F*tanari System

Succubi Matriarchs

The next day came quickly after a long night. Many things happened, and my women all woke up with the sun coming in through the window. It was bright, and the room was a flurry of activity. With a large amount of gold made last night, everyone no longer wished to remain Idle. I had established with all of them before the auction that they could ask me for funding for a hobby.

With the sun shining in the sky, I had an appointment booked. It took my entire day, and I had mixed feelings about it. The Two Succubi Maticarchs were coming, and they requested the whole day to be booked. They never said for what reason, but it seemed sexual. The warning from Mally seemed to put a damper on it. She said it was a test, and I didn't know what I needed to study up. It was the first time since my past life that I felt this way. It made me feel nostalgic and miss my schoolmates. It was a pang in my heart piercing me as I did for my kids. It was hard sometimes, and I knew how I was dealing with it wasn't healthy. I kept distracting myself, and it was not hard to do. Every day was filled with activity. If I wasn't with my women pleasing them, I was in negotiations and political maneuvering. If it wasn't that, I was in my lab creating potions for sale.

With the latest Windfall of gold, I knew things were going to get even busier for me. Wizard towers would come to me for orders as well. That would increase my workload even more. I took a deep breath, and I showered, getting ready to meet the Succubi. When I exited the bathroom, I was surprised only to see Emily cleaning up the remains of last night's short fun session. I watched her happy expression as she hummed a tune I didn't know. She was in her own world and completely happy with life. A smile grew on my face as I came up to her and hugged her. She almost jumped out of her skin as I embraced her from behind. I placed a hand on her stomach as I embraced her and used the other hand to turn her face as I kissed her beautiful lips.

"Thanks," I said. I didn't think I needed to say anymore as I knew Emily would get mad if I did so. Her smile turned larger, and she dropped the mop to turn and embrace me harder. The kisses deepened, and we made out for a bit before I broke the kiss, knowing I needed to go. No more words were exchanged, but I saw the pure happiness in her eyes. I smiled as I left to meet with the succubi.

As I left the room, Alexia came into step beside me. We exchanged a quick kiss before she started to tell me a long list of people wanting to see me. It was much longer than I thought as representatives were clamoring to see me after the auction. Many but not all of the wizard towers were there too. But the thing that worried me the most was the lack of some. The Venomancers wanted nothing to do with me; it seemed. Something was going on there, and it seemed that the once willing to be polite Venomancers were angry at me. It could not have been the poisons I was selling either. I only did that at the auction, and there was a total of forty-two poisons sold. They were mostly strong ones that were meant to be diluted and used when slaying monsters or beasts.

Poisons were not my strong suit, even though I enjoyed making and studying them. They took a certain flair, though. I stopped thinking about it at this moment as Alexia continued to brief me on everything that had happened overnight that we were just being told. It seemed that the Succubi Rep for the House of the Succubi also wanted to meet as soon as we could. I told Alexia to schedule her for tomorrow since I was on good terms with them. I then prioritized the Devils. They were a significant power in the Demon lands and couldn't be snubbed. It took roughly thirty minutes to get my priorities clear with Alexia before making my way to the meeting room where two Succubi waited for me. I took a deep breath before entering with a smile.

The enchanted wooden doors opened, and I saw a banquet hall when I entered, surprising me. This was a meeting room, not a banquet hall. I then focused on my mana, trying to dispel it only to fail. The doors behind me closed, and I heard the soft patter of bare feet softly make their way towards me. "Do not fear this illusion Ambassador Chelsea," I listened to the enchanting voice of a succubus, and I turned my attention to seeing the Head Mistress Se Mon.

The MIstress was dressed in a very tight-fitting black leather that spoke of my previous world's stereotypes for Dominatrices. It showed off everything of her body, though. Her scales reached into her ample cleavage, stopping at the underside of her breasts. It was a beautiful scene, and I felt my mouth water and Doorknocker twitch underneath my loincloth. It clung to her body with her smiling face nearing me. The leather ended just above her navel, and her panties were all that was on her lower half. I was entirely surprised with the outfit as it snuggly held her body.

She closed the distance that was probably an Illusion. I realized, at this moment, I really need to talk more to Mally about Illusion Magic. Her Wizardry was in the high C rank and nowhere near the B-rank Illusion I was in, though. My attention turned back to Se Mon, and I transferred my mana from ineffectively buffing my eyes to my brain to make sure I wasn't put under their control in any way.

Se Mon finished closing the distance with her tail and hips swinging the entire way showing off her amazing curves. Doorknocker was twitching and starting to become erect. I did nothing to hide the erection, which made Se Mon change her smile from a smirk. "Such a young lady looks awfully happy to see me down there," She said.

I decided that being on the defensive in this encounter would make me lose all the cards. I stepped into her space. My clothed breasts touched her own, and I smiled while looking into her now surprised eyes. "Yes, when I see a beautiful woman Doorknocker tends to react." I countered, going on the offensive as I stood tall before her. "Would you have it any other way?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up, and her tail started to drag on my back, feeling the heart-shaped tip moving along my back. "No," She said. Her hand moved and rested upon my shoulder, "I wouldn't have it any other way. You are like a furnace of Sexual energy. You seducing a Succubi, even one as promising as Mally, is not surprising." She commented.

She then turned to step away from me, and the Banquet hall turned into the Meeting room it was supposed to be. She turned around, placing her lovely ass onto the couch across from the other. I took the queue and sat across from her knowing it would be more than just sex today. "Disappointed?" She asked, looking down at my no longer covered Doorknocker. He was standing tall at fourteen inches under her gaze, and I just smirked as I laid back on the couch.

"No, I can tell from that look in your eye that, That time isn't over yet," I replied. I felt a little frustrated with my raging erection as I knew she played me, thinking we would start with the sexy times. As I settled in, though, the headteacher also came out on the couch, letting me know two things. First, They are both fucking sexy. The headteacher looked as sexy as the night before with a matching outfit that hugged her body. It came down over her shoulders and held up her voluptuous breasts in place. The leather panties had the addition of a hole in the shape of a heart around her pussy.

The second thing I also knew was that I was still in the illusion, and I was correct keeping my mental defenses up. Yet I felt Doorknocker get even more demanding as Julia came out from hiding. Her pussy was glistening with juices, just secreting pheromones into the air. She was wet and wanting my cock.

"Ah, Julia," I said, acknowledging her, "You look wanting to be here," I said with a joking tone.

She smiled as she crossed over to me and sitting beside me. "You two talk. I am taking the first turn!" She announced to the room as her mouth opened wide, taking Doorknocker inside her wet mouth. I moaned at the sudden surge of pleasure hitting my head.

I didn't get much time to entirely focus on Julia's excellent technique when Se Mon coughed, grabbing my attention. "I know Julia is good, but I am here to discuss as well. Don't get too distracted." She said with a smirk.

"You Succubi are a perfect fit with our species," I said, making a note of how our species, despite the distance, got along great. "That isn't the point you want to discuss something." I finished letting out a low grunt as I felt Julia's tongue play on the tip of my urethra.

"Your right, Any other Beast-kin nation species that accept your culture would not be as close to our culture as Bunny-kin. It makes us unique bedfellows..." She said smiling, "No pun intended," She smirked for a couple of seconds before continuing. "We are not here for Diplomatic relations. We are here to talk to you, specifically Chelsea. Not to Ambassador Chelsea."

That got my attention that was decently distracted as Julia started to massage my balls while licking the length of Doorknocker. "Oh," I replied, showing my slight surprise. "That is interesting. I have many things on the go at the moment. Please tell me what you are looking for me for, Se Mon." I requested as I felt Julia's mouth land on my balls, sucking them into her mouth while her hand lightly stocked my shaft, earning one among many low moans.

"You are an accomplished Alchemist at a young age as well. Making relations with such a promising woman of your stature and unique placement is paramount. That doesn't mean that you are not powerful in your own regard. Your pioneering is quite amazing. We require a potion to be created on a decent scale. I am not sure, though, if you have the ability to create it. If you do have the ability, we would like to make a large order of it." She finished leaning back, opening her legs, and placing both arms on the back of the couch. She looked amazing, showing off a rocking body that made Doorknocker twitch regardless of Julia taking me back into her mouth.

I gave a low grunt as I felt Julia start to deepthroat me. Her lips touched the base, forcing me to moan slightly louder as I turned my focus back to what Se Mon said. "That depends on two things, Se Mon," I replied, while I placed a hand unconsciously on Julia's head, stroking her hair softly as she took me deep. "I may be able to create it but might not be willing to create it. Some potions that I developed when I was younger I refuse to create now. That then comes to the point of what I want in return." I finished.

Her expression showed no change even as Julia started to make noise as she vacuumed Doorknocker hard. "That is understandable. The Potion we want is a unique one that the Bunny-kin have created. We are not asking for the recipe. That would not be very intelligent. Your Alchemy Master would be shamed if we somehow learned the potion recipe." She said with a slight chuckle. "No, We will not steal from you; we are looking for the Heart Rend Fog Potion developed thirteen years ago from the Alchemy Master." She said, smiling at my shock.

This potion was a hard potion to create but was almost useless. I remember the recipe, and I had created it once after several failed attempts. It wasn't dangerous to make, though. It would only take time since it had a high rate of failure. With Julia working my shaft, I went over the effects known that the Heart Rend Fog potion did. After a minute, I remembered them all. It took a couple of more seconds before I realized why they wanted them.

Heart Rend Fog Potion was a potion that created a fog that induced a slight fear. The only use for Bunny-kin that we found when studying it years ago was that it is only useful when the person was prone to either cowardly actions or scared of something. On people not already experiencing these things, it only barely touched their willpower.

That may be almost useless to Bunny-kin, but for a Wizard Tower of Sexy female Illusionists, that may be the key to winning a battle. The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became of being on the other side of that potion's effect with Illusionists around.

My mind sobered up despite Julia doing her best on Doorknocker. Se Mon noticed my change in demeanor. "That would be a very scary potion in your hands Se Mon. The more I think about it, the scarier that sounds in your hands." I said, my voice even with no more moans escaping. I felt the pleasure hit my head, but my mind was focused elsewhere.

Se Mon's eyes started to fill with something new in them as she engaged me in conversation. "You thought of the consequences so quickly?" She asked, "Yes, Yes you have. It really is nice seeing someone who can multitask." She said with a slight chuckle. "When we heard about this potion from your previous Ambassador, we were shocked. It was a perfect Military Technology for us. We want to try to see its effects."

My brain went into overdrive, and anything affecting my body became something secondary. I started to think of all the consequences of the actions both ways. There was also a lot of important information in that last statement. I came back to myself as I felt Julia's lips touch the base again, licking my balls. I paid no attention as I engaged Se Mon. "You are asking a lot from me. This is a new potion that we have researched. I will create one potion. I want to see the experiment results, though. Depending on if you still want to purchase after the experiment, I can bring it up to the council whether we move forward on the deal. This is a potion that, although not useful to the bunny-kin perse it is considered a secret still." I told her my answer.

Se Mon seemed to consider that and was about to speak again when I spoke up. "The part about the council is held steadfast and is my bottom line; Non-negotiable. I will also help you with an experiment gold-free. It is something I wish to see myself, Se Mon no need to negotiate that."

She went back to think while I leaned back again to enjoy Julia working on me. As I waited for Se Mon while she seemed in thought, I felt Julia pull me out of her throat and take in a deep breath before she lowered her head down to the tip again. Her tongue teased a moan out of me before her head dove down to my balls. She softly sucked on them again before she came back up. She stood up only to straddle my waist. My hand unconsciously placed themselves on her hips.

"Now you take me and give me a large batch of waiting for sperm into my womb." She said, and her wet pussy expanded around the tip of Doorknocker before taking the rest of him inside. I moaned as I felt her fold's tightly squeezing me. Both of us moaned in pleasure as she took my length into her.

Her arms wrapped around my head and tightly held me into her cleavage. She started to move her hips, making those tight folds start to milk Doorknocker. I moaned into her breasts as she began to move faster and faster. Both of our breathing quickened as she somehow became even tighter and wetter. I didn't hold back any longer, and my hands put strength into it and started to help her move even faster. She moaned loudly before letting out an even louder moan as I felt her orgasm as I felt the inside of my balls turn releasing a large thick ejaculation into her.

Both of us moaned as I still forced her orgasming pussy to milk even more out of me while she orgasmed again on me. Our bodies clung together as I finished filling her up. I sighed content temporarily before I lifted her off Doorknocker and placed her beside me. Julia seemed to be caught up in the orgasm, and I turned to Se Mon who's eyes were locked up my still standing tall Erection.

Her eyes never left as she spoke up, "Your correct if that is your bottom line, then there is no point to the negotiations." She said in confirmation. "That brings me to the next thing I wanted to talk about." She said, standing up. "But you seemed to have confirmed the rumors without me needing to ask." She finished, not looking at my eyes at all. "The Sexual energy coming off of you is simply amazing." She said, sounding fascinated.

Her expression turned serious, though. "Please stand up, and I would like to ask a question, Chelsea." She said as I started to stand up. In the corner of my eye, I saw Julia stand up as well. "Have you ever been the bottom in Bondage play?" She asked, looking at me with dark eyes.

I gulped, looking into her dark eyes. A thrill still ran through me. I had never tried it in both my lives. A part of myself wanted to try. "No," I said, "But I am willing to try..." I trailed off, and Se Mon's face lit up.

Se Mon took a deep breath before she turned serious. The world around us changed, and no longer were we in the Meeting room before. Instead, it was a straightforward dungeon room with a big X in the center. "Today, your ours to play with Chelsea. Let us see how long you can last."


Bonus Chapter! Plus an Announcement:

Hey guys,

I want to thank you all for the support. I truly thank you all. I have two things coming up and I would like to announce to you guys issues personally happening to me that might affect my chapter production.

In my life the contract that I am currently working on ends at the end of the month. I work as a security guard that allows me to work so much at my writing. I am fighting to continue working where I work so I can continue working on this. This brings me to this post. I truly enjoy writing. I really love it to be honest and I love all the support and appreciation on my works. I realized more that I want to make this my full-time job at some point in the future if I can.

So have created a P*atreon only book that I will eventually intend to publish on Amazon. This book is called Life of a Dominant Futanari. I am still in the creation of it and It will become a book series.

I wanted to give you an update though on my situation and this will not affect the current releases of my web novels. Thanks for all the support, Comments, Votes, And reviews I appreciate it.



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