Full-time BOSS

Chapter 12 - The king sent me to patrol the mountain

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Ignoring the talent skill that Xiao Yu couldn’t help but want to vomit, he gained a hidden advancement, which greatly increased Xiao Yu’s confidence. Some of them were interested in going out to kill two adventurers to practice first, but he still remembered playing monsters. The template was killed badly, so after thinking about it, I decided to find some companions to go out together.

Finding a goblin warrior who still looks good, Xiao Yu said, “Hey, let’s go out to kill adventurers together?”

The goblin warrior shook his head quickly, “You are crazy, those greedy adventurers are so terrible, how dare we go out before we can hide.”

Xiao Yu found another goblin scout: “Hey, do you have any chance to kill adventurers together.”

The goblin scout also shook his head.

I asked five or six goblins in succession, and they were all the same answer.

Damn, it’s really a bunch of waste. Xiao Yuxin said that in the uncomfortable time, the goblin chief came out of the tent. “Recently, many adventurers have come nearby. I decided to form a patrol team to patrol nearby. It would be good if the adventurers attacked our camp. It was discovered in advance, is anyone willing to join the patrol?”

When he was really dozing off and encountered a pillow, Xiao Yu hurriedly stood up.

Eric (Goblin Diviner): “Master priest, please teach me this task, I will definitely complete the task.”

Krigan Dabang (Goblin Chief): “Very good, then you can choose 10 goblins in the Horde as your men to carry out the mission together. Remember that if you meet an adventurer, don’t be reckless, just return and report. “

Haha, finally became the leader again, but then smiled a little self-deprecatingly. At first, he was the Lord of the Flame Demon, and there were countless monster brothers. Now he is so excited for a few goblin brothers. Are you Xiao Yu?

Thinking of this, I was suddenly distracted again.

Xiao Yu chose six goblin warriors in the goblin, four goblin scouts, and then drove out the camp with mighty might.

Not far away, I saw a wild boar eating a grass stem.

Wild boar (level 8 beast) with 208 health.

It must be said that the beast’s attribute is high, the level is similar, but the blood volume exceeds 200.

Xiao Yu stopped suddenly: “Everyone is ready to fight and listen to my instructions. As soon as I release the fireball, do you shoot arrows together?”

Seeing the few goblin scouts nodded, Xiao Yumeng waved his staff and flew out a fireball.

bump! The -12 damage exploded on the head of the wild boar, and four arrows also shot at the wild boar, suddenly making the wild boar foraging rushed towards this side.

What a stupid beast, dare to come to death without seeing so many goblins here.

The wild boar was extremely fast, and a charge rushed to Xiao Yu.

To say that Xiao Yu singled out really has no bottom, because the nature of the beast monster is inherently higher than the human monster, but fortunately, he has a younger brother.

“Let the arrow, let the arrow fly! You several warriors have given me!”

Under the command of Xiao Yu, the goblin warriors swarmed up, chopped down with a knife, and chopped the wild boar to the ground in a blink of an eye.

Not bad, although the average points experience also adds 19 points, which is much better than killing frogs.

Although they are all monsters, in the world of the sky, monsters and monsters will also fight. For example, carnivores will rush to prey when they encounter herbivores, and different wild monster forces will also fight to compete for territory. Xiao Yu came out with a team of goblins but he was not in a hurry to patrol.

In the past, he did not have this treatment when playing the monster template. Every time he went out to upgrade and fight with other monsters, it was a nine-death life. Like the leisurely harvesting experience now, it is too much difference. No wonder everyone wants to be a leader. It feels cool, even if it’s just a little goblin leader.

Go ahead and encounter many monsters such as wolves, wild boars, big spiders, etc. Because the Yeyu Forest is located outside the novice village of elves, the monster levels inside are very low. Most of the beast monsters such as wild boar and deer are only about 5-9, which is exactly what Xiao Yu practiced.

After walking around the camp for more than an hour in this way, Xiao Yu finally rose to another level, reaching level 8, and had reached a level with Shrek, the goblin trainer, only lower than the goblin chief.

However, none of the adventurers met. Suddenly, the body of a wild wolf on the ground caught Xiao Yu’s attention.

Squatted down and checked, the wolf’s fur was peeled off, but the meat was left. Obviously, the adventurer did it. Looking towards the front, there are more dead bodies of the beast. Xiao Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up. It seems that there are adventurer players nearby who are leveling up. This adventurer has more experience than monsters. “Go, let’s keep up.”

Not far in front of Yeyu Forest——

“Xiaobai, go up and bite it! Yes, that’s it. Watch me kill an arrow.” A night elf female hunter in emerald green leather armor bent her bow and arrow, shooting towards a huge wild boar ahead .

The little white in her mouth is a little white wolf. Both the hunter and the wolf are only 7th level, and they are indistinguishable from the big boar up to 10th level.

Next to her, there is a night elf mage wearing a robe, also only 7th level, throwing a fireball at the wild boar.

The wild boar is a rare elite called “Broken Teeth”, with a blood volume of more than 400. The dark fur is now scarred, but he still struggles hard.

In addition, there is a night elf thief in black leather armor, with long silver hair, standing aside, watching the battle between the female hunter and the female mage, playing boringly with a dagger.

This thief is a 47-level mercenary template player. Looking at her sophisticated equipment, she is clearly a master, otherwise it is impossible to upgrade the mercenary template to such a high level, but the high-playing thief is watching. , But did not seem to intend to help.

“Are you sure you don’t need my help?” Seems to be struggling to watch the two rookies fight, this is called the moon mark? The night elf thieves of the shadow chaser seem to want some shot.

“Sure and sure, the monster will be hacked to death with a knife at your strength, then we still play a fart.”

The female mage called Shui Luo Wuhen, the person looks pretty, but the mouth is not as reserved as a girl, but rather rather spicy.

“Sister Moonmark, you need to worry, we can do it.” The elf hunter said gratefully. Her name was fish that didn’t eat cats, and she shot another arrow during the conversation.

Moonmark? The shadow chaser shrugged, holding his shoulders next to a big tree and leaning against a pair of dragon-fang daggers in his hands.

Suddenly, the moon marks? The shadow of the shadow-seeker flashed, as if he had noticed something, his figure disappeared into the air for a while.

“Huh, finally got it done!” With the last trace of blood being emptied, the big wild boar finally fell down and looked at the huge wild boar carcass. Both looked at each other and laughed, “Hey, where is the moon scar?” Asked the huntress strangely.

“It’s time to scout. She is a mercenary we hired. You can’t leave us too far. You can replace the tracking beast with the tracking of humanoids.” Shui Luo Wuhen suggested.

The hunter’s tracking skills can track a variety of creatures, but only one can be turned on at the same time. Previously, because the adventure in the forest was to start tracking beasts, this would listen to the mage’s suggestion that no cat fish would nod. Sister,” and then switched skills.

The switch was startled, and as soon as the tracking humanoid turned on, a crowd of red dots immediately appeared on the small map, “Wow, there are many monsters nearby.”

“What?” Shui Luo Wuhen was taken aback.

The next second I heard a shout, “Comrades rush for me!” A large group of goblins rushed out of the woods.

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