F*tanari System

Auction Finale

I stepped out into the gathering area of the Auction house. Many Wizards talked, some openly saying what they had won while others decided to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. The crowd that was not VIPs left quickly, taking their gains away after paying for it. Everyone had three days to pay us; otherwise, we would keep the potion for the next auction. This was obvious for everyone involved, but the employees counting were about to have some hectic days ahead.

As I stepped out with my women behind me, I instantly saw a couple of Venomancers approach. Venomancers were a unique snake-type humanoid. Their skin was faintly tainted green with some scales on them. They also did not have hair that was completely replaced with smooth scales down their necks. Both men and women didn't have any hair, all r with shiny green sickly-looking scales. The women looked softer as the men's scales seemed to have a harder look.

The differences on scales did not hide the Male and female Venomancers that approached me. Yuri pinched me on the hip, turning my attention to her. "This is the Head wizard and Head Researcher of the Venomancer's top Wizard tower." I nodded to Yuri, and I stepped forward, holding out a hand.

To Venomancers Shaking hands became an entirely new thing. For other species, it was a simple greeting. For Venomancers who could secretly poison people through their pores in their bodies, it became a symbol of trust and greeting. The last thing it could be was a show of fearlessness. It all depended on the situation and the person doing it. This still rose the Scaled eyebrows on both the approaching Venomancers.

"Greetings Ambassador Chelsea." The man's voice purred out. It was surprising how enchanting and smooth it sounded. "I am the Head researcher of Poison tower, Marcus Bloodthorn." He said as he took my hand, shaking it firmly.

The woman stepped up and took my hand after his with a large smile. "I am the Head Wizard of Poison tower, Ivy Silverleaf." She said, also shaking my hand. "I have heard much about your exploits. Not just in Alchemy," She finished her greeting, looking at the women behind me.

"That compliment means a lot Ivy," I said, addressing the superior between the two. "Your tower makes the best poisons in the world, and I will not deny that poisons do not fascinate me. I am not a Venomancer though and cannot study it without the extreme risk involved though." I stated truthfully.

"That risk seems to mean little to someone who produced a Poison Enhancer potion," She said with a wry smile. "That potion comes with risks even for our Alchemists to produce. We were simply amazed at the sight of it."

I smiled, knowing I finally had Venomancers willing to talk to me on more friendly terms after this potion production. "I have been fascinated with the Potioneering side of Alchemy for the early years of my life. I just came back from my journey and hoped that I could get back to some of my favorite hobbies with Enchanting and Alchemy when things come back down. There is so much I have yet to explore." I said modestly.

"Yes, I have heard that you just came back from a journey. Tell me, is it true that you survived on the Elven forest floor for over a year?" She asked curiously.

"Absolutely true. It was a staggering two years before we found an elven couple who showed us the way to Elven Forest city. It was a humbling experience that trained me a lot in combat. We are just lucky not to encounter anything that was out of reach for us." I finished politely understating some of the problems we went through.

"That does not make it any less of an achievement. The Elves have a point when it comes to Monsters being part of our world, but I believe they have let the problem grow too large." She countered, and I didn't know how to handle this branch of the conversation. The Venomancer looked behind me with a smile. I Realized she wanted some of my women to react, but each kept a calm temper looking at the Venomancer with gentle smiles. I could feel the dislike, though.

Although the Elves should do more for the Forest floor, it was insulting to say that to me with Elven women behind me. It was also true that the Elves and the Beast-kin Nation were getting closer also. I decided that anything other than avoiding would be touching landmines. The venom even in this woman's words made me smile.

"Well, What the Elves do is their business. I survived and have Elven women who I love, and they love me back. This has little to do with our current business, Ivy. You and Marcus came to me for a reason, I believe." I sidestepped.

Ivy's face showed no reaction to my maneuvering, "That has to do with some of the poisons you made. We are impressed that you were allowed to sell some of these things." She said, this time becoming stern.

I smiled back, realizing that I had not made the Venomancers closer. I, without thought, stepped into their territory without thinking. "I have Diplomatic Immunity. This allows me to sell it only in auctions with the old business accord our nations have signed for Diplomates being able to make extra money for funding if there are problems with supplies from their homeland." I countered on the legality of it.

This was an old charter for when there was even less communication between nations than there is now. With Bandits still being an issue, Embassy gold shipments from the homeland can become an Issue. When the Embassy clause was initially signed, it became Law that allowed Embassies to fund themselves. It was very clearly skirting the edges of legality, though.

The woman knew this, and this became something more sinister if she continued. I felt there was something that she wanted to say in a grandstand or something. I did not know what she was going for. Our conversational Joust took us for a loop where she tried to get me to say something condemning. For half an hour, it continued before I could finally escape Ivy and Marcus.

The Venomancers poisonous words were leaving me questioning why they were so angry at me or what they were trying to accomplish. I had other things to do, though, that talk to the Venomancers as I walked away to some very enthusiastic Succubi. Mally beside me got to pinch me this time. "These Two are My old Headteacher Julia Heartbreaker and the Head Mistress Se Mon Drive. They are both powerful Wizards that I am surprised came out instead of a lower-ranked Wizard." Mally said.

I was surprised at the Two women before me. Both their mana seemed on the Cusp of Becoming A rankers. They could probably trap me in an illusion without much hard work involved in how powerful they both felt. I stepped forward again, hoping for much friendlier talks after the Venomacers.

I started to shake the first attractive succubus hand that was offered to me. "I am The Headteacher Julia Heartbreaker," Said a black-haired woman with more scales than I was used to seeing on a Succubi. Her hairline down the back of her neck had extra scales I never noticed on Mally, and they were trailing down her back to where I know Succbi usually had scales. Her backless dress lightly held on by her neck, struggling to contain her ample bosom. The black dress completely hugged her frame down to the thighs where it stopped just past her pussy by a couple of inches. It was a great dress that looked fantastic on her.

She then noticed my gaze that was on her as we shook hands, "Like the Dress?" She asked with a happy look.

"Absolutely, You are an attractive woman wearing something that compliments you perfectly," I told her without shame. "Now that I have told too many truths to you, I believe Julia and I must move on to you attractive Head Mistress," I turned to Se Mon. "Head Mistress Se Mon Drive, Nice to meet you!" I said with a happy smile, looking her over as well.

She was a woman with Graying hair that complimented her Youthful face. The Scales on her were even more evident on her than that of the Head Teacher. The Scales on her back were full and started to travel down her neck past her collar bone towards her breasts, diving down into the cleavage. I was startled to see the extent of her scales. They worked for her Youthful face giving it a unique charm.

"Ambassador Chelsea, Alchemist Chelsea, Void Wizard Chelsea, You are a woman of growing whispers among our species," She said with a mischievous smile as she took my hand. "Your potions were a welcome surprise here in the Demon lands. I am happy to see the young doing so well in this art." She complimented.

I smiled at the compliment. "This art is one that I will truly never reach the end no matter how much I dig deeper into it. The journey to where I reach is what truly matters, is it not?" I replied with a question.

Her smile only grew more prominent with my reply. "Ah, A philosophical one as well! What a great Ambassador, the Beast-kin Nation, has brought us this time. The last one was most unpleasant to deal with." She said with a frown at the end. "Let us not speak of unpleasant topics. The Illusion Tower would love to speak business after seeing so many potent and rare potions you have created. That is just one of the multiple things we wish to discuss." She said as she turned to Mally, "You even got one of my own personal students to follow your growing Harem. That is most impressive for Succubi rarely..." She trailed off, looking down between my legs for a couple of seconds before her eyes trailed back up to my eyes, "Settle down. I wonder, though, if the rumors about your prowess with Succubi are true and if we can experience it while we discuss more business."

Instead of answering right away, I looked around at the thinning crowd, with some wanting to still speak with me. I really wanted to avoid this, and I turned to the Head Mistress. "We can discuss details of your business proposition now or tomorrow if you wish to spend more time learning the true depth of my prowess in the arts." I finished.

The Headmistress's smile almost split her face in happiness. "Why I think I would love to learn the true depth. You have many seeking to talk to you, Ambassador Chelsea. I will see you tomorrow to discuss the entire day. Please make arrangements." She finished and elegantly walked off with the Head Teacher. I watched as their heart-shaped asses left and Doorknocker twitching in anticipation.

I turned to Mally before starting to talk to others. "That went well, I think," I commented, and Mally turned to me with a grim expression.

"That was a test you passed, but tomorrow will be a larger test, Chelsea. The true depth of your relationship with Illusion tower will be determined then." She said.

I wanted to ask Mally in more detail before more Prominent Wizards came up to me. The moon reached the height in the sky before we got back from the Auction hall. I was thoroughly exhausted and fell asleep, not knowing what the next day would bring.


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