F*tanari System

Mira’s Decision

The night was a blast, and Alexia and Yuri were spent before the night was out. Although the party continued, I brought them back up with semen dripping from them down the halls. It was a show of stamina the night they went through, and I was happy with the satisfied and happy expressions on their faces.

I carried them over my shoulders and brought them up to the apartment in the Embassy. I wasn't done for the night, though, and I woke up later than I should have with bodies all over. It was a good thing I made sure that today was a potioneering day and got up from the pile of bodies that lay sprawled all over the bed with fluids leaking out.

I moaned, and I heard no movement in the apartment. I quickly ran to the shower and hosed myself off before grabbing something to eat then heading into the lab.

It was a day of relaxation, and I knew a day of recovery for many in the Embassy tower today. A lot of those women made sure to wear out those Incubi before they were sent home. I knew Christina would follow up with each person involved and get details before checking in with what the listeners on the enchantments got. It was a long week ahead for my serious sister, and I knew she was happy to be having it.

The day went by quickly, and the night was full of me releasing sexual tension among my women. Rose, in particular, wanted some time just to cuddle, which I was happy to do. Her husband, the little bitch that I forgot the name of, was not in the apartment as the Bunny-kin men learned that he was the lowest of the low among the embassy and enjoyed working his hole to the max. I still wanted to do some more tests on the fucker, but now wasn't the time; I did want to see if I could change him biologically into a woman.

The next day came, and I washed up with Tina seeking me out before my meeting. "So, I wanted to give you a heads up," Tina said with a serious expression as she rubbed her pregnant stomach. "There are more supplies I need, and most are not made here in the Demon lands. In fact, The only place I know of is the Dwarven lands since no one else is as interested in Mechanics on the continent then them. So It will be extra expensive." Tina said the last point a little meekly.

I bent down, and I picked her up by the ass and kissed her deeply, "No, Problem, I will find it in the budget. Please be careful while you work on it, though, okay?" I asked her.

Tina's serious face softened. "Okay, but don't distract me with a kiss; I mean it when I say expensive." Tina's tone was serious, but her face no longer looked it.

"Yup, Although if your thinking these might become siege weapons in the future, you might want to start looking into ways to develop these products yourselves so that my nation doesn't have to keep getting them shipped in. It is a matter of scale at this point." I finished with a smirk, "Do not worry about funding. Set up your best estimates and write them down for me, and I will look about getting the funds to help you, Okay?" I added on as I thought of it.

Tina looked at me with glowing eyes like I just put an idea into her head. "Are you trying to set up an industry, as you said before?" She asked.

"Yes, If you do this, I might be able to convince and create an education system around creating Mechanics of various types in the future to fill the needs of our nation in the future." I took a breath and stopped myself from going into lecture mode and said, "Everything at this point due to the war is important, and I am not in a position to make the changes. I think my nation needs to facilitate that. Therefore I need to slowly create that position not only in the hearts of my people but of my nations to facilitate my ultimate goal." I told her, and I looked at the time. "I have to go, But Tina," I paused again, looking at her, "Thank you, it really means a lot to me."

Tina's interested face melted into something else, and I only had a moment to look at her before I went. I stopped and pecked her on the lips before leaving the room, preventing myself from running down the hallway. I moved with a purpose, and I knew one of the fighters in our embassy would have brought up the Queen and the other succubi.

I reached the meeting room, and I swung open the doors with a smile on my face to see Queen Mira looking at me, a little annoyed. "Oh, Ambassador Chelsea," She said, her tone coy, "I see you finally have time to see us as busy as you are." Her tone had a bite at the end, and I shook my head.

"I am sorry for today's poor performance from our embassy and inhospitality. The people in charge of that today seem to be under the weather and couldn't attend those duties. Therefore we had a shortfall when it came to your greeting." I replied, apologizing for something that was clearly our; no, it was my fault.

Queen Mira smiled returned, although it was self-deprecating. "I can see today that there is a staffing shortage today in the embassy." Queen Mira replied, and I finally took a moment to see that no one else joined her today, which was surprising. It as could mean either good things or bad things would happen today. Se Mon, Julia and Tammy, were all influences that were on my side of the court. Therefore, them not being here spoke that today would be a decision that I could either like or hate. "I understand that you had a party with the Incubi which the Bunny-kin failed in the more recent years. With the staffing shortfall, I see that this time the Party should have been more..." Queen Mira's smile became happier, "More of a success."

I laughed, "Let us say that the attendees from the Incubi had a hard time leaving all the willing participants behind last night. I believe all of them stayed the night with other willing participants." I finished with a smile of my own.

Queen Mira responded with a laugh at that and took a minute, "Oh, I am sure Jax and Mostro enjoyed that. They might butt heads all the time, but that is one thing I know both of them would enjoy immensely." Queen Mira clapped her hands a couple of times with jest in her heart, and I knew that I tickled her funnybone a little there. I believed there might be a joke on the inside that I didn't know about between them, and I leaned back with a smile.

"That isn't the reason I am here today, though." Queen Mira said, leaning back with a short giggle in memory before her face turned serious. "I have talked to the women that you impregnated, and I have discussed with the other Queens in the Illusion tower. Many have expressed concern and interest in your plan for a school in the Beast-kin nation. May I be privy to more information about this since I have not heard a peep from our..." Queen Mira's smile turned brighter, "Information sources in the Beast-kin nation about its development."

I turned serious as well. This was a plan for the future, and I knew I had to sell it to her. There were also details that I didn't want to get out before I confirmed it. I felt like a politician at this moment, and I felt a moment of nostalgia from my previous life. I could only hope that I wouldn't repeat the failures of my previous life here.

"Queen Mira, The Education area I want to develop, will be more than just an education system," I told her with my mind turning extremely active. "I want to develop a city with intellectual learning as its main course. Think like the Kingdom of Arlin's Adventurer academy but with even more diversity in it." Queen Mira's eyes lit up at that. "I have more things that I want to do, Queen Mira," I paused before continuing, "I also cannot promise anything until I have the infrastructure and influence to do it."

"You are saying good words," Queen Mira said, "But I see no guarantees."

She hit the point perfectly, and I shrugged with a significant movement. "Want a guarantee you came to the wrong place," I told her frankly, "I cannot guarantee anything at this point due to the lack of a power base back home, Queen Mira." I was serious about this, but I smiled. "You seem to be forgetting the opportunity that is coming my way, though."

Queen Mira raised an eyebrow, "What opportunity?" She asked.

"I can do more with not only your support if you join with favorable terms to our war effort. I will also be in a war able to make achievements. My people worship the strong. They want them and consider them to be the leaders of our people. They also consider Achievements as what backs up that strength. You need more than just power to be considered strong among our Bunny-kin culture. You need achievement to go along with it. If you back me up, I will have a considerable achievement going into the war for bringing more war resources into the fight against the Empire." I paused, and Queen Mira nodded. "With those increased achievements, I will be able to achieve more in the war, hopefully taking home enough achievement among my people that I would have more clout to make my decisions or at least free reign to make the school in my image that I want. Therefore the more you help me now, the more I can promise in the future when I actually have the power to promise something."

My grin was large as I came to the end of my tiny speech. Queen Mira looked to be in thought as she looked at the table. I was still wary of this outcome, and I knew right now I was selling a product that didn't exist. In the end, I needed her to bet on me so that I could see my kids in the future, and I was playing a dangerous game with my future too. Her lost in thought look continued for several minutes.

I watched, keeping up the facade of being calm. It was after almost a full hour of thinking Mira finally looked back up to me. "You leave me in a tough spot, Chelsea," Queen Mira said, "You have Charisma in that Doorknocker of yours among my people. There is something special about it that I don't understand, and that is another thing I wonder about. This isn't the point that I want to make, though. You have come here telling me that you cannot promise anything but want something from me. The only thing that gives me any reassurance that you will follow through with your promise is access to your kids. Through your actions in the past, you may not seem to care about them in the least." I opened my mouth at this with anger when she held up her hand. "Your reactions earlier when I tried to withhold that makes me think otherwise, or we wouldn't even be talking on this subject." Queen Mira iterated, and I forcibly calmed myself down and leaned back. "That doesn't mean to say that you have anything you can use to back up your word at this point, and that is worrying." Queen Mira took a deep breath and sighed, "I have been given the ultimate decision on this much to my dread. There are agreements and plenty against having our people among the Bunny-kin for the war effort, some that were stated loudly among the other Queens."

I felt like holding my breath as I knew this was the moment that was going to either break plans moving forward or completely cement them for the coming days. It was what my work here in the Demon lands brought towards the war effort since I know the Representatives wouldn't agree to go entirely into war with the Empire at this point.

"I either need to fully support you and bet our Illusion towers influence and resources to you, which will end up with two things. Growth and influence would become international as an organization. Or it can become a heavy blow to our influence and hurt us for a generation becoming a black spot on our reputation for decades to centuries to come. This is not an easy choice and one that all the other Queens finally split the vote as I abstained. You know how annoying this is for me?" Queen Mira said, her face, although charming, twisted with disgust. "I am about to make the decision that would change the very future of our form of Mana usage and my people for the foreseeable future and beyond. But I am no fucking coward, and I will not run from this choice. I initially wanted to run from the choice because I wasn't sure which choice was correct. Many in the tower thought they knew, and I was the only neutral power among the thirteen of us, Queens. I have made my choice, and I will go to war with you and your Bunny-kin."

The tone was almost conversational at the end, and I wanted to roar with joy. I didn't even know how many people were among the queens before, and this was huge information for our upper echelon. I think it also served as a warning to me about what would happen should I betray them with my non-promise promises in the future. I kept myself cool, and I looked at her from across the small coffee table. "Well, That is amazing to hear," I said, barely hearing myself as I heard my heart in my ears how hard it was pounding.

"You make yourself sound calm, Chelsea, But I know how much these words mean to you at this moment. I know that this decision is something that you need in the future to solidify your influence among your people too." I then saw her smile more charmingly as she looked down towards my loincloth, "I also see the adrenaline is affecting you sexually too. We can get to that." Queen Mira said, "I do want to try out your 'Doorknocker' to see what the fuss is about. First, though, We need to hatch out the details."

I smiled with a reply, "Understood, Mira," The pleasure on both our faces showing, "Fun later."


I have released the Second book of Life of a Dominant Futanari.

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