Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 33: Preparation

"I'll be back by afternoon Mom." I said

"Sure, remember what Mommy taught you during the weekends, okay?" Mom said

"Un, I love you the most Mom~" I nodded before giving her a goodbye kiss, as I finally walked towards Aerin's place

Two days has passed since then, seeing how the weekends are over, and I could vividly remember what she meant by what she taught me.I could remember her saying-

'Okay Riel, when they grab you by your crotch, this is what you do~' Mom said as she grabbed my arms before swinging me overhead before my body hit the ground with a thud.

'That would send them a subtle message, that you don't like what they're doing to you.' she added as I laid down on the ground panting

Though I don't think there's anything subtle about that, what she taught me mostly consisted of handy techniques that I can use to fend off people like thieves and burglars. It was a pretty decent skill set to have, so I didn't mind.

More importantly though, as I was going to Aerin's place, I had to prepare some things. I brought some cookies, that I made myself. Some almond oil, for the 'massage' later. I also added another layer of clothing in my trousers, as I made sure everything is tight and that there is no chance of a hard-on being visible from outside. And I also still am maintaining the image that I have a huge crush on my teacher, or my childhood crush so to speak.

And I thought, what better way to cement a childhood love other than gifts. Not the chocolate kind, but the earring-necklace kind. Things that could last a long time, something that would remind her of me, or if things eventually work out; something that she could cherish.

Right now, I'm still pretty young to her eyes, and things I do, can be brushed off as my inexperience and innocence. Of course, this is something that I took full advantage of, considering my current relationship with the 3 of them.

However, it also has it's limits. For one, I won't be a child forever. And another is that, since things I do can just be brushed off as my innocence. Any words I say, will also be treated as the same. Say, why most adults find it adorable when a kid says that when they grow up, they want to marry them. Because no one actually believes it would happen, but it just means that the kid is really fond of them.

I mean, she's playing the long-con towards me, seeing how she's trying to get me so attached to her when I'm still young. So I'll play the long game as well, and slowly act like my feelings for her also developed.

Going back in centuries didn't just mean less technologies. There are a lot of things that also changed. As I was writing my , I had to use other romance books as reference. And from what I saw, unlike in the modern days on Earth, Chivalry and Romanticism are still going strong in here.

Casual relationships isn't really a thing, and I still read some of the cheesier lines being used. Lines that would make people from the modern age cringe instead. But who am I to judge? Vows, oaths, and promises, seem to be taken very seriously in this age.

So in the end when it comes to the gift, I settled with a locket music box containing one of my 'original' romantic compositions. Thing like those last a long time, and is quite a fitting gift for this day and age.

I plan to give it to her, before my first ever public performance. To kind of say, 'this piece is dedicated to you' or maybe a composition that I'll only play for her. I think that's a pretty romantic gesture, by my standards of course.

"Sigh… what do I even say?" I asked myself

Maybe for girls in this era, the cheesier the line is, the better.

With those thoughts, I finally saw Aerin's place. It seems that she was waiting for me, as I could see her from the window upstairs.

I didn't need to knock, since she already saw me. I only had to wait in front of the door before she opened it-

"Good morning, sweetie~" she greeted me

"Good morning to you as well, Teacher" I gave her a smile

"You seem to have a lot of things with you today?" She noticed as she let me in

"Um, I need them for later~" I explained

"Have you had breakfast already?" Aerin asked, once we were at the living room

"Un" I answered

"Oh, that's a shame… but we can start early for today I guess." She said as we once again went to practice


"Well, let's take a break for now~" Aerin said as noon approaches

"Um, teacher~"

"Hm, yes dear?" she asked

"Well, since you taught me last week… I wanted to give these to you" I said as I gave her the cookies that I made

"Oh? You made these?" Aerin was pleasantly surprised when she saw my treat

"Un, they're the best ones that I was able to make" I said, emphasizing the word 'best'

"I'll give them a try~" she said as she took a bite

"How is it?" I asked

"It's pretty good~" She said

When she was finally done,

"Teacher, I'd like to give you a massage for today." I smiled as I said to her

"Oh my, and I thought you weren't gonna give me any" she said happily

Seeing her reaction, I now knew that she really didn't have any dirty thoughts when she said her back was sore. I guess massage is really just a massage for her. Not that it's a bad thing though.

"I'm gonna be doing something different today, teacher." I said

"Oh?" Aerin was interested

"Well, I just learned of another way to give better massages" I said as I took out a bottle of sweet almond oil.

This is something I got from my very own garden, as well. After all, I've been planning to do this massage for quite some time now. So the preparations were already there, for some time.

"I'll apply this to your skin, to make things more smooth and slippery... It's also really good for the skin~" I explained, I added the 'good for the skin' part to truly get her attention

"Really?" Teacher was pleasantly surprised

"Of course~ I really wanted to do something special for you today… Since you helped us out so much when Mom was gone" I gave her my cute smile

Aerin thought back to the cookies I gave her and now to the sudden 'better' massage I'm gonna give her. She then realized why I was being so good to her today

"I just did what I had to do, I can't let my cute little student starve, can't I?" She answered sweetly

"Should we go to my bed then?" she added

"Uh, I think it's better to lay down on another place, since it might get soaked later" I suggested

"I see, well I have a spare bedroom so let's do that there instead" she seemed convinced as she thought of alternatives

I then followed her as we went into a spare bedroom, it was a smaller room compared to her own Master bedroom. But it had everything necessary, there was a very convenient table just beside the bed where I could place.

I then closed the curtains to prevent the neighbors from accidentally seeing us. Though it was noon, the room got dark as the curtains were fairly thick. She then had to lit the lamp on the table, as well as the ones on the walls to give ourselves some form of light.

Not gonna lie, the atmosphere was pretty perfect for the thing I'm about to do, a dark room, lit only by candles. The flame's orange light reflected on her skin, as I saw her slowly take her clothes off.

"Teacher, you can leave your undergarments on. So you can have some cover." I said

"Oh… okay..." Teacher was surprised

Of course, it's not because of some stupid reason like I'm being considerate or something. I just know that when it comes to massages like these, it's better if she has some cover first before you slowly take them off one by one, like you're unwrapping your present.

To be able to do things like pulling the woman's panties to the side as you then start touching her pussy, or unhooking her bra when you start moving on her back. Or my personal favorite, when you finally pull her panties down leaving her bare buttocks and pussy all exposed to you.

Of course, I can't fuck her just yet. But I wanna feel it for myself too, the feeling of slowly taking her clothes off as I get more and more aggressive with my hands. It's also the reason I added tighter undergarments for today, since I have to make sure she won't see me getting hard.

After all, I'm just an honest student trying his best to help his needy teacher. Nothing more~

With the amount of times I've already gave her a massage, I already knew where the towels are located. So I took a few before handing them over to her,

"Here teacher, lay the towels down first, before laying down yourself" I instructed

"Fufu~ you're instructing your teacher now, eh?" she giggled, seeing me give instructions to her

As she laid down on her stomach, I finally saw the underwear she was wearing. She was wearing lacy black panties, that was clinging tightly onto her skin. The fabric was pretty see-through as well, since I can her round ass just behind the fabric. Her panties becomes thin around her waist, like it would snap at the lightest touch.

Her top was quite the eye-candy as well, but seeing how she's laying down right now. I can't really see much except the strap, that I would be taking off later.

Seeing how she was surprised when I said that she shouldn't take her undergarments just yet, this means that she didn't purposely wear this type of panties because she expected me to see it. Does that mean that this is the type of underwear she wears everyday?

"Teacher, I'll be starting now, okay? Just like usual, please relax your body~" I eased her, as I focused myself to the task at hand

"Okay then… I'm in your hands once again~" she said in anticipation

I opened the bottle of oil, as I slowly applied them into my hands. When I thought I had enough, I then rubbed my hands together before finally applying them into her soft supple thighs.

I thought that after the amount of times I've given her a massage already, I would be pretty prepared for oiling her body up. But I guess I was wrong, as everytime my hands went up and down her thighs. I could see her round ass, jiggle lightly with every motion I took.

The sight of my teacher's ass jiggling, combined with her risque underwear choice instantly gave me a hard-on already. Ah shit, controlling myself now would be a lot harder than I initially thought.

I guess, Mom or Sis would have to swallow a lot more tonight than they usually do.

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