F*tanari System

Party Started

My hand slipped up the thighs of Yuri and Alexia at the same time. The soft-touch of their bodies seemed to calm me down as I took solace from them. If what I was thinking was true, then things might hit the fan. I truly hoped I was wrong, but I let it slip out of my mind as we arrived back at the doors to the party.

I took a deep breath, and I looked at my Ladies. "I think it is time to turn charming again," I said with a grin.

Yuri and Alexia chuckled softly. "You don't need to be charming in order for this to work. Your sincerity towards the races working with you is doing much more than any charm can do." Alexia replied, making me raise my eyebrows just as the door opened.

Jax stepped out with a large grin and two bunny-kin in his arms. "Come on in, and let us finish business. My pants are starting to get tighter than I am used to, and the ladies' panties are starting to moisten the air more than we can take." Jax said with a charming grin.

I smiled as I stepped in, cutting the previous conversation short, and I noticed many dresses had nipples showing as the ladies 'lost' the bras under them. I couldn't help but smirk, and I could even see the large Hard-on that Jax had under his, not as loose leather pants.

The ladies were doing their job while enjoying themselves, and the Incubi were starting to feel it. The girls themselves were also being teased, though, as I looked around, seeing some wet spots on dresses as they talked to the men they were with. If I didn't end the business part of this party soon, I might have an uprising leading to no more than very hot, sweaty sex all around the room.

Entering the room again, I could smell the moist air of men and women wanting each other, only fueling the need in the room. Doorknocker twitched and started to harden in response as the sexual tension in the room was straining people's minds. It was the exact atmosphere that I wanted, and I could see that Jax, regardless of his more extreme reaction to me waiting at the door for a second before entering, was, in fact, having a good time.

I came back with Yuri and Alexia with my hands slyly on their asses and grins on their faces. An orgy was about to begin no matter what someone said soon, and I needed to get business out of the way. I sat down on the couch with Yuri and Alexia taking both sides of my lap and leaning back on me. "Sorry, Jax, Your information made me think of a possibility that had to be settled as soon as possible just in case. It would become a regret if I found that I was a day late since I didn't think the time wasn't of the essence." I said, pulling the ladies tightly to me.

Jax gave me a large Toothy grin before sneaking a lick on one of the ladies in his arm, getting a light swat on his arm from a very turned-on Bunny-kin girl. "That is fine," Jax replied, "When you are in positions that we occupy, we are more troubled by possibilities than actual problems most of the time. This is why they pay us the large amounts of gold," He finished with a grin.

I wanted to wince since I was actually paying to be here instead of being paid at this moment. This wasn't typical, and if it weren't for the fact that this Embassy was practically crumbling in gold needs, it would be true that the amount of gold I was supposed to take wouldn't be small. I stifled both the wince and the sigh from those thoughts and coughed instead to change the subject. "Well, Before we have a sexual Riot here, I want to get to the point of things so that we can enjoy ourselves."

Mostro jumped in unexpectedly at this moment as I almost seemed to have forgotten him. "Yes, I do believe that I would like to get to the point as I think everyone would like to let loose a little," His tone was polite, and I glanced at his unnecessary inclusion. Jax looked at Mostro with a glint of an emotion I didn't catch before it disappeared.

I continued, not knowing how to respond to a repeat of the last several sentences spoken being repeated. "Well, I believe that you already know that this meeting is related to the Free trade agreement," I said, receiving a nod from both Jax and Mostro even as they were being teased and lightly teasing the Bunny girls in return. "To be frank and getting straight to the point, I would like you as the incubi representatives to vote in favor of an agreement that either puts aside the Fishing rights that the Medusa's and Venomancers insist upon in the agreement. I insist upon something that states that it will be negotiated after the initial Free trade agreement as an extra side bill that can be agreed upon later. Otherwise, with the way that the agreement is moving forward with the Medusa's and Venomancers are bringing it to forward, it will be dead." I paused, "If it passes as they are asking in your house of representatives, I will not even bother bringing back to my nation since my elders have already agreed that it isn't possible." I finished.

Jax seemed unaffected by my final words, while Mostro seemed more affected by it, and Jax slowly nodded. "That makes sense," Jax said after a bit of thought, "The agreement that the Medusa is trying to bring forward will smother your fishing trade and create resentment in the future between our nations despite the agreement already being quite favorable; for us." Jax leaned back, and I noticed his hand disappearing into the dresses of the bunny-kin attached to him. Both blushed as I could tell that he was increasing the pace of his teasing.

"I think that it isn't that Favorable," Mostro added, and I turned to him. "The fishing agreement is made based on current circumstances that we have more of a naval presence than your nation, and the agreement reflects that." Mostro finished, not looking at me but Jax.

Jax quickly replied, though, "That is beside the point, Mostro," Jax scolded, and I noticed that Jax between the two representatives definitely held the superior position. "This is completely counting out the fact that this creates a large incentive for both our nations to increase Maritime trade between our nations. This will then increase the amount of Merchant ships from both sides to facilitate that trade. This will then mean that both nations will need to increase the size of their naval fleets to increase the growing commerce between our nations. That will only escalate how that increased trade with then increase the number of people seeking that wealth that comes with trade and many other things both our nations will do to facilitate this agreement. One of those things will be the increase of Fishermen and women from both nations since both the waters will increase in safety in the long term, Mostro. Do you understand now?" Jax said, much to my surprise. Mostro looked annoyed at Jax, which Jax seemed to brush off as he leaned back, and both the bunny kin leaned back into him.

Mostro looked annoyed, though, and I knew a story was there, but I kept my mouth shut. "Ambassador Chelsea, You have my word that I will vote to set aside the Fishing agreement to later and to vote in the Free trade agreement with an amendment that it will be negotiated later and added in for the approval of both parties," Jax said. His grin then turned wicked. "I sure hope that is all the business that you wanted to talk about today. These ladies and yourself, I assume, are starting to get restless." Jax finished with a smile. I could see the restlessness in his demeanor, though, and if I looked at his pants, I could see the leather on his pants having a large noticeable bulge that was nearing my size down there straining against his pants.

"Well," I said with my voice trailing off with my fingers playing with the string of Alexia's amazing dress. "I do have one last thing that I would like to ask you about," I said, my grin turning sly.

"I could see Mostro looking annoyed, and Jax looked slightly annoyed as well, "What is it then?" Mostro asked.

"Would you like to have another party in the near future with more friends so that the ladies here can have some more fun?" I asked.

This made both Mostro and Jax have large grins. "You tell us when the party is, and we will even pitch in for the food and drinks Ambassador Chelsea," Jax said, his smile turning the larges I had seen it with Mostros smile almost matching.

"Then," I paused only a second longer, and I loudly shouted out into the room, "Let the Party Begin!" I announced, and it was like the sexual tension in the room exploded all at once inside the room. Clothes in frustration were left in tatters as breasts popped out of them without restraint. Bunny-kin gasped in both surprise and need as hands went towards crotches. Mouths landed on each other, and pants were pulled down. I tugged a string I found on Alexia's Dress, and She was already pushing aside the Loincloth.

I looked at Jax as the leather seemed to melt around his crotch opening it up and springing free of his pants. The two Bunny-kin on either side of him already were taking off those sexy dresses, and their toned bodies were being shown off to the men they chose for the evening. Mostro's suit looked ruffled in seconds as one of the Bunny-kin girls beside him untied the belt in seconds while the other was removing the buttons one by one, striping him while making out with him.

It was an amazing explosion of sexual energy, and I felt horny just being around everyone else, let alone the two amazing women in my arms. Alexia wasn't shy at all and didn't care that she was still wearing the dress as I felt Doorknocker enter a wet hole seconds later without the need for extra lubricant. Yuri suddenly took my mouth as she took what she wanted from my lips. The cries of women in the room boomed with a suddenness that was expected as a Bunny-kin took the girth of an Incubus sex Demon.

I felt the warm walls of my lover, and the lips of another, and the pleasure-filled me. I then moaned into Yuri's mouth loudly. They were taking me with a gusto that was showing how much they were restraining themselves moments before. Still, I wasn't in the mood to be dominated, and my hands landed on Alexia's ass. Two loud slaps sounded like one as they slapped her ass hard. Alexia yelped, and my hands forced her ass down hard onto Doorknocker, making that cry louder as I felt her tighten up on me. Yuri, in return, somehow deepened our kiss, and I moaned into her lips as I battled her tongue for the moment.

Alexia was crying out in delight, and Yuri backed off for a moment. It seemed that she was up to something when firey red hair draped over my face, and Alexia took my lips loudly, moaning as she took my girth into her in a long hard stroke. I returned the moan without thought as I started to hear even more cries echoing around the room. Alexia didn't stop moving, and my hands forced the thrusts to be longer and harder. I couldn't help but release into her womb a large amount of sperm as she suddenly spasmed on me. It took me by surprise, and the eruption clouded my mind with pleasure as I filled her, making her cry out even louder.

Alexia twitches several times in her arms; the red dress against my Fur rustled, and I took a moment to enjoy. I pulled her ass up after enjoying that moment of sweet bliss. I shoved that ass back down, making her cry out loudly as I started to make her move even faster as she yelled out in pleasure, joining a choir around us. We were no longer kissing as Alexia pulled herself closer, and I looked over her shoulder to find Yuri moving her head up and down with her ass tongue inserted and found what she was up to. I smirked, thrust into Alexia hard before moving my hand and pulling Yuri's head back.

Yuri's face was covered in saliva, and she looked up at me as her friend and colleague were being fucked by me, and I pointed down. Yuri seemed to take that as a signal that I didn't expect since instead of returning, or I don't even remember seconds after pointing down what I meant, her mouth went between my legs and started to suck on my balls. A fresh blast of soft pleasure entered my head, and a more violent one rocked me as Her fingers penetrated my pussy.

I cried out into myself into the air joining the large choir of grunts and moans in the room. The excited squeals of delight and enjoyment were the tone that echoed into the room without stopping. The party at this point was a success with the Incubi as I looked at Jax thrust his cock into a bunny-kin who promptly squealed out her delight to the room as a sex demon took her wet hole.

Jax had a large, pleasured smile on his face as the other bunny-kin seemed to get up from behind him with semen dripping pussy from moments before and pressed her breasts against his back and began to tease his nipples. I heard a moan followed by a grunt as he shoved his cock balls deep into the bunny-kin on her back on the couch in front of him. Another excited squeal filled the room as she sprayed her ejaculate all over Jax's cock as she orgasmed, and Jax continued to thrust into her with an increased pace.

I lost attention as I didn't want to watch someone else have sex as Yuri's fingers hit the spot deep inside my pussy that flooded my head with pleasure. I teetered on the edge of erupting again into Alexia, who was moaning in delight as her hips thrust down on Doorknocker with my assistance. Her cries of delight softened my heart as I knew she loved her reward for such hard work and a pang of slight guilt followed up, knowing how little was expected of me. It was a confrontation of the two, and I thrust up into her even harder with Doorknocker, making her feel even more pleasure as her clothes brushed up against my breasts as pleasure-filled both our heads. I felt liquid spray onto my legs even as I erupted in a large orgasm of my own with Juices squirting out of my pussy as Yuri made me Orgasm with my pussy.

My mind blanked, and I held onto Alexia as she spasmed in my arms, feeling the post-orgasm bliss that came from enjoying Doorknocker and Yuri stood. Yuri whispered into Alexia's ears, and I heard a soft chuckle. Alexia got up, still showing off that sexy Dress that they both wore for me, and Doorknocker twitched in anticipation as Yuri in her purple dress stood before me.

Yuri Lifted the front cloth showing a dripping pussy in dire need of attention, and my focus changed like I was a goldfish. My woman needed attention, and I was not going to leave her wanting. Alexia sat back on the couch, resting for more later as Yuri wanted something while standing. I stood and lifted her leg, which easily came up over my shoulder as I lined Doorknocker with her wet pussy and thrust into her hot wet pussy with a squeal and a matching moan as her hot hole acted as a perfect Sheath for Doorknocker. Her cry resounded in the party, quickly joined by other women.

Delighted cries constantly sounded into the room as the women joined their partners, and I heard Jax say, "Wow, That is a cock!" Jax said as I pulled out of Yuri.

I turned to him with a raised eyebrow and eyes slightly hazed with the pleasure I was feeling. "Hmm, This is the average size, isn't it?" I asked him with a sly grin, and Jax laughed in response, with Mostro Joining in while I did another large thrust into Yuri.

"If you are average, you will make the men of the world cry, Chelsea," Jax said with a grin.

Mostro was thrusting into a bunny-kin who was riding him reverse cow-girl said, "I would have to cry since I think I am only half your size!" Mostro laughed, "Size isn't all that matters though if you can make your women squeal in delight, though." Mostro said this, and I noticed his hips move in a peculiar way on the couch, and the Bunny-kin riding him squealed in delight with a large eruption of fluids onto his cock. "Skill is everything, and size comes second!" Mostro announced with a large grin.

I moved my body slightly, and I thrust into Yuri in a way that I knew that she had a cluster of sensitive spots making her cry out in response. "Yeah, but if you have both, then you don't need to worry!" I announced back with a grin before I started to get violent with Yuri as she erupted onto Doorknocker seconds later as the conversation seemed to come to an abrupt end as Jax, Mostro, and I focused on making the women we were with happy.

The night continued, and the party never seemed to stop late into the night. And More food was brought in, while some bunny-kin girls seemed to have 'sneaked' into the party, making the party continue.

Alexia and Yuri never stopped taking turns as I continued to reward them with my love and semen. I relaxed as the Ambassador job at this moment was the most relaxing it had ever been.



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