Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 32: Mom's Worries

The following day, I finally woke up when I noticed a familiar feeling beside me. Looking beside me, I saw Mom sleeping peacefully.

'She must've arrived when we were already sleeping' I thought

It's a good thing that I already sorted out my things and properly hid my manuscript and magic notes this time. I hid them in the same place where I hid the bottles of poison I took from those poachers.

"Mommy, you're back~ Muu~" I said as I gave her a peck on the cheeks

You never know, maybe she's just pretending to be asleep. I need to show her some love, even though she kinda forgot about us not knowing how to cook.

Getting out from the bed, I thought about Aerin's words at me. Especially the one about her back being sore. Unless I'm stupid, I think she's asking me to give her a massage again. But why though?

"Other than kisses, she never did anything, no?"

Beyond that, she never did anything, heck she never even looked like she wanted to take things further than that. So why the massage? In her mind, other than kisses, I shouldn't have a clue about sex. Not to mention, the people in this age don't relate massage to sex at all. It's only me who has watched a lot of massage porn videos, who thinks of it like that.

'Maybe her back is really just sore? She must really trust me then, since this is the first time she willingly asked me for one.'

That doesn't answer the question though, about why is she trying to get me so attached to her? Even years ago, she already asked if I was interested in going to the capital with her, with playing music as her excuse. Is it because of the talents I showed?

If I was an innocent kid, the first thing I would think based on what she did to me is 'Teacher must like me as well', but luckily I'm not so innocent. Unless she's into young boys, then there's no way her kisses was romantic. Plus if she really was into young boys, she would've went for me way earlier.

But instead, when I started acting that I had a crush on her, that is when she started to be a little more proactive. Maybe she's just trying to keep me close, close enough that I would think that I have a chance and make sure that I won't give up on her.

Why though? If not as a lover, maybe she wants me as her love-struck assistant or something like that? She did mention something about patronage and sponsorship after all.

Luckily it's still the weekends, so I don't have to go at Aerin's place for now. I'll probably just spend my day writing at the library. Mom is back at home after all, she's not allowed to know about the book I'm writing.

"Hm? Riel, you're already up?" I heard Mom's voice as she came downstairs

"Un, did you find a place at the capital?" I asked

"Of course, it's pretty good" She cheerfully replied

"Stay for a while, I'll cook breakfast before you go" She added


"How's your magic training going, sweetie?" She asked as she started cooking

"It's going great Mom" I answered

"Still, I never understood how you were able to make plants grow like that. Can you grow Mom some tomatoes then? Some cabbage would be nice..." Mom suggested

"No Mom, they all wither after a couple of minutes." I already answered this multiple times before, now I think Mom is just doing it to annoy me

"Oh? I just thought about it, how did you guys cook your meal when I was gone?" it was only today that Mom thought about it

"Well, at the start Celine asked to be taught by someone, but later on, Teacher came over to help when she found out that we were struggling about food" I answered

"Oh, your teacher came over?" Mom seemed surprised

"She didn't do anything strange did she?" Mom asked

"Strange? Uhh, I don't think so..." I answered

"Geez, Mom… Teacher has been teaching me for years, she's really kind~" I said as I smiled

Mom went silent for a few seconds before sighing-

"Sigh… Actually Riel, I think Mommy has to teach you some self-defense methods." she said out of the blue

"What? But you sai-"

"Yes, I know your magic is really good, probably better than Celine's as well" I was gonna say something, but Mom cut me off

"But you see, it's not always a life-or-death battle"

"Sometimes someone just needs to be told no, without killing her" she explained

"or someone could be getting pretty touchy, and you want to get her away from you"

Well that scenario seemed pretty specific, plus why did Mom already assume it's gonna be a woman? I can imagine some drunk dude clinging to me, while I struggle to get him off

"But, I have a lot to do already? Do we have the time?" I would love to do that as well but my schedule is already pretty packed as it is

Seeing that I didn't reject her idea outright, I could her a very subtle 'Nice' come out of Mom's mouth

"Well, I'm not gonna train you to be a warrior or anything" Mom explained

"-you just need to be strong enough to fend off those floozy women..." Mom added quietly

"What's floozy, Mom?" I asked, as I wanted Mom to explain to me

"Well, do you remember what Mom makes you do at night, every now and then?" Mom asked as she averted her eyes

"Uhh… our 'bonding' times?" I answered

"…? uh, yes… those… if any other woman who is not Mom or your wife, asks you to do those stuff-"

"-it means they're floozy" Mom said with a straight face

"Stay away from those women, and tell Mom who they are, okay?"

"Anyways here's breakfast, we're starting at the afternoon" she said as she was finally finished cooking

Well, there goes my plans of writing in the afternoon.


-Lucielle POV-

"Geez, Mom… Teacher has been teaching me for years, she's really kind~"

I remembered his foolish words earlier. Hearing his seemingly complete trust to that teacher of his, I felt like I needed to give him some ways to protect himself.

Though I'm starting to think that perhaps his teacher might not actually be that bad, considering her concern when she found out that Maelriel doesn't know how to cook. But it's his life at the capital that I'm really worried about.

I'm well aware of how talented my children are and how good of a prospect they would be as a marriage partner, though I'm not that worried about Celine since she doesn't like other people that much anyways. Even though as a mother I don't like to admit it, but Celine would probably scare off most of her suitors anyway.

The one I'm worried about is Maelriel. He practically wears his emotions on his sleeves, and I can definitely see him being unable to say no to a slightly more forceful woman. Though when it comes to magic, he probably has the highest potential in our family. What I'm worried about is his physical strength.

If one night, a vixen decided she wanted some of 'that' with him, he can't just blast her off with his magic. He can't just kill a woman just because she found him attractive, but he atleast needs to be able to resist and say no. I know how some women can be really forceful, and if he encountered some of the stronger ones, isn't he just a lamb waiting to be eaten by those predators?

Though I don't have the right to say anything, but I can't allow my son to fool around with worthless women like those.


"Mom… Haaa…. Are we… finally done?" he said as he gripped my clothes weakly

"Yes, dear… you can rest now." I answered

We were walking back home, after I made him run through the forest. His entire body weight was leaning against me, and he would probably fall if I let go of him even for a second.

I put him on my back as I carried him on piggyback. It's been a while since I've done this to him, since he always goes to study with his teacher and observe his plants at the afternoon. I still can't help but be amazed at what he did at such a young age. I don't think I've ever seen anyone during my entire life be able to control plants and trees. He essentially just made his own magic by studying and observing his garden.

As I felt him fall asleep, it's at times like this that I'm reminded of just how young he still is. His talents and understanding sometimes gives him the impression of someone who is a little bit more mature, but when I see him so vulnerable like this. The aura of a genius just goes away, and all I see is the image of my weak young son.

There is another thing I'm worried about him, the lie about 'milk' that I told him, can't hold forever. Especially once he's in the capital, unlike in this village I can't control what information he receives and learns in there. There's a chance that he will learn about adult matters by himself there.

And if that happens he will realize what I've made him do before, without me clearing it up first…

I've been torn for quite some time now, on how will I explain sex to him without ruining our relationship. And in the end, though it may be wrong and immoral. I'll just lie to twist his perception about sex a little bit, in such a way he won't turn into a sexual deviant and he won't hate his mother as well.

I know that I'm a hypocrite for saying that I'm training him so he can save himself for his marriage, when I don't have the courage to tell him the truth about what we were doing. I won't get any award other than creating a rift a between the two of us, should I tell him the truth. But who will judge me anyway as long as no one finds out.

Sorry Riel, but I'm not strong enough to live with my children distancing themselves away from me.

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