Full-time BOSS

Chapter 14 - Scary adventurer

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It was a defective product again, but after all, it was rewarding. Xiao Yu nodded with satisfaction, and finally it was not nothing.

I was glad that a goblin scout suddenly rushed in from the outside, “It’s bad for the chief, many adventurers have come in from the outside, and the brethren can’t resist it.”

“What! It’s so deceiving. The people who killed me even dared to attack our camp!” The Goblin Chief rushed to the crown. “Order all the goblins to gather in the middle of the camp to prepare for battle, Eric, you come with me, we fight together.”

“Obtain the chieftain, I will fight for the tribe bravely.” Xiao Yu said with his mouth, but he wanted to fight your sister. The 47-level large family came to the village and I did not die, but let’s go Go for it. “

When he came out of the tent, he looked around. There was only one exit at the main entrance of the camp. There was no decent building in the camp. Only the chief’s tent and some low shacks. Where should I hide? His eyes suddenly fell into the mud cave, which should be a good place. Female players generally love cleanliness, and it is estimated that they are not interested in this dark and wet cave.

He would have also reacted this time. There must be a reason why the female night elf thief let herself go. Most of them followed this camp that he found. It is also possible to add a lot of reputation to destroying a monster camp. It is estimated that this goblin camp today It’s going to be more fierce.

Thinking of this, he took advantage of the goblin chief not paying attention, turned around and trot all the way, rushed directly into the mud cave and hid.

The mud cave was still the same, wet and muddy, with frogs jumping all over the ground. Xiao Yu ignored these small animals and walked to the end of the mud cave in one breath, but the two figures in front of him made him stunned.

A goblin scout and a goblin warrior are playing poker while holding a card.

Xiao Yu’s old blood almost spewed out. This picture is too strange. He vaguely felt that the two guys were familiar. They seemed to have spoken to them in the camp.

“Huh, why did you come here too?” one of the goblins with yellowish skin asked strangely, “Aren’t you a player?”

“Yeah, you guys are players too?”

Xiao Yu asked strangely. He thought that there was only one player in this goblin camp. He didn’t think there were many people in the same path.

Both goblins nodded. “Some adventurers came outside the camp just now. Let’s go out and see. Nima 47-level large leader, we can only counsel. You came just right. We three A landlord.”

Xiao Yu sighed, “Well, it seems that everyone is not stupid, okay, what do we win?” He sat down while talking.

As the culprit, Xiao Yu and the two goblins hid in the burrow to fight the landlord, not to mention that the outside battle was in full swing, well, perhaps it is more appropriate to describe the slaughter.

Facing the night elf thieves with black dragon leather armor at level 47, this group of goblins with only single digits has fully exerted the fearless spirit of not afraid of sacrifice and difficulty, and then they all sacrificed.

“Huh, it’s really hard to beat. I killed it so quickly, and I was given 12 reputation points. Do you want to be so cold?” Moon mark? The shadow chaser drew the dagger on the rotten robe of the goblin chief. , While talking to himself.

But in fact, she had expected this kind of situation. After all, her grades were so much different. It would be nice if she didn’t give her back.

She habitually touched the body, but a staff appeared in her hand.

Goblin chief scepter (green-excellent): Attack power 5-9. Spell power +4, spirit +2, intelligence +2, the legal profession exclusive.

Use: Summon a small goblin to fight for you for 30 seconds and a cooldown of 60 seconds.

There is a small yellow line below.

Item description: The commonly used staff of the Goblin Chief is said to be a symbol of the power of the Goblin family.

It’s a windfall.

“Here, your equipment was thrown to the mage.”

Then he touched the body of Shrek (Goblin Warrior) again, this time with a machete.

Warrior’s Blade (Green-Excellent): Attack power 8-10, power +1.

“Useless garbage, throw it away without me.”

“Haha, this staff has good properties. I didn’t expect to have this harvest.” The mage said excitedly. “It turned to sigh, alas, unfortunately I didn’t hit it myself.” He threw it on the ground.

“How did you throw it?”

“I have said that the game is interesting only if it is played by itself. It is not boring to use the equipment by myself. If I am willing to spend money, I can’t buy any good equipment. I am still so green.

Moon mark? The film-seeker looked at the opinion master with some anger and laugh. She couldn’t really understand the logic of these rpg parties. How come you play a game with so much attention, “If you say so, then you should take care of me bodyguard.”

Shuitou no trace but shook his head: “Now there are so many unscrupulous players. The main reason for hiring you is to protect us from being affected by our normal gaming experience. This is completely different. It’s done. The enemy is over. Let’s withdraw.”

After that, the three elves walked outside the camp.

Regional Announcement: In 1375, the elite mercenary moon marks? The shadow chaser killed the goblin camp in the Yeyu Forest area and killed the goblin chief Krigan. The stick, in the process of protecting the employer It is recorded in the Chronicles.

The system prompts: The leader of the camp has died. At present, the camp is in an unowned state. If no new leader is born within 24 hours, the camp will be erased.

Alas, this camp is going to be gone. Xiao Yu was helpless to hear this message. He knew the mechanics of this game. Every monster force must have a leader to exist. As long as the leader is there, it will constantly refresh the new ones. Goblin, in turn, if the leader is gone, the monster power will default to the state of defeat, and a new leader must be generated within 24 hours, otherwise the system will be erased after 24 hours, of course, this camp will not disappear, and It will become a site for other monsters, such as a robber camp, or a kobold camp, or a jackal camp, in short, it will no longer be a goblin camp.

“Let’s go, it’s estimated that we’ve finished playing outside, and we have to find a way to leave. If we can’t, we can only go to other goblin camps. I remember that there is a big goblin tribe in the western wilderness south of Yeyu Forest. We might be able to go there. Go sideways.

The three goblins said to each other and walked outside.

Out of the mud cave, the three goblins looked at the scene of the camp. After a while, they were afraid that it was too miserable. It was simply not done by humans. All the goblins were killed without leaving a light, even those little level 1 goblins. Not let go, there are corpses of goblins everywhere.

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