F*tanari System


"You have been rambling for a fucking hour shorty. You're a fucking Wizard acting like a fucking five-year-old. I do not need even to entertain you," The gnome yelled in my face, "You have been here for an hour as I do work in the back and been stopping all business I can do as well as any modifications in the back."

"Are you the mechanic?" I ask, looking her over; she looked young too, "If you are would you allow me to take you out to dinner and talk? I am very curious."

She looked even more annoyed behind the counter, looking at how I wasn't deterred. "Look, You bunny-kin Chelsea, why would I want to talk to someone on mechanics that knows nothing of it?" She looked a little ticked. "You are even asking me out with three ladies around you; you bunny-kin with most beast-kin are sexually promiscuous; everyone knows that. Why would I want to enter that?"

"I am a research type Wizard, not combat, although I am working on that. I know that has little to do with your profession, but I am also a skilled enchanter and Alchemist. We could learn a lot or even do a collaborative project with each other. Let us actually talk for a bit, and I am sure we are the same type of person as me. I learned some secrets of the arcane arts, and you have something that I am deeply fascinated by and would love to put some of my inventions I would love to produce into the works with you. I simply, by looking around, believe we could do some really cool things together. Let me take you to dinner; we can talk." I want this gnome with me, and we go back and forth.

"Look, Chelsea, I want to work; against my better, judgment I will go out to dinner with you. Will that make you happy?" she looked exasperated.

"Yup, I want to take you out, and I see your employees were packing up anyways. If you want, you can go out looking covered in grease or change. I do not know much about the culture here." I say, "We will go out to a nice Inn, and there will be a bath if you want to use that too. I really want to get to pick your brain and get to know you!" I was fascinated with the mechanics, and I wasn't going to lie to myself; I wanted to know what it was like being with a gnome. Could I even physically go balls deep?

"I will change out of my Jumpsuit, and we can go, but I want the promise that tomorrow, you will not come back and disrupt business."

"That will be no problem. I promise not to come and disrupt business," I promise quickly, and she sighed, walking into the back. I was excited to pick her brain on the mechanics that this world has to offer. I heard that the dwarves are the apex of mechanical engineering and blacksmithing, so I was very curious and excited to talk with her. She came out, and the grease in the hair wasn't gone, but she came out in a casual Black crop top and some purple shorts. I noticed her belly button had a piercing.

"Enough checking me out, let us go; you said you were taking me out for dinner, and I expect somewhere nice. Not your Inn, Bunny-kin." I could physically feel my ears fall a little at that.

"Well, I do not know the area well. I was hoping you could take me to where you want to go; I know little here. I with my ladies here have been to the tailors then I found your place. I get excited by things and got caught in my fascination."

Mally interrupted for a moment after I talked. "Chelsea, me and the ladies here need to go pick up things, and I know dinner with you will be you ignoring us while you pick her brain. So instead of an uncomfortable meal with being ignored, Emily, Kate, and I will go back to the Inn after picking up some supplies. I need more Ward supplies, and I know Kate needs some more potions. so we will see you in a couple of hours, okay?"

"That's fine, Mally, Ladies Sorry for ruining our shopping trip." I regretfully part for now with them. Emily gets a hug from me and parts way.

"Now, let me introduce myself. I am journeyman Tina Bolton. I am a Mechanic you are?" The gnome introduces herself, and I smile.

"Again, I am Chelsea My last name I keep forgetting since it doesn't matter to me, and I am a High Arcane Wizard of the Beast-kin Country. I am on a journey to prove I have the strength and that I can be strong." I introduce myself properly, and her eyes go wide.

"You are a High Arcane Wizard; that's Impressive; what Wizard tower did you crawl out from. There is no need to answer that when it comes to wizards; that isn't a question to be answered lightly. Well, you have a step up on me in profession type. You are a senior, and I am a journeyman; that's how we go with professions here in the Dwarven kingdom. I make Battle type mechanical parts. Most in my store are the type that I am allowed to sell since most weapons right now are under strict control from the Kingdom's counsel. It makes sense, though. You wanted to pick my head lets head to a restaurant, and we can pick each other's heads."

"That's fascinating that you rank the professions, but that makes sense; not everyone is interested in battles. Hell, I am not interested in battle mechanics either and was more or less forced to learn, but I was fascinated that I learned more there than in the last year of my studies." I ramble on, and we talk back and forth on the way to a dinner in the corner as Tina opened up to me. We talked back and forth. The waitress hostess who sat us at a table was giving us weird looks as we talked shop, picking each other for the mysteries of each other's profession.

"Look, I understand what you are saying. Chelsea, Mechanics can take a significant boost by enchanting, but It will also increase wear and tear and create a mana signature. In combat, that can be deadly where without the enchantment; you can produce completely mana silent machines that can kill Wizards without any tell from mana," she argued back to my argument.

"No, Tina, I think not everything needs to be silent; you can make something so quick that it kills them before they can react. Just because you see an assassin doesn't mean you can stop them. Also, there are many things large enough. It doesn't matter if enchantments are on it or not; you can see the things. With the wear and tear, though, make replacement parts make it on a scale with the parts that need enchantments easily replaceable you can buy the parts on mass and just change it out once it's done." I come back.

"That does make sense," She gave up the point, and we rambled on into the night as we ate. I enjoyed her company, and I believe she enjoyed mine. The waitress would show up and just put down things for us; seeing we were in deep debate, hell, we even ate without ordering, she just dropped something at the table that we both ate. I dropped a couple of gold coins, most likely more than was needed, and we left. We were in deep debate about her new Strength glove; she told me she was producing, and I was putting my five cents into it.

We walked around and talked back and forth; neither of us paid attention until it was dark out. "Tina, why don't we head back and have a bath together and continue this fascinating conversation?" I ask politely and wanting the night not to end.

"Sure, why not? This was a lot more fun than I thought; what Inn are you at?" She agreed, and I smiled.

"I do not know the name of it, but it was mentioned to me to be the most expensive inn in town with private baths, so I went there." Tina looked happy with that and looked around, and we started to head to the Inn. We were not far but never once made our conversation end as we headed inside; the ladies were in the Inn talking to each other. They all looked to have some debate, and I saw some gold coins pass around as we entered, going towards our private bath. I looked over to them and waved, and they all waved back.

We entered the changing area, and Tina was cute with her belly piercing was just a simple stud. She also had a tattoo on her left hip, just tribal. I stripped beside her, and she didn't look at me as we entered the bathing area.

Our conversation flowed even entering as we were kindred spirits absolutely fascinated by our subject. "No, You can't just mass produce most of this equipment; you need a trained professional, Chelsea. Most laymen cannot make the precise points that are needed for this work," she explained as I was talking about mass producing and assembly lines.

"Then Make equipment for that, Tina. Make the machines do precision work, and others do the simpler shit. Make it to a standard size, and then each person just puts it on another going down the line. Eventually, you just have people put it together. If that requires expertise, just train the people at the end to do that. It will require less time, Tina. Training a person to literally do one thing instead of everything. It makes sense and better use of labor resources. This is what you do." We both started washing, and Tina was looking away when I mention my last bit.

"That is true but- The Fuck?" Tina turned and looked at me as I washed and she was crouched washing her legs. She was not far from me, and her face was right at the head of the doorknocker in her face, inches from it. She blushed hard.

She was shocked looking at it. "What's up, Tina?" I ask as she stopped and exclaimed, now looking hard at Doorknocker.

"You are a man?" She simply asked me, and I denied, "No, I consider myself a woman, but I am classified as a Futanari. I am rare even in Bunny-kin Culture," I explain.

"If you are not a man, then most men I have ever been with may as well be women," She continued to stare, "Wow, you are big." Tina complemented or mentioned to herself, "Could that even fit?" She just continued to stare fascinated at me; she ignored me and stared at Doorknocker.

I started calling her name, but she looked at it, and I smiled. "Tina, Tina, Tina." I grab her chin and force her to stare into my eyes instead of my dick. "Tina, You want to try it for a ride?" She looked at me then Doorknocker. I was disappointed our conversation ended with my dick. Supremely disappointed she was the first who could argue with me intellectually in this world so far and was slightly slower on some concepts, but her intellect was true, and I enjoyed that. But her nod of want brought my lust up. My serious curiosity and lust were brought forward, and I smiled.



Announcement For everyone.

I will be holding a Vote for an NSFW commission for next month. It will be a public Vote for the partner with Chelsea from Futanari System. All can get their say. When the Drawing is finished, I will put in a new Tier on my P*treon to view it.


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