Full-time BOSS

Chapter 13 - The wind squeezes

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“Eh, it turned out to be two girls!” Xiao Yu was surprised to see the two female night elves in the woods. They seemed to be pretty, but he didn’t care about him. Today, I am going to upgrade, and my girl is also cut!

“Wow Kakaka, the younger people give me!” The boss ordered the goblin warriors to swarm up. Although they were naturally timid, they still dare to fight when the number has an absolute advantage.

But the water fell seamlessly, but he was not in a hurry. The staff was raised in his hand-Frost Nova!

With a brush, the mage suddenly froze the several goblin warriors who rushed over in place, and could not move for at least three or four seconds.

“The two of us set fire to kill one by one!”

“Good sister.”

Then the two began to gather fire to manage one of their nearest goblin warriors, one archery and one tossed fireballs, the damage was quite high, and in a blink of an eye they killed one goblin warrior.

“I’m close, the damage is very high, no, I can’t wait any longer, let go of the arrow!” Xiao Yu shouted and fired a fireball over the elf mage again and again, and there were four more fired together Feather arrow.

Ice shield! Shuilu Wuhen used his body magic in a hurry, and the fireball and feather arrows were blocked, but the durability of the ice shield was also defeated.

But in the blink of an eye, the second goblin warrior’s blood volume also bottomed out, screaming and falling down.

“Good thing, continue to fight me!” Xiao Yu once again hit a fireball, and the goblin scout continued to shoot arrows. After two rounds, the mage was beaten into residual blood, and the four frozen goblin warriors also escaped. Then, rushed towards the hunter and the mage respectively.

The water fell seamlessly, drank a bottle of potion and turned and ran.

“Asshole, you are not allowed to hit your sister. Xiaobai goes to bite him!” The fish that didn’t eat cats saw that Xiao Yu was the leader and waved at Xiao Yu. The white wolf immediately flew towards Xiao Yu.

I’m leaning, why do you stare at me every time, Xiao Yu turns and runs while vomiting, and at the same time orders several men around him to stop the little white wolf, he suddenly feels that it is a mistake for the advanced goblin fortuneteller to use his toes As you know, the basic common sense for the adventurers is to kill the caster in the monster first, and the crispy skin is high in damage. It must be killed first.

In the middle of a group of goblin warriors and goblin scouts, it is as obvious that this goblin fortune-teller is a firefly in the dark. The other party will have a little IQ and will hit itself first.

“Hey, hurry up and help, don’t we have to hang up!” Shui Luo Wuhen ran and yelled at the surrounding air while running, the few goblin warriors had gotten rid of the ice, except for the two who were killed In addition, the remaining four rushed towards the mage.

“I thought you wanted to do it yourself to make sense.” A cold voice suddenly sounded behind Xiao Yu. When he turned around, he just saw a figure of an elf popping out in the air, a whirlwind of blades, Flying knives shot like a raindrop in all directions, and the goblin warriors who were pursuing the female mage fell down without suspense.

“I’m relying on it, there is a large size, it is still a mercenary template!”

Xiao Yu’s heart is not good, he is not afraid of being killed by an adventurer, it is enough to spend a few dollars to resurrect, but the mercenary template will kill the plot, but it will be killed by the plot. This newly built number should not be so back.

“Let the arrow, let the arrow fly.”

Several goblin scouts immediately shot through a round of arrow rain, but the thief mercenary waved with two knives, and even flew all the arrows that were approaching.

I rely on, what skills? Even the arrows can fly? It looks a little cool.

Seeing that the night elf thief rushed to the left and cut right in the blink of an eye, he cut four goblin scouts and walked towards him step by step.

Xiao Yu hurriedly shouted.

“Women’s life.” While shouting and turning around, she ran away. After two steps, she suddenly felt strange that she was not dead. When she turned around, she saw the thief looking at his back with a grin.

He felt puzzled in his heart, but he was not too entangled. It was better to die than to die. It was not good to be a teacher. It seemed that he would not be able to casually find adventurers in the future.

However, he did not want to find trouble for others, but it did not mean that no one wanted to trouble him.

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolowfor me, My poor Xiaobai, you died so miserably!” Deep in the Yeyu forest, the fish that don’t eat cats cried crying while holding Xiao Bai’s already cold body, although All the goblins were taken out of the game. The two elf girls were all right, but Xiaobai was shot to death by a round of arrow rain while charging.

“I blame me for forgetting to add blood to it first, woo woo woo.” The pear flower that didn’t eat cat fish cried with rain.

“It doesn’t matter, we can find a priest to resurrect Xiaobai after returning to the city.”

“Is it? Is it okay?” The fish that don’t eat cats is obviously a game rookie, and even pets can be resurrected for the first time. I finally revealed a relaxed look.

“Of course, and we can also avenge Xiaobai, Yueteng? The shadow chaser pointed to the body of the goblin on the ground. These goblins will not come out of nowhere. There must be a goblin camp near here. I escaped just now. The goblin has a death mark on it. This mark can take us to that camp, it’s better to take you to level it.”

Moonmark? The shadow chaser said, there must be a lot of monsters in the goblin camp. They are certainly not opponents with the strength of two trumpets. Naturally, they will naturally have to help themselves, so that they can finally do it. bored to death.

The three of them were ready to stop and followed the marked directions.

Xiao Yu came back, but it was not all fruitless. He would be standing in a tent and reporting to the Goblin Chief.

“Elder, I led the team to patrol outside, but I didn’t expect to meet a group of adventurers.”

Krigan Dabang (Goblin Chief): “What, adventurer? How many?”

Eric (Goblin Fortune-Teller): “There are twenty or thirty, and although we struggled to kill a lot of adventurers, but they were too many, the brothers suffered heavy casualties, and finally the whole army was destroyed, I Kill a **** road and report back, Elder, you must be more careful.”

“Relax, your sacrifice will not be in vain!” The Goblin Chief said solemnly, and then nodded comfortably to Xiao Yu. “You did a good job and found the trail of the enemy in advance. I am very satisfied. Come on, as a reward, I decided to teach you another spell.”

The system prompts: Learn new skills-secondary treatment.

Lesser Healing: 3 mana cost, 15 health within 5 seconds, 30 yard range.

Skill introduction: Similar to the pastor’s healing technique, but because the goblin IQ is too low, mistakes have occurred in the learning process, resulting in a serious decline in the effectiveness of the spell.

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