F*tanari System


After a night of fun while showing the little husband of Rose as I made her cum while sitting on her husband's lap. We all got up and cleaned ourselves up. My mother joined us in the Dining area.

"Honey, I need to tell you something, and we need to make this in a private area." I looked at her, tilting my head, and nodded. We ate with good conversation as always. The meal came to an end, and we all moved to the embassy. Something was going on, and we entered into the Ambassadors office; as we entered, the enchantments activated, and my mother took his seat. The Ambassador was kicked out of his own office.

My mother sat with a sigh before her demeanor changed. "Honey, I will tell you since you have been out of network so long. Due to your disappearance, you have shown a lack of care in the capital. Many council members that were not happy with your father and I named you Heir just by the race being superior pushed through some changes. At this point, you are still the Heir apparent, but they got a lot through these past few years. If you want to become the Bunny-kin people's leader, you will still need to prove yourself more than just a journey now. I came here for more than one reason. Your Father and I had to give up some points to political opponents in the tower. Your Eldest brother and three of your sisters have grouped up to try and are trying to dethrone you. I understand since your Eldest brother has proven himself in many ways. He Has finished his journey with many connections in the Demon lands to the south. You went into the northern lands where alliances have not come our way."

She looked angry talking about it. "Your eldest brother has rights to the Tower as you do. I will admit I convinced your father you should take the throne. This is partially my fault as I kept such close an eye on you. Your disappearance was noted quickly, and I may have raised a stink about it," She looked apologetic about that, "But I will not say sorry for caring about you and your safety. Now though, we at the Tower have noticed a decline in the world."

"Recently, The Kingdom of Arlin and the Beasts to the north have been stuck in a quagmire with neither gaining ground. The Fight continues even today after the war started four years ago. The Empire to the south thinks they have swallowed their territories and want to expand. The Dwarf Kingdom has become pissed off with us thanks to you." She looked at me sternly, "I lied on that one; many things have grated our relationship, just you hit the tipping point. This leads to what I believe and many others to a world war. We need someone to go south to the bordering Demon lands and be an envoy cementing a mutual defense pact between our nation Chelsea. Many in the tower want to send your Eldest brother. This would give him enough sway to cement his place in many Council members' minds as the Heir apparent. You completing this would put you back into the race, honey."

"Before you talk, I need to make something apparent, Honey. War is coming; nothing will stop that. The Bunny-kin is getting ready. The Cat-kin are ready, the Lion-kin, the Drangonic, the Dog-kin, Wolf-kin. Fuck it, All of us are ready to fight a war, and our target is the Empire. We are sick of their Slavers coming in and kidnapping people, enslaving them to be treated as pets to their 'Nobles.' I want you to be there on the front lines proving your worth, showing your Strength in battle. Bring your women with you or not. The country needs you to step up." She ended up standing before me, looking into my eyes as I sat on the couch.

"Mother, I will go down south to the Demon lands immediately after I finish my business here. I need to Help Rose quickly and will start on my plan right after this meeting. I hope to finish within a week or two, and we will head straight home. Receive the Brief that I know you want to go into more detail with. Then I will head to the Demon lands and prove myself. However, I care little about the Silvermoon Tower throne and care more about my research. I will defend our lands from the intrusions of the human Slavers. They need to realize that this is our country, our land, our people. You trample upon our hearts and reputation when you attack us and take our people. We will arm ourselves and defend them with whatever we must. We will kill them in the forests; We will kill them on the plains; We will kill them in the mountains; We will kill them wherever they live; I will slit their throats in their beds if I must. Honor means nothing on the battlefield. Suppose you want me to be a common mage on the front lines or a general that matters little to me. I will kill for those who love me. That is one thing I have learned while on this journey. Although blood may flow on my hands, I care not as long as those I love are there when I come home." I admit that the flowery words were unnecessary, but I wanted to show my conviction.

"This is a non-issue for me, mother. I will fulfill those things that are needed of me. I will make one thing clear, though, mother. I have no idea why you want me on the throne of the council more than my brothers and sisters. I can care less about that unless they show incompetence. I will do so if they show they care not for the people and enriching our nation or letting our blood flow freely.

"I am a researcher, though. I can fight, and the things I learned from it have opened new knowledge for me to research. I am not a politician; I know how to be one, but I hate the work behind it. That is what I will end with." I said with determination. My mother watched me carefully as I made those statements.

"Fine, I have always seen a fair and ruthless leader for our people in you. You obviously care more about your experiments. I see something in you, Chelsea; I think being in an alchemy lab is not for you." My mother's face showed disappointment, "That matters little at this moment as war is on the horizon. I originally planned on staying longer looking for you, but I have abandoned many responsibilities to be here. I wish to dine with my cute little honey; then I will leave tomorrow. Make sure that you come back to be an Envoy very soon, or it will go to your eldest brother."

"I will start tonight. I will leave to go get some things ready, Mother, so I can speed up my plans." With that, my mother stopped my women from leaving with me.

"Honey, I wish to speak with them privately; please let me." She said with a smile, and I decided to let her. I trusted my mother, who loved me to a great degree. I headed to the tailor and the blacksmith to have things made quickly with haste. While I was picking things up, I realized I could get a free ride with my mother if I convinced her that she could travel back with me. Something also told me that it might be a bad idea as well.

After that, I spent most of the day gathering the things to solve Rose's 'Problem.'

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