F*tanari System

Traditional Party

Tonight was party night, and a volunteer notice had been put up for Bunny-kin, who wanted to have some fun for the night with some sex demons. The number of inquires burdened Alexia and Yuri to keep everything in check. We found out that the Incubi were bringing seven delegates to the party, and from that, we decided that outside of Alexia and Yuri at the party, we would need fourteen more Bunny-kin to serve the Incubi for the night.

Alexia and Yuri took to it, and the Bunny-kin chosen were all in great shape, and the lowest strength among them was C-rank. These girls were no greenhouse flowers and could handle themselves even in combat. The women chosen were ecstatic about being selected for the duty, and most were guards for the embassy. Jealous rumors swirled around the embassy about how they got chosen, and I ignored the rumors as long as they weren't malicious.

Over the days, with everything shaping up, it was considered my most planned meeting. The only reason behind that was because it was a tradition for the Bunny-kin to host a party for the Incubi like this every time. It was a tradition that historically dated to the first meeting that the Bunny-kin sent to the Demon lands, and the Incubi were in the power of their house of representatives.

To get our neighbors to be friendly with us, the ambassador at the time made a huge party with four hundred bunny-kin filled with sexual energy to meet with the Incubi. This solidified apparently a tradition of ambassadors in the future to continue to do the same thing. Although not in the same numbers as that first party. Traditions die hard, and this wasn't a tradition that needed to die at this point since the Bunny-kin women were not sad about it but quite enthusiastic about joining the fun.

As I walked into the hall where the party and meeting with the representatives would be, I looked around at all the furniture. There were couches and tables for food to still be put out and places for sex with tables, sofas, and swings for those feeling adventurous. This would become a place for sex instead of high meetings dictating two countries' future relations economically.

It was weird thinking of it that way as I used to host parties in my previous incarnation. They would never have devolved into sex parties with every hole available, and my imagination trying to grasp it would only gross me out. The typical delegate in my previous world, including Ambassadors, was in their late forties on the youngest end to in their late sixties or higher on the average trend.

The interesting thing about this world was that it was even more true in some areas. B-Ranked powerhouses held the power of delegation in the world. They took care of all the C-ranks and, below dealing with matters, their A rank counterparts had better things to be doing. The A ranks held the ultimate power and could kill off those B rankers, but the A rankers didn't want to deal with the day-to-day affairs that the resources they needed came from. This also leads to the average age in these parties, though it could be the late eighties or even centuries, depending on the species.

The consequence was that the power was held by those that had proven themselves to be strong among the Demon lands power, and the same was true with the Beast-kin nation. Everyone had to prove themselves, though, and as I looked around the room, seeing all the details Yuri and Alexia put into it, I knew that I needed to reward them more than just bringing them to this party giving them a good time.

Their hard work paid off, in my opinion, as the main reason why I was here before the party began and the Secret door to the room opened, and Fourteen women of various heights and colors came in. They all wore elegant dresses that showed off their bodies and allowed easy access to their bodies for later play. I am sure that the dresses would be in a corner at some point in the evening when things degraded to the point I knew they would reach. That didn't matter at this point as I saw the happy smiles of the Bunny-kins who volunteered to help me with this party.

They considered themselves the lucky ones, and those smiles also proved that with how excited they looked. I still needed to address them before the party to understand the priorities tonight, and I smiled at them. "Ladies, Thank you for volunteering tonight for the party." I said, and the grins only seemed to somehow get larger, "Now, soon some Incubi of importance to our nation are going to be here tonight. We will have a sex party, but not right away," I said sternly, getting some of the girls to look sad for a moment before their expressions started to turn a bit more serious. "That isn't to mean that there won't be the party that I promised when recruiting, and you're also allowed to back out if you don't feel comfortable. But, I need to emphasize that I will be doing an important meeting before all the partying starts and need the atmosphere to be cordial. You may do everything that allows all your naughty bits to be covered." I said, my expression stern.

"You want to cope a feel to see how large they are underneath before the party; It should be fine if they want it. But those pants stay on as your panties stay on until I start the festivities. That will be when all these rules go, and all that is left for rules is respect your partner and expect to be respected back. Is that understood?!" I asked loudly to the serious woman looking back at me.

"Yes, Ambassador Chelsea!" They said a bit out of unison, but everyone acknowledged the order.

"Good," I said with a large nod and looked over the ladies, "Now, the food will be set on all the tables, and you can even flirt with the Incubi to get them a little excited beforehand. I hope you ladies have some fun teasing them and do one last task while making polite conversations with them." I paused as the ladies realized there was another order coming. "You will try to the best of your ability to get information out of them without being obvious about it. If they feel uncomfortable, though, with the direction of the conversation; Stop pressing it. This party isn't to get information out of the Incubi; They are allies. It is to have fun and enjoy yourselves, but you will be expected to make written reports of things you remember after the party. Understood?" I asked again.

"Yes, Ambassador Chelsea," The women replied again.

"Good, Now I have one more order," I said, and the Bunny-kin women all looked very serious, "Have some fucking fun and blow off some steam and stress on these Sex demons. Enjoy yourselves and let loose. I am sure that the Incubi will enjoy it!" I announced, and I received cheers in return, and the ladies no longer looked serious as they turned back to each other while I left the room so they could talk to each other.

I moved down the hallway with a smile on my face knowing that I was about to see the outfits that Alexia and Yuri picked to see them in. I was excited since Alexia hadn't let me see them, and I only gleamed that both Yuri and Alexi would be matching while making them stand out from the other girls. I was the party's host and needed to stand out in my own way, although I wouldn't have inforced that. Still, I couldn't wait to see them, and the time was closing that the delegates and representatives were going to be here.

I stepped into the room. I knew they were finishing up some details, and my breath caught, and I felt my cock twitch in excitement, looking at the scene in front of me. It was beautiful and erotic as I looked at Alexia and Yuri just finishing up in matching outfits that looked so good as they finished. They both turned at the opening of the door, and I closed it behind me as I took in the sight of their amazing and erotic sexy bodies. They looked beautiful, and my mind couldn't stop complimenting them.

"Wow," I said, looking at the clothes that partially covered them. Alexia wore a modified Japanese dress that started at her neck down to her breasts separately, leaving her breasts' cleavage. From there, they flowed with a red luster matching her fur down her back to cover her ass while another went down her stomach to cover her pussy. The entire outfit was held together with a gold string that tied the back to the front and also kept up with a cross string up her back to keep it tight to her body. It was amazing, and it took my breath away. Yuri then wore a matching one in a deep purple that matched her skin tone and scales that complemented her body in the same way Alexia's did. They were matching outfits that fit them perfectly, and they looked so beautiful and erotic to me that Doorknoker was Harding under my black loincloth for today's even.

They both looked at me, surprised only for a second on my sudden intrusion, and I didn't even try to stop myself from saying, "Beautiful," I complimented them, receiving two blushes as I seemed stunned in place. Both Yuri and Alexia liked the compliment, though, and seemed to brighten at the compliment.

"Well," They both said in unison, "We know that just from Doorknockers reaction what you feel," Both of them giggled while looking at Doorknocker, and I winced, knowing that I couldn't meet the representatives with a blatant stiffy for them to see. I took control of my body and stopped deciding it didn't matter before I went to see them.

"Well," I returned, stepping closer to them, "You are right that both of you turn me on a lot," I neared them as Yuri adjusted her clothing a little. I reached out and took both asses in my hand. "You both have an incredible body that I love, So I feel no shame showing how much I react to the both of you," I told them with a lecherous grin.

Both Alexia and Yuri pushed me back with grins that spoke no anger towards me. Instead, those expressions showed my want for things to escalate when I heard a knock on the door. "Alexia, Yuri, The delegates are here for the party and have arrived early." A voice said through the door, putting an end to the potential situation that was about to come up.

"Come, let us go get the boring stuff out of the way so we can enjoy ourselves later," I told the ladies, opening my arms somewhat, and both came to either side of me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I turned with them, and we awkwardly left the room before heading down to greet the delegates at the front. Although they were early, they weren't very early, and I came up to seven Incubi in various dress forms in our lobby.

I could instantly feel who were the representatives among them and looked them over as I approached. I believed the first and the main leader with the final decision was a man dressed in a loose leather jacket and pants. They showed barely anything wore leather shoes and gloves, and I felt wild sexual energy around the man. I also felt in my gut that if it ever came to a fight with this man at the moment, I was dead. My instinct seemed to sing it to me, telling me there was no doubt in my death in that case.

I kept myself calm as I finished approaching him, and she brought out his hand to me while the other Incubi watched him move forward to greet me. "Ambassador Chelsea!" He began sounding genuinely happy to see me, "I am Representative Jax. I am delighted that you are greeting us with a party." Jax's grin was large as he watched my reaction to his aura.

"Representative Jax, It is fantastic to meet you, and I am glad you came to our modest party to greet you in our traditional way," I replied with a large grin of my own. "I look forward to your reaction to the greeting we have for you upstairs. I can only say that more of my people were sad that you didn't bring more to make the festivities larger," I told him, reaching for more information on why the delegation was small.

Jax's eyes narrowed for a second before returning and laughed, "We can talk about that later; let me introduce you to my fellow Representative Mostro," Jax said and pointed out the Incubi that looked immaculate down to the detail in a suit. It seemed to be a trend among some of the demonkind. I don't think you could find a hair out of place as it was slicked back.

"Ambassador Chelsea," Mostro said politely, holding out his hand with a smile of his own that was polite. "Your reputation for women already is starting to spread, and with the beauties beside you, I can only compliment your taste," Mostro said, bowing to kiss my hand, and I didn't know what to think of that. I took it as a compliment for now.

"Thank you, Yuri and Alexia are amazing women." I replied to the compliment, "I hope you enjoy the party we have arranged, although I hope to get business out of the way first." I finished smiling to both representatives, "Would you like to start as I am sure seeing the delegates looking at Yuri and Alexia..." I paused, "They are going to be looking forward to meeting the ladies tonight, and they are excited to meet you as well," I finished with an equally polite smile.

"Let us go then," Mostro said, and Jax nodded. I nodded with them before, escorting them with the delegates behind them to the party room, and thought about Mostro and Jax. Jax seemed to be the leader and was very powerful. I would not fight him directly and would retreat as my instincts dictated, and it was probably for the best. My instincts on Mostro, though was weird. It was like even his Mana was orderly, and I didn't understand it since my mana was in a whirlpool instead of something super tidy like his was. Both of them were things that I never encountered before, and I realized that this was the most likely case in the future since Mana could change shape and work in different ways depending on how you imagine it.

Jax interrupted my thoughts as we walked up the stairs saying, "Ambassador Chelsea, How is Ambassador Ralph doing?" He said with an inquisitive tone.

I looked at him over my shoulder as I continued forward and noticed his genuine curiosity. "I can't tell you more than the same thing that I told the Succubi. Ambassador Ralph will be dealt with for things unrelated to the crimes your country has brought up. Although I will tell you he will not be getting a soft retirement with a cushy position in the end and will be punished." I told him, noticing happiness enter his eyes I didn't expect.

I knew the Succubi were delighted to hear that he was being punished. The Incubi I didn't know hated him too, and Ralph's incompetence in the position didn't stop astounding me. How many relationships did he sour while working here, and how did it not come up to the leader's attention sooner?

Those two questions would have to pause as I reached the door, and Alexia quietly pressed a hidden enchantment for the benefit of the ladies inside to be ready. I turned around, and Alexia and Yuri went to each door to open it looking beautiful as they did so. I smiled, "Gentlemen, tonight I would like to greet you formally as we have done for centuries with the Incubi and host this party. Although my lovely ladies will not be available to be with you today, I assure you that some ladies inside are anticipating your welcome." I told them and noticed an expression I didn't understand on Jax. "Let us enjoy ourselves," On cue, Alexia and Yuri opened the doors.

Inside a line of fourteen Bunny kin in sexy dresses, "Greetings!" They said in unison and bowed slightly while food filled the tables behind them. The ladies were all in sexy dresses with ease of 'access' and looked elegant, so they didn't look out of place in high-end diplomacy. It was a hard line to tread, and they all perfectly pulled it off. As they bowed, you could also see various amounts of cleavage to entice the Incubi to be with them today before standing straight again.

The Incubi's attention was taken, and I stepped aside as they all started to interact with the Bunny-kin who were there to play with them. I smiled as everything started off as planned, and I kissed Alexia and Yuri in turn, quickly saying a quick, "Thanks, everything looks amazing."

I received smiles in return as I took them back in my arms to join the Incubi as they interacted with the ladies. I let the interaction go a little before Incubi had two ladies in their arms joining them as they chatted. The ladies all looked excited and started to eat with the men they had chosen to be with. They all took what they wanted like proper Bunny-kin, and the men seemed just as happy as each had two bunny-kin ladies in their arms shortly afterward with no favoritism to be seen.

It was planned and executed perfectly as I joined Jax and Mostro in a corner. Alexia told them to bring them earlier when things were ready. I sat down across from Jax and Mostro with a smile and Yuri offering food to me. I took a bite before saying, "So, Enjoying the party so far?" I asked with a grin.

"The party is excellent, and the company is perfect," Jax said with a quick nod from Mostro as he took a clean, organized bite from the food presented to him. I wanted to raise an eyebrow at him but stopped myself.

"Well," I said, "I would love if we got business out of the way so we can enjoy ourselves even more." I told them honestly, "The ladies are also looking forward to the business being finished, I believe." I finished, and Jax smiled.

"I know you have something to ask us as we have an idea of what you want. But I would first like to ask a question." Jax replied.

"Sure," I said, leaning back and taking more food presented into my mouth with a smile.

"Have you wondered why there are only seven of us that came today?" Jax said, and his smile turned more predatory.

"No," I said, wondering myself since our records showed that the Incubi coveted these parties to attend to amount the representative's staff.

"Well, I will let you know what happened at the last party that came about." Jax said, "Imagine for a moment that you brought only one woman to a party of Thirty Incubi expecting what we are used to seeing in Bunny-kin parties." Jax said and finished with, "That is what happened." His tone was harsh, and I sucked in a breath.

"What the fuck?" I left my mouth without the ability to stop it. I couldn't believe that even Ralph would do something like that, and I was left stunned.

It didn't take more than five minutes for us to have at least one hundred interested parties for this party. The Bunny-kin being promiscuous was an understatement and both the men and women followed the strong. This party was a match in heaven for Bunny-kin looking to get knocked up as well if they could convince one of the men here. They were never below C rank in power, and if you were lucky, the representatives were B rank, making them Prime members to be impregnated by. It was everything that the culture of the bunny-kin wanted in their fathers for women wanted.

I closed my mouth, and I sighed, "Thank you for letting me know." I said with gritted teeth, knowing yet another thing that fucking idiot tried to sabotage, and my brain blanked for a moment.

Was ambassador Ralph a traitor? Did he get a high-up position with our most likely allies in a war with the empire and sabotage our closest connections to the best of his ability? What confidential information did he still know that could affect our war effort? I know he wouldn't know about the potions or the potential that Tina just brought my way. But these were critical questions; then, a more important one came to mind.

The sea is open to the empire, too, and they have pirates or privateers still out there. Are there Empire-funded privateers going to try and 'save' him? These questions started to prevail in my mind ruining my mood, and I knew that I needed to bring this to the council's attention when I could. I was pissed off as Jax seemed to notice my mood change. I started to regain control of myself, knowing that it wouldn't change anything that I know of even if I contacted the Council now. Then I stopped that line of thinking, knowing this was a world with A rank mages and powerhouses.

I paused in all movements, and my serious expression registered to everyone. I knew my thoughts came to a point, and to the surprise of everyone around me. "I need to go somewhere for a moment, Jax, Mostro," I said in turn, and Jax seemed confused.

I could then see a gleam in Jax's eyes as he replied, "My news has made you deduce something." Jax said, his tone saying it as a Fact.

"Maybe," I replied. "For now, let the ladies here entertain you as I go do something quickly."

I didn't say anymore leaving. Yuri and Alexia joined me, looking worried as I left the room and made my way to the emergency communication for the tower. If I am wrong, then I was wrong. If I am right, though..." My mind didn't want to come to what might happen soon if I was right.

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