F*tanari System


The room turned into a swamp of sexual smells that lasted till the next day. I forgot to sleep as the Ambassador's room was covered in semen and vaginal fluids. In the morning, I cleaned myself up and looked at the pile of twitching bodies all over the place. Only one stood. Florine. Her body trembled as she got back up on her feet. Her legs shook as she pulled herself up.

"Your stamina is amazing," She said with a hint of worship in her voice. I smiled as I realized I made a Warrior who specialized in physical stamina and strength submit with stamina alone. "I want to go again!" She announced, stepping over on wobbly legs. I simply pushed her back onto the bed.

"Nope, Get up, though; we have work today, I think..." I trailed off, finding a blue version of my usual outfit from one of the boxes. The room permeated sex, but I remember something about meeting with succubi and Incubus today first thing. I think it would only do good as I stepped out of the room. The cleaner air entered my lungs, and I smiled as I went down to the receptionist. This was a purple Bunny-kin who was cleaning up the desk. She saw me enter and quickly gathered herself.

"Ambassador Chelsea!" She exclaimed, surprised.

"How are you doing?" I asked the Purple bunny-kin as she hurried to greet me formally.

"I am just cleaning my things for my replacement!" She exclaimed nervously.

"Okay... How are you doing?" I asked again as she started to blush.

"I- I am doing fine. It is nice to be able to go back home and see family," She said with a shy smile while looking down at my loincloth. I smiled as she continued to talk while jumping down to my loincloth.

"So, you are leaving with the old Ambassador?" I asked her and moved closer to her as she nervously chattered.

"Yup, Ambassador Ralph did a good job, but..." She trailed off, remembering who it was in front of her.

"No worries, I understand I am replacing someone who did a good job due to politics," I said with a reassuring smile as Florine stumbled into the lobby with her armor on, moving towards what was pointed out as the guard area. I smiled as she moved. "I will probably get Ralph back after I attempt to make an alliance, and you will be right back here," I told her and received a smile.

"That is the working theory around here. Unfortunately, some of us won't be coming back..." She said with a sad expression, and I turned her face up.

"Done with the diplomatic government job?" I asked curiously.

"I- I can't start a life out here, and I want at least ten kids..." She finished with a blush. With her face trapped in my hand, she couldn't escape as I looked into her eyes.

"You want to start?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I knew it. My smile remained as the girl's blush deepened further. She looked into my eyes and started to nod. I smiled as she did so.

"Have a fetish of some type?" I asked to see if she wanted to be forthcoming.

Her blush deepened somehow, and she tried to escape from my grasp for a second, but I held firm making her eyes locked to mine. She looked up then down, trying to avoid it for a couple of seconds, then blurted out, "I like to be treated like a tool..." She said.

I smiled, "What's the schedule today?" I asked her. Her expression changed, looking at me surprised as I let go of her face. The stark contrast change threw her off.

"In an about..." She looked down at a paper, "ten minutes, you meet with Ambassador Ralph after that in about three hours, you meet with the Succubi Ambassador." She stated, "Your replacement should be telling you this, though..." She finished.

"She is indisposed at this moment from last night," I told her with a smirk. She realized what I meant, and she shyly looked away. I thought about something, and my smile grew ear to ear. "Alexia being indisposed means I need someone in the meeting with the succubi. Want to come?" I asked her with a smirk.

"What-?" She was about to ask a question back when I leaned in.

"I want a bitch to fuck in front of the succubi," I told her flatly beside her ear, "Interested?"

Her mouth opened and closed. Her look at me was flabbergasted. Her surprise remained, and she finally regained her composure. She was about to speak. I put the finger on her lips. "No, Don't tell me. You will join us if you want to. Now I need to meet the Ambassador to exchange information."

Her hand simply pointed at a door, and I left while smiling at her. I went into the room and saw a B-ranked Wizard working on something behind a desk. He was quite old, and I noticed an eyebrow twitch as I entered. I realized I had been rude when I just stepped in. I made my way over to the couches and sat down, waiting patiently.

I didn't wait long as he looked up. The Ambassador was a middle-aged Bunny-kin with Orange hair and fur. The multitude of colors Bunny-kin came in never ceased to amaze me. He was frowning at me, though. "You are Ambassador Loveknot?" He asked professionally.

"Yup, sorry for intruding. I was caught up in my own thoughts when I barged in. Out of respect, I waited for you after seating myself." I told him truthfully, but I saw that it meant nothing to him. My frown started to appear. I leaned back casually, watching his reactions as I knew the relationship wasn't going to be great.

"Your apology is noted. Now it is time for business. The Succubi will be meeting with you after this, and you have no preparations..." He said with a scowl. "The Succubi I have noticed started to take a further stance in recent days towards us Beast-kin. This makes the meeting with them even more important for a kid like you to deal with. I know you're a Loveknot and have more standing, but the situation is delicate." What proceeded was a long rant about how the Succubi have been snubbing our country for the last couple of weeks.

"What day did it start, and what happened around that time? Anything of note?" I asked simply.

I watched his face turn red with anger as I interrupted his rant. Many of which were useless information I didn't need. My eyes narrowed as he turned back to me. "I was telling you. The only thing that has changed was you!" He exclaimed.

"So you think they are taking a step back while the figurehead here changes..." I said back calmly. "That means they do not want to deal with someone that has become temporary and want to make headway with a new official. The fact that they are distancing from you means they were not a fan of you. Not our country as a whole. There are many other interpretations or something changed inside their Noble house. There are many things. Listening to a rant about it when you need to tell me more useful information is tiring, and I just satisfied ten women in my quarters should tell you what I think about your information. Now tell me about recent events surrounding the Succubi. There is more going on that you have not told me." I finished, and his look turned dark.

"LISTEN HERE, KID!" He yelled at me. "I HAVE DONE THIS FOR TEN YEARS!" I interrupted him there.

"WHERE IS THE INFORMATION!" I yelled out, cutting him off. "I want written records of what events are happening here in the fucking capital. I want Spy reports. I want information! I NEED THIS TO DO MY JOB! Where is it? You have told me nothing. I learned a lot about what I need to know back at Silvermoon tower. Our agreements with the Demon lands have stagnated in recent years. We need this alliance, and the demons are open to this as we sent letters to the current ruling family. What you have told me is that the Succubi have been growing even further apart from us. You called them uptight and a bunch of other names. What I haven't received from you is; Why?!" I screamed the end in his face, not even noticing I stood up and crossed the room to his desk.

The Ambassador to a deep breath to calm himself down. I did the same, stepping back. "I don't know..." He said quietly.

With what he said, I almost instantly blew up at him. He told me this had been going on for weeks, and he didn't have information why they were pulling away. One of the noble houses pulling away just before I got on the job was a huge blow to my foundation. I needed the Succubi on my side with the alliance and war talks. This meant I would first have to start negotiations on a bad foot. I took another deep breath.

"You think you can keep your career if you can't do something so fucking simple?" I asked him. "What have you done to get the information?" I followed up and went back to the couch, sitting.

"I have sent many letters and have been bribing some of the staff using intermediaries to try and find out." He told me.

I wanted to lash out at him. "Recent events?" I asked. He started to tell me about some festivals, but the information was lacking.

"Where is the written information? The reports? Where is it all?" I asked. Soon I was in the Embassy library with information packing the walls that the Ambassador guided me to. He showed it to me with a scowl. I have written this worthless Ambassador off. This information was lacking, saying the least. I had little to work with. Either he was withholding information from me, or he was incompetent. I looked through records seeing what was there. The information from years past was more robust than the recent two or three decades. My face turned dark as I noticed this. He had only been here for a decade, meaning this wasn't just him. Three decades or so ago, this shit started.

"It's a good thing I am here now," I stated into the quiet library. I turned back to the Orange man. "You are a disgrace, in my opinion. I will be sending a letter on a separate trip to my mother telling her the downfall here. You have disgraced the Bunny-kin with this terrible job you have done. Look at these shelves. I have more information for forty and fifty years ago than I do for the last thirty years. All this information IS IMPORTANT!" I yelled at him, "I AM GOING IN DEAF BLIND AND DUMB!" I yelled out to no one in particular. The ambassador tossed me a key that I caught with a mana hand.

"This is the Library key, Only the librarian and you have access," He growled out. I watched him leave, and I knew we had some time. I was triggered, and I started to give myself a tour of the tower. There were the usual things inside, like a lab for experimenting and meeting rooms. Living quarters for many. I toured it all before reaching the lobby again. The ambassador grabbed something from the receptionist, and when he saw me, he stormed over to his office. I looked at the trash and stopped myself from going over to yell at him.

Our relationship was in the dumpster. I knew he was incompetent, but he still held secrets that I was supposed to learn before leaving. I had a briefing before I left on many of them, but the fine details and updates he had. The library should have more information, as well. I took a deep breath and walked over to the purple receptionist. She deeply blushed and smiled at me.

"Put on the schedule for the Ambassador to meet me tomorrow since..." I trailed off, and she nodded.

"I could hear the yelling..." She trailed off, and I nodded.

"It doesn't matter; we need to talk again. Please set it up." I told her as I heard a charming voice erupt from the door.

"Ah! Chelsea Loveknot. The new Ambassador to the Demon Lands!" She exclaimed. I turned to see Two sexy Succubi. One had a very long tail, almost two meters extended, but her bust was perfectly proportioned to her tall sexy body. She wore a red dress that perfectly conformed to her body. I felt Doorknocker twitch just looking at her. Her black tail wagged happily, seeing me. The black hair suited her perfectly.

The Other had a much shorter tail with it barely reaching a meter, I think. Her bust was small but didn't make her any less sexy in her Black dress with platinum hair. Both their dresses showed off their amazing bodies as they walked in with confidence. I stopped myself from licking my lips as I stepped towards them.

"Chelsea Loveknot, your new Ambassador!" I announced as I closed the distance with a smile. As I neared, their noses flared, taking in my smell. I heard a slight moan from them both as I stepped close. "I am very pleased to make such beautiful acquaintances."

Their smiles grew as we shook hands. "May I ask such beautiful women to tell me their beautiful names?" I asked. Both were caught off guard for some reason.

The Black-haired one responded first. "I am Malvarez; I am the one in charge of our house affairs with other countries. My Assistant, her's is Dokath. You may also call me Mal, and she also goes by Kathy." She finished.

"Very pleased indeed to meet you, Mal, Kathy. Would you like to go to a meeting room to talk?" I asked.

"Yes, please!" She replied. We started to head over. I winked and tossed out to the receptionist as we walked past.

"I am looking forward to your decision!" I said to her confusing the succubi beside me as we entered the meeting room.


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