F*tanari System


I made it up the tower to the communication Crystal, and I started a meeting. I was immediately connected to the elder on the other end looking at me with a grave face. "Is something the matter Ambassador Chelsea?" The elder asked.

It was an elderly Blue Bunn-kin, and I nodded, "I recently received new information from the Incubi that has me thinking new possibilities. IF," I over-emphasized the last word, "What I am thinking is correct, we might have a very large problem on our hands." I replied.

The Elder's eyes narrowed, "So no evidence, just a theory you have concocted?" The elder replied, and I nodded.

"Correct, Elder," I replied, and he opened his mouth, but I put up a hand to let me finish. The Elder nodded, and I continued, "I think you want to hear my theory, and I will start from the beginning. First Elder, I will lay out the new information I have received." I took a quick breath and continued, "Elder, I am still hosting a party with the usual tradition for the Incubi." I said, and the elder nodded, smiling in thought about the tradition. "Well, Representative Jax told me about the last time we had a party, what happened, and how it affected my party." I took a deeper breath before saying, "I have had only seven Incubi show up to my party. Historically that is a meager number, and I had many inquiries from the Bunny-kin subordinates showing that I could have easily hosted over two hundred and still had enough girls for Two bunny-kin for each Incubi."

The elder nodded, "That is normal, although the Incubi numbers are worrying. But you were getting to that point, I believe?" The elder replied.

"Correct, Elder," I said, "Representative Jax told me the reason for the low attendance is because the last party we hosted by Ambassador Ralph was also snubbed. Jax told me though that the numbers wouldn't matter though since there was only one Bunny-kin woman present for all the attendees." I finished, and the Elders eyes narrowed, and his mouth opened to speak.

I put up a hand, though, stopping him again, "Elder, your reaction is the same as mine that this is unacceptable. There is no reason that our people would refuse such a party in normal circumstances as long as it was offered. My main point is to think about everything in total that we know Elder." I said, and the Elder started to think as I continued, "First, my historical data for the last twenty years has been gutted, as was our spy ring in the Demon lands. This makes me blind and deaf doing my job. Second, his work is Incompetent with our closest allies among the demonkind in the Demon lands. The Succubi were trying to arrest him, and the Incubi were snubbed blatantly. The Vampires are not a fan either with us because of that, and I am sure I am missing things on this."

The elder's face was serious, and I continued to sum up my points. "Third, there is the embezzling of Embassy funds bringing down our ability to upkeep the embassy and directly effecting the enchantments which I still have to pay for. I finally came to a conclusion, Elder." I finished.

"Don't make me ask what your theory is..." The elder said with narrow eyes and a voice sounding angry.

"Don't put down to incompetence that can also be put down as maliciousness." I replied, my tone grave, "I think that Ambassador Ralph wasn't a fucking Incompetent, greedy fool. I think now that he is a fucking traitor or an Empire spy..." My voice trailed off.

The elder seemed stunned, but I could see his mind running quickly. "Ambassador Chelsea Loveknot, You realize the implications of this accusation?" The elder asked.

"I do; otherwise, I wouldn't make this an emergency message." I took a deep breath, "With the information that Ralph had available to him and the potential records either in mind or on his person, he might have. I believe it is prudent to send at least one A-ranked Elder to immediately find and either defend the boat he is traveling back on or bring him back directly. My reasoning for this was because the Succubi had inconclusive evidence that he might have been funneling gold towards the pirates or privateers that may try to rescue him."

The elder looked concerned now but not super concerned as I hoped he would. "Elder, If the Empire knows that it isn't a matter of if we go to war with them but the timetable that our nation plans to do so..." I purposefully trailed my voice off, and the elder nodded.

"Ambassador Chelsea, Please wait and shut down the crystal while I bring the elders together." The elder stopped the transmission, and I sighed. I didn't need to wait long as the meeting began again in just three minutes, and I even saw one of the elders with a middle-aged bunny-kin 'tending' to him in one of the images. It didn't matter to everyone else as the meeting started.

"Ambassador Chelsea," My father said as the head of the meeting, "You have started another emergency session, and the theory you have brought has no firm evidence. Is this the case?" My father asked, looking at me.

"Yes," I replied, "I only have a theory, and I think the potential damage we may receive if we do not act upon it far outweighs the cost of ensuring it doesn't happen in the first place," I replied quickly.

"That is certainly the case, and we are not the feet on the ground in the Embassy. Therefore we will discuss this in more detail after this meeting. In the meantime, though, we will be dispatching an Elder A rank mage to the location before this meeting is adjourned with all the information you have made available to us now." My father said with a serious tone, and I nodded, feeling relief.

"Now, With that out of the way, please tell us the progress that you have made with the war effort in the Demon lands." My father said, clearly taking this moment to question me.

"Yes," I replied and took a breath, "With Christina and Anthoney here, I have taken more time to negotiate the Free Trade agreement with the representatives. I have encountered a problem when it comes to Fishing rights inside our waters." I told them without holding back, making the elders raise an eyebrow.

"What is this issue?" My father asked.

"I have encountered that the Medusa and Venomancers maybe with the joining of the Gargoyles now." I said, making the premise, "They are trying to make it so that even if we have the ability to defend our waters, their people would have unlimited access to our waters while we wouldn't have access to theirs in return." I told them, and I saw eyes narrow even as it seemed one of the elders just released a load into the Bunny-kins mouth who was 'servicing' him. "I absolutely would not even think of bringing that worthless piece of paper home for us to show off. Therefore I have started to work with the Devils and at this point the Succubi to do everything else that was agreed upon in the Free Trade Agreement with an exception for further negotiations in the future for a Fishing agreement." I reported, "I have a party downstairs I will need to rejoin soon downstairs with the Incubi to continue those negotiations to see if they will come on board. The next races I intend to go to are the Vampires and the Imps before moving onto races that are less likely to join me. I need to have my allies before attempting to persuade the neutrals to join me." I finished.

"Interesting, How are the experiments going?" My father asked.

"Other than a hiccup, things are now proceeding smoothly, and I will be receiving more information soon. I didn't bring my latest reports since I have been busy with dozens of other duties at the moment. I do, however, have another meeting with the Matriach of the Illusion tower soon to discuss further into our cooperation." I reported.

"Before you sign off and return to your party, do you have anything else to report to the council?" My father asked, thinking there wasn't anything important, and I paused visibly. All the elders also noticed it. "It seems you are not sure, so you may as well report it, so we know." My father said.

I sighed and replied, "I have a potential food news to report," I said slowly, thinking about how to report it. "One of my women who are pregnant with your grandchild is a Mechanic Gnome from the Dwarven lands," I said, setting the premise seeing some nods from the elders. "Well, She may have come up with a way to use our tainted Arcane Crystals..." My voice trailed off for a moment, and the elders looked shocked. "The prototype of the machine she made broke after one use, and further experiments will need to be conducted, but it might be possible that these crystals can be turned into Seige weapons for the upcoming war." I finished.

"Those useless things might have a use?" My father asked Incredulous for a moment before laughing, "It seems your women are not just wallflowers. Interesting, Do you have any requirements to further experimentation?" My father asked simply.

"At this moment in time, all I need is time. I am in very short supply of it, and if I am correct on my previous thing, then I will have even less of it than I need to maneuver." I said.

The elders nodded, knowing that I must have a full schedule with all the things I was accomplishing. My father gave me a grin, "Good, Get back to the party, and we will update you when there is news related to ex-ambassador Ralph." My father ended the connection, and I sighed.

The meeting was more fruitful than I thought it would be. The Elders, when it came to the leaking of information, were acting swiftly even though it wasn't confirmed in any way. My theory moved some of the movers and shakers of the world that truly owned the Bunny-kin tribe. It was good to know that things were moving forward on that front. I wondered what they needed to discuss after the meeting without me there. I gave them all the information I had, so maybe they might have more information on their end.

I sighed deeply and stretched before heading down, and Doorknocker seemed to react, seeing Yuri and Alexia waiting for me. I got to the bottom of the stairs smiling as I saw them waiting. "We need to head back, Can't keep the representatives waiting." I paused as the ladies were still frowning, "Don't worry, I believe things will be handled properly, but I hope I am wrong about my beliefs. For now, though, there is no reason to continue to stay here. Let us go enjoy a party, and after the business is completed, we can have some fun!" I announced, and I took both Yuri and Alexia in my arms, receiving a kiss on each cheek.

"As long as everything is under control, then we can enjoy ourselves," Alexia replied with a smile.

"Yup, I believe that at least. If not," I shrugged, "I have done what I could, and I can only hope things work out for the better." I finished, heading down the hall to the next set of stairs to rejoin the Incubi. I had two increadilbly sexy women in my arms as I did so with a smile reappearing on my face.

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