F*tanari System


"My Baby!" She yelled out as she spotted me and ran over. I was extremely startled, and my mouth hung open. I was naked with female ejaculate and my own ejaculate dripping on it with a surprised expression that earned an awkward giggle from Emily. My mother was now hugging me with Rose pushed to the side.

For the first time in my life, my mind was completely blank on anything to say. I was extremely speechless, Stunned, and nothing at all came to mind. Her arms wrapped around my still figure that was just lost. Her cries filled the room, and Mally, along with Rose, dressed quickly. They were shocked as well.

"You're ALIVE; I WAS SO WORRIED FOR YOU. You're the most promising child, and we were devastated when we heard you went missing!" She went arm's length back and hugged me again. "I came here to pressure the locals to search for you when I heard you were back. Thank the Heavens. This is amazing that you are back!" She started to become incoherent as she exclaimed, and I registered almost nothing in my shocked state.

I was still naked, hugged by my mother with incoherent words pilled out with tears and snot. I was starting to get really dirty, and I understood where she was coming from as my brain caught up. My first thought was Fuck! I needed to have a bath or shower and get fucking dressed. I was literally caught with my pants down and was wrapped in her arms.

I had enough, and my face was turning red with embarrassment. "MOM!" I yelled out, catching her attention, and she pulled back enough to see me. "Can I please clean myself up and dress before we continue?" I reasonably ask, and she clues into my situation.

"Oh, Honey, that doesn't matter. I have seen you since you were born. How would your state of dress matter to me?" I rolled my eyes and escaped her grasp as I moved while gathering clothes.

"Mom, I understand that you do not care, but I do give me fifteen. Emily, please make sure the tied-up dipshit is not spotted or leaves. Mally, Rose, Say hello to my mother and follow me with your clothes; we need to dress." I bark out orders to my mother's amusement, and everyone moves. We moved without clothes on into the communal women's bath in the inn instead of the private one. We all started to clean ourselves quickly, washing off the night and day of proclivities.

We were out in ten minutes, all washed up and dressed. I used mana to clean our outfits that were smelling like those previous activities. We moved as a unit back to my room, which had been cleaned up with the smell of mana in the air. My mother didn't want to be in a dirty room.

Without pause, I went up and hugged my mother and kissed her on the cheek. "Mother, so good to see you!" I remarked loudly with a smile, "Honestly, if I knew beforehand, I would never have let you catch me buried in one of my women, Mother," I grimaced with a red face, "I am still embarrassed thinking back on it." I held her in my embrace for a bit longer before releasing her and seeing her smile. The tears welled in her eyes as she started to cry before gathering me in a hug again softly.

"I KNEW YOU WERE ALIVE!" She cried out again, and I was dropped into her breasts. Smashed into my mother's ribs, I was stuck as she cried out. I was tapping her arm to release me again, and it took quite a bit of tapping out before she released me.

"Honey, those prudes of elves were telling us repeatedly that the forest floor is a hell zone that everyone knows about. The Chances of her living are minuscule with your race's age. They told us this over and over. They know nothing of your strength four years ago, let alone now!" Her anger started to pool together at the indignation she received over the last year or so while I was missing. "They tell the Bunny-kin one of our most talented individuals is not up to the challenge due to age?! They will hear about this. If it weren't for those humans to the southeast and the dwarfs, we Bunny-kin would come here and show those prudish elves what a fist in their asses feels like." She crossed her arms, looking pissed off.

I was about to speak when her demeanor changed, "Now, enough about that; you are alive, and that's all that matters. I hear you have quite the harem developing even when you were in the Dwarf kingdom. It only grows as well as I hear... I see some lovely's behind you; introduce Them!" She smiled before finally letting me talk.

"This is Mally, Our resident Succubus, who has a real head on her shoulders and is an Illusionist. When it comes to Illusion magic, she knows a lot and specializes in Wards and charms as well. This is Rose; she is just joining us as of last night, so, to be frank, I am just getting to know her." I smile and Introduce those in the room, and my mother looks at me like there is the elephant in the room.

"The Elf being added into your harem is quite the accomplishment. But Honey, you have a tied-up Elf in your room as well." She looks at me with love but with a questioning look, and it dawns on me.

"That Piece of Trash is Rose's husband, or the Innkeeper here Mother. Prick thought it was okay since I seduced two of his employees to fire them and then snub me in all the incorrect ways. Now I am teaching him a lesson using Rose, but I found out she wants to be with me. This has created a thing that I need to clean up. The mess is him now, and I have a plan, but my loving mother showed up." I smiled as I pointed at her, and the look on her face was changed into thoughtful. Her expression then turned grim as she thought about it.

"That is tricky; Elf law is very prudish and biased against any sexual proclivities. You got yourself a tricky one, her Chelsea. What is your plan?" She asked, leaning back on the bed she was treating as a throne.

"Well, Mother, I had two plans that accumulated into one. This will also give me the chance to try out a few experiments that I had wanted to try." My smile changes as I start to talk animatedly with my mother and possible theories I had been developing about racial traits and using mana to change things permanently. We started a discussion that Mally seemed to be following barely, but everyone else was lost in the room. Tina came back with a cart full of things walking into the room at some point. She noticed something and parked the cart in the corner.

"What's going on here?" She asked as she finished. I stopped my discussion with my mother and smiled at Tina.

"Mother, this is Tina. I mentioned this here also in my last letter. She is a mechanic from the Dwarf Kingdom. She wants to start applying that to combat, and frankly, some of the works have been a splash." I used that pun and then winced along with everyone else in the room who knew what I meant.

"Chelsea, that was bad, and you know Mally knows it, and I can see even Emily will not stand up for that terrible joke." Tina told me, and I only nodded at it as it was terrible, "Well, Mrs. Loveknot, your daughter needs a better set of humor; please set her straight along this road, please." With that, she bowed, and I couldn't help but laugh along with my mother and everyone else.

"She did not get much of a sense of humor; her mind was always somewhere else. I am surprised she hasn't built some underground lab to study and experiment yet." She looked at me critically like I had done that, and I looked at her, offended.

"I can-"

"Oh, Don't try to bullshit me, Honey. I've known you since you were a child. You love to delve into whatever interest with so much gusto that the world around you disappears. Now, this is not a bad thing, but there is a reason why we sent you on a journey like every other child, just a bit sooner than usual for you."

After being cut off, I cut back in, "Mother, I know why and I agreed with you. I have learned a lot from my travels, including how expensive it is to be a mage with as much research capabilities as possible. The Gold cost for ingredients I had back in the Dwarf kingdom ranged into the hundreds of thousands. It was an enlightening experience, to say the least. I know that I had to do more to fund myself and could not blindly experiment like back home. When back, I will make my own lab specifically with assistants to make money for me plus, I want to experiment with Crops and special alchemical ingredients growth. Maybe with a few modifications, I can bring out new uses in common things as well. These will also need to be enclosed in an area so that the modified ones do not affect current crops as well." I may have gone on a tangent with some of my thoughts with great zeal.

I felt my energy increase as my mother and I discussed, and she was extremely happy as well till my mother bopped me on the nose. "Chelsea, sweety, we both got carried away again." I looked, and everyone was back with wry smiles at my antics. I blushed at my enthusiasm, and everyone started to introduce themselves to my mother. I paid extra attention to one introduction, though.

"Hi, Chelsea's Mother. I am Asahi, and this is my sister Tasha; we met your daughter a couple of days ago. It is truly nice to meet you." Without having to ask, I stealthy finally learned her name without embarrassing myself. I smiled back, and the atmosphere became good as my mother asked each question. I started to feel hungry and told my mother we should put up some wards and go enjoy a meal together. This was universally accepted, and we headed downstairs into the dining area.

We all enjoyed a fantastic meal together with great conversation. My mother was the opposite of a prude and was completely open-minded about a variety of different topics. She was biased toward me, but I just took that as being caring towards me. I think if I was to put this into a psychology thesis, though, I was her golden child. Since birth, she was super caring for me and loved me unrelenting in anything. I had never met my many supposed siblings yet, which I found weird maybe they were all half brothers and sisters she talked about. I never have dove into the topic.

We all started to go to the baths, and my mother joined us when she noticed Asahi and Tasha were Futanari like myself. She started talking about some research she was conducting.

"Amazing Twin futanari's! I have been putting in some research into this lately, Honey. You will never believe what I found!" She paused for a short moment, then continued without waiting for me to reply as we were soaking and relaxing in the Private baths. "Although our species does show Futanari are decently rare acting almost like a third gender. This does not mean segregating you in any way, but the sex drive has increased in all cases I have studied. This does not mean to say they are sluts. I have found many who believe that their tendencies are controlled almost religiously. Your sperm count increases with a higher chance of impregnating women that can almost be considered infertile. This shows in all species of Futanari as well. Almost all Futanaris also tend to use their cock more than their pussies for some reason." The Twins blushed hard at that moment.

"The research is still in its early stages, Honey, but not many look into it for some reason. I will send you a letter with more information when I get back to the Tower; Honey, it is fascinating." My mother went on while we enjoyed a bath together. After a relaxing bath, we all got out and dressed. I looked at my mother, taking her appearance for the first time and noting the details. My mother was a Mature Bunny-kin with Matching Silver hair like mine.

She stood tall like she was in charge showing off her double D breasts that stood firm and perky. She was taller than me, almost five foot eleven making me look up to her each time. She was elegant as she put on Arcanist's robes in traditional Silvermoon tower-style showing our family's Sliver and black engravings. She noticed my stares and smiled.

"Honey, do not worry. I got my own hotel room for the night." She winked and left the changing area as I blushed needlessly.



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