F*tanari System

New Frustration

A night of releasing frustrations happened in the apartment after finishing with Ambassador Ralph. My women loved it, although I could see worried looks from all of them. They understood that I didn't want to talk about it why I was so angry. I felt raw from the emotions that were renewed over callously negotiating for access to my children. Still, I would have to work on it exactly like this in the future, it seemed.

I would have to calculate how to keep access to their cute faces coldly. I was also highly interested to see how Succubus children would come out. It was a latent curiosity that seemed to eat at me. Would they come out as Futanari as well? The problem was this just increased my desire to keep my children and their mothers around me. My sex drive, though, continued to create emotional issues for me. I needed to get control of myself, and I didn't seem to be doing that.

It was something that I learned that I needed to control about myself years ago. Then I found something to have intercourse with, and it disappeared from my mind. Even during negotiations, I could keep a cool head but was one hundred percent on board with going ahead in impregnating someone while I did so. It was a fallacy that I couldn't get control of, it seemed. I loudly sighed as I got up from the bed that I wasn't sure who cleaned anymore. Emily probably, if I guessed.

Emily these days seemed so much happier after I got her pregnant. She had been with me for so long that I was happy that she felt that way. I had a permanent soft spot for Em' as she got out of bed. She was starting to look bigger every day, and with two kids, she would be as large as Mally seemed to be getting. Mally's smile seemed almost permanently etched onto her face even as she was worried about my frustrations.

It seemed my anger and frustrations had started to leak out more than I thought. Although I released many of my pent-up frustrations in Kate's ass and the little bitch boy of Roses again. I had found I wanted to do something more sadistic. I remembered that plan I had for the little bitch boy; thinking about some of the things I could do to him brought back a smile to my face again.

When Kate joined us, I think back to when she woke up a sadistic part of myself that I couldn't deny. I never knew I had it, but I started to learn differently. Still, I had things to do, and changing that bitch boy's anatomy to learn new things wasn't in my schedule today. I got out of bed and into the shower. To my displeasure, no one joined me, and I couldn't understand why until I exited to see Alexia standing there with a soft smile. "You have too many things to do today, and you already put off your older brother. Although you dislike him, you can't ignore him." Alexia said sternly, waking me up.

I sighed and nodded. I had been avoiding him only to make my displeasure even more loudly known. This would limit his power inside the embassy and make it harder for him to get things from people that he might need. That could be a dangerous thing in the end when you're an alchemist. Sometimes you might need something that you had either forgotten or needed to be done. This was more true when you are experimenting. The thing was that the potion that he would be making would be a complex process that needed absolute precision. That was the central problem of it. Alchemy was precise, and this potion required even more precision than the vast majority. I had failed at a rate even when I had gotten used to the process while locking myself up with the potions.

This all came to the fact that you needed other people to grab the supplies promptly while keeping yourself in optimal condition to create the potions properly. These potions were needed and costed a decent chunk of gold to make as well. All that leads to the point that I didn't want any of his help to try messing with him if they wanted to get on my good side. Although I kept my head out of the employee and servents politics, I was aware that it was there. My women tended to keep more track of it, it seemed. Still, they never spoke of it to me; I really hoped that everything 'behind the scenes' remained harmonious. That didn't change the fact that I wasn't aware that it might become a problem in the future if I wasn't careful. I knew that the harem I started to cultivate here in this life would eventually have even its own political mess if I kept expanding it. That was how it worked and how minds worked. I wanted all my women to get along, though, and never wanted a political culture to develop.

Still, I was also the heir to a throne technically and already had many children that I needed to care for without my knowledge; that could have already happened. It was a troubling thought path to go down.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft cough. I looked up to Alexia, "You seemed to be lost in thought, and that doesn't change the fact that you need to see your brother very soon." Alexia said with a polite smile. "You have a meeting with others as well. Does the Imps representative ring a bell?" Alexia said.

I almost cursed remembering the meeting with the Imps. They were a species that tended to ride behind the devils. They were short and pointed ears differently from the elves. And out of all species in the world that I knew about kept the closest to Bunny-kin's in the ability to increase population quickly.

"Yes, Yes," I said, getting on my loincloth and started to put on a shirt quickly. "Your right. I am getting lost in thought. I think I need a vacation someday," I chuckled, and Alexia shook her head.

"Your appointments are filled for another month," Alexia said, "You keep moving things back as well." Alexia held up a hand as she noticed I was about to say something back to that. "I understand why Chelsea. That doesn't mean that every one of those meetings isn't important. Many are also noticing your closeness to the Succubi tower representatives. This will create resentment among other towers if you keep pushing back their meetings for them." Alexia's voice was stern, and I turned to her with a sharp look.

"You wouldn't have mentioned that if that might already be starting," I said, probing her as I finished getting ready.

"You're correct. However, it is only with the species that were already on the side of disliking us. Still, that might start happening with the neutrals and the ones more closely allied to us if it doesn't decrease or stop." Alexia said, her tone telling me how serious this might become if it didn't stop.

My frustrations increased as I realized that I had been putting back more and more responsibilities. It was expected of me, and I nodded to Alexia. "Understood; in fact, take the Illusion towers next meeting with me and bring it back a week. Bring a meeting forward you think is important or most snubbed by my previous schedule movements. Hopefully, that will help." I finished.

"Well, It might help with the medusa Water Tower. They have been hoping to get some potions from you but keep knocking their meeting back. They also have the ear of their species representatives." Alexia said after a couple of seconds.

"Do it then; I don't like pushing that meeting back, but I think I need to start showing a firmer hand with the Succubus Queen Mira," I said harshly.

Without realizing it, Alexia had lead me out of the Apartment and into a study room. It was the room that I greeted my siblings in before. I nodded. "I will bring your brother in soon. For now, please sign the documents on the left; they are choices I have done and implemented. The stack to the right, though, are important documents that need decisions. Yuri or I have placed our best thoughts into the decision to do. But all of them are something that needs to be finished by you." Alexia said.

I knew I was being managed here. I could grant her increased power that she probably already had if I blindly signed off on them. That would also save me time. But I need to check her work as well; otherwise, I might undermine my authority.

I nodded to her, "Thanks. I will let you know if I make any changes." I told her with a wry smile.

Alexia nodded, "I will bring your brother and some breakfast with me when I come back soon. Please do as much as you can." Alexia finished. With that, she left the room, taking that sweet ass with her.

I sighed as I realized that I was still frustrated. I decided to start with the important decisions since the stack was smaller and the other ones just needed signing. I dug into the critical work I held off on for far too long. I dug in and found that many were essential budget things that I had neglected. I frowned when I realized that I needed to go over more and more documents.

I started to work very seriously on many budget things that I almost started to go pale, realizing how much the paperwork had backed up. Yuri and Alexia realized how vital many of the things I was dealing with. They had let me slack in this area choosing for me. They left many things that I now realized why they were putting it in front of me now.

My natural disposition avoided this type of work. I had many meetings and representatives to deal with. But the Embassy needed me to work on more than that. I lost myself in accounting, and even policy decisions long overdue. I started to realize then how bad the budget was before I injected gold into the embassy. Whatever Ralph had done, he fucked many things up. The tower's upkeep seemed to have fallen behind, and many other things would be legacy problems. Since my predecessors didn't do it, I would find it more expensive to fix. I almost started to pale with some of the reports I had been ignoring for weeks.

I started to get angry at myself for ignoring all of this, and I grew a little annoyed that this wasn't presented in front of me before. Without signing things, I dug even deeper into just reading the reports in front of me. My eyes moved quickly, and I heard a cough.

My eyes jumped up, and the matching silver hair of my brother greeted me. He seemed closer than I would have wished, seating himself across from me without permission. Just one more stab at me to get me to react. I sighed, holding back anger right now; it wasn't entirely directed towards him at this moment. I was angry at myself for leaving all of this to back up.

I left the reports on the desk and raised an eyebrow.

"Hello, Ambassador Chelsea," Anthoney said, "Are you going to tell me my budget now?" He asked straight to the point.

So he was going to remain rude to me. I could tell that Anthoney wanted to piss me off because I shoved him back a day. I held back a sigh and leaned back in the chair. I centered my gaze on him, and he returned it with a grin. His attitude spoke that he thought he got away with the simple rude gesture I decided to ignore.

"Okay, Anthoney," I said, starting the conversation without a greeting. "You are here to be my alchemist. I am not even sure you are a competent one, so I must test that first. Luckily the ingredients in the potion are not rare, just very precise. As long as you and keep a one in three success rate, I will increase the funding. For now, in the basement, I have two hundred ingredient sets ready to go. You can use your equipment to start synthesizing the potions. You will have at least five servants to help you with your needs. Although if you want to release sexual aggression, it must be consensual." I said, giving him a backhanded slap at his reputation.

That last statement was a direct insult to him, and his face turned red in anger. Rape was not very common among the bunny-kin that I knew about. It was astonishingly low when I read statistics taken on crime. It wasn't until recently I learned why that most likely was. Bunny-kin women were very 'welcoming.' They tended to be down with a good session of sex on almost any day. Men growing up in that culture then never learned or grew to desire to rape a woman when if they asked one and got rejected, they only had to ask another.

This wasn't a hundred percent true across the board, but the fact was Bunny-kin exalted the strong as well. It was evident worship that reached an astonishing level. If you could force a woman, that culturally meant they were Strong. Then the bunny-kin woman tended to want the offspring of that man. It was a weird cycle that I could never imagine in my past life. It was an interesting societal norm that I couldn't grasp.

This all meant that with a simple statement, I called my brother weak that no women would want to be with unless he could prove that he was stronger than them. It was a roundabout way of insulting him, but the anger I gave him was quite evident. I cut him off as he seemed to want to yell at me. "The budget for equipment will be five hundred thousand gold." I spoke levelly, "The ingredients will be three hundred thousand gold. You will prove to me I should invest more into you than that. Now leave," I finished staring into his eyes, ending the meeting.

My brother looked at me with anger in his eyes. He wanted to attack me or something, and I stared back, trying to hide my contempt for him. His attitude was disgusting to me in almost every way. He clearly wanted to use age to make himself superior to me. That was a joke to my ears, and I had to hold myself back from scoffing in contempt.

He held his tongue through. He pulled back and finally said, "I want six hundred thousand gold."

His voice quivered in anger as he talked to me. Anthoney held on to his mind, though, not letting that anger control him. "Yesterday, I went out after you pushed me back a day, and I found the equipment I need. The problem is that I need Six hundred thousand gold to finish decking out everything I need."

I tapped my fingers on the desk, remembering the reports on budget on the table. The finances of the Embassy were in a better position, and I still had extras after the auction. That didn't mean that I could continue to spend everywhere. I also didn't know the numbers my sister would bring back to me if things were higher than expected, then I would need to do something extreme about it.

I also needed to find a middle ground with my brother. Even if we didn't like each other, I needed him to do his job to the best of his ability. Brushing his needs off wouldn't help me, and it might even get him to back off his high horse. The five hundred thousand gold on the equipment was extremely high, but there was no way I would allow him to use my equipment.

"On one condition, I will increase that budget," I said shortly.

"What is it?" Anthoney asked, his anger cooling slightly.

"You will start treating me the respect I deserve. You might not like me, brother. You might hate the fact I am the boss here. Fine, hate me or the situation you are under." I said, "You will give me the respect that everyone in this building gives the position I fill. If you agree, you will get your funds. If you don't, then you will be settled with that debt of one hundred thousand gold coins." I finished my condition.

Anthoney watched me in silence. He looked unhappy, but he nodded after a minute, "Fine, I understand. You are right. I dislike the powerful position you got just because you were born a slightly better race of bunny-kin than me. That means nothing when they can just breed more of you later. What they need to choose is someone with the ability to be a Leader!" He exclaimed the last word.

Despite myself, I agreed with him. The reason I got the position now in the embassy was also my mother. She seemed to want me on the throne of the Silvermoon tower. I didn't know why but I had taken to making myself being there in the future. I wouldn't mind losing that position, but if I got it, I would reform our nation into a new nation if I could.

That didn't change the fact that I needed to finish with my brother. "Acceptable, and I will take it a step farther and agree completely," I told him without hesitation. It made Anthoney look at me with surprise. "With your agreement, though, get out and send in Alexia. I need to speak with her." I told him flatly. To emphasize my point, I pick up a report that I was reading before he interrupted me.

He left silently though seemingly in thought, and a minute later, Alexia came in, and I looked up. I turned and asked, "Why am I seeing these reports only now?" I asked Alexia pointedly.

Alexia was surprised and came over to read them. She read them over and nodded. "You let Yuri and I do most of the paperwork," Alexia began slowly, "We figured you hated paperwork, so we did most of it for you. You almost seemed allergic to it, so we did it for you." Alexia continued, and I put up a hand for her to stop.

"Hating something doesn't mean I can stop myself from doing it." I told her flatly, "With these reports, I need to restart my entire budget for the gold we have entirely. To cover just some of the repairs needed, I need to spend almost five hundred thousand gold. I needed to know this last month." I stopped myself from exclaiming. I took a deep breath, "I have been letting you and Yuri manage me too much on the paperwork. Take an hour before dinner for study time into each day. I will work on the paperwork then." I said, my tone returning to normal.

"Are you angry?" Alexia asked in a meek tone.

I was surprised by that, and I looked up. Alexia's expression looked sad. "Yes, and no," I told her, my tone coming out with care in it. "I am happy for what both of you have done. You are both right. I hate this type of work. That doesn't mean it can be left undone." I motioned at the large stack of papers. "I am madder at myself letting it back up this long. The only reason I am a little angry is you not being a little sterner to MAKE me do it." I told her.

Alexia sighed in relief. "Okay, I will make sure you do it from now on. Not when it is most convenient to you. Otherwise, none of it will." She told me.

I nodded, "Thanks; now call me when the next meeting is starting. I have reports to think about.

With that, Alexia left the room, leaving me in a hellscape that I could no longer ignore. A frustrated sigh escaped my mouth as I looked at it. I picked up the report and read about the grim reality of the Enchantment lines in the tower and the amount of degradation appearing in the way lines.

I allowed one thought to pass through my head as I continued to read. Fuck paperwork!



So I forgot to make the announcement that I have Published the First Book of Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 1: Promises.

I also decided to show a Sneak peek on Webnovel so you can check it out before to see it is up your alley. Thanks for all your wonderful support and Enjoy.


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