Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 31: Progress

-Lucielle POV-

I've finally arrived at the Capital City Lograth by noon, after two days of riding along at a caravan. Seeing the city once again brought back memories, both pleasant and unpleasant ones.

"Sigh…When I was finally getting used to the rural life as well, I just had to come back here." I complained

Life at the countryside wasn't so bad compared to what I first expected. I loved the peace and tranquility of the small village there, compared to the lively bustling streets in the city.

As I was walking towards the city square, I noticed newer buildings and streets that wasn't there before. Not to mention, some older building got renovated. If it wasn't for the fact that I could still see the old castle from here, I would've thought that I was going the wrong way.

Looking at the newer buildings, it entered my mind that Celine is probably older than some of these stores. Thinking about my children, I became downhearted thinking about how they are starting to grow up.

Celine's already started trying to become less dependent on her mother, she's probably at the phase where she thinks being affectionate is childish. She already stopped liking being pampered by me, thinking it's embarrassing and all. But still she shows her love in different ways, she has a strong sense of duty and though she might not show it in her face, I could see that she still is attached to her family.

In complete contrast to his Sister's personality, Maelriel is very emotional and affectionate. In fact, he's almost too affectionate. Ever since he was born he always followed me around like a puppy. Though I did some 'things' that kind of screwed me over when it comes to educating him. But still, I've gotten so used to having him by my side, that when I was trying to sleep the last two days I needed an object to hug, because that's where Riel would usually be.

I think it's because of the isolated life in the village that our family is a lot more tightly knit than usual. Other than themselves, they really didn't grow up with friends of their age. But when they start living in the city, things might start to change.

There is a lot of people here, a lot more people around their age. They might start to develop some friendships here, and slowly drift away from their family.

I know that it's part of them growing up and it is something every parent must come to face, but there is still an ache in my heart whenever I thought of letting them be. Though they're what people would consider as geniuses, they're still so young and inexperienced. Surely, they can still stay by their mother's side, right?

I was thinking of such things when I finally reached the town square by afternoon, I looked towards the city map and started finding good residential areas.

'Wait, am I dumb? I can't find out about prices by looking at the map.' I wanted to facepalm, as I wondered why I even went to the city square

'Well, my connections should still be alive, I don't think the other ones are retired just yet. I'll leech off some of them, perhaps one can recommend me a place' I thought as I remembered some of my colleagues

-Maelriel POV-

A few days has passed since then and Mom should be returning home by now.

I've made some progress at the book I was writing. I made sure that it didn't seem obvious that I was pandering to sister's tastes that much when I was making the male lead. So everyday at a random time, I would ask

"Sis, what hair color do you like the most?"


"What eye color do you think is the prettiest?"


I wasn't sure if she already had her taste regarding boys, considering she didn't know shit about sex. So I had to ask in a roundabout way, but surprisingly she answered-

"Sis, do you want to marry a soldier?"

"No, I prefer someone who is kind, someone I can protect"

"Really? I thought you liked the Military?"

"Yeah, and I don't need another musclehead in the house."

She then looked at me for a moment before saying-

"… maybe someone who's more into arts."

Really Sis? can you get even more obvious… Does she even know siblings can't marry? Maybe I'll add that as a plot point. I can imagine writing a sad ending with MC crying as she fails to protect her brother-

'Please, promise me this Sis-'

'If there is more than this one lifetime'

'and we can meet again'

'In another place'

'In another time'

'As different people'

'Let us then love each other'

'the way we should've loved,'

'the way we couldn't love'

'each other in this life-'

Then male lead dies in MC's arms as she weeps, before following after him.

Wait, that ain't a smutty story.

How about in the end they just decide to live on another country, where no one knows of their relationship. But in the middle of the story they were initially conflicted, until one of them finally said-

'At the end of the day, what the fuck does it matter who I end up with if it can't be you?'

Before having the roughest fuck of their lives,

Yeah, that seems doable.

Damn, this is quite the Mulan remake I'm writing here.

Of course, when it comes to the sex scenes I'll have to add my kinks as well. I mean I atleast need an excuse to be able to do them.

Also ever since that day, Aerin visited everyday to help out for dinner though this time Celine was always there whenever she came over. In fact Aerin is at our house right now, helping Sis cook for dinner because Sis asked to be 'taught' how to cook as well as she went to kitchen alongside me

"Hey Riel, why do I have the feeling that your sister does not like me?" she whispered bewildered, when Sis was quite the distance from us

In my head I was like 'Considering what you did to me when she was gone, I'd say she has the right to be wary'. But of course I can't say that.

"I think she's just not used to having other people on the house" I reasoned

"No, I felt like she's been glancing towards me the entire time the last few days" Aerin mumbled as she went back to slicing vegetables

"I can hear you, you know?" Sis said coldly as she handed the plate

"Oh..." Aerin said awkwardly

"I don't have any problems with you, this is just how I am" Sis said

I knew that Celine's answer was complete bullshit, as even though she's not the most affectionate person. Even I could tell when she's happy and in a good mood, but now, even I can sense her bad mood and wariness towards Teacher

"Is that so? Well pardon me for misunderstanding~" Aerin seemed to have believed it though,

Maybe it's because she can't think of a reason why Celine would be so hostile to her when it's like the first time they've ever interacted, plus she doesn't know how Celine really acts.

"It's fine, more importantly how do you-" Sis asked some more questions as she made sure that Aerin is only here to help us cook

Since it was Celine's turn to cook, it was mostly just her that's being taught by Aerin and I didn't really have that much to do. So instead I just sat on the table as I watched the spectacle of Sister trying to interact with someone who's not her family

When they were finally done, A family serving of vegetable pilaf was at the table. It was one of sister's favorites so she asked to be taught how to make it.

"Well, I think it came out fine~" Aerin said she as sat down before the table

"Yes, I think so too" I replied while Sis nodded her head

"Now that that's done, You said your Mom may come back by tonight right?" Aerin asked as she started taking her stuff

"Un, it's been a week already" I answered

"Well tell her I said hi, okay? Also I'm looking forward to resuming our classes~" She said as she went to the door

"Un, I'll show teacher my progress~" I went towards the door as well to send her off

"Bye bye! Also-" She said as she leaned forward before she covered her mouth, whispering-

"Teacher's back is pretty sore again lately~" she whispered as she made sure that Celine wouldn't be able to hear it

"Well, farewell~" she said one last time before finally going out

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