F*tanari System


With the closing of the door, I was alone with the two sexy Succubi. There were a coffee table and two couches in the room. A typical meeting room for negotiations in this world, I have noticed. Offices tended to have this set up inside so that they didn't negotiate behind a desk. I understood this since, in my opinion, it made the parties feel more equal and not in another person's territory.

I showed them to their couch before seating myself across from them with a smile. "Well, My first day of work ever, and I get to meet two beautiful women with amazingly sexy bodies." I start, and both smiled happily. One thing I had noticed is that Succubi love compliments on their appearance. Mally loved it, and most women did. Nothing hurt, giving some flattery, and the smiles I reaped showed how far it went.

"Well, I can say we are delighted to see you, Chelsea. Not only because you are Heir to Silvermoon tower..." She trailed off, looking between my legs. I hadn't noticed that my loincloth was outlining my flaccid Doorknocker. "We are happy to see a change in leadership from the bunny-kin nation. Ralph was not ideal for us. When we heard that you were changing leadership here, we backed off from talking to Ralph. He did not sit with us at the Succubi house well. Our stance here is to tell you why." My mind was spinning how forthright the succubi were being. The start of negotiations and they are information dropping without asking anything in return.

Kathy then took out papers from somewhere as I felt mana fluctuate. It felt like an enchantment instead of their own mana. She laid them down on the coffee table, pushing them in front of me. "We are anxious about some movements from the former ambassador here and would like you to take a look," Mal said as I picked up the papers.

There was an entire stack of them, and I started to read them. Many were information on businesses and accounting from various places. All of it was in referral to a person that was named Donniagan. The name appeared many times all over the city with various businesses. The accounting of each was what was worrying as money was missing—either that or more money than there should have been. As I speed read through more and more of the work, understanding more of the information in front of me, I learned what was happening.

They hadn't told me how this was all linked to Ambassador Ralph, but all the papers in front of me pointed towards a growing gang growing alarming large here in the Demon lands capitol. They were funded through businesses all over. I continued reading as it started to show receipts of purchases of ships as well. This meant the funds also went into pirates. These were serious evidence of some severe allegations towards an ambassador. If it were true, the bunny-kin would punt him on his ass in front of the demons, allowing them to do whatever they like with him. Still, in the end, nothing pointed towards it being the Ambassador that did these things. About an hour went by before I set down the papers, and I took a deep breath.

"So, I understand that you are concerned with a very serious gang and pirate activity. These documents were probably not obtained lawfully, but I will claim my ignorance of your country's legal system. I still need evidence that this is ambassador Ralph or why you have suspicions on him, Mal." I summed up. I leaned back, spreading my hands open. "At the end of the day, I don't like pirates or bandits. I like to do some experiments on them since I think they can provide some use to society after capture. That does not mean this paperwork shows me any evidence that a citizen of my country is one of the reasons for increased Pirate presence on your shores." I finished.

The ladies in front of me looking at me surprised. "You finished all that in the last hour?" She asked incredulously.

"Ya, I sped read it. Although the accounting part is never easy to pull off, I like numbers. I haven't looked at many accounting things lately, but numbers are easier than words. That's not the point, though. You have not shown proof that it was Ambassador Ralph that has done these things. Without that proof, he will be going back to my country at the end of the week. This will leave him out of your hands." I confirmed. They were still surprised, though, and took a couple of seconds to gain their wits.

"Okay, We believe he is working growing leader named Herbert. He has had several communications in back alleys. We will look into it more." Mal said with a hint of finality and a Sigh.

I looked at her and leaned forward. "Look, I understand that a week isn't long. That these are serious allegations, and I will look into things on my side. If I find anything hinting towards him being involved, I will detain him or do something to delay his ship. Other than that, I can not do anymore. Regardless of my professional relationship, I will protect him as a citizen of our country until you show me proof of these serious allegations.

"Now, though, since you have told me your main concern, I would like to ask something of my own." I started and leaned back again. "It is undeniable what the Beast-kin Country want. I will not mince words. We are tired of the transgressions of the Empire invading our territory. We know, though, that humans, when feeling threatened as a group as a whole, can accomplish much more than most would think. That doesn't even add in other factors we think would happen if we attack humans as a species. This is not about a race war. I want to know The Succubi's house stance with the thought of going to war with the Empire. Not Humans. The Empire." I finished getting to the meat of it. The serious atmosphere grew somehow more serious.

Mal spoke up, leaning back, which seemed to emphasize her breasts. "We succubi are neutral on these grounds. The war will not profit us much. The territory will most likely not come to us, so why would we be interested." She stated matter of fact. This wasn't the answer I was expecting, but I had things prepared.

"Do you think that humans are not looking at the Demon lands rich resources?" I asked back. Her eyes narrowed. "The Empire is constantly growing and see the Tribal system of our country as weak. The Prairies are allied with the Empire in fear of them. That will increase the border with the Empire. At that point, you would have to rally more troops if you go to war with us. You know where their troops will be. You don't even need your armies to be with us and attack their cities directly. Or take out the Prairies before moving your way into the Empire's territories. It would allow your country to expand with minimal effort while our country takes the brunt of the attacks. You could even wait some time for the empire to get entrenched in the war, only helping us in other means while we fight the war. Then you spring an attack on their undefended fronts, taking their cities before they know what is going on. There are many things our countries can do together to stop our citizens from becoming a slave to fat aristocrats that do not deserve their position." I told them with barely any extra breathes. They looked startled at my change from normal to fervent. I pulled myself back and leaned back on the couch.

"Sorry for my outburst. I have many things I want to change when I am in charge of the county, and the Empire is a sickness on these lands. Many places allow slaves hell. My favorite little maid is considered a slave, although I have never treated her as such. No, I do not mind slavery at this point. What gets me is that my people are now at a 'Premium,' so slavers are incentivized to capture my citizens. When does it become a Succubus slave or a Neiplhim slave next? If they win the war with us..." I painted a bleaker image now. "They will have even more resources and harbors on either side of the continent. They would be able to start a trade war, effectively cutting you off from any other allies you would have. The Elves are to the north. The Dwarves are with the Kingdom of Arlin; we are being lead to believe. The Other nations of our breathe beast-kins are in constant wars with the Hobbits to the northern mountains. What about the Beasts of the Northern mountain range. They have been holding off the Kingdom of Arlin in a quagmire for the last four years..." I leaned forward, looking into their eyes. "Without us, The continent starts to look a lot more lonely. We will be subjected and our magical talents then under the control of humans. These are the things that would happen if we lose this war. The Empire will then take a couple of centuries to swallow our territory making new cities and solidifying their government in our lands. That will leave you cut off from the rest of the countries. Trade with the Empire will be your only choice. Then they will slowly start increasing taxes on it or add tariffs on your goods. That will decrease the amount of money made on transactions as they slowly siphon off your economy. There are many smart ways they can deal with you after we are gone. This is the point I am making.

"We don't want to be the slaves to humans again. You need to start looking at the farther future of what happens if we are not here than the present while we are here. The other countries are not as friendly as the Beast-kin." I finished another rant and leaned back. "I am trying to make a point and not scare you into an alliance. I want you to look at it in a different light. I do have another plan we could do as Demon kind and Beast-kin ally to stop the invasion of slavers. It would include war, though. Just hopefully a lot fewer deaths on all sides. This requires more time and finesse. There are many ways to stop this, but one that isn't working is diplomatic. The Draconic is in charge of that in the Empire, and the results have not been good. The Empire thinks our armies are weak and our threats nonexistent. No one has ever seen our nation bringing its full power since the liberation war. The Draconic showed their power then. Now we bunny-kin and other beast-kin need to show our fangs." I finished with a vicious smile taking the women off guard. I heard a knock on the door, and I excused myself while the two succubi discussed in mana messages. I ignored the messages and opened the door.

Outside the door, the cute purple bunny-kin receptionist was there with tea and some snacks. Her thighs rubbed together, and I opened the door fully, allowing her access into the room. She set down the tea and snacks. She started to pour cups for Mal and Kathy. They thanked her, but the mana messages continued between the two of them. I sent a mana message to the receptionist that made her blush. She looked around as if looking for confirmation. I followed the message up, and she obeyed. She went to the door and shut it and locked it. She came back and sat beside me. My arm around her shoulder. I watched her lean into me as I started to play with her breast. She stifled a moan as the Succubi continued to talk between them. They were now close to arguing between each other; it seemed like. I just brought the Receptionist's face to mine. "What's your name, cutey?" I asked.

Her blush deepened even more, "Tamara" She said, and I brought her mouth to mine. I invaded her mouth with my tongue, and she started to melt into me. The mana continued to move in messages between the two succubi. I then whispered into Tamara's ear something that made her excited. "From now till I say you are my fuck-doll. You will get on your knees in front of me and no longer move. You are a doll, an object. I will do to you what I please." Her eyes lit up as I told her that command. She didn't wait any longer and got in front of me. I shifted aside my loincloth and presented Doorknocker to her. I pulled her face and opened her mouth before shoving Doorknocker down her throat. I moaned loudly as I did so. This gained the attention of the diplomats across from me.

Both their faces blushed and smiled, seeing Doorknocker down the receptionist's throat. "You started a party without us?" They asked.

"You never requested an invitation. I hear you succubi like sexual energy to get stronger. I have pleased a Succubus for the last five years, no problem with my sexual energy. Interested in a taste?" I asked them. The interest on their faces was joined by surprise.

"We are very interested. First, before fun, we need to finish the business.." She trailed off and licked her lips as I shoved Doorknocker deep into Tamara's throat. "We understand that the Beast-kin country is an important ally. Your country is now decided on war only hasn't informed the Empire. They will not hear it from us. Even if we succubi want to join, there isn't much other support in the other houses. You would need more than half to get the Demon lands to declare war. You will need at least three quarters to declare all-out war with the Empire." I nodded to her statement.

"I will work on others. I may not even get all I need. What I do need is support from your country. There are other things that I could achieve that the Nation as a whole doesn't need to be involved in. Maybe even some Succubi Illusionists? These can be... Leant to our nation at a price. This would not bring your country into the fight but bring your power into it. This is one of the things your houses would need a majority or at least a sizable percentage to abstain from reaching. If I can do that, I will accomplish my goal regardless. What I am asking now is, can I count on the succubi to join me?" I said as I pulled out of the receptionist's mouth, letting her breathe. She gasped for air before I pushed her back down, making her gag on Doorknocker.

The Succubi were thinking again. "This time, I cannot answer you, Ambassador Chelsea. I will need to go back and talk to the matriarch. This will take at least a week before she decides." She finished before standing up. As she stood up, Kathy did as well. "Now about that party?" Mal said, stepping forward as her dress fell to the ground mysteriously along with Kathy's.

"I smiled. Welcome to the Party, ladies; there's always room for more." I said their smiles grew, and the Tails stroked either side of my face. I felt myself get harder in Tamara's mouth as I forced her to take it even deeper. Mal and Kathy sat naked beside me on both sides, and I pulled Mal into a deep kiss. Kathy started to work on taking off my shirt, exposing my pierced nipples. They stood out much to their excitement. Mal grabbed my breast, kneading it, earning a low moan from me as Kathy started to suck on the other. I was reaching my end, so I gave Tamara a chance to breathe before I unloaded into her wet mouth. She gasped loudly into the relative silence, and I shoved her back onto Doorknocker, exploring even deeper into her throat. Her moan of pleasure as she tried to move as little as possible. She was a fuck doll, not an intelligent being. I moaned as Mal did this thing with her tongue that brought me to orgasm, surprising me.

I released a large load down the fuck doll's throat without her needing to swallow. I slowly pulled out while ejaculating, letting her mouth fill, and gave some for her face. I broke the kiss with Mal, and Kathy was lightly taken off my breast. I stood up and tore off Tamara's clothes without thought. I put one of her feet on the table before putting Doorknocker to her wet, wanting pussy. She was dripping, waiting for me to penetrate her pussy. I obliged. I entered with a force that forced a pleasured scream from her as I invaded her depths, giving the now two horny Succubi behind me a show as I pushed deeper and deeper into her. The cries echoed throughout the room, and She moaned as I knocked on her wombs door. I waited no longer before I started to fuck her brains out.

I learned something new about Tamara that day. She was the wrong species. She should have been a dog-kin or a wolf-kin. Her howls filled the room as she howled as I raided her pussy harder and harder. The two Diplomats forgot about getting their own action and just watched, playing with their wet pussies as I raided the depths of the fuck doll in front of me. Her mind blasted away by Doorknocker. Her womb ready for my deposit of genetics to be implated. Her cries only grew louder as I thought she would lose her voice as she screamed out in pleasure.

I wrapped my fingers into her hair, turned her around, and forced her face into Mal's pussy. "Lick it bitch!" I commanded, much to the room's surprise and joy, as Tamata started to go to town on her pussy instantly under my command. Her mouth must have been good as Mal started to moan loudly in the much more silent room without the howls of the fuck doll. Kathy's hand sped up even more as she watched in awe as I raided continued to fuck Tamara's pussy nearing the point of orgasm. I heard both women cry out multiple times as I fucked Tamara. They didn't need to worry as I brought myself to orgasm, filling Tamara's tight pussy. My cries joined the other women as I felt my balls turn out even more sperm than usual, and I moaned even louder.

I pulled out, letting the rest spill onto her back before I pulled her out of Mal's pussy. I tossed her to the side just like I would a toy letting her fall to the floor. Tamara's smile grew as her body happily had another orgasm as she hit the floor. I spared her no more time as I had two hungry Succubi looking at Doorknocker, seeming ready to fight for who was next.

I didn't give them a chance to fight as both my hands went out, grabbing both by the hair. I dragged both their faces into Doorknocker. I made Mal's face go into my balls while Kathy's face found the tip. "You both work to please the monster that is Doorknocker, or neither will get any action!" I told them. They didn't need to hear any more as Mal started to suck and please my sack with a skill that I only knew Mally to hold. I moaned loudly and audibly. Kathy didn't wait to start deep throating doorknocker impressively touching her chin to my balls. I moaned as they worked together to bring me more and more pleasure. I loudly moaned as I watched them continue to please their pussys with the hands as they pleased my cock. I couldn't stop moaning, and I pulled both their heads back. I then ejaculated, blasting both their faces with my sperm, covering them in my seed. They were not angry, as I could tell when their hands moved even faster on their clits. They joined each other as they orgasmed, squirting onto the couches.

I picked Mal up by the ass and positioned it, and pushed myself into her wet hot pussy. I moaned as it felt so comfortable inside her as she squeezed me with her slutty pussy. I rammed my way into her cervix, receiving a squeal of delight from her for those efforts. I pushed her face into Kathy's pussy as I took her hard. The fast and hard fuck continued for a time as I didn't want to cum. I stayed inside before I smiled, thinking about trying out Mal even more. Much to her surprise, I pulled out, and I heard a moan of disappointment only for it to change to surprise as I forcefully opened her ass as I grabbed her tail. She screamed as I plunged into her depths. Those screams turned into even louder moans as I was reaching my own orgasm with her very tight asshole. I pulled up, taking her way from Kathy's pussy.

"What are you, Mal?" I asked her now confused mind, but she answered instantly. "I'm Your Succbus BITCH!" She screamed out at the moment as I came inside her pussy. I filled her to the brim. As I pulled out, semen streamed out as she dropped to the couch with her legs twitching from the after-effects of me fucking her. I turned to Kathy and ordered her to clean Doorknocker. The delight in her eyes as she cleaned up her boss's juices were evident in her eyes as she swallowed cum and female ejaculate off Doorknocker. Her hand was at her rosebud, fingering her ass as well while playing with her clit.

I sat on the couch and beckoned her over. She didn't need to be told twice as she mounted herself over Doorknocker instantly plunged it into her wet pussy. The Woman had stamina as she quickly worked herself as fast as she could, bouncing on Doorknocker. I felt her cervix move with my movements as it sucked on the head of Doorknocker. I brought her in for a kiss and made things more intimate with her. She moaned loudly into my mouth as I felt her get even tighter as she ejaculated herself on Doorknocker. It didn't take long to release a large load into her pussy as well. The good feelings were all around as I didn't go soft after that.

"Ready for another round, ladies?" I asked the room full of trembling pussys ready to be subjected.


Powerstone Ranking: 637

Collections: 28

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