F*tanari System


A couple of hours passed, and the door opened as Mal begged for mercy as I filled her now stretched pussy. Her final cry for mercy before her face planted itself into Kathy's cleavage. Three satisfied women laid around me as I picked up the papers when Alexis entered the room.

"Chelsea," She said with a grin looking around the room. "This isn't your only appointment today. The Devil's house representative is here for the conversation, and he also wants to fight you. Then you have the Incubus representative later today." She finished with a smile.

"Thanks, I am done here. Send me to the room you have the Devil rep is in, then help these ladies recover before bringing tea or something. I think the conversation with the devil's rep will be interesting." I stated, and Alexis nodded.

"Right away, Ambassador Chelsea," She said with a mischievous smile as I left the room. I took a second to swing back, grabbing my shirt and cleaned myself up with mana. The smell was a hint in the air now as Alexis.

The meeting room wasn't a far walk, just a couple of room's down, and I kissed Alexis before opening the door. "Sorry for being late," I stated as I walked in. Inside was a man. He was Six foot eight easy and two horns srang from the back of his head towards the front. The ends seemed sharp as I looked up towards the towering Devil. His smile was wide as I took in the rest of his body. He wore a suit that my previous life was the type lawyers would always wear. It looked good with their reddish skin tone. I felt his genuine happiness as he closed the distance between us.

"Ah, Ambassador Chelsea. It is great to see new leadership for the diplomats here in our great nation." His hand was held out, and I gladly placed my hand in his shaking hands.

"I hope all leadership is effective here in the Demon lands as our nations grow closer," I stated diplomatically. The Devil laughed at my change of topic.

"Well, I am Francis, lead diplomat of our house for foreign affairs. I have been looking forward to meeting you. I hear you are now a B ranked All rounder Wizard with a majoring in void spells." He asked me.

I nodded, "Yes, I was never expecting my enlightenment to be in void spells, but I find them very useful." I told him.

"Good. Fight me!" He announced, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I was told Devils like you love to fight. What rank are you?" I asked.

"I am a B ranker. A-rankers have better things to be doing than down here on the ground with us running the country."

"I both agree and disagree with that statement. None the less I am down with a good fight."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's Go!" He announced to the room filled only with me before starting towards the door.

I was about to protest fighting this second as I had women just waking up. I also told Alexis to come with tea. I instead just sent a mana message to her to cancel the tea. I received a mana message that stated she understood and would see me after the fight.

We left the Wizard tower that was our embassy and down to a colosseum. You could hear the cheers of people and the subsequent boos when disappointed. Francis was smiling happily as we entered into the onlookers. He looked down at the arena from the entrance.

"Ah, Demon Colosseum. Entrance is free gambling on all the fights is where they make their money." He told me with a large smile. "Dreams are made and broken with the whim of a fight. Devils favorite pass time is here. All our city have a colosseum. Here two fighters jump into the arena to duke it out. There are scheduled fights as well. There are none today, and I was looking forward to fighting you. If someone else jumps into the arena to fight, we will kick their asses back into the stands."

I nodded again. "Sounds like fun," I spoke, looking down into the blood-soaked sands of the arena. I was impressed that the entire arena had turned a reddish-brown. The dried blood became part of it. Not a single grain unsoaked in a creature's blood. It was thrilling just on history alone. I could pluck a single sand from there and probably find twenty-thirty, maybe hundreds of years of duels.

Two Smiling devils were in the arena now, just going at it with fists as people in the stands were handing money back and forth gambling. There were official bets and unofficial between individuals. Money was changing hands quickly here as the two continued.

Neither of the fighters was more than F-rank fighters. They were civilians. The fight didn't last much longer when one knocked the other to the ground before the one on the ground got mounted, and his face punched to a pulp. The fight ended, and a medical team took one guy off to the side while the other walked out through a gate. The gate was golden with words in the Demon language saying in bold letters "Victors Gate" It was simple and to the point. There were another three gates. Each with something said on it. "Honor Gate," "Dishonored Gate," and "Losers Gate" Were there, and the medical team came out from the losers gate. They whisked him back in through there.

I jumped down quickly, followed by Francis. Our feet touched down in the blood-covered sands. We walked into the middle of the arena, looking at each other. His smile grew as did mine. I cracked my neck, and I pulled my staff out of the void. The staff's base hit the ground. I watched as Francis just rolled up his sleeves. The Suit was going to be ruined, I thought. It was a shame, as well. It looked terrific on him. The Tailor did a fantastic job. The Devil's smile was bright as I heard cheers all around. My mana fluctuated scouting out. The mana to the slightly stronger could be felt. It suppressed them, and exclamations throughout the arena grew. They learned that two powerhouses were about to fight in the arena.

"So, Francis. How does this start?" I asked about a hundred feet away from him.

"Whenever we want. I want to give the small ones in the stands a chance to bet, though." He smiled devilishly.

I started to cast a spell above me using little mana into a simple red glowing ball. Francis was on guard when he felt my mana but noticed it was too low of an amount to be a spell. "This is a ball that will change in the next five minutes. I do not know when in the five minutes, but it will change to a green color. I also have made it so the civilians can bet for the next minute before it has the chance to change. Start when the ball turns green?" I finished with a smile of my own.

"Works for me!" He stated happily. His sleeves were rolled up, showing muscular arms. This man was a brute with strong, well-toned muscles. I could feel the mana inside him of a variety I had not encountered before. I stood there as we both watched the ball float. I stepped back farther with the ball glowing a constant red.

I did not cheat, and I truly had no way of knowing when it would change. Time passed, and we watched it. Seconds turned to minutes as we watched in unblinking fascination. "Your spell going to change colors?" He asked curiously. I was starting to think the same when at four minutes and fifty-something seconds, it turned green.

The change took a second for us both to react. His body lunged forward as I powered my body, jumping backward away from him with a simple fireball unleashed towards him. He swatted the fireball away, sneering while the light of it gave me half a second, and I opened a rift. I dropped in behind him and unleashed a much larger fireball, this time packed with thermite. Francis was surprised at my disappearance and turned around to see the thermite ball. This was a mistake as its light blinded him and burned the top of his suit and body. His roar with mana fluctuating did something. I did not have enough time to find out as I increased the distance while shooting Mana Missiles towards him in an unending stream. My staff worked overtime as the mana Missiles were bruising him. I frowned at his body as things that killed C rankers merely bruised his body.

He recovered from my opening salvo, looking at me with a grin that sent shivers down my spine. He didn't talk shit or anything, but I had the feeling that I might have just fucked up letting him see me again. This time I started to cast Ice shards and varieties that I usually don't touch when casting. The unfortunate spot as I hadn't learned any B rank void casting spells. My research in it wasn't deep. I needed more time to delve into the Void and learn what I could do with it. His body closed the distance quickly as I rifted out into the air.

I was now looking down at him while I feather fell myself with a smile. He looked up at me, anger growing. "FIGHT ME!" He told me.

"I am," I told him and started to charge myself up. This was something I theorized with mana. I could power my body with mana. This was something known. What happened, though, if I overpowered it? How much could it take? How much power did pure mana have? Rage could suppress pain and create stronger muscles. Energy could increase flexibility and reaction times. What did pure mana do? What was known inside the body was that it did an all-around increase. When going against specialization, though, that was inadequate. A strong rager was often countered with energy users. If that energy user, though, was caught... They were done for.

This came down to me being an all-rounder while he was specialized. I happened to think it happened to be something in magic resistance since my spells did nothing to him. The fireball at the start wasn't nothing. That could kill any C-ranker. The thermite can kill a group of C rankers. The arcane missiles could do the same since I became a B ranker. That meant with how little damage this was some type of Anti Wizard user.

I must attack physically to try and win, and I powered myself up, feeling my mana whirlpool flood my body. My cells screamed as I landed in front of him. My body thumped with power.

"Your crazy," He said, eyes wide smile even wider as we prepared to fight even harder. "I like it. I am a Demon Front line Anti Wizard. You noticed already, though." He confirmed my suspicions. His fist filled my vision with speed as it hit me. My fist countered, instantly hitting him in the face. I felt a crunch under my fist as I felt my nose being broken. I fell back as he stood his ground for a second before chasing me.

As I slid back in the sands on my back, I opened a Rift, and my feet dropped to the ground behind him. His elbow came to meet my fist, and I ducked. My attack called off. I changed it, and I hit him in the rib with a second attack. I felt like I was hitting a fucking wall. The fight continued as I used Rifts to move around with an overpowered body on mana. I felt my muscles being overtaxed and the strain increasing at an increased pace. My body screamed in pain as I wasn't even being hit while rifting around Francis. His smile grew as I laid on the hits. These did more damage than any of my spells, showing me that this was how I had to go about it.

My body appeared and disappeared in his vision as I moved around. My fist landed on his jaw, dislocating it. HIs elbow almost hit me in the face as I moved through a rift at the second before. My knee hit his ribs, breaking a couple of them, and I disappeared into a rift as his hand almost grabbed my leg. My body may have screamed as I appeared in and out of reality, attacking him. My body was being wreaked in the process—a day of healing at the minimum. Still, I moved to attack relentlessly, playing with death as I appeared attacked and disappeared.

Then I rifted out, and charlie horsed him in the back of the leg and was rifting out when a Hand grabbed me. Our words mixed as we both had exclamations.

"CAUGHT YA!" His voice exclaimed

"OH, FUCK!" I exclaimed.

Then my world turned to one of pain as I was pulled out of the rift back into reality. The hand then took my body, and I went over his head, hand now on my ankle, and slammed into the ground. Knowing enhancing my body was useless, I started to unleash fireballs and arcane missiles into his face. He shrugged them off, bringing me back into the air and slamming me on the ground again. I coughed out my air, and I knew I lost.

I was slammed into the ground for the last time before I called it. "I lost!" I said with wheezing breaths before coughing out blood. He dropped me with a smile before his ass hit the ground.

The cheers from the crowd of demons rained down as I slowly started to recover my breath. Medics arrived and started to work on us there. They looked me over and considered me a mess. They wanted to do surgery, and I pushed them away. I looked at Francis as a Medic re-attached his jaw.

"I enjoyed the fight. I will see you later at the embassy." I told him, and I opened a Rift disappearing from the arena without taking any of the four gates.


Powerstone Ranking: 563

Collections: 47

This week was really close to making an extra chapter. Thank you for all the support. I really appreciate it. I am Active on Discord if you would like to ask questions. Please Vote Comment and Review. I really appreciate it!

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