F*tanari System


We all dressed, and I had another robe which was now my priority to replace. We arrived in the dining room and were served by a human girl barmaid. She was cute with double D breasts and an attitude that showed she wasn't going to take shit from anyone. I was surprised that a high-end establishment had that attitude then thought better of it. No one wants drama in the morning, so they hired someone who wouldn't make it or stop it before it starts. Therefore they hire strong-willed girls to make sure they don't. I liked it now that I thought of it, and honestly, as a strong-willed woman myself, or at least I think I am, it's good seeing that type of service. I felt a lot better with some food, but I know my recovery was still ongoing.

We finished the meal that was absolutely amazing with pancakes, butter, and berries imported in. They had no syrup that my old Canadian instincts yell at me as a travesty, but I ate them and enjoyed them. I asked the Innkeeper to the nearest tailor, and we went to a store not too far away. I walked in looked all around, seeing various dresses and stuff, mostly for gnomes and dwarfs. I called out, looking for the tailor. What came out was a gnome that was three feet tall. She had blazing red hair and a piercing under her left eye. It was a weird place for a piercing, I thought, but who am I to judge.

"Hello, May we conduct business?" asked the Red-haired gnome.

"Yes, I need new clothing. I found typical robes are not suited to me," I answered, "I need something that allows me agility and freedom of movement. I need something I can fight in that also covers all my... Equipment." I say the last part with a slight blush.

"Hmm Your not tall for a beast-kin. I would even call you short," That actually hurt being called short by a gnome, "I do not know what you mean by the equipment. That Arcane staff is taller than you, so I can't cover that, and it seems you don't have any other equipment on you. I can measure you out and find what you are looking for." I blush, but she seems professional, so I kept it to myself. Mally, Emily, and Kate seem to be laughing still from the short part.

"I do not mind, although I think you have a challenge ahead." The Red-haired gnome leads me to a back private area. I proceed to disrobe, and a gasp escapes her mouth.

"Wow!" she's staring at Doorknocker, "Just wow, now I see what you mean that's at least eight inches flaccid. Hiding this will be hard while keeping agility even your balls are larger than average size to back it up. Can you tuck it in?" I shake my head with a blush across my face. I can't believe how shy I feel as she is so professional.

"No, even if you do tuck, that will impede agility. Most pants would show this off unless it's conspicuously loose. You need it hidden without making it obvious. My first and second choice also gets rid of the agility portion you are asking for. This is an interesting challenge. Could I make pants or shorts with more sag to contain it?" She started muttering to herself as she now starts taking measurements. Then she looks at me and asks, "How large are you when you are actually hard?"

"I never measured but thirteen fourteen inches long."

"Amazing, never seen one that large. That puts any plans in the wringer." She was deep in thought as I stood there naked and flaccid in front of her. "I have come up with one solution to your problem though it comes with a downside."

"What would that be?"

"Well, it's basically a loincloth, and that's it. You can just hang out. There will be no support, but you can just hang out, and it will not affect agility. It will not be too tight to impede you, and while you are flaccid, hide you. The downside is if you get hard, no covering it up, it will show off. Second, it will make you look more like a barbarian. I could make a sophisticated top, something that looks nice. Hell, I can make the loincloth look more sexual or something else, but at this moment, I can't thank you for anything. I can also make a net or something to support your balls, not to hurt yourself while jumping and sack yourself. It will take a bit with some thought, but I can make it work. I can then get it enchanted, so it further hides everything under the covers so that people cant just peek. Still, it won't stop people from seeing you if you get hard. Maybe I can come up with another solution, maybe later with more time, though."

I looked at her, digesting what I was told the solution was, and had no idea how I felt about it. I already hang out under my robe, and It was impossible to hide my hard-on anyways. It was just I would be walking around in underwear. I didn't know how to feel about that. The gnome told me I could go re robe that she got all my measurements.

We walked outside and told the ladies what she thought was the solution. They were all fully behind it that surprised me. I was questioning it, but I had told them over breakfast. I decided to get at least one to see how it looked when she designed it. We then needed a top that went with it. I asked if there was something to support my chest. She looked at me with a weird smile.

"There was a new invention for women very recently from the kingdom of Arlin to our south past the Beast mountains. The traders there are aggressively selling it, and I happened to have gotten a look. Most dwarf and gnome women are kicking themselves not to invent it ourselves. We now have to pay a patent fee to the noble house to make it. The dwarven kingdom strictly enforces this law, so it goes into a fund that leaves the kingdom to that business. We really are kicking it is such a huge moneymaker, and they have patent here in the Dwarven kingdom for the next twenty years. But that is beside the point; how about I make something clothing-wise to help you out. Your Breasts are still developing, but that will not change what you need now. Let us see."

We put something back in forth for hours, and I realized I wanted something to cover my neck after that assassin girl. That reminded me too that I needed to have a conversation with Mally about her abilities. Kate strongly urged for some cleavage in my custom outfit, and they all agreed. Eventually, we came to something that left my mid-drift open and strapped, leaving a triangle out above my breasts—nice cups to support my breasts for when I am moving and relaxing. Open shoulders so that it doesn't limit movement. The arms down a bit to t-shirt length to make me look less like a barbarian. I got a Collar that covers the majority of my neck. I thought it looked good. The ladies were all excited. I ordered it mostly green, letting the tailor do what she was good at. She smiles at me and tells me to come back in a day or two for it. I hear Mally and the tailor talk a bit before she joins us, leaving the tailors.

We wandered around the street and found a restaurant to eat at. We sat down at the tables and were served by a Pink Haired gnome with a large smile. We happily ate with the cute gnome girl spending a lot of time with us. I was wondering what was up and asked. Apparently, I made a larger entrance than I thought to be so injured and surviving. Word was being spread fast around the city, and being me, I kind of stand out.

I ate there as she chatted with us. I looked at her and thought It would be a novel experience to be with a gnome. Never hurts and asked. I was turned down hard. "No Thanks, Bunny-kin are the kind to knock up a girl and leave. Most in the Dwarven kingdom don't like that our culture is a different girl. I can tell with that hard-on under the table that you are the pump and dump type. I do not want to raise a child alone on a waitress's dime." With that, I left it. It also made me think about what I had been doing. I am kind of an asshole. No, I am. I have just been leaving a trail of pregnant women in my journey, or at least two. If they stay with me, they can't get pregnant. If they are not with me, I leave them with child and fuck off.

I finished my meal in a foul mood due to that. I cannot say I am a good person If I think of it like that. Really If my previous incarnation learned how I had been acting, then I would have smacked myself down. But my system kind of demands it. Everything in it is expensive. Well, Except the lottery, but you never know what you will get with that. I cannot stop it, and the society of the bunny-kin embraces what I was doing. But that doesn't mean I have to follow what the crowd does.

I was in thought, and my ladies noticed. Emily kept stopping them from waking me out, I noticed in the corner of my eye. I was brought out, though, with the Mechanical shop. I saw it in the corner of my eye, and my perception focused on it. I beamed as I pulled the ladies into the shop with me.

The shop was full of geared mechanisms. All different shapes and sizes, I was surprised. I looked around like a kid in a candy store looking at the gadgets, wondering what they do. I was immersed in it. A Dwarf and a gnome were at the counter looking at me with a smile watching a Wizard bunny-kin run around staring at everything. I was enthralled, wondering how each works. I wanted to take them apart and study each thing like a toy. My mind was far from my previous thoughts as I looked at a flower with a little windmill for it that spun. My mind told me it was a weapon of some sort, and I picked it up and brought it to the front counter.

"This is some sort of weapon its fascinating I never toyed with mechanics and never thought to. I was so enthralled with alchemy and Mana that I never thought maybe somewhere there was micromechanics. This is almost steampunk. I am wondering how this is a weapon, though, is the metal windmill actually blades that shoot out? Does that seem to be the most logical? How is its power, though? I'd first think of enchantments, but that would be an insult to that form of mechanics, and it would be seen in advance by most Wizards making a combat profession rendering it useless. Please let me know-" I continued for minutes on end, asking questions and answering them with no gap insight the clerks at the front counter were completely baffled. Emily was facepalming, and Mall with Kate was questioning their reality as I bombarded the Clerks with hundreds of questions and answers moving from one to the next.

For an hour, I never stopped until a Green Haired Gnome came out covered in grease. She was covered in an orange jumpsuit with oil streaks on it. "SHUT UP!" she yelled at me, and I continued for a little bit and slowly came to a stop. And I looked at her. I do like her looks with a small, almost flat chest and petite body. I stared at her and asked, "You make this it is fascinating and the same with everything else here. Names Chelsea you are?"

"I do not care who you are, Chelsea your annoying, and people need to work."

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