpers in this nation. I wished I could have had more of my people that I didn't have to do the takeover, but I couldn't have everything.

At this point, though, the information that he was condemned wasn't widespread. All people knew was that he was leaving on the boat that brought my sister and brother. I wanted to keep it that way.

Ralph sat in silence as the thoughts rolled through his head. After an hour passed by, he sighed. "I only know one thing." He turned to me. "Most of those funds were not going to a pirate gang. I am not even sure what they are. What I do know is that many places around our city have become the victims of a new organization. I used the Embassy funds to pay them instead of my own. The rest were for my businesses and starting new enterprises." He finished. "Now get out; I will start packing my things to go." Ralph stood. He walked past to the door opening it and said one thing as I started to walk out. "Oh, and the rumor is that the leader of this organization is at least B rank. I really don't know more than that. If you own a business here and it is lucrative, I am sure you will meet a representative soon enough." I stepped out the door in thought as he slammed it closed.

I turned to look back at that closed door with a sneer. The condemned man, on the other side, may have lied to me. But if what he said was true, I would be seeing a representative soon. I wondered how that experience would be. If their leader is a B rank, they better back the fuck off. I have myself and Florine to fight with them. I am also sure I could invite Francis for a Brawl if they wanted to insist.

My sneer turned to a smile with that thought, and I turned away. There was a lot to think about, and that anger was still in the back of my head, slowing down my thoughts. Maybe it was time to invite Francis to another fight in the arena.

I saw Alexia on the other side of the door while I quietly contemplated. She noticed that I was in thought, and I started to walk away. She followed me while I was in thought silently. I brought us quickly away from the prisoner that remained in that door behind us. "Florine can take her prisoner to his transportation now. Make sure that everyone thinks that he isn't a prisoner, though, if you can." I told Alexia while my thoughts moved.

Something bugged me about the ambassador still. It was bothering me immensely, and I couldn't pin it down in my thoughts. Something in that conversation may be one of the thoughts I had or something he said. The organization he talked about could somehow extort an ambassador must be powerful, But that wasn't it.

My thoughts continued to move as I walked back to my apartment with only my thoughts to accompany me.

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